Jesus chose Israel and the Jewish people

The Messiah chose the Jews. They are His people, even those who refuse to accept His selection. He will judge them.

The Jews are the subject of Jesus the Messiah, either they like it or not.

The whole idea of Replacement theology is that God of the Bible is a complete failure. He chose the Jews as His chosen people, but has been so powerless that He have lost them all.

An angry God, has chosen to abandon His people, will be the logical conclusion of such false theology.

Because no one can doubt that God did select the Jews, and promised to be their God forever.

When did “god” give up?

Here are some words that proves the selection:

 Exodus 19:6
you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”

Deuteronomy 7:6

For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.

The Jews were not chosen because they were strong, mighty, or righteous. Nor were they powerful.

Deuteronomy 7:7-9

 The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. 

But it was because the Lord loved you and kept the oath he swore to your forefathers that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.

The question will arise:

Did God end His relationship with the Jews, because the majority of them failed to accept Jesus as the Messiah?

Let me use the words of Paul the Apostle to answer this question:

 Romans 9:27-28

Isaiah cries out concerning Israel:

“Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved. 
For the Lord will carry out
 his sentence on earth with speed and finality.

 Are you one of the men of Israel who fear God?

Are you one of the remnant that will be saved, when the Lords sentence will come to Earth with speed?

 Romans 1:1-2
I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew.

If God of the Bible did reject His people based on their rejection of Jesus during the crucifixion in Jerusalem, how could Paul him self be saved?

Paul was not a student of Jesus, but came to faith after Jesus had returned to His throne in Heaven. Paul was saved by a mighty move of the Holy Spirit, sent back to Earth as the Fathers replacement of His Son.

How come the first century Church in Jerusalem, were a gathering of Jews only?

Why would Jesus restore Israel in 1948, If He has rejected the Jewish people?

The good news is that Jesus loved and still loves the Jewish people. He Him self was a Jew, when He walked on the Earth in flesh. He died for the sins of both Jews and gentiles, when He shed his blood on the cross in Jerusalem, for the forgiveness of all sins.


If you want Yeshua (Jesus)  to save you, you have to be willing to surrender your life on Earth to Him.  The Bible says that without faith, it is not possible to please God.

Written by Ivar

16 thoughts on “Jesus chose Israel and the Jewish people

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  1. Anything to discredit The Truth then it will be easy to follow ‘The Unity Group’….for even these will follow the lies if they don’t repent and believe The Gospel of Jesus Christ….Galatians 1:6-9 ..he said it 3 times in this chapter ….so much so I’d believe he meant it !! Any other gospel ‘let them be accursed’

  2. “A newly found Gospel by Jesus’ disciple Barnabas proves Islam is the righteous and the last divine religion.” (FARS)

    The book was written approximately five centuries ago and post dates Islam by at least 600 years. It was written and has been used to defend a certain position and is thus subjective propaganda, not objective truth. The messianic beliefs in Jesus and the Mahdi are ersatz derivatives of the true prophecies contained in the Tanach. Maimonides explains things well with “The Thirteen Articles of Faith.”

    P.S. G-d does not want a regional war to break out in the Middle East. Vision, courage and trust building is required. Prayers for all the parties.

    1. I laughed about the “big news” concerning the “Barnabas Gospel” much like the “Judas Gospel”.

      P.S. God doesn’t WANT a regional war, but He has already let us know that is is to come. Pray that the PM is successful in his Bible studies in bringing around faith that the God of Israel, the God of the ages WILL protect when the USA takes a hike…

      1. I too was amazed that anyone thought that the “Barnabas Gospel” would “bring down Christianity”. It will bring even less of a ripple to the faith than was made by the gnostic “Gospel of Judas” that dates to the 4th century. What is revealed by that ignorant statement is the utter cluelessness of the person making the statement. I suppose Muslims can be excused for their ignorance but for the Pope to actually take the “Barnabas Gospel” seriously enough to request that he be permitted to study it is evidence of the Pope’s utter cluelessness (or something worse than ignorance).

      2. Yes, but don’t forget, the RCC church is famous for adding ( at a much later date) books to back up their traditions and dogma.

      3. Amen, brother it’s like ‘Button Button who’s got the button’…the Catholic Church does….they took it off a Grave digger and claim it belongs to Moses coat..hahahaha…Oh Glory I have got to get back to work…thanks brethren of The Lord Jesus Christ, loved this chat today with all of yall…(smile)

      4. Sister I am sure you probably already know this, yet I’ll say it anyway maybe someone will take heed and see the lie of ‘ignorance’ is ok…we had the Bible from the time we could read…and it is covered by the blood of Jesus…scripture says so…Scripture also tells us that “ignorance is a sin” and Jesus paid a high price for us for that sin also…when we come to ourselves we see blood had to be shed for that also and it was the precious flow from our Savior! Oh the Blood of Jesus is so wonderfully rich to search out in His Holy Word!

    2. ….HOGSPIT…to anyone who believes that nonsense about Islam..yet it would not surprise me if anyone made the book etc to look authentic just to get this One World Religion believed by many ‘asleep’ people!

  3. I’ve never understood how anyone can subscribe to replacement theology. I’m always cautious about God’s grace including me in His family, like Paul, that I am the least of these “as one abnormally born”….

    1. Ohh brother, I fully agree with you, Oh the grace and love of God shed abroad in our hearts is a marvelous miracle and a Pearl with out price. The other night I thought, it was after midnight and I thought Lord Jesus your mercy endureth forever, Thank you Sir, another day of loving you and knowing you are ever present with every breath I take again Thank you Sir! (thanks brother I enjoyed that breath of fresh air in the midst of the labor of love we do and hate the stench of it while they spew out their vile lies!

  4. Jesus, God, Lord are Europeans man made names. Jews are also Europeans. Ashkenazic Jews are the Jews of France, Germany, and Eastern Europe and their descendants. The adjective “Ashkenazic” and corresponding nouns, Ashkenazi (singular) and Ashkenazim (plural) are derived from the Hebrew word “Ashkenaz,” which is used to refer to Germany. Most American Jews today are Ashkenazim, descended from Jews who emigrated from Germany and Eastern Europe from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s. Yahuwah’s Chosen people not in Israel right now. Israel will be regathered and returned back to the land of Israel, when Yahwushuah the Messiah Returns. Luke 21:24 states that Israel shall be in the land of our captivity until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. The Times of the Gentiles or Europeans will be fulfilled when Yahshuah comes back. Upon his arrival he will regather scattered Israel, those whom the Most High has found worthy, and return them to the Land. Read our page on this site called “THE EXILE AND RETURN OF ISRAEL TO THE HOLY LAND”.

    1. I agree with you except for one small point, Aharon. I believe that the Times of the Gentiles will be completed upon the removal of the largely Gentile Church (although there will be a contingent of Jewish-Christians in that number) from the earth in the Rapture, prior to the Tribulation (or as late as the Great Tribulation). Like you, I believe that the Book of Ezekiel teaches that the WHOLE of Israel will not be restored until the 2nd Coming—after the Tribulation. Today’s Israel is back in the Land largely in unbelief—but, praise God, I believe that will change soon.

  5. YAHUWAH the Most High has provide in scripture the only Identifying mark to tell who the true Israelites are in the latter days. He didn’t say because you have a certain size nose, or a certain head shape this makes you an Israelite. No The Most High said the Curses found in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 are the Identifying mark. Whatever people are suffering the curses in their entirety are the true Israelites. The Bible has proven that the so called black man and woman of the western hemisphere who got to this part of the world as captives in the bottom of slave ships. Fit the full scriptural description of Israel, any other people who are claiming Israelite heritage must fit the full description of Israel in the latter days. The living condition of THE JEWS, INDIANS, ARABS,& EUROPEANS ETC. must resemble the so called Black people of the west.

    1. Sadly, Aharon, I believe that they will during the Tribulation. But, praise God, He will limit that terrible time of suffering to only seven years for the sake of His Elect. It is this knowledge that will help those saints to persevere. They will know—to the day—when He will return, to end the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (and that of the believing Gentiles who come to faith after the Rapture). The “Abomination of Desolation” will start the clock counting down the days and hours till their deliverance. I believe that is why Yeshuah gave specific instructions to “those in Judea” in Matthew 24.

    2. you say….(The Bible has proven that the so called black man and woman of the western hemisphere who got to this part of the world as captives in the bottom of slave ships. Fit the full scriptural description of Israel, any other people who are claiming Israelite heritage must fit the full description of Israel in the latter days.)……You have lost your ever-loving mind,…put more simply…What did you do with the brains God gave you…’other than swallow a lot of Lie-Pie from the Devil…..Get off the race bull..and Get in God’s Word..ya think he has no clue where and who His People are? Ya think they are ”only black”, ya think they are only in Deuteronomy 28ths curses..’we all are in Deuteronomy Curses as well as all other things not listed in the Word of God if we chose not to adhere to and believe His Word…Flee from this Demonic Culture to lift up a race of people that did not come from the loins of Abraham…”we no matter what color, or race were Grafted into the Vine Sweetie…not they into us”…We are the Adoptive Children of another people, not Israel the true heritage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…don’t be so arrogant to think you or anyone can claim ‘Squatters Rights to Israel’ because some ancestors suffered in slave ships, dungeons, and or any horrific crimes past, present of future….Nooooooo Only Israel sweetums..only Israel ..and that of the ‘Spirit’ not the flesh! so be careful how you demigod your beliefs and demean the Israelites in any size, shape or form! Remember an Israelite will go to Hell just as fast as you or I if they reject Jesus Christ….so as The Word says…pray for Israel, pray for Jerusalem..

  6. Hi Andrea,

    You said: “Sister I am sure you probably already know this, yet I’ll say it anyway maybe someone will take heed and see
    the lie of ‘ignorance’ is ok…we had the Bible from the time we could read…and it is covered by the blood of Jesus…scripture says so…Scripture also tells us that “ignorance is a sin” and Jesus paid a high price for us for that sin also…when we come to ourselves we see blood had to be shed for that also and it was the precious flow from our Savior! Oh the Blood of Jesus is so wonderfully rich to search out in His Holy Word!”

    Yes, I agree, Andrea—ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse to avoid punishment. I think it may mitigate the punishment to some degree—Jesus seemed to indicate that in His discussion with Pilate. But the important point that needs to be made is that those who do not believe that Jesus is who He said He is, “will die in their sins”—and it is for those sins that they will be punished. The fact that any would call themselves “Christians” and yet ignore (or even doubt) God’s word, will put them into the category of “fool” which Jesus listed among the “vile” sins of Mark 7:21-22.

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