Catholics wants to develop skull-tourism

San Vittore, or “Saint Victor” was a Roman solider who died in Syria in 171 A.D. His skull shall be used to develop tourism in Northern Italy.

The local Bishop of Feltre celebrate the return of the Skull of San Vittore from a trip to the city of Prague

According to historical reconstructions, Victor was a Roman soldier born in Otricoli in the second century. A.D. He was called to fight in Syria.

This is what an Italian magazine has recorded:

VENICE. The relics of St. Victor arriving from Prague to Feltre, where there is a famous shrine dedicated to him and the occasion will be proclaimed the Jubilee.

” Religious tourism is a great, great, opportunity’ ”, said Councillor PDL Dario Bond on the arrival of the relic of St. Victor from Prague to Feltre. The start of the jubilee is an opportunity ” historic ” for the tourism industry of the entire territory Feltre.

San Vittore, alis “Saint Victor” as he was packed during his tour to the Czech Republic
San Vittores skull kept in a box for display and public adoration.

” In addition to being obviously a moment of reflection and prayer ”, says Bond. ” The time is short and need to act immediately. As for me, I will do my part ”. Bond gives the example of the Marian Jubilee of Motta di Livenza, where the faithful were thousands who have poured into the sanctuary of Our Lady of Miracles and religious buildings in the area, from Portobuffole ‘in Oderzo.

The region of Feltre seems to be just perfect for this new type of religious tourism.

” The organizing committee has prepared packages, transforming a great event of faith in a way to revitalize the area. We must do the same ”. Tourism but also a sense of belonging: ” I think it’s also an opportunity to regain part of our roots. The link between Feltre and holy is his balance. Just take a ride on May 14 on Miesna to understand what the intensity of this relationship ”.

But the positive effects will not feel alone in Feltre. And ‘Bond himself to remember the project’ ‘Via dei Papi’ ‘, over three hundred kilometers of hiking and biking trails throughout the province of Belluno.

An initiative already financed by the Government of Veneto with 750,000 Euros and that in mid-June will be ‘illustrated Opera Roman pilgrimage in Castel Gandolfo. ” At that time we will also be able to present the event Feltre. Devotion

San Vittore is deep – reiterates the leader of the PDL – hence the appeal to ” a team ” to all local forces: by the institutions through volunteer associations. If we remain united, – said Bond – in coordination from the start, we can do great things ”.

Source: Italian Magazine

My comment:

It is understandable, that the Roman Ctaholics living in the region of Feltre, 80 kilometer north-west of Venice, have become desperate because of the economical crisis in Italy.

But to mint money on relics, is nothing new. Even the Peters Church in Rome was made by granting indulgences. The Catholic bishops sold certificate of forgiveness of sins, for all who contributed to the contruction of a palace for the Pope.

The plan to mint some money on a skull, is surely both innovative and inline with Roman Catholic practices of the past. In their millions, Catholics are likely to come and bow their head before the skull of Saint Vittore. They do not have any respect for the written Word of God, and will do as the Pope desire. By their religious practices, they all prove that they hate God. They hate him to the core of their deceived souls.

The horrible catastrophic effect of such blasphemies done in the name of Christ, is that in their hundreds of millions, non-believers will take a stand against true Christianity. Being told, even by many Protestant Christian leaders, that Roman Catholicism is a part of the Christian family.

‘“These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

May Jesus the Messiah have mercy on all these deceived souls. Amen.

Written by Ivar.

9 thoughts on “Catholics wants to develop skull-tourism

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  1. Your really a misguided jerk, you know that? Saintly veneration is as old as Christianity itself. Your modernist views aren’t in line with tradition and aim to trash those whom hold great respect for follows of Christ whom died before us. You OBVIOUSLY are filled with hate for the true Jesus started. The Catholic church is the only church founded by Christ himself. What “Church” do you belong to? The Bible was assembled by Catholics, for Catholics. Get with the program. Even Mary when approaching the tomb of Jesus went to venerate and dress up his body with fine spices and oils. You just hate Catholics and have no intention of understanding the fullness of faith.

    1. You must know, to Venerate Jesus is the Will of God, for He is God! All “Believers ” are Saints according to St Paul! Just read the Epistles and you will know this!

  2. Relics Relics Relics…..
    When will it stop?
    The Love of $ is the ROOT of all EVIL! Sure, since Constatines’s mother, Helena, Relics have been Collected, by the wealthy Idolator!
    There is a rather macabre Chapel of BONES in Rome….that’s Bone Shattering, to this Excatholic In Christ 😇

  3. I live in Feltre, since IX century Victor is the patron of our mountain town. Maybe a sort of pagan idle as the “controriforma” condamned since 1500 with few results? Or a symbol in which for 1000 years my grandparents were seeing the strenght for their faith? Anyway he is my story and my tradition…he stands for my comunity. And you colud see and pray it for free. Whitout hipocrisy.

    1. Dear Matteo

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      Welcome to this site. I am honored to have a reader from Feltre. Please join the debate. These are the rules:
      1. Write short comments, adress one topic at the time.
      2. Antisemitism and threats will be spammed.
      3. Do not curse. It will only come back on your own head.

    2. Dear Matteo

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      The Bible say we shall worship the creator, God of the Bible. These men of Feltre, are created beings. Their body parts should have remained six feet below , and not be exhumed and used in religious shrines. Can we agree?

      1. Europe is filled, with these Patron Saints! The Patron Saint of Europe is Catherine of Seina! Then, the RCC can beatify them and create a Feast/Festival for them! Draws in $ and Tourism! Throughout the U.S. , There are are plenty of Marion Shrines with Tourism Shops, to buy Souviener and possibly supplies for Indulgences!
        Hey, you can purchase a Medal or Stauette, that can be blessed, by a Catholic priest! Can this make a Jealous God Happy? NOT

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