Norwegian Daily promotes hookers simulating sex inside Church

Norwegian hookers simulated sex at the altar of Oslo Cathedral. Tabloid daily hail the prostitutes.

Editor Lars Helle acts like a pimp. He has turned Dagbladet into a public toilet.

A group of Norwegian hookers and pimps simulated sex at the alter of the Oslo Cathedral during a mass last Thursday. The Lutheran priests could do little to stop the perverts, who shot a video of their filthy and stinky bodies.

The Police fined the perverts, and told them not to copy their public acts.

Hooker's and pimps simulated sex inside a Church during a mass.

The Norwegian Daily “Dagbladet” bailed out the hookers, by paying a handsome amount for the pornographic video.

The newspaper has published the stuff on their website.

Source: Dagbladet.

The perverts among the Journalists in the Norwegian daily “Dagbladet” has turned their own newsroom into a public toilet.

Shame on the media, who distribute garbage without limits.

The Jewish Apostle Paul warned us that most of the media will be like public toilets, as we approach the God’s final Judgment. He warned us about horrible times just before Jesus returns.

Be careful that you do not let your own head become a public toilet too. Do not buy these kind of publications, but rather tell their journalist to keep their gall and vomit inside their own pants.

Psalm 1:1-2
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.

When I look at the face of a man like Lars Helle, I understand the meaning of Revelation 22: 14-16. Now I know who God of the Bible consider a “dog”.

Revelation 22:14-16
“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Written by Ivar

7 thoughts on “Norwegian Daily promotes hookers simulating sex inside Church

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  1. I always check your updates and find them helpful. I am disappointed that you posted the snapshot of the hooker dressed in her attire. With so many people having a problem with pornography, was it really necessary to place the image of the near-naked woman on your site?

    1. Dear Katie


      I can minimize the picture a little bit more. I want to publish this picture to display the horrors of our time. We must be able to see this kind of pictures, and even show our children what kind of age we are living in.

  2. As much as I hate seeing this filth, and/or hearing the filth of today.. I am thankful that you put it in here. When I see and hear things like this and as I read The Word of God am shown things like this that happens in the Temple (Church’s)…I feel like ripping my clothes just like the Prophets of old…Such blasphemy, such proof that filth is what was is now… People have seen their acts in line and as they walked thru Disney Land/World, and it only increases. PLEASE IGNORE THE GAINSAYERS AND HEAD IN THE SAND VOICES..AND CONTINUE TO SPEAK THE TRUTH IN AND OUT OF SEASON…
    Yall are in my prayers!

    1. A better way to handle the photos with nudity would be to put a black mark over the parts of the body being shown. We don’t have to be part of their evil by posting sexuality.

  3. What trash, I am sorry for my 4 legged fur babies (doggies). It never ceases to amaze me how discusting some people are. Unfortunately the picture tells the story and is needed. Its enough to make one puke.

  4. I agree the picture is disgusting but I also agree it is necessary. I don’t watch TV or go to movies but when I happen to see a glimpse of a TV screen while walking through a store I assure you it is not much different to this picture Ivar posted. Does a fish know he is wet? Only when he is taken out of the water. It is the same for us, until we remove our self from the filth of society will we see how evil it has become.

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