The Pope tried to avert Iraq war with bones of Therese

“Her remains were taken to Baghdad in 2002 in the hope of averting the Iraq conflict”.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor folds his hands and bow before the bones of “Saint Therese” at the UK tour of the relics in 2009. 

And part of the relics of Saint Therese have been sent into orbit around the Earth.

This was reported by the BBC in September 2009. Here are some more picture from the tour of the relics of “St. Therese”in the UK in 2009.

The bishop press his nose against the glass to kiss the box with the bones.
Offering incense in front of the bones. Not at all worship, says the Vatican. Only veneration.

This is what reports on the life of “Saint” Therese of Lisieux:

She died of tuberculosis when she was 24, after having lived as cloistered Carmelite for less than ten years.

 She never went on missions, never founded a religious order, never performed great works. The only book of hers, published after her death, was an brief edited version of her journal called “Story of a Soul.”  But within 28 years of her death, the public demand was so great that she was canonized.

Tragedy and loss came quickly to Therese when her mother died of breast cancer when she was four and a half years old. Her sixteen year old sister Pauline became her second mother — which made the second loss even worse when Pauline entered the Carmelite convent five years later. A few months later, Therese became so ill with a fever that people thought she was dying.

 When Therese saw her sisters praying to statue of Mary in her room, Therese also prayed. She saw Mary smile at her and suddenly she was cured.

On Good Friday of 1896 Thérèse showed the first symptons of the disease which would lead to her death. She coughed up blood, and suffered greatly over an 18 month period before leaving this world on 30th September 1897, at the age of 24

She was canonised in 1925 and declared a Doctor of the Church in 1997


Lets take a look at some few more photos:

The priest kiss the glass that protects the bones. A female Catholic gets a nice picture.
A Roman Catholic faithful bow and kisses the box.
Kneeling an praying in front of the bones. Not at all worship of the dead. Only adoration of “holy bones”.
A Catholic nun in deep adoration of a dead persons bones.
The relics of the “holy sister” Therese has arrived.
A Catholic lady cant wait for the bones to come out, so she can venerate them.

My comment:

The vile and demonized adoration of bones will not end before those who participate are thrown into the eternal fire of Hell.

The book of Revelation explains, that God of the Bible will not be able to penetrate this society of Lucifer.  Not even in the midst of pain, agony and sickness.  Catholics will never admit that worship of idols is the root of their sufferings. When the tribulation strike, they will keep on cursing God and continue their idolatry.

Revelation 16:10-12

The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.

Revelation 16:20-21
Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.

 Revelation 9:20
The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

Since the Pope did not take the wax figure of this “saint” with him to Bagdad,  I guess there is some kind of acknowledgement of the lack of power and holiness in this figure?

But what makes the Pope think there is some power in a box of rotten bones, that would make Saddam Hussein call on the Pope to make “peace”?

Since, the bones of  Carmelite nun did not bring the desired “peace” in Iraq: What should be the logical consequences of this failure?

That bones are bones, I presume? And that wax also is wax.  Wax is not divine and “holy”, but man made items.

The “holy wax copy” of St. Therese is located in a Roman Catholic shrine in France.

But not: In 2009 the Bishops, priest and fateful Roman Catholics carried this powerless bones on their shoulders, bowed down to them and kissed the glass mounter who kept them from evaporating because of the humidity in the air and fluids from all the kissers.

Written by Ivar

4 thoughts on “The Pope tried to avert Iraq war with bones of Therese

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  1. it saddens me to see those poor catholics (like i use to be) trying to get God favor by works…

  2. Watching old priests (who claim to love Jesus) press their lips to idols is certainly repulsive. Makes one think of how Elijah must have felt as he watched the priests of Baal lead the children of Israel astray.

  3. It is easy for people, like those above, to condemn something out of ignorance. The veneration of relics in Catholic and Orthodox tradition goes back to back to Apostolic times. In the Acts of the Apostles even handkerchiefs or aprons which had touched the apostle were used to heal the sick and excorsise demons. (Acts19;11-12). The very bones of Martyres and Saints are even more powerful and I have witnessed miracles myself worked through the relics/bones of Saint Gerard Majella. The ‘bones’ of the Saints and Holy people are not just dsicarded elements of a once live body but according to ‘true’ Christian ie (Catholic and Orthodox) theology will be reunited with the spirit in the resurrection of the dead. Saint Thomas Aquinas articulated thi sancient teaching for the faithful in his famous ‘Summa Theologica’. He wrote: “It is manifest that we should show honour to the saints of God, as being members of Christ, the children and friends of God, and our intercessors. Wherefore in memory of them we ought to honour any relics of theirs in a fitting manner: principally their bodies, which were temples of the Holy Spirit dwelling and operating in them, and are destined to be likend to the body of Christ by the glory of the resurrection. Hence God himself honours such relics by working miracles at their presence” (Tertia Pars. Q.25 art 6)
    No explanation is possible for those who choose not to understand and no amount of negative comment will ever change Christian tradition and practise on this matter.

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