Russia and Nato ‘actively preparing for war’

Rival war games by Russian armed forces and Nato represent greatest build up of military tension in Europe since Cold War, warns think tank.

The Enola Gay droped the bomb that slaughtered 80.000 people in Hiroshima.
The Enola Gay droped the bomb that slaughtered 90.000 people in Hiroshima, and caused a slow death of another 60.000. Both Putin and Obama might copy.

Russia and Nato are actively preparing for war with one another amid the greatest build up of military tension in Europe since the end of the Cold War, a new report says.

Rival exercises by the Russian armed forces and Nato have led to several near-miss incidents that could result in confrontation between the two sides, and leaders need to consider a new arms control treaty to avert the possibility of heightened tensions spilling into war.

The horrors of Hiroshima might be copies in US and Russian cities.
The horrors of Hiroshima might be copies in US and Russian cities.
Nagazaki. In every generation there are evil men willing to act like barbarians.
Nagazaki. In every generation there are evil men willing to act like barbarians.
Hiroshima. Man is his own worst enemy, as long as Satan reigns in his heart.
Hiroshima. Man is his own worst enemy, as long as Satan reigns in his heart.
The man who commited these crimes were never brought to justice.
The men who commited these war crimes were never brought to justice.

The report by the European Leadership Network, a think tank, comes amid the most intense fighting for six months in eastern Ukraine and as Michael Fallon, the defense minister, pledged to expand a British army training mission to Ukraine.

“We do not suggest that the leadership of either side has made a decision to go to war or that a military conflict between the two is inevitable, but that the changed profile of exercises is a fact and it does play a role in sustaining the current climate of tensions in Europe,” the authors write.

Source: The Telegraph, UK.

My comment:

The US dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagazaki. It can happen again. The present world leaders are neither more nor lesser evil that Harry Truman, who gave the order to slaughter 200.000 japanese civilians.

Are Putin and Obama capable of doing the same?


Will Jesus the Messiah permit the use of nuclear arms?

He did not interfere in 1945. It is an open question if there will be used nuclear arms during the Great Tribulation.

A world on the age of nuclear war will lead to widespread agony and panic.  People will literally faint.

 Luke 21:26
People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

Such a panic will result in submission to anyone who can bring “peace and security”.  This kind of situation is just perfect for the last and final antichrist. He will elevate Him self, and even claim to be God.

 Daniel 11:36

“The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.

2 Thessalonians 2:4
He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

Who can this be?

There is only one man who has taken the name that Jesus used for His father God in Heaven. This man is the Pope. The claimed to be “Holy father” and wants to be promoted as the man who brought peace to the face of the earth.  Resist him, and await the return of the true prince of peace. Besides Him, there is non.

Written by Ivar

3 thoughts on “Russia and Nato ‘actively preparing for war’

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  1. Okay, no one wants a nuclear war. It would be absolutely horrible. However, I am sick of modern critics of WWII pronouncing judgment on those who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The President’s back was up against the wall, The battles for Iwo Jima and Okinawa demonstrated to our government and Military that an invasion would be massively deadly for both Japan and the United States.
    You said, “The present world leaders are neither more nor lesser evil that Harry Truman, who gave the order to slaughter 200.000 Japanese civilians”. Yeah, that was exactly President Truman’s desire, the “slaughter 200.000 Japanese civilians”, and he did that because he was so very “EVIL”. It wasn’t because firebombing of Japan did not end the war, or that he did not want a prolonged devastating battle for the Japanese homeland that would have killed almost every Japanese and many thousands of our own troops.
    The Hypocrisy of those who attack the dropping of those bombs is just a little overwhelming. They do not consider that this poor little Japan committed horrible, countless acts of violence against humanity in every single country that they invaded. They would even EAT portions of their prisoners of war, keep them alive so they could eat more at a later date. They were not the fun loving, peaceful Japan that we see today. They were ruthless barbarians who were set on the conquering and subjugation of all of the Pacific.
    Do your homework. The dropping of those bombs on Japan, while horrible (war is horrible), saved countless Japanese and American lives.

    1. Dear James Anderson.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      You wrote:

      The Hypocrisy of those who attack the dropping of those bombs is just a little overwhelming.

      My reply:

      You must not become the Devil’s advocate. No one excuses Japanese war crimes. With your logic, lets end all the warcrimes in Syria. Lets just drop a couple of nukes, and close the door.

      In 1946, the American generals realy belived they were the followers of the Messiah. When the Bikini bomb was triggered, the governor of the US Pasific Islands read from the Bible when telling the world what was going to take place. He belived we were facing the Messianic kingdom, and that “Operation crossroad” would bring the end of all wars.

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