Rick Santorum: Freemason and a “Knight of Malta”

Rick Santorum fights for the Pope, and is a member of an Order that tried to retake Jerusalem for the Papacy.
Rick Santorum fights for the Pope. Still he is branded as a "Conservative Evangelical Christian".

Rick Santorum fell eight votes short of winning the Iowa caucasus of the Republican party. The winner Mitt Romney is a Mormon, who do not know God at all.  The popular outsider is portrayed as the new hope for Evangelical Christianity in the US. Like his supporters he is equally disconnected.

This is recorded about Rick Santorum on Wikipedia:

Santorum and his family usually attend Latin Mass at Saint Catherine of Siena Church, near Washington, D.C. On November 12, 2004.

Santorum and his wife were invested as Knight and Dame of Magistral Grace of the Knights of Malta in a ceremony at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York.

Santorum traveled in 2002 to Rome to speak at a centenary celebration of the birth of Saint Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei.

 In an interview with the National Catholic Reporter while in Rome, Santorum said that the distinction between private religious conviction and public responsibility, espoused by President John F. Kennedy, had caused “great harm in America.”

 Source: Wikipedia.com

My comment:

It is possible for laymen to be unaware that Rick Santorum is a knight of the Papacy in Rome. It is only two weeks since he entered the Presidential race.

But Pastors on the US, must have been aware about this Roman Catholic congressman.

That is why it is rather shocking that 50 “Independent Baptist pastors” in Iowa, endorsed Rick Santorum. Their only demand, was that Santorum must make their own daughter, Michelle Backmann his nominee for Vice President.

This is recoded by a local news wire:

  Burlington, IA (MMD Newswire) January 2, 2012 — Hours from the onset of the year 2012 and the January 3 Iowa Caucuses, the nation’s first GOP Presidential voting, the Rev. Brad Cranston, a Michelle Bachmann endorser who leads about 50 Independent Baptist pastors and churches in Iowa, offered to shift his endorsement to her rival Rick Santorum if he’ll make a “full-disclosure, total-transparency, Vice Presidential choice, and if that choice is Michele Bachmann.”

Source: NMD Nrewswire.

The Southern Baptists leaders in the US seems to be more of less disconnected from realities.  The Bible says the people will perish because of their lack of knowledge, and rejection of the truth.

When J.F Kennedy was elected as President, He was elevated by millions of Evangelical Christians. That Kennedy was a Roman Catholic was totally ignored. Kennedy was a notorious womanizer, and He gifted the American people the Vietnam war, that lead to the murder of one million innocent Vietnamese, and 50.000 US soldiers. 10 years before this war was over, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

Southern Baptist pastor Rick Warren endorsed Barack Husein Obama. He even laid his hand on the Bible outside the White House, and prayed for Obama in the name of “Muslim Messiah Esa”.

Link to the recorded prayer of Rick Warren

Now, 50 Baptist pastors endorse a “Knight of Malta”. This is an order that wants to recapture Jerusalem for the Pope. Santorum is also a promoter and supporter of the Freemason organization “Opus Dei”, who secretly work for the Pope in all kinds of forums.

No wonder why the United States of America is on its way down the road to the abyss.

In their thousands, “Evangelical Christian leaders” in the US, are ready to work with the devil.. In Iowa they are so hungry for Worldly power, that they exchange votes for a Roman Catholic if they can get the vice president in the bargain. Today this office is held by another Roman Catholic, Joe Biden.

Read mow about the order of the Knight of Malta

Written by Ivar

61 thoughts on “Rick Santorum: Freemason and a “Knight of Malta”

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  1. The Baptist Church I grew up in is no longer in existance. It long
    ago departed from the faith. Perhaps a few are still true, but here now mostly it is the Independent Baptist Churches which still serve and praise our Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Dear Korni


      There will only be two camps left down the end of the road. The sheep and the goats.

      Since the Reformation, the flock has been divided. True Christians have been able to discern the Pope as an Antichrist. The other camp has either hailed the Pope as “the Holy Father”, or at least accepted the Pontiff as a Christian leader.

      In the Lutheran camp, most of the Lutherans are willing to accept Roman Catholics as “Christians”, because the “Church” is so old and conservative. The Pentecostals accept the Roman Catholics, when they start to pray in tongues.

      The Southern Baptists accept Catholics, to gain Worldly political powers. They both argue that the enemies of the Church, is the secular man. But many times there is more true hidden Christianity in warn secular people, than among hypocrites in the religious camp.

      In the Jewish camp, you can see similarities. Most secular Jews with whom I have shared a cup of coffee, can accept me as a believer in Yeshua. More than a dozen of them, have accepted to read a New Testament in Hebrew. Some religious Jews have responded to my “I love Israel:, by hanging up posters a long the road, waring people not to talk with me.

      1. Not all Pentecostals accept Catholics. Prophecy teacher Irvin Baxter teaches that the pope in power during the time of the great tribulation, will be the false prophet, and the political leader of the European Union, will be the antichrist.

        Peter Shepherd

  2. Wolves in Sheep’s clothing … Here are some of them including Pat Robertson.

    I thank YHWH I am neither Catholic, Christian, or even Messianic, but a staunch TORAH believer and follower that which Yeshua taught. I want no badges on me but to just do my best to follow in YAH’s Way… and I hope many will do the same.

    YAH Bless

  3. In March of last year the Boston Globe quoted Rick Santorum telling a group of right-wing Catholics that he was “frankly appalled” that America’s first Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, once said “I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute.” In characterization, Santorum went further by saying “That was a radical statement,” and did “great damage.” And Santorum concluded, “We’re seeing how Catholic politicians, following the first Catholic president, have followed his lead, and have divorced faith not just from the public square, but from their own decision-making process.”

    Santorum may insist that he is a better Catholic then I am and a better man to be president than John F. Kennedy, but just as freely I view him as a religious bigot that neither speaks for me in matters or conscience nor political affairs. And further, were he to gain the power of the presidency by successfully painting the people’s consideration with his brand of religious fanaticism, it would do “great damage” to our land.

    And frankly, in words of comparative disparagement that Lloyd Bentsen directed at Dan Quayle in their 1988 vice-presidential debate, “Rick Santorum, you’re no John F. Kennedy.”

    1. Dear Sam Osborn


      I an not so concerned about Rick Santorum being neither a freemason, nor a Papal Knight of Malta. I am concerned about Evangelical Christians being deceived. Every time Santorum is called “an Evangelical conservative”, people tell a lie. When we tell lies, we sin.

      If the US want a Roman Catholic as president, they will get one. No true Christian wants to abolish democracy, since there is no better way to govern the Earth.

      The US wanted John F. Kennedy as President. And they got Him.

      Whoever is President in the US, the Prophetic Word will be fulfilled. The US will join the Global army that will push Israel into the false peace. The Majority of the people of the World will welcome the last antichrist, and worship him as “god”. It does not matter if the Commander in chief in the US is a Bush, a Clinton or an Obama.

  4. couldn’t agree with you more about its not so much that he’s a member of a secret society group, its the fact that he’s easily pinned as the evangelical christian spokesmen.

  5. Hey ivarfjeld! I know this is a little off-topic but I didn’t know where was best to ask you, what is the abomination of desolation? I want to know what it is so when I see it I can follow Jesus’ warning. Thanks!

    1. Dear Eric.


      You asked:

      the abomination of desolation…

      My reply:

      If I knew for sure, I would come on CNN before the end of this day….

      I can have my private opinion about this, which is of no importance.

      What I know, is that the Pope has many thrones. The main one, is set up in St.Peters Basilica in the Vatican. That a man who claim to be the “Holy Father”, and the “Vicar of Christ” sits on a throne on the very site of the former temple of Jupiter, is a abomination.

      When the Pope visited Israel in May 2009, the Pope sat down on another of his throne’s. This one is placed inside the Latin Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem. As long as this abomination stands there, it will not create desolation. It did between 1099 and 1291 A.D, when the Roman Catholic Kingdom of Jerusalem existed.

      The word Desolation is a complicated word, with multiple meanings: But the most common use: desolation – the state of being decayed or destroyed, devastation, deterioration, impairment – a symptom of reduced quality or strength, ruin, ruination – an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction; “you have brought ruin on this entire family”…

      When this throne is moved and placed inside the Dome of the Rock in the Old city of Jerusalem, we will reached the zenit of blasphemy on Earth. Many people will worship the lawless man who sits there, and hope for “world peace”. But: Probably this abomination will be the Biblical abomination of desolation.

      1. Thank you for your reply. On my website that is linked I explain how the vatican established what we think of today as marriage but the bible clearly has no reference to a preacher or exchanging rings etc. The bible explains quite clearly that a marriage takes place when a man takes a woman’s virginity. Can you check out my articles on this subject and share your thoughts? I am eager to know if you agree with me because you seem to be so aware of the evil in the vatican. I look forward to your response!

  6. The above post is just anti-Catholic, but it is true sometimes Evangelicals show more sense in voting than Catholics themselves.

    “Rick Santorum is the product of a strong Catholic foundation who has led his own family those same values. Where is everyone else? I am very glad to see a strong conservative group such as Newt Gingrich, whom I have already mentioned and Govenor Rick Perry, who is a Protestant Evangelical, very strong pro-life stand and pro-marriage proponent.

    If Rick Perry is the Rebublican nominee, he would have my support.”


    1. Deeper Truth.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus the Messiah.

      There have been many Roman Catholics with strong values. One of them had a winning slogan, which brought Him to power: “Kinder, Kuchen and Kirche”.

      This man was Nazi-leader Adolf Hitler. A pro life supporter.

      He rebuilt Germany, and had millions of supporters. He gave the Germans auto bahn, and Wolksvagen. He also made the German steel industry the strongest in the World, and gave the Germans employment.

      I do not think Rick Santorum is a supporter of Hitler. But if you do not know what a “Knight of Malta” is supposed to do for the Pope, you should at least study the roots of this military Papal order. “Opus Dei” is also not a kinder garden, that Evangelical Christians should whitewash.

  7. Deeper Truth,

    Rick Perry wanted the Texas corridor. Read up on that. On top of that he panders to the NAR dominionists. Google it.

    Rick Santorum, as a knight of malta, has to take a pledge to give first allegiance to the pope, not the people of the United States. Where do you think his allegiance lies?

  8. Factual Corrections — just so you don’t sound like a raving lunatic.

    Opus Dei is a Catholic group, it’s not a Masonic (“Freemasons”) organization. (The two entities are probably opposed to each other because, as you know, Catholics and Masons are less than sympathetic to each other.)

    Santorum is part of the Knights of Malta, another Catholic group. There are two organizations which use the name “Knights of Malta” one is Masonic, one is Catholic. The two groups are not related and not connected. The Masons use the name as sort of a “romantic / historical” reference for one of its ritual degrees; the Catholic group traces its lineage to the actual group of crusader knights, which was, of course, Catholic.

    1. Dear Lewis.


      Opus Dei is one of the secret societies within the Vatican system. The main challenge with information provided by secret societies, is that their PR-officers always trade through mucky waters.

      Her is what Wikipedia has recorded:

      Controversies about Opus Dei have centered around criticisms of its alleged secretiveness, its recruiting methods, the alleged strict rules governing members, the practice by celibate members of mortification of the flesh, its alleged elitism and misogyny, the alleged right-leaning politics of most of its members, and the alleged participation by some in authoritarian or extreme right-wing governments, especially the Francoist Government of Spain until 1978. Within the Catholic Church, Opus Dei is also criticized for allegedly seeking independence and more influence.


      1. Don’t disagree in the slightest with your reply about OD. I wouldn’t cite Wikipedia as a scholarly source, but the para you offer isn’t terribly far from what my own research confirms.

        I’m pointing out that (1) Opus Dei is unrelated to Freemasonry and (2) Santorum is part of the SMOM, not Freemasons.

        Unsure if Santorum is part of Opus Dei, but not sure that matters.

      2. There are many great studies that have shown that all secret societies lead to Rome and come under the authority of the Pope. William Cooper here: http://www.ukginger.net/mystery-babylon.php
        Although an SDA Walter Vieth has a good lesson on yhe origins of the occult and secret societies linking them to Rome, here: http://amazingdiscoveries.org/audio.html#8-4-10-Walter_Veith_The_Secret_Behind_Secret_Societies

        So you can bicker all you want about Masons and the Sovriegn Military Order of the Knights of Malta, they all are ruled and controlled by the Pope.

      3. James Corn-on-Crack: You’re over-estimating the bishop of Rome’s power. For the most part, freemasons can’t STAND catholics. Taking such a grand and sweeping stand (when I assume you’re neither mason nor catholic and don’t really know) show how uninformed you area.

  9. Shalom Ivar,

    I hadn’t a clue what was “Opus Dei” as there are hundreds of ‘cults’ and weird things going on out there. When new words strike me, I immediately always go digging before I write. So thanks to you for mentioning it in your comment for I learned something new and that is the ‘bad within the ugly’. Question is was this what Yeshua(Jesus) taught? Certainly NOT !! … here are some highlights from the article – see what an ex-Opus Dei member has to say. Basically it is control and intrusion into the lives of members.

    [[[ “…former member, Monsignor Vladimir Felzmann, believes that Opus Dei has a covert agenda to its activities. He was a member for 22 years, joining in 1969, and was one of those closest to its founder. The group’s overall aim is to recruit, he said. “Covertly it’s to have something to which you attract leading scientists and persuade them to join. But it’s hard to know who belongs and who doesn’t because they’re encouraged not to tell you. You don’t know what they’re up to.”

    “When you meet people who, as a result of Opus Dei, give up religion and don’t want funeral prayers to be said, then that matters.”

    He said he was saddened, rather than bitter, about the group. “When Christianity and fascism embrace you get Opus Dei. It was born in a time of fascism. They don’t teach respect and love for others.”

    In a book about Véronique Duborgel, a 44-year old kindergarten teacher and former Opus Dei supernumerary, Susan Bell of the Telegraph (Britain), “describes techniques of psychological isolation similar to those sometimes used by sects, and claims that Opus Dei intrudes into the most intimate areas of members’ private lives, encourages them to inform on each other and drains their financial resources…she was instructed not to tell family or friends that she was a member of Opus Dei.” ]]]

    Read full article here: http://www.henrymakow.com/opus_dei.html

  10. The “problem” with JFK was that he declared that American religious freedom had precedence over his own religious views. this was OK for him to say, to “get the votes”. But he wasn’t supposed to actually mean it. He was supposed to be the RC church’s golden boy. They groomed him and supported him, and looked forward to his co-operation. But when he got into office he crossed the Catholic church on so many things they decided they couldn’t use him any more. and the RC church was the source of the assassination. He issued several million dollars of non-federal reserve money, just a few days before he was shot, and his signature on that order was ignored. He was getting ready to pull out of Viet Nam. That was known as “Spelly’s War” ( Cardinal Spellman.). The first thing they made Johnson do the day after he took office was to order more heavy involvement.

    In all of today’s betrayal of freedom by political leaders, learn to look for the RC church influence. And the evangelical churches don’t have a clue what’s going on.
    . .

    1. So very true and people outside of and within the majority of evangelical churches are the sheeple who only focus on what their leaders preach and don’t give a darn about what’s really going on in the political side that so well connects with the prophecies of the Word of God.

      1. Dear Jes.


        I cant free my self from the thought, that the Republican race for presidency, is like the TV-show “American idol”. The one with the best make-up will win.

  11. I don’t believe he is a freemason, as when i became one before i accepted Christ, i was told that to be a mason you could not be physically deformed ( i was physically checked for such things) nor could you be black as a freemason must be free born. Nor could you be female or catholic. Blacks had their own lodge that i could go to but they could not come to mine. Females had their own branch which served the men at meals etc. Hope this helps…..keep up the good news.
    Blessings to all.

    1. Dear George.


      You wrote:

      ….nor could you be black as a freemason must be free born.

      My reply:

      Colin Power, former Joint Chief of Staff in the US military, is a knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. That is a military knighthood under the Queen of England and the Commonwealth.

      The problem with secret societies, is that they are secret. May be you are telling the truth, may be not. You do not even know, who is the original source of the order you have received.

      I once asked a huge and muscular Israeli: ” Are you an agent for Mossad?”. He smiled at me, and replied: “May be, may be not”.

      1. You are right Ivar with the phrase “May be, may be not”. I read that if an ex-of-these-societies spill out the beans – they become “dead meat” – It’s a heavy price to pay. One example Alberto Riveira.

      2. Hi Ivar
        There is probably alot i do not know about freemasonry, for example i knew nothing of the higher orders as you had to work on your own level. My lodge was silver gate in san Diego. I would not know about anything above my degree. Nor would i see the point in being untruthful about such a thing. I just remember my coach telling me those things. I do not doubt there are black masons i was just told they had their own lodges. I had to be invited to lodges except where it was a meeting for my degree level. I have resources to show my involvement as i have kept scrap books of events in my life should anything i say come in to question. My only goal in life is to see the kingdom of our Lord and king Jesus Christ set up that’s all i think about. I have followed your site and use it in my meetings as a tool to show what is happening in the world.
        Blessings to you and everyone

      3. Dear George


        Thanks for this comment. I am bless you have come out of freemasonry. I am also bless, that you use News That Matter to inform others. May Jesus the Messiah bless you, and keep you safe from all kinds of deceptions. Amen.

      4. Ivar, the Order of Bath isn’t a secret society. It’s a British honor someone is given by the Queen as a thank you for service to the realm.

      5. Dear Lewis


        You wrote:

        Ivar, the Order of Bath isn’t a secret society. It’s a British honor someone is given by the Queen as a thank you for service to the realm.

        My reply:

        The moment you have been knighted by the Queen, you accept her Lordship. We shall have only one Lord, and He is Lord Jesus.

        When you come in under the Lordship of the Queen, you become her subject. Jesus the Messiah said we shall only be His subject. The idea of Kings, is that that they are invited to be under the Lordship of the Kings of Kings. Very few are that. Herod tried to kill the King of Kings, and all who surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus the Messiah.

        When you come under the Lordship of any other Lord than Jesus, let it be secular or outright anti-Christian, you become like this Lord. The Queen of England is also a head of secret societies. You might not be invited to become 0-0-7, who like his drinks stirred, not shaken. But there is always a desk for you as 0-0-8.

        The Pope is the dead of secret societies too. His secret knights now take care of all the priest who have raped alter boys. The Pope speak sweet words in public, while the black Pope find a way to create smoke screens, and hide the criminals.

      6. Ivar — agree about the lordship of Jesus — he is the messiah and the savior of mankind. Thanks be to God for that — and no argument from me!

        However, I’ve got friends who are good Christians who also happen to have been awarded (authentic, not masonic or “faternal club”) knighthoods. I know them well enough to know that they view their knighthoods as a charming historical tradition, and understand the British monarch as exactly what she is — a figurehead without any real power.

        By “black pope” — do you mean the head of the Jesuits? Right now, it’s Father Nicholas, who’s been the superior since 2008. I met him a couple of years ago when he visited my city. He seemed to me to be a genuinely holy man with a heart for ministry and service.

        My point is that unless you know some of these people and actually know (as our Lord would know) where their hearts are — it’s really impossible to say — in a complete and sweeping generalization: “You don’t love the Lord because you’re a British knight,” or “You don’t love the Lord because you’re a Jesuit.” I suggest that this kind of thinking leads to discord within the Body of Christ.

        Our core values as Christians must center on the redeeming work of Jesus’s cross — his death by crucifixion and his resurrection and ascension whereby he gained for us the opportunity for salvation.

        I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, Ivar. Consider C.S. Lewis’s thoughts on Christians debating points of high theology as found in his seminal tome “Mere Christianity”.

        Pax vobiscum. (Peace be with you.)

  12. Yep, you are right Ivar, re: “…. like the TV-show “American idol” and I would like to add “Dancing with the Stars” …. the hype is the norm in America. It’s the real HELLENISTIC world out there. People are so hyped about getting a new President not knowing what’s waiting for them after the one is elected – but let’s see what G-d say here:

    “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.” (Jer.17:5)
    “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever.” Psalm 146:3-6

    Also remember when the Israelites were bent on having a king – G-d allowed them to elect Saul… long history short … instead of Saul killing Agag, king of the Amalekites, he instead spared his life…Years after that these same Amalekites wanted to exterminate all the Israelites from all 127 provinces (Bk of Esther) and it has continued and will continue till the end-times until Yeshua(Jesus). The Amalekites are none other than the Iranians who are still determined to wipe Israel off the map.
    If we go back into history we can see that it’s the same scenario with America… This is what happens when we put G-d behind us rather than put HIM before us and have HIM lead us.


  13. Hi George,

    I like reading blogs and the different views of people as it enables me to learn from both, do my research, and further my knowledge in order to share with others. Hence in response to your feedback to Ivar dtd.January 14, 2012 at 11:01 pm, this is what I came up with and sincerely hope it will help you.

    TRUTH ABOUT FREE MASONRY – By an “EX” 90th degree Mason! Bill Schnoebelen 2-Parts
    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GtlAGI0urQ
    2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-Nie_syH-U

    Interview with an Ex-Vampire & High degree Mason(Bill Schnoebelen)
    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLHQAH4jsTM&feature=related

    EXPOSING LUCIFER – Beware of False Prophets using the Bible / exalting satan – There are more than 40,000 of these wolves in America alone aside from the rest of the world who are grabbing people to drag them into hell. Listen minutely to their words as they call upon “satan” instead of “Jesus”
    1. http://avenueoflight.xanga.com/videos/073cf1179590/#filmstriptitle
    2. http://avenueoflight.xanga.com/videos/a45031179589/#filmstriptitle
    3. http://avenueoflight.xanga.com/videos/0cabe1179591/#filmstriptitle

    I have a lot more interesting info on such matters if you wish I can send it out to you next time.
    May Yeshua the Salvation (Jesus) bless you and lead you into His Holy Light.


  14. Knights of Malta are not Freemasons, neither are Opus Dei. In fact, Freemasonry and Catholicism don’t mix. At all. Knights of Malta are a service organization which vow Christian principals.

    1. David.


      You are not a man of honor, not to be trusted. You promised your self never to come back to this site. Do not rob your self of all self respect.

  15. Many of the Baptist and fundamentalist baptist [IFB] churches and evangelicals as a whole have been deceived by Rome’s politically driven-culture wars and Dominionism!

    The Duggars are just one example of duped “Christian” dominionists, lining up for the Catholic agenda:



    This is why they are lining up to vote a Papal Knight [Knights of Malta] in.

    Have you read any of the expose’s about Boykin and his involvements with Calvary Chapels? He is a Knights of Malta too.

    The politicial system is corrupt and owned by the NWO, and the fundamentalists and evangelicals lined up with it, have been deceived.

    1. Jerry Boykin is not a Roman Catholic Knight of Malta.

      He’s apparently part of some knighthood-like entity which is similar and which wears similar black robes with maltese crosses, but it’s not the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

      The Queen, as depicted above, is patroness of the Venerable Order of St. John — a “cousin” organization of the Knights of Malta in England, but only related on diplomatic terms. (The Queen is temporal head of the Church of England and can’t be part of a Roman Catholic organization.)

  16. Please be advised re: Knights of Malta: The goal is to assist the elderly, handicapped, refugeed, children, homeless, those with terminal illness and leprosy in five continents of the world, without distinction of race or religion In several countries—including France, Germany and Ireland—the local associations of the Order are important providers of first aid training, first aid services and emergency medical services. Through its worldwide relief corps—Malteser International—the Order is also engaged to aid victims of natural disasters, epidemics and armed conflicts. It is not a secret oder to declare any crusade or other action.
    The Opus Dei of today is not related to the Opus Dei of Brown’s imagination. Opus Dei is a Catholic institution founded by Saint Josemaría Escrivá. Its mission is to spread the message that work and the circumstances of everyday life are occasions for growing closer to God, for serving others, and for improving society. It and the Order of Malta are not are not under the “rule of the Pope” nor are they conducting secret/ covert missions for the Pope. Seeking understanding of Catholic theology, or any theology, would go a long way to dispelling juvenile conspiracy theories.
    As for culture wars, I only see the Culture of Life vs. the Culture of Death.I would hope that all of you are on the side of the culture of Life. However, the gate is narrow and we must continue to discern if our actions truly support Life and are in accordance with God’s Will. Sometimes we find that what our gut or emotions tell us aren’t actually in accordance with the will of God.
    Please seek the truth about things before you throw around words that can be so misleading and inflamatory.Power is not how fast you can whip out a witty response, but is in an informed conscience that responds with mercy and truth. In Christ, S.

    1. Dear Elisabeth.


      Freemasons claim to do a lot of good social works. That is their way to legitimize their hidden agendas.

      The whole idea behind the Knighthood of Malta, is to retake Jerusalem and the Holy land for the Papacy. There are different orders. One of them is a military order.


      The secret head of all freemasons, are the Black Pope. The Jesuit General has been given the task to bring all Churches and all Christians back under the Papacy. This can be done openly in the society, through building of educational institutions, or by secret “holy orders”. The whole idea of secret “holy orders” is that they are supposed to be secret. The one who receive the order, is not suppose to know the origin of the order, but simply obey.

      1. If you wish to look at some reality see: http://www.maltausa.org/.
        Your article combines very little fact with conspiracy-laced, poorly woven threads of history. No one takes secret “holy orders”. Those that join the Knights do not take holy orders as they are laity, and not bishops, priest or deacons who are the only ones that are ordained( holy orders) in the Catholic Church.

        The Catholic Church is in the holy land- at the Church of the Nativity and other Churches in the area. There is no need to “retake’ this area except in your mind. Disconnect the dots you are making in your mind with regard to the crusades.

        Knights of Malta and Opus Dei have nothing… read it… NOTHING to do with Freemasons. The” Black Pope” is not real, it is an aknowledged far- fetched conspiracy theory. How do you tweek this “truth” now that someone is claiming Obama is the Black Pope, but… he’s not a Jesuit??? Dan Brown was not writing substative material, there are no Vatican assassins, and pigs can’t fly.

        Your response sounds like you have been reading too much science fiction and medievial mythology. I most humbly suggest that you forgo your assumptions for a moment and read something substative on the organizations you are attacking and the History of the Church.

        From your writings and opinions I can only glean that you are not aware that God/Christ considers no person evil. However, there is evil in the world and we have to be very careful not to succumb to temptations of ego, vanity or intellect and avoid slander, detraction and fantasy. As Jesus is the truth, stick to that, the evil one relishes in your fantasies as a means to detract you from the Truth-which is Jesus. AMDG.

      1. I think the automatic ex-comm has been lifted, but there continues to be little reason for someone who is Catholic to be Masonic and vice-versa.

    1. Alan, Masonic temples are often used for community meetings and many public events are held there such as wedding receptions and community forums.

      He’s not a Mason because he’s a Catholic. Being both would be very rare indeed.

    1. Sueliz, perhaps you mean “au contraire” — a French idiom meaning, “I disagree” …?

      But to the point —

      1) It’s possible to find a contradiction to almost any general assertion in this great big messy world of ours. But here’s a practical local test so you can see how rare this really is — If you know any Masons, ask them if there are Roman Catholics in their lodge. (There might be the odd one or two, and they won’t be Catholics in good standing.) Conversely, if you know any Roman Catholics, ask them if they know any fellow parishoners who are Freemasons. (If they do, it will be the exception, and again, they won’t be active Roman Catholics in good standing.)

      2) Your posting the text of a 40-year old speech by a Mason about being both Roman Catholic AND a Mason (in France?) is hardly authoritative on the subject. It’s merely a personal narrative of his own journey.

      3) For a site that actually is Roman Catholic expert-peer written(and with clergy editors) an example is http://www.catholic.com and its opinion on the subject here: http://www.catholic.com/quickquestions/what-does-the-church-say-about-freemasonry

      4) IN POINT OF FACT — The Roman church’s Declaratio de Associationibus Massonici (Declaration on Masonic Associations) of 1983 is still very much in force. Put simply, it says that Roman Catholics who join Masonic organizations are guilty of “grave sin” and are subject to excommunication.

      But don’t take my word for it — how about you read it (word for word) on the Vatican’s very own website ?!?!

      For the increase of your wisdome and further edification, it’s at:


      I commend to you James 3:17

      Peace be with you.

  17. And he’s gone!

    Knight of Malta (though not a Freemason) Rick Santorum dropped out of the race on April 10, 2012.

    Thanks be to God! But to be clear — that’s only because he was a lousy candidate with extreme ideas who wasn’t electable enough — not because he was a Knight of Malta, many of whom are wonderful, exemplary followers of Jesus Christ.

    1. Dear Lewis


      It will hardly matter who is the President in the US. Jesus of the Bible is in control. All nations will side with the Pope, and walk into judgment in the last battle in Zion. They will follow the antichrist of Rome, and harm them self.

      Rick Santorum is just one of many.

      The Knights of Malta is a gathering of secret Order brothers who work for the Papacy. When they lost the “Holy Land” in 1299 A.D, they re-grouped in a bid to take the land back. The antichrist in Rome have many times tried to take over America too. JFK was a Roman Catholic who almost took the World into the last and final nuclear war.

      Rome is again close to make America live in submission to the “papal kingdom”.Roman Catholic Joe Biden is just a single heart beat away from the Presidency.

      What is the real tragedy, is Southern Baptists at large, supporting a follower of the antichrist at Rome, and accepting a man like Rick Santorum as a “Conservative Christian”. As written at the end of the prophetic book of Jonah. “There are 1,2 million men that simply do not know the difference between right and wrong”.

  18. Jonah 4:11 (NIV): “And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?”

    I agree with you — Christ Jesus is in control.

  19. The poisoned wine of antisemitism in the African-American community is of recent vintage. It is extracted from the fruit of Islam’s invasion of the African-American community in the last few decades.

    Christianity did far more for the African-American community than Islam ever did–even though Satan has always hated black Christians for their devotion to the Lord Jesus. Their poverty and subjugation made them cling to their Lord Jesus and they sang some of the greatest hymns of praise to Him that have ever been sung. The Rev. Martin Luther King was a Christian martyr and a great leader to the African-American community–that is why he was killed. It is a LIE out of the pit of hell that “Islam has much more to offer American blacks than did ‘whitey’s religion’ of Christianity, born out of Judaism.” The FACT is that Muslims were the ones who enslaved Africans and sold them as slaves to Western “business men”. Even today, light-skinned northern African Muslims look down on, enslave and kill black Africans–especially those who are Christians.

    The other LIE is that African slaves would have been Muslims had they been allowed to stay in Africa. There were vibrant Christians throughout northern Africa for many centuries before the violent invasion of Islam and there were many Christian martyrs among black Africans, just as there are today.

    You must wake up and reject the Satanic religion of Islam before it is too late.

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