The Pope predicts own death

“Because I know it will last only a short time. Two or three years and then I’ll be off to the Father’s House.”

Pope Franscis do not feel he has many years left. May be only three.
Pope Franscis do not feel he has many years left. May be only three.

This is what British Sky news has recored:

Earlier today, Pope Francis touched on the subject of his own death for the first time, telling reporters he gave himself “two or three years” to live.

On a flight back to the Vatican from South Korea, the 77-year-old pontiff said:

“I see it as the generosity of the people of God. I try to think of my sins, my mistakes, not to become proud.
“Because I know it will last only a short time. Two or three years and then I’ll be off to the Father’s House.”

“I see it as the generosity of the people of God. I try to think of my sins, my mistakes, not to become proud. Because I know it will last only a short time. Two or three years and then I’ll be off to the Father’s House,” he replied light-heartedly.

The Popes comment come in reponse to news about closed relatives being killed in an accident in Argentina.

Two great nephews of Pope Francis, and their mother, have been killed in a traffic accident in Argentina, say police.
The accident took place in the early hours of the morning on the Rosario-Córdoba highway in the district of Cordoba, 550km (340 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires, said police commissioner Carina Ferreyra.

The Pope’s nephew, Emanuel Horacio Bergoglio, was reportedly driving a vehicle with his wife Valeria Carmona, 36, and their two children, Jose agd 8 months and 2-year-old Antonio.

Mr Bergoglio, who is the son of Alberto, the Pope’s late brother, has been hospitalised and is in a serious condition.
Early reports suggest the vehicle they were travelling in hit a truck in front of them.

The family were reportedly returning to Buenos Aires following a holiday weekend.

Vatican spokesman the Rev Federico Lombardi said “The Pope was informed about the tragic accident. He is deeply pained,” adding Pope Francis had asked “all who share in his grief to unite with him in prayer.”

Source: Sky news.

My comment:

It is seldom we see religious leaders predicting the timing of their own death. But the Pope of Rome might speaking prophetically.

From the day the Pope is hailed as the “price of peace”,  there will a brief period of time till the Messiah returns. Many will claim the Jews will discover they have been trapped, three and a half year later.

If the Pope is correct in his own “death prophecy”, we are very close to the “false peace plan” being signed.  The Pope will not live to see another day, but will have to spend eternity in Hell.

Paul explains that is waiting for the claimed “Holy father” and the “vicar of Christ”.

 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendour of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,  and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.

Be wise. Run for you life, if the leader of your congregation accepts the Pope as a Christian leader.  Do not participate in this kind of sin and wickedness.

Written by Ivar.

6 thoughts on “The Pope predicts own death

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  1. You are magnifying the whole issue.Spec in someone else eyes and plank in ones own eye.
    Judgement upon judgement…………….

  2. I have noticed a couple of things regarding this article.

    First Pope Francis replied light-heartedly when he said this.

    IF you really believe this is a prophecy from the Pope then it follows that you must also believe that the Pope will be with our Father in Heaven.

    Why then do you write:

    ” The Pope will not live to see another day, but will have to spend eternity in Hell.”

    1. Dear armorrcc

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      Why then do you write:

      You asked:

      ” The Pope will not live to see another day, but will have to spend eternity in Hell.”

      My reply:

      All antichrists will have to spend eternity in Hell, Not only the Pope. The reason for why I have written many hundred articles about the Pope, is my bid to enlighten some of his 1,1 billion followers. It is my bid to try to make them understand.

      There is a lot of people who speak propheticaly, not even knowing they have done so. Out of the mouth of many Americans comes the words “Jesus Christ”, when something out of the box has happened just in front of their eyes. They do not even noticed what they just said. Nor do they belive in the Messiah.

      Others say “its a miracle”. Neither do they belive in God, nor do they understand what they just said.

      If the Pope had known and understood what is waiting for him, by best guess is that he would have fainted.

  3. I am not a pope fan but in general; nor in favor of Roman Catholics, it is very distasteful when any human is on “THE JUDGEMENT SEAT” which belongs to Lord Jesus Christ………

  4. I have heard so many who skip around calling us Judgement .but G-d said we are to judge them by scripture which we do because we love them. IF we do not, then their blood will be on us..but we are to tell them even if they hate us because we want them to know the truth and flee from sin and that the only way to heaven is thru Jesus Christ our L-rd and G-d. we are not to bow to any man and call them Father or the HOLY Father which is in is blasphemy ..I just pray that all search the scripture, as it is very clear..G-d bless you Ivar..

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