“60 Minutes” demonize Israel and acquits Islam

Segment on Palestinian Christians in the Holy Land stirs backlash.

CBS’ Bob Simon gets paid hard cash by Arabian advertisers for his defamation of the state of Israel.

A new report on the state of Christians living in the Holy Land aired on CBS’ “60 Minutes” last weekend has stirred controversy among some Christian and Jewish groups that have blasted the report as unfairly portraying Israel as an oppressor of Middle East Christians.

CBS’ Bob Simon conducted the new report seeking to refute that Muslim discrimination is driving force for the mass exodus of Palestinian Christians from the Holy Land.

He argued that it has been Israeli settlements and the policies of Israel that have forced Christians out of the Holy Land.

Today Christians make up 1.5 percent of the population of Jerusalem but just in 1967 had constituted five percent of those living in the holy city, according to the report.

The report also stated that the number of Christians living in the ancient city of Jerusalem are the most troubling and the church has been raising alarm that without Christians in the holy city Jerusalem could easily transform into a “religious museum” or “spiritual theme park,” and no longer be a home Arab Christians who have lived there for centuries.

Source: Christian Post

My comment:

Search for the truth was for many decades the central policy of journalism. Not any more. “Yellow journalism” is about money.

Media is looking for the corporates who are willing to pay the TV anchors for Prime Time profiling. Directors and editors publish “reports” that would make a great show, to the benefit of the advertisers and shareholders.

Israel is a scape goat that brings in the cash. All kind of Arabian and anti-Jewish sentiments are willing to sponsor those who demonize and defame the Jewish statehood.

Paul the Apostles warned us all. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

 1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

Some of the best paid gladiators in the media theaters in the World, are journalist. Some of them works in the CBS.

Written by Ivar

21 thoughts on ““60 Minutes” demonize Israel and acquits Islam

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  1. I was in the U.S. Post Office today, and was asked what kind of stamps did I want, I said ”The American Flag” it’s about all that’s left that resembles America. I guess the ‘blood that was shed from it’s conception till now, is just a sham to get more land, oil, power etc …Sad but true. Thanks for this post it’s more of the “Pick-Up-Sticks” that we’ll remember as they try to ‘push Israel to the sea’ and blame Israel for the cost of Tea in China!!…and Satan sits in the Throne of Power. (for a few seconds)

  2. OK, it’s one thing to call the 60 minutes piece ‘yellow journalism’ its quite another to back it up with facts that you researched yourself.
    Do you disagree because you categorically back Israel right or wrong or because you have facts in contrary (besides you KNOW you are right)

    1. But CBS and MSNBC ARE yellow journalism, period. How many CBS and MSNBC idiots that fake the news have to be exposed before you catch on?????

      1. If truth be known, I dare say “little Ole Fox News” can be added to that group…I’ve seen some mighty flip-flops in who and what they back, as they advertise that two or more are Catholics. “It all comes out in the wash on Wash-day”

      2. It’s not one source, with that being the point. I have a number of sources that I then cross reference to try and get through the slant, if there is one. I mention CBS and MSNBC because they, like Newsweek are blatantly liberal slanted, even if they have to create their own story and proud of it.

      3. OK, so which points exactly do you disagree with and what is your evidence to refute it.. THere is a difference between saying something is slanted (there is no such thing as true objective reporting and very little objective anything else) so if it is yellow journalism and they are making things up what is your evidence.
        Also isn’t the CEO of CBS the great-nephew of the first Prime Minister of Israel? Or are you really saying that someone who is jewish would do something just for profit? What are you implying?

      4. ….even if they have to create their own story and proud of it……???

      5. Msnbc published a photo of a gun toting NRA gun advocate in Arizona when BO was there showing the group was racist, only one problem they took someone else’s photo and cropped it. The photo was a gun toting, NRA member black man within the group. Just recently CBS had to recant a story that was shown to be totally made up concerning US sweatshops in China, and then there’s Dan Rather…….

      6. …and your point is ??? (smile) Certainly it’s not that the TV Media would lie, distort, bought and told what to or not to report the news??? Nahhhh (smile)….I thought you were implying this site is doing what the News Media does? that is what I was responding to…

      7. ha hahahaha….thanks …I needed that simple response…& smile…hahaha

      8. How old is your dog? we had one just like it, except he had a black spot (pure black) the size of a .50 cent piece…but he got so old we had to put him down. He had been with us for many years. He & us were Blessed of The Lord many times thru those years thru & with him.

      9. Our dog, only 2 aggravating action was he’d not stop barking at the refrigerator when there was ‘Doggie Ice cream’ in there. the other was when he was ready to lay down to sleep at night, he’d pull the comforters off the bed and bring them to us, and then go back and get the pillows upon which he’d lay on…all this after he had barked for us to ‘go to our rooms’ to sleep! (No we didn’t kill him but it was discussed ‘at’ him many times hahaha..

  3. Thanks for the heads up Ivar. It’s clear that there is a movement in the US to get the Americans to endorse BO dropping support of Israel. Mainstream media pushing misinformation, mega churchs like Willow Creek, Saddleback all pushing this. Yes, Americans could ignore Israel attacking the Philistines, it’s in the Bible, but Jews attacking Christians…….

    1. Just a thought, you may already covered and I missed, ‘Is it really ‘Jews attacking Christians’? or like Kennedy and many other like situations, where people are brought in and set up the many votes, killings, attacks….for the ones behind the scenes to get what they want? Many of these are well known facts…

      1. I don’t know that any Jews are attacking Christians as a directive. But that is the twisted storyline developing in the US. How better an excuse for the Muslim president Obama to drop support of Israel than having “christians” clamoring for him to stop the “killing of Christians” by the Jews.

  4. Reblogged this on <a href="http:/ (censored. Editor). and commented:
    An incredible turn on the events happening in Israel.

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