Argentinian Francis I the new Fascist Pope

Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is elected as the Roman Catholic Church’s new Pope.

Pope Franz will find it difficult to get all to believe he did not work with the Fascists.
Pope Franz will find it difficult to get all to believe he did not work with the Fascists.

Appearing on a balcony over the square, he asked the faithful to pray for him. Cheers erupted as he gave a blessing.

The 76-year-old from Buenos Aires is the first Latin American and the first Jesuit to be pontiff.
An hour earlier, white smoke from the Sistine Chapel chimney announced the new Pope’s election

Argentina’s President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner wished him a “fruitful pastoral mission”.
She is expected to attend the Pope’s inauguration Mass on Tuesday, as is US Vice President Joe Biden, himself a Catholic.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron said it was a “momentous day” for Catholics, while Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, leader of the world’s Anglicans, offered him “every blessing”.

Source: The BBC.

My comment:

To elect a Pope who has served under the Fascist dictatorships in Argentina, is a sign to the total moral degeneration of the council of Cardinals.

This is what Wikipedia has recorded:

 On 15 April 2005, a human rights lawyer filed a criminal complaint against Bergoglio, as superior in the Society of Jesus of Argentina, accusing him of involvement in the kidnapping by the Navy in May 1976 (during the Dirty War) of two Jesuit priests.

The priests, Orlando Yorio and Franz Jalics, were found alive five months later, drugged and semi-naked. Yorio accused Bergoglio of effectively handing them over to the death squads by declining to tell the regime that he endorsed their work. Jalics refused to discuss it after moving into seclusion in a German monastery.

My comment:

The new Pope seems to be not much different from Hitlers Pope, Pius XII.  Pius “worked” with the Nazis, like Francis did with the Fascists in Argentina.

The new Pope is also the first Jesuit to be elected to the office of the “Holy see”. For the first time the Public Pope and the Black Pope, will become one and the same.

No more need for a separate Jesuit General on top of the Vatican Religious movement.

The Jesuit is particular, have been given secret orders to  to sit on all sides of the table. They are given the the task as “educationalists” to bring us all in the the Universal Church, and into submission to the papacy.

Pope Francis seems to be the perfect Pope for a bid to get all of mankind into the new Universal Brotherhood. Pope Franz has lived under and accepted a totalitarian regime, and will not find it difficult to make his subjects accept the final antichrist.

Written by Ivar

17 thoughts on “Argentinian Francis I the new Fascist Pope

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  1. Well, millions have what they want…the ‘anti-Christ’ will appear to be the most loving, tolerant, righteous people…God help those who still waver between Baal and God…for the dye is cast.

    That Universal Church nurtured by the World Church Councils will be in full bloom….

  2. Please read this MDM message regarding new POPE and be alert as he may suck or linking up with ALL FAITHS and other religions.

    ———— **editor**

    1. I have refused to allow you to post your lies Oldman. You are blind when it comes to the Word of God, and you follow a sinner who needs to repent.

    2. Dear Doug,

      Yes, Oldman is not allowed to post links on this site.

      But you can google it with “the warning second coming messages”. This particular message titled “He has been sent to dismantle My Church and tear it up into little pieces” given on March 8th, 2013.

      Gloria is afraid of the truth it seems. Truth is truth always.
      Nothing is as it seems

      1. Oldman,

        Your message to Doug is deceptive, and I have every right to edit even your “warning” message. But I will allow it, in hope that Doug will read those lies, realize that he just read lies from a false prophet, and compare it to the Word of God.

        The truth is Jesus Christ, and that is the complete truth.

        What you post are lies from a woman who claims to be the “queen of heaven.”

        The Word of God says, Every knee shall bow and confess to God. Remember that as you and she continue to spread words falsely.

      2. Oldman,

        If Satan can cast himself as angel of light, what does that say about the lies you are spreading.

        You believe this woman, yet the God’s Word warned us long ago how people like her will arise in the last days, spreading false lies. And instead of comparing what she says to Jesus Word, you believe it.

        2 Corinthians 11:4 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.

  3. Can you say false prophet? An interesting tenet of Jesuits, they adhere to Rule 13 of Ignatius, “Rules for Thinking with the Church”, which states, “That we may be altogether of the same mind and in conformity […], if [the Church] shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black.”

    Welcome the false prophet.

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