Skull release blood of saint for Pope

The Pope kiss a container with the claimed blood of Januarius. The presence of the claimed skull of the saint is required.

 The Pope kiss a container with claimed
The Pope kiss a container with claimed “holy blood” of a “saint” who died 1700 years ago.

Januarius I of Benevento is a claimed bishop of Naples. Very little is known about him, but he might have died around 305 A.D

On March 21, 2015, Pope Francis venerated the dried blood during a visit to Naples Cathedral, saying the Lord’s Prayer over it and kissing it.

Soruce: Wikipedia

The head of Januarius and the container with his claimed blood of paraded through the street of Naples.
The head of Januarius and the container with his claimed blood of paraded through the street of Naples.

A Roman Catholic blogger have added this information:

The best known and most intensely studied is the yearly blood miracle of St. Januarius (St. Gennaro) that occurs is Naples each year.

The recurring miracle of the liquefaction of his blood 18 times a year is often reported in the secular as well as the religious press, and is the occasion of great gatherings in the Cathedral of Naples. Here the people pray fervently while the resident cardinal, who usually presides over the ceremony, holds the vials of blood.

The miracle occurs when the bust reliquary containing the head of the saint is brought near. When the liquefaction is accomplished in full view of the spectators, the cardinal announces, “The miracle has happened,” words that cause great rejoicing and the chanting of the Te Deum.

There are actually four divisions of the saint’s relics. The bones are kept separately while the head is enclosed in a magnificent silver bust that is enshrined a distance from the relics of blood.

Source: The Miracles of the Church:

Here are more photos:

The byst who contains the skull of Januarus and the container with his claiemd bones
The byst who contains the skull of Januarius and the container with his claimed bones

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

The container whith the substance who become likquid when the skull of Januarus are brouth to its presence.
The container whith the substance who become likquid when the skull of Januarius is brouth to its presence.
The Vatican proclaim this kind of satanism as
The Vatican proclaim this kind of satanism as “holiness”, and try to trick people to believe they represent God of the Bible.

My comment:

It is always my prayer that some Roman Catholics might read my articles, and become aware that they have been deceived. They have been tricked by a priesthood who worship the dead, and even proclaim that a skull of a deceased person has performed a miracle.

When the skull has arrived the substance become likquid, and a white handclechief is waved.
When the skull has arrived the substance become likquid, and a white handcarechief is waved in the mass.

My articles are also written with the hope that Protestant Christians must continue to brand the Pope as an antichrist in the flesh. And never accept the message of any Christian, who want you to accept the Pope as a Christian leader.

Seeing the Pope kiss the container with the claimed blood of a man who died 1.700 years ago, should be sufficient evidence of his paganism done in the name of “Christ”.  And even more astonishing: The solid substance inside the container will not be turned into a fluid if not the skull of “the saint” is present. Truly a false miracles, the work of Satan.

If you continue to go for Roman Catholic mass, and want to escape the fire of Hell: You must renounce the falsehood of this copy-cat Christianity.  Run for your life, and beg for mercy. Than surrender to the true Jesus of the Bible. He loves every sinner who is willing to repent, and follow Him.

Be wise.

Written by Ivar

5 thoughts on “Skull release blood of saint for Pope

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  1. At first most would see the evil and depart, but those who did not look to scriptures and see that most things they teach is satanic, stayed and so yes G-d sent the lie and they believed it..the more I see it grow the more I pray so many will see the big lie. I would think why is the gospel which is all power overlooked for unity, like in the fake christlam unity with all blasphemy..

    1. Dear Mama bear

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      I had heared about this “blood miracle” before, but never studied the theology behind the event. That the Roman Catholic priesthood claim that the presence of the skull of the saint is required to make the substance turn into liquid, is truly the work of Satan.

  2. I am so BLOWN away by the fact that I sat in this religion that is NOT Biblical AT ALL and thought it to be so beautiful and “mystical”!
    Only now I am able to SEE and HEAR the devil deceiving so many with his trickery! WOW! JUST WOW!

    1. Dear Elizabeth

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      The claimed miracle done by the skull is bad enough. But this story is very powerful, and can undermine the papacy. It connects the Pope directly to religious fraud. The Roman Catholic Church refuse the container to be opened, so a chemical test can be taken of its containment.

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