Egypt stops Hamas from refueling

Egyptian authorities operating on the Sinai-Gaza border thwarted an attempt to smuggle advanced GRAD missiles into the peninsula.

The Hamas seems to run out of its most advanced rockets.
The Hamas seems to run out of its most advanced rockets.

This is reported by Israel Radio on Friday.

According to Al-Ahram newspaper, Palestinians tried to smuggle 20 GRAD missiles into Sinai, from where it would then seek to launch them into Israel.

Source: Jerusalem Post

My comment:

Israel is aware that the Muslim Brotherhood permitted Hamas to take some advanced rockets into Gaza. But now, the stocks  of these rockets seems to be over.

The new military regime in Cairo is not righteous. But they are at least anti-Hamas enough, to stop Hamas from refueling with their most advanced rockets.

It seems that Hamas soon will be left with the Qassam-missiles, with limited capacity. They will only pose a threat to the kibutzes in the south. Surely bad enough. But no longer able to bring the whole of Israel to a standstill.

May Jesus the Messiah have mercy on all deceived Arabs, and bring and end to their life in misery in Gaza.

Written by Ivar

2 thoughts on “Egypt stops Hamas from refueling

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  1. The new military regime in Cairo is not righteous…from this statement I assume you consider the Muslim Brothers as righteous:
    I wonder about those (like you) who preach Freedom and Democracy but support Terrorists and Terrorism.
    The entire world knows that Morsi was fraudulently Elected.
    He suspended the constitution and Imposed Sharia Law.
    He put himself above any checks and balances creating a theocratic government like the Ayatollah in Iran.
    He issued presidential order releasing condemned terrorist from prison.
    Currently with Hamas they are killing Egyptians indiscriminately
    is this righteous to you…what a hypocrite.

    1. Dear Magdi.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      You wrote:

      The new military regime in Cairo is not righteous…from this statement I assume you consider the Muslim Brothers as righteous.

      My comment:

      By now, you must have become aware that you have entered into a Christian website. Not a single Christian will claim Islamic terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood to be righteous. But is you have to chose between plage and cholera, what do you think are the best of them?

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