Clinton: Israel offered Temple Mount to the PLO

The “Palestinians” were offered the Temple Mount at the Camp David Summit in 2000.

Bill Clinto was instrumental when the PLO almost got the control over the Temple Mount in a deal in the year 2000.
Bill Clinton was instrumental when the PLO almost got the control over the Temple Mount in a deal in the year 2000. Yassir Arafat said “no”, and opted for the Second Intifada.

This was confirmed in a lacture by formed US president Bill Clinton held on 1st of May 2014. The agreement fell through over a sliver of land near the Western Wall.

In an address at Georgetown University in Washington DC, where he has agreed to deliver a series of lectures, Clinton spoke on a variety of domestic issues, while also touching on the foreign policy challenges his administration had encountered — chiefly, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the 2000 summit he brokered between then-prime minister Ehud Barak and the late Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat.

Clinton’s remarks revealed that a breakthrough in talks between Israel and the Palestinians, particularly on the controversial issue of the division of Jerusalem, was closer at hand in 2000, at the summit he called a “roaring success,” than previously thought.

Israel, he said, agreed to hand the Palestinians control of the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism and the compound where al-Aqsa Mosque is situated, on the condition that the area around the Western Wall remain under Israel’s control.

Arafat agreed to leave Israel with control over the Western Wall, as well as over the Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, but insisted on keeping 16 meters, or 50 feet, of land leading up to an entrance to the Western Wall tunnels under Palestinian control.

Israel refused, on the grounds that the tunnel granted access to remains of the Jewish temples. In retrospect, Clinton said, Israel was probably justified in its refusal, as “if you got in, you could do mayhem to the ruins of the temples.”

Source: The Time of Israel

My comment:

The last and final antichrist can not enter the Temple Mount and be hailed as “the prince of peace”, as long as the Zionist police force control this site. East Jerusalem is an equal part of Israel as West-Jerusalem.

As the Camp David agreement fell apart, the state of Israel enforced a law making Jerusalem their eternal and not dividable capital.

In a future “peace deal”, the Knesset must revoke this law, if the Temple Mount has become a part of a new Islamic Arab nation.

That Israel was willing to give away East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount to the PLO in the year 2000, was thanks to Ehud Barack and Simeon Peres. The labor party collapsed, and the Likud party rose to power.  Benjamin Netanyahu has promised that there will be no “Palestinian” state on his watch. Let us pray that Netanyahu will keep this promise.

May Jesus the Messiah bless him and keep him. And reveal Him self to the prime Minister as the promised Messiah. Amen.

3 thoughts on “Clinton: Israel offered Temple Mount to the PLO

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  1. Actually, they were offered the Temple Mount by Moshe Dyan in 1967. He was a secular governmental entity, along with Ben Gurion and others. The Palestinians/arabs were ready to flee the area as they took back the land and this goof told them ” don’t go, stay, you can have it” As well as when they wanted to leave Germany, they did not really want the older generation in but the younger. It was said that they had to pay a $500.00 entry to get in. It is so involved, there were Jews who were anti-Jew, and against their own people. Sickening.

    1. Dear karbar77

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      Jews who want to divide their promised land, are self-denying Jews. They do not obey God of Israel, and bring down judgment on them selves.

  2. Interestingly, the Orthodox in Israel feel that secular Jews (the majority of the population, at around 42%) are the biggest danger to the state of Israel, since they do not forbid intermarriage with non-Jews. They also resent the secularists for always seeking political solutions that weaken the nation. Many of the Orthodox believe that, secularists are like Esau; that the secularists would “sell their birthright” for peace. But the Orthodox, who typically have large families, are growing in their numbers. They have always had a lot of influence in Israel–something that irritates the secularists. As their percentage of the population continues to grow, they will have even more influence. The traditional Jews, in the center between the liberal secularists and the conservative Orthodox, seem to hold the balance of power.

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