Baker, the Pope and the big net

Watch Heidi Baker. She joins other Word of Faith preachers who call for unity with the Roman Catholic Church.

Many “Charismatic heros” takes the Pentecostal movement with them back to Rome.

Watch Baker explaining how she planed a “church” in Mosambique, based on distribution of free food.

Published by Ivar

43 thoughts on “Baker, the Pope and the big net

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  1. I disagree with you. Just because she is working with catholic ministries– like feeding the poor etc does not mean she’s calling for unity with the pope. It’s also hard to have full understanding with short clips. I know people who are close friends with her and she is all about grace. Not works. Her work is due to her loving God not to earn salvation.

    1. Interesting that so many claim grace. Moses had grace. So did Joseph. Is this new? No. Both still honored God by keeping His Commandments. Yet today, ‘grace only’ seems to be the way for those who have no love for the Lord. His Commandments are NOT burdersome, this is Bible, of course. Yet, i am sure that most will happily abide by 7, 8, maybe 9 Commandments-even though partiality is not acceptable according to the Bible.
      Most already support Catholicism, unknowingly, with their choice to follow pope worship day, instead of the Holy 4th Commandment.

      1. Dear Tony.

        Shalom, and love in Jesus.

        You wrote:

        Most already support Catholicism, unknowingly, with their choice to follow pope worship day, instead of the Holy 4th Commandment.

        My comment:

        We do not have to debate the Sabbath related to every topic. But the commandments of God, is not only the 10 commandments. They are neiter more, nor less important than other parts of the Law of Moses. Jesus did sumarize the Law, and He fulfilled the law. So that we can survive the comming wrath of God, purly based on mercy and grace.

    2. Dear Sue.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      Good to see you back too. I have no problem with people who disagree with me. Also in regards to working together with Catholics. I have them around me, all the time. Heidi Baker is talking about “Catholics” and all the pices of the net (Churches). She is therefor not talking about “Catholics” as individuals. But of different Churches, who she feel must acknowlede each other and work together. She mentions the Nazarens, Assemblies of God, Bethel (the gnostisism of Bill Johson), etc.

  2. Ivar, frightening that most don’t see it. First of all women are not to preach! “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed then Eve. And Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” 1 Timothy 2:12&13 Jesus said, “Suppose ye that I Am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay, but rather division.” Luke 12:51. What she is teaching is hogwash. The ONE WORLD religion will not stand! Just like the Tower of Babel. “Woe to you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! For ye shall mourn and weep.” Luke 6:25.

    1. Dear nannette

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      Good to see you back.

      Paul said, I do not permit a wormen to “teach”.

      My best guess, is that Paul did permit ladies to be witness? Also in public? Yes, many women takes over the roles of men, act like men, dress like men, and take authority as the head of the family. All of this is wrong.

      In the case of Heidi Baker, I am not concerned that she is testifying. My consern is what she is saying. Like “I hate church”, “God will send wierd fish to mess up the Church”, etc. That is symptomatic for those who have made Satan Lord and God in their life. Regardles if they take the name of “Jesus” or not. Baker’s acceptance of the Papacy is yet another example of the ongoing betrayal of the gospel in the Charismatic pentecostal camp.

    2. Nanette,

      I know some woman preachers who have been used by the Jesus Christ to spread his Word. I have seen and humbly witnessed his Glory when he has used them.

      Acts 2:17 “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

      1. Dear Gloria.

        Shalom, and love in Jesus.

        Good to see you back in action.

        On this site, you are not only a co-editor. You have the righs to testify what Jesus is doing in your life.

        If you like to become a Bible teacher, also you need to listen to Paul. In particular if you do not have the blessings from your husband to become one.

      2. Hello Ivar,

        God Bless you. My calling has never been to become a Bible teacher, but God Bless all those have this wonderful calling. God has called me to a different direction. Yet, I can still teach my children, teach my friends and/or strangers about the Jesus.

      3. Hello Gloria
        The verses you quoted from Acts 2:17 were in fact the prophet Joel’s prophecy. In the proper context of that passage Peter quoted Joel regarding the events happening then. Was Joel’s prophecy being fulfilled then or was it not. Peter was quoting it as
        Happening then. Were those the last days or have the last days continued up to the present. If those were not the last days then peter shouldn’t have quoted it. I believe his quoting of Joel’s prophecy was proper, and those were the last days.

  3. I have many catholic friends. As well as my own family. May my life be a witness. If I refused to pray with my sister as a catholic perhaps I could not be the bridge. When The Lord pursues He opens eyes. When I was catholic I had friends who were believers come and pray for me. They did not criticize or judge. Their lives were enough. This brought me to the truth of the gospel. The Holy Spirit is a truth teller. He convicts. I honestly believe she does not accept their dogma or the pope. She can be a bridge. I hope to be a bridge. There is a time in conversation to stand and say no. Like Martin Luther. We need honey in our speech. Love and understanding. Love changes everything. Love changed me. I was loved into the Kingdom. If we don’t have love we have nothing.

    1. Dear Sue.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      You wrote:

      I have many catholic friends. As well as my own family. May my life be a witness. If I refused to pray with my sister as a catholic perhaps I could not be the bridge.

      My reply:

      I am sure, you do not suggest that all Protestant Churches, should let Catholic priests lead them into prayer. Correct me if I am wrong.

      There are times I pray with Catholics. But not before I have told them the gospel, to become sure they do not recjet it. To communicate with Jesus togehter with people who use other mediators, would mislead them, and make me a hypocrite. To be in spiritual union with people who live in darkness, leads to apostasy.

    2. Dear Sue.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      You wrote:

      We need honey in our speech. Love and understanding. Love changes everything. Love changed me. I was loved into the Kingdom. If we don’t have love we have nothing.

      My reply:

      You are right. Love will change everything. But there is no true love, outside of truth. If I nod and say “yes” when people tell lies, I act like a fool. I was challeged into the Kingdom. To open the Bible, read the truh and into a complete surrender. Jesus is also truth. If I do not stand on truth, I do not love anyone.

      Jesus was quite harsh in His language in encounters with hypocrits. And very soft spoken when He encountered sinners, who acknowledged Him.

  4. Mr Ivar, so Grace only is were you stand? This is not smart nor Christian. See John 14:15. Interesting how you lump moses with Gods law as if there is no difference. Sorry Sir, all the examples in the Bible of those who achieve grace, both OT and NT are Christians who obey the Lord. Again, if you choose to not obey, no problem. I just think its pathetically incompetent of you to post such lies as if obedience is not necessary: just what Rome want!
    The last warning before He returns is for us to KEEP THEM! The last blessings in the Bible, Rev 22, is to those who KEEP THEM!
    You Sir, are playing the fool if you choose to not obey. A Christian will.

  5. You are correct: time for me to run. Will find a site for Believers. It is both sad and wreckless for you to promote going against what God has asked, no COMMANDED! But then again, i’d guess that His Sabbath is the only of the Holy Ten you have an issue with. You have more in common with Rome than you thought 😉

    1. To all readers.

      Tony from the SDA has been spamed, when He published a link to a SDA website. He was on his way to the exit anyway.


  6. I have told my sister the gospel. Being in the rcc is like a brain washing. It takes time for the scales to be pulled off your eyes. Being in catholic grade school and having dogma drilled in your head is like a being gripped and bound. Sometimes each new understanding of truth breaks another chain.
    Of course I don’t suggest a priest lead prayer. But if a priest came looking for truth I would not approve of his beliefs. I would reach out in love and share the gospel.

    1. Dear Sue.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      I know, Sue. You are right.

      Since half of my family are Roman Catholics, I know a lot about both Catholics and Catholicism. I love Catholics as much as I hate Catholicism. It is not always easy to dicern the motives of meb. Some Catholics are truthseekers. Other have just arrived to create trouble.

  7. Ivar. I know one thing to be true. Love speaks more than bible thumping. Love in action is the witness of the gospel. When the Holy Spirit overflows, people want to know what makes you different. Praise Jesus. He saves us from the darkest pit.

  8. We must tell Catholics the truth in Love, if they will listen as the opportunity arises. Sometimes it is difficult. I pray for the door to be opened. How you show love is to tell them the truth. God’s word is truth. God has elevated His Word above His Name (Psalm 138:2). Most people do not believe God’s Word. I would not pray with a priest unless he was born again and I would not call him priest. He is just a man with a title that belongs to born again Christians. My family is mostly Catholic. I watch them pray, I don’t participate. Unless I’m in my home and have the opportunity to pray thanking God for His Son who died for us, was buried and rose again (since I’m the only one who is born again). Grace means unmerited favor. Our righteousness is like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). We think we are good, we are not, that is why many are going to hell because they will not admit they need a Savoir. They think they can appease God by “good works”. Catholic’s have a different Jesus in the Eucharist. The Jesus I believe in is God Almighty who became a man, who created all things. (John 1:1, John 10:30, John 13:13).He, Jesus is 100%
    God and 100% man. The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, the same God as Israel’s. The Catholic religion believes they have replaced Israel . We cannot add to the gospel. It is a “free gift” the moment you add to the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) then you make it void. Then you are preaching “another” gospel that Paul rebuked the Galatians about. Galatians 1:8-9. To the Jew first and also to the Greek! (Romans 1:16) The just shall live by faith.

    1. Dear Nannette

      You wrote:
      The Catholic religion believes they have replaced Israel . We cannot add to the gospel.

      My reply:
      This is not true. Israel has not been replaced by the Church.

      Say for example i buy a house and then break down the house to the floor, remove all the rubble and build a new house. This is replacing the old house with the new house. So the house has been replaced.

      On the other hand if i buy a house and renovate the house, new paint, fix the cracks etc, then it is new again. The house has not been replaced.

      This is what the Church means by the new Israel.

      The Church is NOT saying replaced Israel.

      1. Amorrcc,

        You seem to have a way with words. The catholic religion is guilty of many things…

        May I ask if you are catholic?


  9. armorrcc, you are Catholic? What you say above makes no sense. For instance, the only thing is left is the floor, and you have removed the house (Israel) and replaced it with a new house (catholic church). This Is not Biblical, you have changed what God said. The church is a body of born again believing Jews and Gentiles (Acts 2:47). The first Christians were Jews. Not the Roman Catholic Church. The foundation is the Rock and the Rock is Christ. Romans 1:4. “For other foundation can NO MAN (including the pope) lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:11. Paul says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth (the gospel) to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16 Parenthesis mine. Not by works, not by icons, not by purgatory (no such thing), not by rosaries, praying to the dead (necromancy) which is prohibited by scripture, praying to Mary which is prohibited by scripture ( the Catholic Mary is not the Mary of the Bible by the way), not tradition, and other such things they do, and not the rules and laws made up by the religion of Rome. The gospel is the only way to heaven, the way is narrow. Matthew 7:13&14.

    1. Dear Nannette

      You wrote:
      For instance, the only thing is left is the floor, and you have removed the house (Israel) and replaced it with a new house (catholic church). This Is not Biblical, you have changed what God said.

      My reply:
      If you read my example carefully you will see i did not say the house (Israel) has been removed and replaced with new house (catholic church).

      You wrote:
      The church is a body of born again believing Jews and Gentiles (Acts 2:47). 

      My reply:
      That is exactly the idea of the house being renovated. We as believers in Jesus Christ has been baptised to be new, Jews and gentiles alike.

      The Catholic Church does not teach that Israel has been replaced by the Church.

      Pope John Paul II said:

      “…the Church of Christ discovers her ‘bond’ with Judaism by ‘searching into her own mystery.’ The Jewish religion is not ‘extrinsic’ to us, but in a certain way is ‘intrinsic’ to our own religion. With Judaism, therefore, we have a relationship which we do not have with any other religion.

      You are our dearly beloved brothers and, in a certain way, it could be said that you are our elder brothers.” (Spiritual Pilgrimage, page 63).

    2. Dear Nannette

      Let me try to explain another way.

      The Church is the continuation of the Jews (Old Covenant) as they should be, followers of the Messiah. God made a covenant with Abraham for the purpose of bringing the Messiah for our salvation.

      The Messiah came and our salvation came with Him. The Jews were supposed to accept Him. Some did, but many did not. Current Judaism is the result of those who did not accept the Messiah.

      Christianity (the Church) is the continuation of Judaism fulfilled by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

      The Church does not replace them, the Church continue from the Old Covenant into the better New Covenant for the salvation of Jew and gentile.

  10. I was catholic. All my life including university and was taught by catholic apologists. Yes. They believe the church replaced Israel. The Vatican has said Israel does not have rights to their own land and they acknowledge Palestine as a statehood.

    1. Dear Sueliz1

      You wrote:
      All my life including university and was taught by catholic apologists. Yes. They believe the church replaced Israel. The Vatican has said Israel does not have rights to their own land and they acknowledge Palestine as a statehood.

      My reply:
      Will you please be kind and publish your sources regarding the catholic apologist and Vatican statements or doctrine regarding the word “replacement theology” in the Catholic Church.

      I will like to investigate your claims and make an educated decision base on facts.

      For a fact i know after reading Scott Hanh’s “The fathers know best” he does not agree with the word replacement.

  11. Dear Gloria

    You asked:
    May I ask if you are catholic?

    My reply:
    Your sister had already answered, yes i am Roman Catholic.

    1. Armorrcc,

      Like I said before, and in reading your new comments, you do have a way with words. It’s almost as if you dance around (like many Catholics do) the Word of God, and twist it to suit what you and even the pope wishes it to believe.

      There are many news articles, and many quotes where the pope has not recognized Israel, and even where the pope has not included Israel in his “prayers.”

      Fouad Twal, (representative to pope) has said, and I quote, ” Israel’s existence as such has nothing to do with the Bible.”

      There are many more comments such as these that were made. To deny and reject Israel, is to go against Jesus Christ. It is simply true and the truth is with any “religion” who chooses to reject what God has said.

      Amos 9:14-15 I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant them on their land, and they shall never again be uprooted out of the land that I have given them,” says the Lord your God.

  12. Armorrcc. Catecahism of the Catholic Church-official teaching. From the Catholic website “Catholic Answers” to explain & defend the faith. Here I quote. “Question?” Is the Catholic Church the new Israel? Answer: Yes, the church is the fulfillment of Israel. As Paul says in Galatians 6:16, the church is the Israel of God. I also recommend you read Ephesians 2 & 3.” Questions? If so what do you feel about the Nation of Israel in her current state. Answer: “The secular nation/state of Israel has nothing to do with the kingdom of Israel. It is not a theocracy, as biblical Israel was, and it’s establishment does not fulfill prophecy as Hal Linsey, Tim LaHaye, and the rest of the misinformed dispensationalists would have it. It is simply a modern day homeland for the Jews where they had hoped to return to their roots and have a place of their own where they would not be constantly persecuted. That’s it.” Fedelis. Armorrcc, you are not part of the church, you are Roman Catholic. As Gloria stated, you have all the evidence you need. Your heart is not right, and you want to believe a lie. I do not know why you come on Ivar’s website where he has proven over and over the evil Roman Catholic teachings. The Roman Catholic church has added to God’s word and according to Scripture, they are changing the meaning of God’s word to get followers to join the Roman Church and to reverse the reformation, thus sending many to hell without their Savior, because they believed THE LIES. “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Revelation 22:18&19

  13. amorracc, I just want to say a couple of more things. You are not my brother, I want this to be clear. Second, unless you reject the Catholic Church and it’s teachings you will go to hell. I don’t want you to go there, but you have free will and you can choose. Choose this day who you will serve, as Joshua said. Unless you are born again (John 3), and Jesus said you must in His own words, you cannot see the kingdom of God, and unless you are born again you cannot understand scripture. God knows your heart, you can’t hide from Him. What ever you think, what ever you do condemns you unless you accept His forgiveness, and His payment for your sin. You must ask Christ to save you, and unless you do you will be lost forever. Are you going to trust the church or are you going to trust Jesus alone?

    1. Dear Nannette

      You wrote:
      “unless you reject the Catholic Church and it’s teachings you will go to hell.”

      My reply:

      Thank you for your concern for my soul and it is much appreciated.

      However with due respect, the fact is that in spite of your misunderstanding, Catholics are Christians, and part of the same Christianity that the early Apostles practiced.

      The Catholic faith is the same one that began with Our Lord Jesus Christ and has endured for almost 2000 years.

      Catholics believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. God is a Trinity that consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that we are saved by a personal relationship with the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

      We are born again and we do our best to live out that relationship by producing fruit worthy of repentance.

      None of us are perfect, we are all human, but we confess our sins to God in obedience to the scriptures and make a daily effort to be the best Christians that we can.

      The differences between us are the result of a division that occurred about 500 years ago called the Reformation.

      Before that we were all Catholics, a name which is Greek for “universal” and was used for all Christian churches and can be verified by the letter of Ignatius, the Bishop of the church of Antioch that he wrote to the church at Smyrna in about 107 AD.

      The name Catholic is used in order to differentiate between the church of Christ and other heretical groups such as the Gnostics.

      God Bless

      1. Dear armorrcc

        Shalom, and love in Jesus.

        Despite being spamed, you surface from time to time.

        This time you wrote:

        The differences between us are the result of a division that occurred about 500 years ago called the Reformation.

        My reply:

        It is always laughable to read the Roman Catholic falcification of history. In particular when the Catholic priest Martin Luther is blamed for the Reformation in and around 1530 A.D.

        Since we are no longer passive idiots for the Pope, we do not accept this kind of non sense.

        500 years before the Reformation, the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Church split. This split lead to a lot of disturbance for the papacy, like two different celebrations of Easter. It still continues. Jesus the Messiah seems to have died and ressurected on varrious different events, according to the Papacy and competing patricachs.

        Even if repeated 100 million times, it is a blunt and damnable lie, that the Roman Catholic Church is the oldest Church. The first Church stood in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. It was a Apostolic Baptist Church, that knew no other eternal city than Jerusalem. This church exist today. True Baptists have never, and will never accpet the papacy.

        The Thomas Churches in India was formed in the first century A.D. It knew no Pope, and did never have Rome and Italy as its spiritual center. Not before the Roman Catholic and Portugese onslaught on the Indian ocean around 1500 A.D. The Catholic from Portugal stole the land of the native Indians, and forced them to become idol worshipers of Catholic saints and madonnas.

        Rome is the epic center of the morbid and filthy worship of skull, bones and corpses of mortal men. You god mockers, do your depicable religious acts in the name of “Christ”. Millions of people hold their fingers over their nose, and are kept away from the true Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. You shall surely pay for eternity for all your crimes. Repent, or spend eternity in the flames of Hell.

        The Roman Catholic religion do misuse the name of “Jesus”. Their priests lead millions of people off the cliff and into the eternal fire. It is a shame, and an enormeous spiritual tragedy.

        Since I do not accept fraud beeing distributed from this site, and you have had amplified chances to repent, please leave. If I do not see any repenance in your next message, you message will remain in the spamfilter.

  14. Dear Ivar

    The doctrine of Nestorianism is not associated with the Catholic Church.

    It served Nestorian interests to claim Thomas rather than Peter as their founder.

    1Corinthians 1:10
    “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all say the same thing; and there be no dissensions among you, but that you be perfectly united in one mind and in one judgment.”

    God Bless you Ivar

    1. Dear armorrcc

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      Let us focus on some historical facts:

      You wrote:

      The doctrine of Nestorianism is not associated with the Catholic Church. It served Nestorian interests to claim Thomas rather than Peter as their founder.

      My comment:

      Nestorius was Archbishop of Constantinople from 428 until August 431. That is about 350 years after the Apostle Thomas founded the first Churches on the west coast of India.

      Now, who do you think you can cheat?

      300 years after Thomas, the Emperor of Rome wanted to take over the control of the Church of Jesus the Messiah. The emperor failed, and the failure has continued up to this day.

      Around the years 315-330 A.D, the Roman Emeror set in his puppet-Pope in the former temple of Jupiter. Already at the early stages, there was a lot of opposition. The Assyrian Church of the East broke away from the Western Roman Emperial form of religiousity. By 400 A.D the Christians in Assyria renounced the Papacy, and seperated them selves from Romanism in the name of “Christ”.

      So, the idea that Rome always has united the “body of Christ”, is false. Rome brought in paganizem, and wanted the Church to accept their idolatry as Christianity.

      The Roman Empire was never able to conqure the kingdom of Partia, were a lot of Jews had taken refuge after the thugs from Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70. A.D. When the Christians in the east saw the same kind of Chriminals trying to take over Christianity, they revolted and seperated them selves from the pagans in Rome. They renounced the mix of paganizem and Christiendom, presented by the emperor and his Bishop in Rome.

      The mother of all lies, is that “Peter” the Apostle, after seeing the city of Jerusalem being occupied by the Romans, freely accepted to change the center of the Jewish faith to the city of the occupiers in Rome. If it was possible, a defamation case should have been filed against the Pope. For defaming the name of the Jewish Apostle.

      May Jesus reveal to you, that you are still a child of the devil. I hope and pray that your soul will not be wasted. We know from the Bible, that the worshipes of idols of stone and wood, will not repent. They will continue with their idolatry, hold on to their falsehood, and rather curse God in their time of trouble.

      Repent, or perish.

      1. Dear Ivar

        The Thomas Christians call themselves in this way because their TRADITION holds that their ancestors, who all came from the Hindu society, were converted by the Apostle Thomas who went to India in the year 52 AD, I think.

        At present there is no written prove or disprove of this tradition.

        The Nasranis are divided into a number of denominations.

        They are either independent or in communion with Churches outside the country.

        They are not ONE as demanded by God.

        1Corinthians 1:10
        “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all say the same thing; and there be no dissensions among you, but that you be perfectly united in one mind and in one judgment.”

        Romans 15:5-6
        “May then the GOD of patience and of comfort grant you to be of one mind towards one another according to Jesus Christ; that in one spirit, you may with one mouth glorify the GOD and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

        Here is more:
        Ephesians 4:1-6
        Ephesians 4:11-15
        Ephesians 2:11-22

        Ezekiel 37:15-22
        Isaiah 56:7

      2. armorrcc

        Shalom, and love in Jesus.

        This is not taking us anywere, since you are a papist who reject the truth. There is no sign of repentence. Please leave this site.

    1. Dear nannette

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      I do not permit external links. But here, I will make an exception.

  15. Richard Bennett is a former Catholic priest who got saved. He shares a lot of info about the RCC. This pope Francis has to be one of the most Biblically ignorant popes in recent history.

  16. Dear Ivar

    I see you have removed my final reply. Therefore i have to understand that you can not refute it.

    Anyway keep well and may God Bless you always

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