Israeli doctors compared to Nazi butcher Josef Mengele

The President of Romanian Medical Council said Wednesday that the Israeli doctors arrested in Bucharest for allegedly running an illegal fertility clinic acted like Doctor Josef Mengele, the notorious Nazi «Angel of Death» at Auschwitz.

Dr. Vasile Astarastoare brings a curse up on his head by cursing Israeli fellow doctors
Dr. Vasile Astarastoare brings a curse up on his head by cursing Israeli fellow doctors

Arrested Israelis: We were unaware that the procedure is illegal in Romania

«These people are mentally disturbed, and what they did can only be compared with what went on at Auschwitz», said Prof. Vasile Astarastoare in an interview with local media cited by Army Radio.

Astarastoare added that the Sabyc Clinic’s activities had severe ethical problems, and that at the end of a protracted probe last year, the RMC had recommended shutting it down due to violations of elementary medical ethics. In addition, he said, until recently, the doctors working at the clinic did not have a license to practice medicine in Romania.

The physicians were arrested on suspicion of paying Romanian women to donate their eggs, some of whom, according to local media, were 15-year-old girls who were paid 250 euros.

Source: Jerusalem Post

My comment:

Anti-semitism does not make any difference between non educated and professors. Its a manifestation of the Kingdom of Darkness who reign in a persons heart.

Nazi doctor Josef Mengele was in charge of the work to prove that Jews were «untermench», lower beings than rats.
Nazi doctor Josef Mengele was in charge of the work to prove that Jews were «Untermensch» and lower beings than rats.

Proffesor Vasile Astarastoare might know a lot about medicine, but he must have been away from school the day Holocaust and Nazism was the topics. The best way Israel can bless this man is to give him a free ticket to the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. After his visit to Israel, The President of Romanian Medical Council should also take a day off to visit Auschwitz.

To be able to murder six million Jews in a matter of hardly four years, the gas chambers had to butcher 90.000 Jews a month. Thats the most evil, cruel devilish plan that has ever been made in the Abyss, where Satan and his dark angels still reigns.

Nazi doctors coduct a medical experiment on a Jew at Dachau concentration camp
Nazi doctors conduct a medical experiment on a Jew at Dachau death camp.

In the middle of this inferno of spiritual Satan worship, was a man called Doctor Josef Mengele. His job was to see that everything possible was taken away from the Jew, before they were executed and burned. Like all their hair. It was going to be used in the production of new uniforms to Nazi-soldiers.

Jews that lived to tell the story about Nazi medical experiments and torture.
Jews that lived to tell the story about Nazi medical experiments and torture done by Dr. Mengele.

Josef Mengele also used the Jews for all kinds of medical experiments, to try to find proof for Hitler`s teachings that Jews and rats are from the same origin.

17 thoughts on “Israeli doctors compared to Nazi butcher Josef Mengele

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  1. Great information. However, the picture labeled “a jew who lived to tell the story” may actually be Frederick Douglas, an American slave. One of my 8th grade students found the error.

    1. Dear Jon.

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      Thanks for this comment. Can you give me a link to confirm this information?

      1. Well shoot! I see this has been resolved long before I saw the following comments. Sorry!


    This is a site that I found regarding Frederick Douglass. When you read the brief discription, it states that this is a picture of a slave named “Gordon.” I am a middle school social studies teacher in Arizona and currently finishing the study of WWII. Regardless of the validity of the picture, it stimulated tremendous discussion about the savage attacks upon the European Jewish population.

    I appreciate your hard work and will continue to look for the other site…I really can’t remeber how I wrote the search perameters in Google images.

    Blessings to you.

  3. Here’s how I found the slave pictures. I went to Google Images and entered “Frederick Douglass Scars.” On the third page you will see a couple of additional sites using the same photograph. Hope this helps.

    1. Dear Joe.E


      I have changed the picture. Thanks for your concern. There is no need to publish a disputed picture to express the horrors done in Nazi-Germany towards the Jewish people. Blessings.

  4. Thanks. I don’t want revisionists to have any more ammunition than they can make-up in their own twisted minds. Keep up the good work. This was a tremendous lesson for my class regarding educators working together with the common goal of academic integrity.

  5. Unfortunately the number of victims of the Holocaust has been debunked by Census records and the CIA Factbook which makes the number estimated to be less than one million. The number doesn’t really matter except for propaganda purposes… if one person was wronged, it’s a tragedy.
    There is no evidence that anyone was ever gassed or buried at Auschwitz according to engineers and archaeologists who have examined the respective areas. Imprisoned yes, as I personally know of one dear elderly lady.
    Even Abe Foxman, a Jewish man and head of the ADL, (Anti-Defamation League) admits in the “Transfer Agreement” that Jewish leaders who were under duress sold out their own people to the Nazis. This has been confirmed by many Israeli citizens who have been forced to flee the country much in the same way as Salman Rushdie in Iran, for writing the “Satanic Verses”. The problem being that if the truth gets out, no more monetary or military support for Israel from the U.S.

    1. None of what you just posted is true. and i would NEVER believe a word that comes from a left-wing liberal who is part of the ADL. There are many very liberal “Jews” in the US today. They are only Jewish by blood and not at all belivers or followers of the Creator YHVH. That group, ADL, is a part of what is wrong in this nation now. They whine on behalf of a person who is not grown up enough to realize their feelings were hurt and they just need to get over it. Also the idea that if this word got out the US would no longer support Israel is throwing around wild claims willy nilly. These are all tactics of the liberal left to sting along the uniformed and enslave them. The reason we support israel is because we have always based our laws and moral code on the Bible. (Not forcing a religion on anyone, but using it as guidance to make good choices.) Of course there have been many times where “we” as a government and as individuals have made horrificly evil choices. Supporting Israel is based on the Christian always loving and supporting Israel as a people and now a nation. Like Ivar has said, go visit a Holocaust museum.

  6. What the Israelis did was completely legal in Romania until 2006. In 2006, Romania passed a law saying that you can’t pay women for their ova. However you can still give them money after they VOLUNTARILY DONATE their ova. It’s a very strange law, and it’s hard to distinguish between legal and illegal payments.

    It would have been better for the Israelis not to skate on the thin mice. They should not have tried to take advantage of this strange loophole in the law.

    1. Since it was illegal, then so be it. They will be punished according to Romanian law.

      Ivar was pointing out that the smart mouthed man named Astaraesotre was comparing the doctors’ activity to Natzi experiments. This is not just false and extreme, but one more way the psycotic anti-Jewish liberals play the blame game. Let’s stick to the topic.

  7. It´s of course wrong to compare these doctor´s actions as were they as evil as what “Dr” Mengele did in the nazi-machinery. Very bad!

    It´s also(!) very very wrong to do what these doctors did. Most fertility “helpers” act in ways that are immoral, like fertilizing several eggs and then only use one (= letting those other die by destroying them) So it´s right to condemn what the Romanian President of their Medical Council said, as well as it´s at the very least ok be very critical of what those israelis did, supposing they did not act in another more ethical way. Paying off poor very young girls a few hundred dollars for their eggs is NOT ethical in any way, of course.

    The sole fact that they are israelis don´t free them to act unethical, but should of course not make them comparable to Mengele, as his actions vere much more severe.

    In the prevailing extremely Israel-hostile mood most media find themeselves in today, it´s important that when critisizing folks who talk in anti Israeli, or “anti jews” ways, one do not fall into seing things jewish people happen to do as automatically “fair” or “okay”.

    I look at this site now and then and mostly you do a very good work Ivar!
    I often have been tipped on articles here by links from the swedish “elvor och janne”-site.

  8. Wow it seems crazy that a human can do this to another human, but at the same time it really isn’t. I say this because some people are just metally unstable. I beleive that he, to an extent, “knew” what he was doing, but was unaware of how bad it was affecting the peole he was experimenting on.

  9. “Unfortunately the number of victims of the Holocaust has been debunked by Census records and the CIA Factbook which makes the number estimated to be less than one million. The number doesn’t really matter except for propaganda purposes… if one person was wronged, it’s a tragedy.

    The truth is coming out, classing new facts coming to light as “revisionism” won’t work for much longer 😉

  10. For a human to do this to another human and still go to sleep at night is very sad and I pray that God has mercy on their soul.

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