The Catholic saint for all with toothache

Apollonia lost her teeth in Egypt. In England her teeth in their thousands were distributed and sold to mint money.

One of the “holy teeth” of Apollonia is kept in the Cathedral in Rab in Croatia, to be venerated and adored.

She died in 248 A.D in Alexandria in Egypt.  No one is sure when she was canonized, and what process of beautification she went through. But Roman Catholic legends say there were a popular acclamation around 300 A.D.

 Apollonia of Alexandria was not canonized. She was declared a saint before the official canonization process was instituted. She would have been proclaimed a saint by popular acclamation based on her life and merits, probably to a local bishop.

Source: Wikianswers:

Even the plyer is kept for adoration in the Cathedral in Porto in Portugal.
In many Roman Catholic paintings Apollonia is holding a plyer with one of her teeth.
Here the pale toothless saint, has long golden hair. Not typical Egyptian.

When you read the fine print in Wikipedia, you will see that the teeth of this lady were scattered over many nations. In Roman Catholic England her teeth were distributed in thousands to mint money. Her head, body parts and bones were also cut off the skeleton, and scattered.

 William S. Walsh noted that, though the major part of her relics were preserved in the former church of St. Apollonia at Rome,

her head at the Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere,

her arms at the Basilica di San Lorenzo fuori le Mura,

parts of her jaw in St. Basil’s,

and other relics are in the Jesuit church at Antwerp, in St. Augustine’s at Brussels, in the Jesuit church at Mechlin, in St. Cross at Liege, in the treasury of the cathedral of Porto, and in several churches at Cologne.

These relics consist in some cases of a solitary tooth or a splinter of bone. In the Middle Ages, objects claimed to be her teeth were sold as toothache cures.

During the reign of Henry VI of England, several tons of these purported teeth were collected in an effort to stop the scam.

Source: Wikipedia

Saint Apollonia was one of a group of virgin martyrs who suffered in Alexandria during a local uprising against the Christians prior to the persecution of Decius. According to legend, her torture included having all of her teeth violently pulled out or shattered. For this reason, she is popularly regarded as the patroness of dentistry and those suffering from toothache or other dental problems.

My comment:

It is disturbing to have tooth ache.  The Pope have a saint for everything, so why not for all who have costumed to much sweets or skipped the tooth paste.

Since some Roman Catholics do not trust Wikipedia, let me also quote the Catholic Encyclopedia

  The Roman Church celebrates her memory on 9 February, and she is popularly invoked against the toothache because of the torments she had to endure. She is represented in art with pincers in which a tooth is held. There was a church dedicated to her at Rome but it no longer exists. The little square, however, in which it stood is still called “Piazza Sant’ Apollonia”.

 Source: Catholic Encyclopedia.

Since it is possible to fool religious people and loot them of all their money, a “Holy tooth scam” seems to be an act of genius corruptible priests.

To prove the origin of a teeth is hardly possible without DNA samples or X-ray’s. In particular a teeth from a person who died 1400 years before King Henry VI brought an end to the religious scam of the Papists.

Do people get fooled today?

In the Cathedral of Porto in Portugal the ‘Holy tooth” is placed in a monstrance. The tooth is preserved together with a “Holy plyer”.  If the lady lost here teeth during torture:  Why is she presented holding the plyer and her own teeth?

 2 Corinthians 2:17
Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.

This makes sense. When people have tooth ache, just use a plyer and pull the tooth out. No more pain. No dental bill to be paid.

Written by Ivar

9 thoughts on “The Catholic saint for all with toothache

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    1. Dear Dorkas.


      You asked:

      So what does Catholic do wen they have head ache?

      My reply:

      Than it would not be enough to venerate a tooth, or pray in front of a jaw bone. Now Catholics must adore and pray in front of a skull.

    2. Dear Dorkas.


      There is obvious a “saint” for every ache….

      St. Teresa of Avila is the Roman Catholic saint to be venerated. She is the Patron of Headache sufferers.

      I will use my brain, and give you a full report.

  1. Ivar:
    Did you mean to be serious when you say it´s just to take a plier (plyer?) and pull out a tooth that´s aching??? Just to avoid paying the dentist? OK, for some people that may be the only possibility if their country (or themselves) is very poor. But I found it more than ironic that you seemed to mean that it would be deemed a normal procedure to follow if one do´nt want to pray to a Catholic saint.

    Of course I´m with you in the rest of you article…it´s sad this relic “business” still is in full blown activity in the RCC / RKK (as if there isn´t a lot of other sad things going on there)

  2. This is so gross..why are they carrying around dead peoples body parts and praying and honoring them… I have a hard time with looking at how blind people are to this nonsense! Ashes to ashes, dust to dust….no mention in scripture that I am aware of that Jesus said when one dies to march around and honor and pray to teeth,skulls,wooden dolls or any other dead thing. This is so crazy, it makes me laugh..

  3. Ivar, you never cease to amaze me. You do a lot of work uncovering the abominations of the false religion which is ‘not Christian’ but in name only. Thank you for all your hard work. You are truly appreciated. If I shared this with my Catholic family and friends they would not believe me. They say, ‘the media is putting out lies to destroy the church.’ Only our Lord and Savior can open their eyes, just like he did me and you. Praise the Lord! America has a lot of Catholic’s running the country mixed in with Islamists and atheists. They are trying to bring all religions together with much deceit. We need to be careful because there is much deception!

    1. Dear nannette

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      Thanks for blessing me. Return to sender. Love and grace.

  4. Read the early church fathers. The ones who put together the bible. 400 years before. Taught by the apostles. Glory be to Jesus Christ

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