“Holy cotton” from Italian Catholic skull

In a bizarre act of worship, a Roman Catholic priest on Sicily tries to get cotton anointed by coming in touch with a skull.

From the “holy head” of Albert of Sicily, there will soon emerge holy cotton.

Saint Albert of Trapani (Albert of Sicily, Albert degli Abbati) (c. 1240 – August 7, 1307), was a Sicilian saint. Born in Trapani,

His cultus was confirmed in 1454 and he was canonized on May 31, 1476, by Pope Sixtus IV.

Albert’s skull is contained in a silver statue crafted in the 18th century by the engraver Vincenzo Bonaiuto, for the saint’s altar in the basilica of Our Lady of Trapan

Source: Wikipedia

My comment:

It is mind blowing to see these pictures. How can people buy into such a blunt example of religious fraud?

When the priest pick up his balls of cotton from the skull, he looks more like doctor at a local hospital, trying to do a brain surgery.

In my anger over sin, lawlessness and blasphemy done in the name of “Christ”, I could have written a long article. But I will not.  Rather let the pictures tell the story.

May the name of Jesus the Messiah be glorified, and get all the honor.

A local priest has to remove the glory of the saint, to be able to open up the head that contains the skull.
The top cap of the bust is open, ready to be stuffed with cotton balls.
The parish priest has collected a lot of fresh cotton.
The priest lift up the basket, and filll the 700 year old “Holy head” with fresh cotton.


The skull is completely covered with cotton, before the cap is closed.
The parishoners are exited about the cotton balls.
A priest exmpains that he is about to remove the cotton, which has been anointed by the skull.
The head is open, and the cotton balls ready to be removed.
The priest use a medial tool as he enters the holy head to remove the cotton balls.
Up comes pieces of “holy cotton”.
The priest work in a team. An order brother stands ready to collect the cotton in a basket.
Every piece of cotton is treated with dignity and respect.
A lot of holy cotton balls are collected in the basket.
Than the miracles performing cotton, is distributed like it was the token of the Eucharist.
The local Roman Catholic hope to feel the power. Their priests claims the skull of the “saint” can perform divine miracles.
The priests have already bowed before the skull of the “saint” and offered insence to it.

To bow before a skull, and offer insence to it, is an act of worship. It display how Jesus the Messiah is being defamed and mocked by men misusing the name of “Christ”, truley  enemies of God of the Bible.

May Jesus the Messiah have mercy on all decived souls. Amen.

Published by Ivar

12 thoughts on ““Holy cotton” from Italian Catholic skull

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  1. The more I read and learn on your web the sick satanic is beyond anything I have seen in a so called religion..G-d warned of paganism and traditions of men and we are to have a RELATIONSHIP with our L-rd only, get to know HIM thru HIS Word and obey HIM and follow HIM alone. He said : IF we love HIM..and I do with all my heart and soul..thank you Evar for all you do to explain and teach the truth to all.

    1. Dear mamma bear

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      The very idea of one claimed infallible human being is at stake.

      Could it be possible, that the Pope do not serve God?

      That the Pope do not Know perfectly the will of the Father in all matters of moral and interpreation of scripure?

      Could it be that the Pope is a servant of Satan? Who defame God of the Bible, using the name of “Christ”?

      Every human needs to make up their mind, on these impotant questions.

    1. Dear Rommgirl.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      I have heard Roman Catholics laugh, and say: “I do not have do do all of this”.

      But that is not the important issue:

      The question is: What kind of church is this?

      With pope’s who approve of such “miracles”, canonize and bless such religious acts?

      Should anyone, being a part of such a religious movement, have any hope of being forgiven for participating, or keeping mum knowing of such blasphemies?

      Or do they have to come “out of her”?

      I have propbably just seen and tocuhed the tip of the iceberg.

  2. shalom to you Ivar, and all who search the scriptures daily to see if these things are true on this blog. This brought to mind Acts 19: 12-13. Word of Faith ministers like Rod Parsley have had special prayer cloths especially “anointed” to expect a miracle. Wonder what the basis of this ritual. wish i could chuckle at this but it is written the Almighty God is angry with the wicked Every Single Day. This is an abomination to Him so yes, He Hates It**

    1. Dear Bruce

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      Acts 19:11-12.

      God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to those who were ill, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.

      (end of scriptures).

      The doctrines of the RCC twist the scriptures. Paul was alive, and the miracles performed could be confirmed. The “saints” in the Bible are living beings, not departed souls. The RCC do not follow this Biblical principle. The Pope, exclusivly claim he is authorized to make departed souls “saints”. The Pope and Roman Catholics pray to these souls, and ask them to perform miracles. Despite the Bible warning us from seeking such contact with the dead.

      I once told a Roman Catholic: “If the Pope is wrong, and the voice of the departed soul is not who it claim to be, you will be instrcuted by the voice of a demon. There is no need to pull your self through this risk, by such oppostion towards God. You are safe if you talk to Jesus, and only pray in His name”.

      This point highlights one of the core difference between evangelical Christianity, and the copy-cat religion of Rome.

    1. Dear Elizabeth.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      You wrote:

      Abracadabra, so sad.

      My reply:

      The tragic part of the story, is that “the Abracadabra” do work, and catch people. The children of Satan has power to perform signs amd wonders. Moses faced them in Egypt. And Paul gives us a stern warning about them:

      2 Thessalonians 2:9
      The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,

      Jesus the Messiah also warned us:

      Matthew 24: 23-25

      At that time if anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Messiah!” or, “There he is!” do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you in advance.


      The Roman Catholic priesthood has powers from the dark realm of occultism. Not so different than from the pastors in the Word of Faith movement. I have seen pictures of people being flunged up in the air, as pastor Benny Hinn waved his jacket. People who have no dicernment, or refuse to listen to saints who have this gift, will easily be decived by such doctors of occultims, who misuse the name of “Christ”.

  3. Every time I open Yahoo to check out the news the pope is there saying those sweet. elluring words to those that want their ears tickled! satan is moving faster in these days I have noticed! We need to check ourselves everyday as even the elect can be fooled!

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