Catholic Nuns have replaced the Church as the “bride of Christ”

Catholic nuns are taken to the altar to “marry Jesus”. Their priests even give them a wedding ring.

After the wedding, its time for the wedding cake. Only the groom is missing.

This Roman Catholic ritual is one of the strangest thing you might ever see. The girl who has decided to get married is walked up to the altar by her parents. In some cases the girl even wear a white wedding dress.

At the altar she promise the Catholic priest to stay faithful to Christ, and the tradition and Papal dogmas of the Church.

In many cases, the Catholic priest now put a wedding ring on the finger of the nun. That is supposed to be a sign that the nun is married.  Afterwords there is a party thrown on her, even a suitable wedding cake.

A Vatican Bishop hand over the wedding ring to the nun. In many cases the Bishop puts the ring on the woman's finger.

From one Catholic website we are informed that some nuns are even buried with their wedding ring on.

“Nuns are traditionally buried wearing their wedding rings, according to a Black Veil article on the Global Oneness website, but not in all orders. At Immaculate Heart of Mary, wedding bands are instead passed down from one nun to another after a nun’s death”.

The religious ceremony  might look beautiful in the eyes of the World. The question must however be:

Is this ritual Biblical?

The answer is absolutely not.

Revelation 19:6-8

Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: 
For our Lord God Almighty reigns. 
Let us rejoice and be glad 
and give him glory! 
 For the wedding of the Lamb has come, 
and his bride has made herself ready. 
 Fine linen, bright and clean, 
was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)

First of all. To ban a woman from marrying a men is not Biblical. And to conduct a wedding with a woman that has chosen to live in celibacy, with Jesus who stayed unmarried, is a funny contradiction.

In some cases, the Catholic church conduct full weddings for the nun, who is dressed up in a white wedding dress.

Second: Jesus speaks about having brothers and sisters walking among us. Not in a single line of his teachings, He speaks about having “bride’s” on Earth.

Third: Even their idol “Catholic virgin Mary” was married to a man of flesh.

Forth: The “bride of Christ” is only mentioned in the book of Revelation to be joined to Him only at the wedding fest in Heaven. And this bride is the Church. The Church is a gathering of believers, both male and female. The Bible explains that the full Church is supposed to be in union with Him as “the bride”, not only a part of it.

Catholic girls dressed for a wedding take wows to become nuns.

Even among the Catholics, there are many who do not know that the nuns have promised to live a life in poverty.

This is what the Vatican demand, as their Profession of wows:

“I vow to God to live until death in obedience, poverty & chastity…“

To live this kind of a life, must surly lead to a pitiful existence. The result of such a wow is often mental torture. Many nuns find them self trapped, with no escape. In many cases they can no longer control their sexual desires.

While the Roman Catholic priesthood attracts homosexuals, life with other nuns in a cloister is a flypaper on lesbians.

The result is that many nuns live a secret double life, that no one dear speak about in public.

First published: 16.09.2010.

Written by Ivar

77 thoughts on “Catholic Nuns have replaced the Church as the “bride of Christ”

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    1. how dare you all critizize the church for what is beutiful…. the nuns getting married is simply a simple in the catholiuc church not that they actually are marrying him. and second nuns and priests are called upon god and you talk about how they will some out become gay or lesbian just becuase they cannot have sex… well i have news for you trully they have great faith to give up all for christ. Does god not say to give up everything for him. when god calles some one to the vocation of priesthood or other religious orders it is a sacrifice. and not all priests and nuns have raped kids. You are so fast to condem your fellow man instead of helping or supporting. Did god not say to treat each other with respect,love, and forgiveness. Becuase it seems as if all your doing is condeming the Catholic church. I hope you do know that YOUR church has its flaws too
      .I ask you to stop condeming the church when you truly do not understand the things you are talking about. I love you fellow person as Jesus did and hope that if your going to talk about the Catholic church that you truly understand what your talking about! And also remember Jesus created the catholic church, when you condem it you condem him.

    1. Dear Beth.


      I am sorry If I have hurt your feelings by my spelling mistake. Now it is corrected. Altar is spelled alter in my native language.

    2. Beth,

      Your Comment: You want people to “buy” your “intelligent” rant, and you can’t even spell “altar”.

      My Comment: Everyone makes mistakes. It happens everyday. It’s called “human error.”

  1. Hey Beth,

    I bet you are catholic for hitting out at Ivar with a silly typing error for exposing your ghastly religion that means “you are a spiritually ‘blind bat’ not to see the horror of your ghastly catholic religion and the sexual abuse of thousands of girls, boys, men and women – remember its a religion and NOT A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE TRUE GOD in fact it has nothing, just NOTHING to do with the GOD OF ISRAEL. It’s a religion of hell. After the non-stop celebration of HALLOWEEN in the catholic churches with skeletons, skulls and bones, for centuries, I can’t believe you are still defending this OCCULT religion. Better wake up, because the KING OF ISRAEL (YESHUA)JESUS is coming real soon to set this Babylonian religion on fire and turn it into an inferno never seen before on earth and throw those who are in it into the pit of HELL.

  2. Dear Ivar,

    I admire your courage to stand up for YESHUA(JESUS)and expose this and other evil religions. May Lord bless and protect you. However, I just wanna say this: Be ASSERTIVE and not passive otherwise you will have people like Beth stomp all over you. YESHUA(JESUS) has all the good and wonderful qualities but He was ASSERTIVE and not the “sweet baby Jesus” humble, meek, mild, etc… as catholics are taught. Maybe their Jesus (Tamuz) was sweet baby etc. etc… but certainly not YESHUA.

    Just a sisterly good advice. Keep up the good work of digging out junk from the catholic closets. thank you!!

    1. Dear Jes.


      Its is not worthy of any gentleman, to call a Catholic lady for a “blind bat”. I feel “lost soul” is a better way of inviting someone into a conversation. Because, I hope you would like to share your sisterly faith with her?

      1. this is just a clarification of your response:
        First of all: Ivar your response …. Its is not worthy of any gentleman, to call a Catholic lady for a “blind bat”………
        Well Ivar, didn’t Beth insult you on your spelling of alter instead of altar? I don’t think that she really cared about your spelling but rather the anger was directed with regard to the article itself because she was insulted by it. So the reason for my spontaneous response to her was; that she had the nerve to throw this attitude at you in defence of her religious leaders who were committing the worst of crimes and have done so since time immemorial. Then I call her a spiritually blind bat, and you and Gloria jump on my back and say I called her a blind bat. Well, let me confirm again that I said [spiritually blind bat] and not [blind bat] these terms have two different meanings. Just as you make a few typing/spelling errors, so does everyone else as Gloria herself admitted as “human error” – Therefore, my error was that I put inverted commas on ‘blind bat’ instead of ‘spiritually blind bat’ – you guys want to agree with this, that’s fine if not continue arguing like kids, I don’t have the time for arguments and debates for I have more important things to do.

        Note: Ivar, as for me I don’t care about your errors, I perfectly understand what you write and the articles are extremely interesting to me as I hunger for knowledge. So thank you.

        Next –Ivar, referring to Beth, you said: “hope you would like to share your sisterly faith with her”?
        Ivar, I’d like to say that my sisters and brothers are those who search God with their hearts and souls, hear the Word of God, and practice it, otherwise they are not my brothers and sisters that includes my own family. Remember the words of the Lord? in {Matthew 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother.} Therefore, I don’t waste my precious time on those who stubbornly follow the devil rather I shake the dust of my feet – Words of Yeshua to His apostles.

      2. Dear Jes.

        Shalom, and thanks for making this site an interesting site for debate on faith.

        Did Beth insult you?

        I guess she tried to insult me.

        I did not return an insult, but followed my masters instruction. Bless those who try to harm you.

        I understand that you do not think Beth is a bat. But have you explained that to her, in a nice, warm and loving way?

    2. Jes,

      Your comment: However, I just wanna say this: Be ASSERTIVE and not passive otherwise you will have people like Beth stomp all over you.

      My comment: The bible says in Matthew 5 verse 5: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”

      The meaning of “meek” in the bible: Meekness is mentioned as one of the fruits of the Spirit, one of the characteristics of Christ. and the Greek word used in the phrase means ‘gentle’. It refers to those with a spirit that is free of vanity, who are willing and obedient to God’s leading, and are humble and patient in affliction. It is seen as a strength, not a weakness.

      We can deflate situations, and take comments in stride without lowering the heavenly standard God has set for us.

      God Bless.

  3. Dear Gloria,

    Thanks for your comment. I think I had read in one of the blogs here that you were catholic before? Well, I don’t blame you for your way of thinking about and interpreting the scriptures because that is how Catholics and Christians are taught. I studied in the Hebraic perspective and still do, and the teaching and understanding is far different from Catholicism and Christianity. it has more meaning and more depth. I sincerely don’t mean to criticize you but I know the difference because from Catholicism, I stepped into Christianity and from Christianity to Messianic and here I have been for the past 15 years and I’m here to stay for good. It’s been a tremendously long journey to find the truth, my Creator, and my GOD, YESHUA MESSIAH.

    Just sharing, be blessed.

    1. Dear Jes.


      Gloria has been raised in a family of Pentecostals. But this was not the issue.

      Is it right to address someone, as a “blind bat”?

      I would never do that. Regardless of how I read the scriptures, and how many years ago I understood the truth.

      1. I just would like to say that is not so terrible to refer to someone as a blind bat. The Bible does use animals to show the type of humans people are.
        There are sheep and goats. There are hefers, dogs, pigs, and vipers. Jesus calls Herod a fox.

      2. Victoria,

        Your comment: I just would like to say that is not so terrible to refer to someone as a blind bat.

        My Comment: Correct me if I’m wrong, but when Jesus used the word “fox” it was to describe Herod as “cunning.” Luke 13:31-32

        Christ did not use it as an insult. But in my opinion when you call someone “blind bat”, it is not the same as calling someone just “blind.”

        The bible says in 1 Peter 3:15: But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

        Respect is what we should have for one another.

        God Bless.

      3. Gloria,

        You are showing yourself to be too argumentive. I’m not sure why you are going against what I said. I said that the Bible uses animals to show the type of humans people are. Did not Jesus call Herod a fox to show what kind of animal he was like?
        Why are you looking for fights where there is none?
        And, I want to say that the term “blind as a bat” was very witty to use at this time by Jes, especially after all the macabre pictures of how the Catholics worship the dead.
        You said, “Respect is what we should have for one another.” Of course we should. And that goes for you too.

      4. Victoria,

        Your comment: You are showing yourself to be too argumentive. I’m not sure why you are going against what I said.

        My Comment: I apologize if you think my post was argumentive. Those were not my intentions at all. What I meant to say was like in 1 Peter 3:15: We as believers in Christ should treat each other with respect.

        My comment was not meant to attack anyone, nor my responses are meant to “fight” with anyone at all. It is a belief that I have that Christ wants us to respect each other, and I was just merely posting that.

        God Bless.

      5. I would like to also add, that I re-read my comment of October 2, 2010 at 12:31 am.

        And I see no disrespect in my words to anyone, nor do I see where I’m trying to pick a fight.

        I am off to go pick up my children from school.

        God Bless you all.

      6. Gloria,

        You cannot see it, but I will try one more time to show you your argumentive way.

        I said: “The Bible does use animals to show the type of humans people are…….Jesus calls Herod a fox.”

        Your comment: “Correct me if I’m wrong, but when Jesus used the word “fox” it was to describe Herod as “cunning.” Luke 13:31-32”

        You see, Gloria, you are acting like you are correcting me here, but you only echoed what I said. That shows you are argumentive.
        Plus you said “Correct me if I’m wrong,” so I did.
        And that’s enough with this, okay?

      7. Victoria,

        I feel as if you are reprimanding a 2 year old. Truthfully, my feelings are slightly hurt by your approach.

        Because I said: “Correct me if I’m wrong, but when Jesus used the word “fox” it was to describe Herod as “cunning.” Luke 13:31-32″ does not mean I was “argumentative” towards anyone. I was stating God’s words towards the subject. I did nothing wrong, nor did I insult anyone. I even apologized to you.

        And “correct me if I’m wrong” means correct me if my view of the Lord’s word was in error. And I honestly wanted you to correct me because I’m still learning about Christ everyday.

      8. Gloria,

        Please take it easy. Now you are trying to insult how I share information. I’m sorry you feel like a 2 year old when I tried to explain something to you.

        And, you see, you keep coming back on saying more argumentive things. Let it go, okay? You tried to correct me by saying “but when Jesus used the word “fox” it was to describe Herod as “cunning.” That’s what I was pointing out! That Jesus used an animal to show what kind of human Herod was….Herod was cunning like a fox. If you weren’t trying so hard to argue with me…you might see the truth.
        You really want to keep saying things to me about this to where I have to come back and explain myself over? How about we just let it go?

      9. Dear Gloria and Victoria.

        Shalom, my two bold sister in Jesus the Messiah.

        I feel you have to be able to have an argument, without using words like “insult” because you disagree. The topic of people being called a bat, is not worthy of leading you two sisters to use anything but respectful words towards each others. Sometimes we can surely agree that we disagree, and still be more than friendly.

      10. Victoria,

        Like I said I apologized, and I apologize again for the misunderstanding. I am responding to you in the same way you are replying to my posts. You say I’m argumentive, because I’m trying to clarify what I mean, yet you keep replying also.

        I’m not going to say anymore on the subject. You have your views, and I have mine. I’m always learning about the Word of God. I feel that is important, and that was my sole intention for my questions.

        I will take a few days off from the blog world, to reflect on my thoughts, and pray to Jesus. The last thing I want to do is approach anyone with the thought of belittling them.

        God Bless you Victoria.

        To all the rest who have read this blog, and I’ve replied to their statetments, I’m sorry I’ve offended anyone. I’m probably a little too bold for my own good sometimes. But ultimately, Jesus is the only way, and he is coming soon.

        Ivar, may God continue blessing you for the blog you have here, and I apologize to you slso if I disrespected anyone on this blog. 🙂

        As they say in New York, catch you later.

        God Bless.

      11. Dear Victoria, Jes and Gloria.


        You are three sister of mine, and I love to minister together with you all on this blog.

        The question of dispute was: Is it correct to tell someone that she is a “blind bat”?

        It is easy to say such a thing on the net, where no one see each others tears. But would you sit in a room with a Roman Catholic lady, and call her a blind bat?

        John the Baptist called people, “brood of wipers”. He did so, because he knew these people. Do any of you know Beth? Do any of you have reason to call her anything?

        I would like to hear from anybody, who have come to faith in Jesus, after being called any kind of animal by a Christian?

        We should address all visitors to this blog with dignity and respect. A lost soul has to be treated like a piece of China. They are not vampires, nor anything creepy.

        I do not mind being called a fox. I guess I can be a little bit cunning sometimes.

        Dear Beth.

        You came to this blog, and you might have read articles that has shaken your faith. Please come back, and share your experiences with me and my three sisters.

      12. Ivar, you said: “Dear Gloria and Victoria.

        Shalom, my two bold sister in Jesus the Messiah.
        I feel you have to be able to have an argument, without using words like “insult” because you disagree. The topic of people being called a bat, is not worthy of leading you two sisters to use anything but respectful words towards each others. Sometimes we can surely agree that we disagree, and still be more than friendly.”

        Ivar, I have said and done nothing wrong by using the word “insult,” so please stop with those kinds of insinuations. And I’ve disrespected no one.
        And to let you know, I might very well call someone who was in front of me physically that they are spiritually…blind as a bat, if the time arose. I don’t know why you don’t mind being called a fox, since that is what Jesus called Herod.
        I think you hurt Jes’ feelings because Jes stood up for you. But hey Jes didn’t get a thanks from you, but I didn’t get a thanks from Jes for standing up for her animal analogy. Oh well.

        Gloria, I came back to tell you that I accept your apology, and to reaffirm my love for a sister in Christ.

        Maybe we can find something else to discuss now.

      13. Dear Victoria.


        I agree. Lets put this “bat issue” behind us. Now it would be interesting to know the opinion of Beth. Are you still with us?

      14. Dear Jes.


        Thanks for being my sister in Y’shua. And Thanks for defending me, when you feel I have been insulted. I also thank you for being such a faithful reader of this blog, and also leading lost souls to faith in Him. Lets keep in loving one another, like our Jewish master demands from us.

    2. Jes,

      Your Comment: I think I had read in one of the blogs here that you were catholic before?

      My Comment: No, that’s not me. I have always believed in Jesus Christ only, and always will.
      I do not label myself Christian because there are alot of negative views out there with at title. I am a beliver of Jesus Christ completely, and believed he died on the cross for our sins, and resurrected.

      The church I attend is a pentecostal church which believes in both the old and new testament, and believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

      I understand you know the differences, and I do too. But the bible as you agree is the Holy Word of God, and when speaking about Jesus Christ the way he wants us to act and behave is in his Word.

      God Bless.

    3. Jes,
      I think Ivar handled Beth just fine. And I want to say too that you should not put down all Christians like you do, for no reasons but for being called “Christians.”

  4. To Gloria,

    Human errors and oversight .. OK, I thought I had read that you were a former Catholic but now thru Ivar, I learn you were Pentecostal!

    Aha! Pentecostals – that is what it is! No wonder the interpretation of scripture is so different from that of Hebrew. What is happening to Pentecostal and other Christian churches today? They are become and becoming more and more in number “Apostate churches” and many more… The teachings of such churches is like cementing the minds of its many Christians who will find it difficult to absorb the true teaching of Yeshua(Jesus) that was passed down through His apostles… Very sad indeed!

    Just a reminder – The name of the “Word of God” is not “Bible” it is called the “TANACH” It is NOT a Christian Book but it is a JEWISH BOOK given to the JEWS by the GOD OF ISRAEL to teach unto all the nations. HEBREW is the language of GOD. Every prophet of the TANACH (bible) were Jews, the Apostles were Jews, the Scribes were Jews except Luke (was a gentle) and Timothy the offspring of a Jewish mother and a Greek father but raised a Jew. And the Son of Miriam (Mary) a Jewess was YESHUA, a Jew and King of the Jews. Therefore, only Jews will know how to interpret the scriptures because it has been passed down to them from the time the Word of God was given to them. YESHUA(Jesus) Himself came down to earth to put back the TORAH in the proper Hebraic order because it was distorted and divided and called TALMUD by some of the early Sages. The Word of God was distorted again after the Apostles were murdered by the Roman Church. Also the English translation was not done directly from the Hebrew Scrolls, there were several translations before that, therefore, the English translations are full of errors. No wonder bible readers interpret scriptures according to their own understanding and then try to preach to others. This is unacceptable to God. So the conclusion is : The Tanach or Bible is a Jewish book and NOT Christian book. Again if you’ll want to argue without doing your research then go ahead and waste your time.

    So Gloria if you are trying to interpret the scriptures to me, I say please save your time and energy for someone else because I don’t accept it. The Hebrews spoke in idioms and parables and so did YESHUA(Jesus) and if you don’t study in the Hebraic perspective, you will never understand its true meaning and underlying beauty. Please do your research before you blast me. By the way Ivar, You, Me, we follow the Word of God so why are you defending the one who is walking in darkness? You see how the devil uses such people to cause confliction among God’s people?

    1. Dear Jes.


      You wrote:

      By the way Ivar, You, Me, we follow the Word of God so why are you defending the one who is walking in darkness? You see how the devil uses such people to cause confliction among God’s people?

      My reply:

      I do not agree with you. I do not think Gloria is walking in darkness. I also fell that we need to respect people who disagree with us, and not pass judgment. I love Israel, and I love the Jewish people. I am a Christian Zionist, and also a Pentecostal. I am also a Baptist, and I do agree with much of the teachings of Martin Luther. I love Gloria, who very much is a sister of us.

      1. Ivar, no one seems to be reading my responses right.

        However, my response was to Gloria and the reference to the “one who is walking in darkness?” was meant for Beth. So here is another accusation against me.

        Tell me are you all going to continue arguing on these little silly matters or are you all going to move on with more important issues and behave like matured adults? I’ve got no time for this kind of senseless arguments.

        Get some more articles Ivar, and lets move ahead. Thank you!!

    2. You said only Jews will know how to interpret scriptures. That is a false statement. And it is also a personal attack.
      You do sound like you hate Christians. What do you mean “the Bible is a Jewish book and NOT Christian book”? Do you not know the New Testament was written in Greek? So maybe you want to rethink what you have been saying here against Christians?

      I would like to know, Jes, if you believe in the life of the spirit after a believer dies?

      Do you believe all believers should continue to celebrate religious festivals, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day?

      Do you judge others on what they eat?

      Do you believe that believers should still be circumcised?

      Do you believe that Christians are not really saved unless they were baptized in Jesus’ Hebrew pronounced name?

      1. Dear Jes and Victoria.


        Again there is fire in the house of the roses.

        Jes wrote:

        I do regret that I advised Ivar, it was a spontaneous response and again an error on my part.

        My reply:

        You should never regret advising people. Not even me. I am happy that I have good advisers and critics of my articles. What I do not support, Is brothers and sisters not being able to have a decent debate about faith. And please stop insulting visitors like Beth. Let me remind you that we are hardly 10 people who regularly comment on this site. But there were 106.000 visitors who read your comments last month alone.

        That gives us all a unique chance to explain who Jesus is, and why they do need to have a personal relationship with Him.

        Bless them, and lead them towards faith in Jesus the Messiah.

    3. Jes,

      I can’t help but comment on this.

      You said: What is happening to Pentecostal and other Christian churches today? They are become and becoming more and more in number “Apostate churches”

      My Comment: Now you’re judging ALL pentecostal churches on some that have grown apostate. I told you that I believe in Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit. I believed he died on the cross for our sins. What is so apostate in my beliefs? My pastor follows the new and old testatment completely, and we believe Christ will come to rapture the church and that we are living in the end days.

      Your Comment: So Gloria if you are trying to interpret the scriptures to me, I say please save your time and energy for someone else because I don’t accept it.

      My Comment: Again I used the verse Peter used to witness to others. I believe the writers of the bible were in sync with the Holy Spirit as they wrote. I will never “save my time.” I will always continue to quote the scriptures and continue to spread the Word of Christ.

  5. To Victoria:
    Your response:
    ******think Ivar handled Beth just fine. And I want to say too that you should not put down all Christians like you do, for no reasons but for being called “Christians.”*********

    First, OK, I’ll agree with you when you say that Ivar handled Beth just fine .. but my response would certainly have been different. However, I rarely advice anyone unless they ask for it, so I do regret that I advised Ivar, it was a spontaneous response and again an error on my part.

    Secondly, how am I putting down all Christians? Have you looked around you to see what is happening to the Christian churches not only in North America, but around the world? particularly in England where Moslems are buying churches and converting them into mosques? Are you aware that Christians (maybe not you) are become and continue to become “lukewarm” whom the Lord is going to spit out. {Read Rev.3:16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.} I don’t know about you but I certainly don’t want to be “lukewarm” and be spewed out of the mouth of God.

    I love sharing the Word of God with those who want to listen and learn but I don’t allow the others to waste my precious time..I move on to the next.. Just as Yeshua said.

    1. It did seem as though you are putting all Christians down. I’m sorry if that is not what you were doing.
      I don’t agree with some of the doctrines in a lot of Christian denominations, so, it doesn’t surprise me too much that they aer getting further from the Truth.

  6. Shalom Ivar,
    This is a good point:
    ***** I understand that you do not think Beth is a bat. But have you explained that to her, in a nice, warm and loving way? *****

    Alright!! Now tell me why should I explain anything to Beth? Though I actually responded to her and defended you, she did not even get back at me with a twig let alone a sledge-hammer like Gloria, Victoria and You. Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you guys but instead I laughed my guts out at the silly reponses from each of you like a bunch of kids fighting a single kid. But anyways, maybe if Beth responds, I’ll come up with something nice that will chase the devil away from her and make her listen to the Word of God.. And so may be be.
    Gotta go!! Goodnite & God Bless

    1. How did I go after you with a “sledge hammer”? I think you are falsely accusing me of something I did not do.
      I stood up for your animal analogy. I even called you “witty”. I even told Ivar he should of thanked you for standing up to him.

      1. Hi Victoria,

        First of all thank you for standing up for me in one of your comments to Gloria. But in your response to me you mentioned that I was putting down Christians. So someway or other the hammer was on me leaving aside Beth who actually started all this nonsense. In the end all this silly stuff really made me laugh out out. But again, if you guys want to keep harping on this sillyness … LOL!! then by all means play your music and have fun.. while I’m going to do some real good brain work by researching the Word of God.. that’s my hobby.

        Be Blessed all three of you kids!! 🙂

      2. Dear Jes.


        You wrote:

        Beth who actually started all this nonsense.

        My reply:

        She only wrote one line, and she has done no harm to you.

        Please my sisters. If you are not able to bless one another, how will you ever be able to lead non believers to faith?

        Jesus clearly said: By the love you have for one another, people will come to know you are my disciples.

      3. Jesus clearly said: By the love you have for one another, people will come to know you are my disciples.

        I agree with that statement completely. God is great!

  7. Correction: should be : .”really made me laugh out loud” & not “laught out out”, SHEESH!! too many errors and all sorts … LOL!! Stop this topic and let’s move on…

    1. Dear Jes and Gloria.


      I hope and pray that we will be able to continue to love one another.

      Le me remind you about a simple doctrine that should unite all true Christians, and make us able not to blow out of proportion things we might disagree on.

      Man is justified by faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, separated from works.

      Please use this wisdom given us by a Catholic priest, who called the Pope an antichrist. His name was Martin Luther.

  8. Thank you Ivar for the advice. I agree with some of it and disagree with the rest of it.

    My wisdom comes from God and not from some Catholic priest – I don’t want it even if it is given to me free. The wisdom, of God is a Gift put into us all when He fashioned us. HIS WORLD IS MY LIFELINE, HIS WORD IS YESHUA. I WILL FOLLOW HIM.

  9. Ivar said: “Please my sisters. If you are not able to bless one another, how will you ever be able to lead non believers to faith?
    Jesus clearly said: By the love you have for one another, people will come to know you are my disciples.”

    I have not been unloving nor disrespectful to anyone here. In fact, I get tired of having to say that.
    It is very loving of me to want to share information with others.
    I learn too from other brothers and sisters in Christ, and I thank them for teaching me something. I have noticed though, that most Christians don’t want to be taught anything. And then they get rude. Even now Jes can’t control herself from calling us “kids”. And Ivar can’t help but throw in more fuel to the dismay by lumping us all together with this unfair reprimand.
    Jes, I would like to know…do you believe in the life of the spirit after a believer dies?

    Do you believe all believers should continue to celebrate religious festivals, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day?

    Do you judge others on what they eat?

    Do you believe that believers should still be circumcised?

    Do you believe that Christians are not really saved unless they were baptized in Jesus’ Hebrew pronounced name?
    It is good to expose false beliefs. Maybe we can talk about these things more one day, and become more like minded.

    1. Dear Victoria.


      You wrote:

      And Ivar can’t help but throw in more fuel to the dismay by lumping us all together with this unfair reprimand.

      My reply:

      Most of the readers will see that I have done the opposite. Lets try to lump back to the real issues. I hope Jes will answer your questions, because they are worthy a reply.

      1. I’ve done nothing wrong. Jesus used animals to show us what kind of humans people can be. Again, and again…I’ve done nothing wrong. Can you stop accusing me now?

      2. Dear Victoria


        I have not accused you of anything. I have said that I do strongly disagree with people who called it “witty” to call a visitor to this site a “blind bat”. You should not find it strange that I do disagree with you, and have called you to love your sister Gloria, who has expressed concerns for the usage of such a label on people like Beth, a woman we do know nothing about.

      3. Ivar, You have called people worse than blind as a bat. You have called people vipers. Now I’m done being insulted today. It was witty to me to use blind as a bat to someone who was supporting the Catholics bone display. Those macabre pictures go nicely together with bats. I don’t deserve to be called unloving. You saying I’m unloving is wrong of you. You should not make those kinds of judgements on others. Maybe you should lighten up some. Jesus does use animals to show us what kinds of humans there are. I guess you have problems with Jesus doing that too.

      4. Dear Victoria.


        As a code of conduct, we should always welcome new visitors to this blog.

        I do write Shalom, and welcome to this site, without failure to new visitors.

        It is correct that i have used stern language during debates on this site. I have faced Roman Catholic priests, and I have faced Imams. I would like to know Beth. I sincerely hope she will come back, and explain her faith to us.

      5. Dear Victoria.


        I forgot to tell you that I need to have critics like you. I also admire my sisters solid knowledge of the Scriptures. I have already requested Jes to reply to your very valid questions.

  10. This has come far to late, but the arguments on here aren’t even related to the article. I believe it is WRONG for who ever wrote this. So many things change over time that it isn’t a big deal if nuns replace the church as the brides of Christ. I did not appreciate the attacks against nuns, if that is how a CERTAIN CORRUPTED nun would like to live her life, then so be it. How would you know if nuns live secret sexual lives in complete agony? YOU DON’T. I’m so offended because I go to a traditional Catholic church (prior to Vatican 2) and the nuns there CERTAINLY don’t partake in any negative thing listed above. If you really think nuns do that stay away from them, they probably don’t want hypocritical judges like you around them (but of course they would, they wish to aid you in any way on your journey to heaven). Opinions are fine but don’t attack women who want to life a chaste life doing good deeds. Who cares if they get some cake? Who cares if the priest puts the ring on the nun, they would look stupid putting a ring on themselves. And since the priest and holy officials are the physical beings of God on Earth, why shouldn’t they put a ring on Christ’s spouse? If you are really worried about the nuns taking the church’s place, talk more about that. I would respect you for your reasonable opinion, but everything else was unacceptable.

  11. If you people are Christian, you sure don’t sure it by the venom coming out in your words. Respect everyone and love everyone is a Commandment. Remember that. Now if you ask God and Jesus in prayer, you too will be enlightened that this marriage is legal and binding in heaven. Only unbelievers will doubt and pass judgement. God bless you all and hope you learn to love and be a blessing to other.

  12. Nuns being the brides of Christ???

    The Answer:
    Yes. They are.
    Just as The Holy Virgin is the bride of the Holy Spirit.
    Nuns are the brides of Christ.

    Not physically but spiritually, for they dedicate their lives to Jesus as married couples do.
    They bind themselves to Him by the vows they take. Usually 3:
    Chastity and
    (Sometimes “Enclosure” if they’re contemplatives.)

    The “bride of Christ” analogy is flawed (as all analogies end up being) as it does not fit the whole story. Just as saying that a priest is “married to the Church”.

    As an analogy it can work for some but it does not work for all and may even turn some people away, so we must remember this.

    Theologically speaking, no they are not.

    But if the analogy works for you then go for it.

    It might even be said that the mystical marriage between a soul and Christ is more real than the earthly marriage between two people, since the earthly marriage was designed by God to be a foreshadow of the heavenly marriage, just as the Old Covenant was a foreshadow of the New.

    When a soul consecrates herself (or himself) to the Lord and takes the triple vows, she is in a sense skipping the earthly foreshadow for a heavenly reality. In this way, she is already living her life on earth with one foot in heaven, where earthly marriage does not exist, but where all will be wed to Our Lord.

    When religious women use the expression, “Brides of Christ” they do not mean it literally, It is a metaphor for a deeper reality. The sisters themselves understand this. They understand that if they were to belief this to be a theological truth that they would be doing a great injustice to religious life, because of the hundreds of thousands of religious men who make the same vows and live the same life. It is important that the lay person understand what the sisters are saying.

    They are describing their life of total consecration to Christ and the intimacy that arises between the religious (male or female) and Christ. If you were to reword the question to the sister, you would get a completely different answer. Try asking a sister, “Are religious brides of Christ?” They would say, “no”.

    The sisters understand that there is no difference between them and me. We are both consecrated religoius, both intimately united to Christ through the vows and the common life. They also understand that we are intimately united to each other, because we are part of the same state in life, the consecrated life. It makes no difference that we are male and female or that we are Franciscan, Carmelite, Dominican, Salesian, etc. We are consecrated religious and therefore, we form one state in life within the Church. The Church refers to us as the consecrated life.

    The point is that the answer depends on how the question is worded. If you ask any religious if religious are brides of Christ, they will answer in the negative, because to answer in the affirmative would then exclude the male religious.

    As great as the mother of God is, it is not the same to be consecrated to the Mother of God and to be consecrated to Christ. Religious are not consecrated to the Mother of God. We are consecrated to Christ. There is a consecration to Mary, but that is a very different thing from the vowed life. Secular men and women and religious can consecrate themselves to Mary. But only religious can consecrate themselves to Christ.

    1. Scotty,


      I studied to be a Roman Catholic sister for three years & I currently have a blood sister who is a Roman Catholic Sister for 30 years. They most definitely are trained that they are the bride of Jesus. We have often referred (tho I no longer do so) to
      Jesus as our brother-in-law. No matter the lengthy reasons, it is highly wrong to even think we are a spouse of Jesus. I believe it is a huge error. We mislead young, vulnerable women that the more perfect way in the Christian life is to be a nun. This is incorrect. And no one should be bound by man’s law to remain chaste if later on he/she should want to marry.

      1. When religious women use the expression, “Brides of Christ” they do not mean it literally, It is a metaphor for a deeper reality. The sisters themselves understand this. They understand that if they were to belief this to be a theological truth that they would be doing a great injustice to religious life, because of the hundreds of thousands of religious men who make the same vows and live the same life. It is important that the lay person understand what the sisters are saying.

        They are describing their life of total consecration to Christ and the intimacy that arises between the religious (male or female) and Christ. If you were to reword the question to the sister, you would get a completely different answer. Try asking a sister, “Are religious brides of Christ?” They would say, “no”.

        The sisters understand that there is no difference between them and me. We are both consecrated religoius, both intimately united to Christ through the vows and the common life. They also understand that we are intimately united to each other, because we are part of the same state in life, the consecrated life. It makes no difference that we are male and female or that we are Franciscan, Carmelite, Dominican, Salesian, etc. We are consecrated religious and therefore, we form one state in life within the Church. The Church refers to us as the consecrated life.

        The point is that the answer depends on how the question is worded. If you ask any religious if religious are brides of Christ, they will answer in the negative, because to answer in the affirmative would then exclude the male religious.

        As great as the mother of God is, it is not the same to be consecrated to the Mother of God and to be consecrated to Christ. Religious are not consecrated to the Mother of God. We are consecrated to Christ. There is a consecration to Mary, but that is a very different thing from the vowed life. Secular men and women and religious can consecrate themselves to Mary. But only religious can consecrate themselves to Christ.

  13. Can’t believe this article is still being read and commented on. However, I would like to hop in here again and say:

    The confusion in catholics is the extreme. Confusion is not of the TRUE GOD of Heaven and Earth, The GOD of ISRAEL (YHWH) – but confusion is of the devil.

    The BIBLE is the light in the darkness but sadly many who choose to unbendingly walk in darkness and argue that they are right, will walk in it forever never seeing the beautiful LIGHT.

    1. Jes,

      I am new in the Lord & recently have left RC & at times, endlessly plagued w/ doubt & guilt about leaving the cult that RC is, so I find many of Ivar’s older articles informative & enlightening & encouraging.


  14. Blessings Kay,

    Good for you, don’t be guilty for you have listened to the voice of the Most High GOD (YAHWEH) the CREATOR of Heaven & Earth.

    HE has been calling his children out of this Babylonian Cult from time immemorial – REVELATION 18:4 – I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues;

    For a good start if you want to learn the truth of God’s Word. Who Jesus really is – His Hebrew Name YESHUA meaning Salvation. Get a good Bible – preferably Hebrew/English and start reading it and as you do this you will realize that you are getting more and more closer to HIm. Read the book of John, Book of Psalms, Book of Provers, the Old Testament and the rest. Its full of history that is already repeating itself as we are approaching the tribulation times. In the following website are some very good teaching that should help you greatly with your study of God’s Word.

    Now that you are out of the RC, beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Ask God for Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, & Discernment, you will find this in Proverbs Ch.2.
    I will keep you in my prayers. Be Blessed in Yeshua(Jesus) the soon coming King…Amein.

    1. Dear IVAR
      Thank you for this response on 11-3-11. I never received it earlier. So it comes timely & providentially to me now. Please continue to keep me in prayer. I pray for you, your editors daily.

      1. Dear Jes,
        I am sorry;meant this response to you (well, blessings & thnx to IVAR & his editors also). Nonetheless, I additionally wanted to tell you that for the past month my guilt & doubts have greatly disappeared & I have more & more peace in the Lord. Thank you for your prayers – they are tremendously appreciated.

  15. Shalom* dear Kay,

    I feel so much joy to know that you are out of the terrible “bondage” and now into the Light of Yeshua(Jesus of Nazareth). I believe every time a soul is saved, there is great rejoicing in heaven for that name gets written in the “Book of Life”.

    The Bible is not just a book to read because we have to read it, but it is full of deep history that is cyclical and prophecies that are true. It is a humongous mirror through which we can see our own reflection that would make us feel good or make us feel guilty and help us to repent of our wrongs and return to G-d. So continue walking with HIM.
    May Yehovah bless you and guard you –
    May Yehovah make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you –
    May Yehovah lift up his face onto you and give you peace – Shalom*

    Yehovah is the name of the Creator. YAH is His short poetic name as in HalleluYAH which is Hebrew for Praise be to YAH. Yehshua haMashiach is Hebrew for Jesus the Messiah, who was raised and was from the Tribe of Judah(Yudah)…. an Israelite.

    The Hebrew word Shalom* means much more than peace, hello or goodbye. In essence it means: Completeness, wholeness, health, peace,welfare, safety soundness, tranquillity, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. This is the highest form of greeting somebody, and with SHALOM I greet you in His precious name YESHUA HaMashiach. Be Blessed!!

  16. A caption in one of your pics:

    “After the wedding, its time for the wedding cake. Only the groom is missing.”

    The “groom” is never missing. Christ is with us now and forever.

  17. *Sigh.*
    Ahh, my dear people. God give you His love and peace.
    Peace to you all.
    God bless,
    A faithful Catholic.

    1. Catherine Marie,

      And it is with love that I tell you that the pope will lead you to the wide gates of hell, because you did not trust in God’s complete Word, but instead believe in a man like the pope who is a sinner, and bow down to statues that can do nothing for you.

      Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.

  18. Gloria,
    You are wrong. That quote from Jeremias refers to the pagan idolatry the Jews kept falling into long before Christ, it does not refer to the true religion of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Catholics do not worship the Blessed Virgin mother of Christ, they honor her as Christ did. Nor do they worship statues, because statues are only art, but they might place candles before them as you might place a candle on the grave of a departed loved one to honor them, and prayers to them are to ask them who are in Heaven to pray for us, as you might ask your friend to pray for you, not to render them worship. The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ when he said to St. Peter the first pope: “Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church.” (Matthew 16:18). “He that hears you, hears Me; he that despises you, despises Me, and he that despises Me despises Him that sent Me.” (Luke 10: 16), and outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. The popes of the Catholic Church until 1958 taught the complete word of God, and those popes were mostly men of unimpeachable integrity. Yet even those of them who were sinners, and there were some in the 16th century who were, nevertheless they had the charism of the Holy Spirit given to them by Christ to keep them from all error: “The spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him not, nor knows Him; but you shall know Him; because He shall abide with you, and shall be in you.” (John 14: 17). “And the Lord said: ‘Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not.” (Luke 22: 31,32). The popes after 1958 are Masonic impostors and heretics who do not hold the papacy validly, and so they do not have the Holy Spirit, and are not even in the Church before God. But as God restored the Jews in the Old Testament after He had destroyed the Temple to punish His people, so we believe that He will restore the papacy.

    As for the Scriptural basis for consecrated celibacy: “And Jesus said to them: The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: But they that shall be accounted worthy of that world, and of the resurrection from the dead, shall neither be married, nor take wives.” (Luke 20: 34, 35). “All men take not this word, but they to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs, who were born so from the mothers womb, and there are eunuchs, who were made so by men: and there are eunuchs that have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of Heaven. He that can take it, let him take it.” (Matt. 19: 11,12). You can Google papal encyclical “On Holy Virginity” by Pope Pius XII. This gives the entire theology and history of nuns and consecrated celibacy.

    1. Elaine,

      You said: You are wrong. That quote from Jeremias refers to the pagan idolatry the Jews kept falling into long before Christ, it does not refer to the true religion of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

      My comment: If you say I’m wrong, then in your eyes so is the Word of God?

      Exodus 20:1-15 And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, …

      and here

      Revelation 9:20-21 The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk, nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.

      And what about here?

      Leviticus 26:1
      “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God.

      I can post many more Elaine where Christ speaks to you and the rest of this World. Yet you are so deep in the pagan religion that is catholics, that you will not see the truth in the Word of God.

      You are also wrong when you said the catholic church was founded by Christ. That is a lie from the very devil! Mathew 16:15-18 makes it clear that the church will was built on the foundation of revelation from God. But you will not see the truth.

  19. In these passages you quote God was referring to the idols of the gentiles: “All the Gods of the gentiles are devils.” (Psalm 95: 5). Otherwise He would not have commanded two cherubs to be made to adorn the Ark of the Covenant, or the brazen serpent to be hung in the tree, that all who look upon it might be healed. Also, the Temple was filled with carvings of cherubs, creatures and palm trees (3 KIngs 6 & 7). The name for religious images in the Temple of the Old Testament was “theraphim,” :For the children of Israel shall sit many days without king, and without prince, and without sacrifice, and without altar, and without ephod, and without theraphim.” (Osee 3: 4). Jesus also referred to the Pharisees who “built the monuments of the prophets,” (Luke 11: 47), censuring them for doing a good deed in hypocrisy. As I said, Catholic art is not idolatry and we do not worship the works of men’s hands, only God who is in Heaven.

    If you look in the Bible you will see that the Apostles ordained priests, and St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews is almost entirely taken up with the priesthood of the New Testament. It is a historical fact that St. Peter was the first Pope and that he has had an unbroken line of successors ever since. The Church existed from the time of Christ and in the beginning of the first millennium the Eastern Orthodox broke away from it, then in the 1500s Martin Luther broke away from it.

    True Catholicism is founded on revelation. The first rule of the 8 point rule of faith, which must guide the popes and the councils, is Sacred Scripture. Pope Leo XIII said “The faith of the Apostles is the true faith.” That is why many Catholics repudiate Vatican II, because Vatican II goes against Sacred Scripture and the faith of the Apostles. This is so much so that if a pope defects from the true faith he falls out of the Church and his office becomes vacant.

  20. OK, having been raised Catholic, I not only agree but believe this may not be enough comment on these practices. Even in my adolence, when exposed to these bizarre women, there was more of a creepy feeling then anything else. These practices, and many like them that the occur in the church are bizarre and rarely look at, but I think express the real roots.

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