Norway returned to worship pagan gods like Odin and Balder

Hate towards Jews in Norway has its root in old Viking mythology. When Norway found oil 40 years ago, the Norwegian named one of their first new platforms “Odin”, the head of the pagan “Heaven”.

The oilfield Frigg, is named after the viking pagan Queen of Heaven, Friggja.

In the 1950-ties Norway was one of the most trustworthy friends of the new born state of Israel.

There was a mission association in every Norwegian municipality, sending out more Christian evangelists than any other nation on Earth, compared to its small population of 4,5 million people.

What went wrong in Norway?

Take a deeper look on the name of old pagan viking gods, who was honored when Norway became rich.

Its the same old melody. The love of money, is the root of all kind of evil.

Today, the large majority of Norwegians are worshipers of money. Won after the nation struck oil in 1971.

In stead of honoring God of the Bible, the Norwegians named their oilfields and platforms after the old pagan Viking mythology gods.

Every time a platform was  -baptized- in champagne, some old demonic powers was released over the Norwegian people. Cursing them selves.

They are there, all of them. The sun god – Odin -. His wife Friggja, and their reincarnated son Balder. There is even a Norwegian oil-filed named Walhall. That is the Kingdom of Heaven in the Norone mythology, where the Vikings would end up after killing and raping on their war path through Northern Europe.

Not so different from the Islamic view of Heaven, where the Islamic terrorists will get their virgins after the bloodshed.

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article about this in a Norwegian Christian Daily.

Few people paid to much attention. Now we can see the fruits. An old enemy of God of Israel is being fueled in Norway, deceiving Norwegians to gather for the final battle of Armageddon. The oil wealth of Norway, is also being used to fund Arabian terrorism against the state of Israel.

Matthew 6:24

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

The Norwegians are also the best examples in our days, about pure worship of money.

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

Written  by Ivar

419 thoughts on “Norway returned to worship pagan gods like Odin and Balder

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  1. I am from Norwegian heritage, and feel sad that the country my forefathers came from have turned their back of my Jesus. I know Satan is getting ready for his last stand, but my God will succeed, and we will have a new heaven and a new earth, and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

    Have mercy on us.

    1. Dear Karen


      I saw a TV-program from Petersburg Alaska, where one third of the population were members of Sons of Norway. It was pretty ugly to see all these people, on every Norwegian feast, walking around in Viking costumes. In this way they are glorifying the pagan Norwegian society, that was Christened during the Reformation in Europe.

      Now, the Norwegians have returned back to the Viking age. Not in form of costumes, but honoring their pagan gods, given them the honor and glory for the oil wealth that came towards the land at the North Sea.

      It is quite bizarre. But unfortunately very Biblical.

      Paul acted like a prophet when he foretold terrible times in the last days.

      1. Why cant you let people worship who they want too. Because they’re not worshipping Jesus their worshipping the wrong god. Look at all the crimes people have done throughout the ages in name of Christ. Christianity is not a peaceful religion either. Crusades, Inquisitions and witch hunts. Look at your own religion before you look at other. I think pagans had it better of than the world does now tih Christianity.

      2. Very well said!

        Everyone in this forum should think about what you wrote…

        How many were tortured, imprisoned, burnt alive, thrown into water chained alive, in the name of the PEACE of the Christ.

        Pagan people weren’t like the fanatic followers of the world’s 2 (or 3) biggest religions. They didn’t killed thousands of people just because they didn’t want to follow their religion…
        Those who didn’t want to be Christian, were killed.
        Was it ok?
        Don’t you always say, only God can be the judge?
        Why do you HAVE TO judge everyone else who don’t want to be like you?
        Who had sacrified more innocent people, pagans, or Christians?

        Think about your peace and forgiveness again, before you say something goes wrong in Norway….

        I don’t hate someone just because s/he is Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist or whatever else.
        That’s something what you can’t do for some reason, you “peaceful” intolerant people……

      1. Listening to all of your comments sound viable. In the beginning the one true God made us and everything on earth. He said “it was good.” He did no rule over us but gave us a gift called “free will.” Man has had a choice Gods way or my way. Our way is tainted by darkness and all man made religions are corrupted by this darkness. Jesus came to bring light in the darkness. If He looked at what happened throughout the centuries of what took place in the Christian church, He would be appalled. I think that is why in Scripture it says “He wept” on his way into Jerusalem because He knew that even after all He said and did for us man would choose darkness.

    2. christians have done more evil to the world than all others combined. The norsemen came down from Scania only after the great migrations and upheavals of the newly christian Romans and they (norse men) certainly were no different than the christians of the age. Look at Charlemagne, who murdered thousands of Saxons because they refused to convert to christianity by force. To their shame, many did accept this jesus. But what sort of conversion is that?

      christians get away with anything because, well, they are right and everyone else is wrong. I should know. I was one for over 45 years but started to realize that if it is true that by their fruits they are known, then there were either very few real christians, or there was no real power behind the belief. Not one in ten that I know have enough faith to act on their stated beliefs when it counts. And while I do not necessarily think that there is an actual Odin or Tor in Valhall, or maybe there is… it is no less likely than a jesus in heaven. christianity, like islam, is a jumbled mash of ancient pagan (Phonecian, Chaldean, Sumerian, Egyptian etc., as well as more modern ideas of hel(l) the devil [related to the words devas, diva, deus, Zeus (hmm – the devil and the divine are the same?)] and other ideas.

      Religion is a useful tool for social control and provides the world with a moral standard to some degree, but to say yours is right and mine is wrong is a fool’s errand. I am by profession an historian. Now I have graduated from two fundamental christian colleges,two major secular universities, studied Greek, Hebrew, Middle Egyptian, Norwegian, Swedish, Akkadian, Latin, Spanish, German, as well as some other related languages (although not fluent in any), and love the study of different cultures and religions, but more important to me is how people act. The fruit of thier beliefs are my litmus for the power they puport to have.

      What the christians did to the vikings and their ancient beliefs and culture is no different from what many missionaries in the 20th and 19th centuries did to so many native cultures – destroyed their cultures which are now lost forever! By forcing us to desist in our old beliefs, we lost our rich heritage. Something I mourn over and so do many others of this ancient faith that is now experiencing such a wonderful renaissance in Europe.

      I say, long live the old gods and may we learn the old ways once more. christianity is a scourge upon the earth and the fact that it has infected the world for 2,000 years has completely changed our society and is a self-fulfilling prophecy that will bring about the end of ages.

      1. Odin,

        You say you were a Christian for 45 years, so you no longer believe that Jesus Christ is Our Savior? If so, you have been deceived by Satan.

        John 8:24 says: I said therefore to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you Believe that I am he, you will die in your sins.”

        Not everyone will enter the Kindgdom of God and that includes false christians, for God knows everyone’s hearts.

        You say long live the Old Gods: There are no old gods. God is the only one who created us the universe, and everything. You must repent. The signs of the end of age are here, and Jesus is coming soon. Compare the signs of God’s Word to what is going oon around us, and you will see that our King is near.


      2. THERE ARE VERY FEW REAL CHRISTIANS!!! False leaders and false prophets are leading many down a very dangerous path.



        True Christians are called to shine His light into a hurting world and the persecution is increasing. it is only going to get worse this side of Heaven.
        BUT YESHUA SAID “FEAR NOT” for I am with you always.

      3. Dear God Amen Amen Amen that is so true…it’s getting to be like 3 year olds out here in the world…shouting ‘I hate you’ don’t tell me to be careful, not to touch this or that…let me do it ‘my way’…how sad how sad…’s so true and yet so terribly sad…One thing for sure also is ‘taking any Tattoos from the ‘Medical side, (full of lies) to get people to do it… people are so use to seeing people tattooed so much with no regard anymore…piercings so ingrained it’s hard to look upon some without vomiting or being in horror at where and how they are destroying their flesh. Women in the line at the Post Office, Department Stores, Restaurants using filthy words that would make a Drunken Sailor on leave blush! these done with their children with them in front of men with no respect for their-selves or the men they also talk the same with no respect for their women and children…(These are not limited to the heathens…these are majorly professing ‘Christians’….God help us..God Help us !!

        ** The Crossroads signs are fully flashing** You’re at the Crossroads my Friends who flock to the wide full Churches with all her promises…twisting of The Word of God…and that wide road that feels so good is the path Jesus warned us not to go down…yet His path is restricted, tight and narrow..but Ohhh the joy on that road is unsearchable riches of His ever presence in all times and all situations!

      4. The Viking age(of invasions into Christian lands) started when Charlemagne invaded saxony and destroyed irminsul(Yggdrasil, world tree) the holiest site in all of German paganism, he also exterminated entire towns in mass executions but these Jew worshippers will say that they were savage heathens who did nothing but war. Christianity has not given Europe anything but death and misery. If Christ or Jew religions were a pre requisite for civilization then there would be no Ancient Greece or Rome. Such godless heathens with their multiple gods and flourishing societies, if they don’t denounce banking and accept Jesus as saviour and Jews as their chosen people to rule over them like a Menachem begin wet dream then they’re “anti Semites”

      5. One is not converted to Christianity; one must be morbid enough for it.

    3. Lol..what that jesus gave to you ? just a slavery ! Honest and proud people cannot be slaves. I’m pity for you that you are having such a great ancestry put yourself in Christian misery. I have Viking ancestry (Danish) and worship great Odin ..When the time comes Christians will be pushed out of Europe .

      Glory to Odin

      1. Yes, Odin honours me . He is the God of free people who do not beg him for anything like chistian who are always whinning and begging jesus to give them something what they cannot get by themselves, clearly shows that Jesus the god for weaklings, who are not strong enough to be happy in this Life, who need constantly jesus help and blessing , who will watch over them to turn them from Sin..Jesus is your Sheppard , you are hurdle of cattle or sheep , that what you are , but not us ! We do not need Odin’s supervisions – we are Free in our acts thoughts..Odin can give me an advice but he does not need to watch me like I’m a dumb sheep , that what Respect from the God means! He respects me and trust me in my judgements and behaviour .

    4. This whole article is stupid, Norse religion(asatru) is older than Judaism and has no mention of it in any of it’s many documents let alone anything hateful about them, you will however find passage after passage in the Torah and Talmud describing all pagans as subhumans worthy only of enslavement and death. Of course the very fact that whites are returning to OUR religions and refusing to submit to those imposed on us by JEWS is not any form of Jew hatred as you so fallaciously imply . Europe was flourishing before the arrival of Semitic religions, that is exactly when the dark ages arrived in Europe.

    5. Your forefathers must be so proud of you, that you subdued your mind and soul to the people who have slaughtered and torured them, enslaved and deprived of tradition and free mind. Keep reading such pathetic propaganda, they will be proud of you.

  2. I’m sorry but who do you think you are?

    Norway was Pagan a long time before it was Christian, why should North European people worship some Middle Eastern god? Europe was bathed in blood and fire when you bastards decided yours was the only way and anyone disagreeing would die.

    Then the disease spread around the world with the Christian Missionaries. When you realise it was rarely about God, and all about grabbing wealth and power for the Church and her cronies, you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    The Vikings were very intelligent, tolerant people who believed in trade, exploration and farming over violence, unlike the church. Sure, they were skilled in battle but every nation in the world has an army,and groups of armed men marching through a foreign land are going to cause some trouble. In fact, the reason French cities were walled in medieval times is because FRENCH CHRISTIAN SOLIDERS were reknowned for raping and pillaging through towns on the route of a march, so you see,

    it’s not merely a Pagan trait. I don’t know how any of you could judge a non-christian with your blood stained history. Read about the Inquisition, just one book on it, just a very small slice of your evil, rotten, hypocritical history – I don’t think Satan and all his legions could inflict as much pain and terror in a decade as “Christian” royalty Isabella and Ferdinand did in one infamous Auto De Fe. Think about all this next time you talk about “Evil”.

    1. Dear Witch Grete

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      You wrote:

      I’m sorry but who do you think you are?

      My reply:

      You dont have to say sorry. I am a former Viking, a wreck, saved by the living God of Israel.

      I know that there are spirits of witches around, that manifest them self in the flesh of humans. I guess you are one of them

      To say Vikings were good people, are justifying people that believed that god was lightning and thunder. Animists, that did blood sacrifice of their neighbor’s children, to try to stop the next storm from arriving on the West Cost of Norway.

      1. You claim to have been saved by the living god of Israel, yet you cannot see the foolishness of this statement. The god you worship is an Israeli god, NOT the god of your own people. You have turned your back on your ancestors and their gods, and yet on this very page, you claim that Norway is turning its’ back on Jesus, when in fact the Norwegian oil companies are recognising the old gods they once turned their backs on thanks to St. Olaf.

        The Abrahamic gods and their followers have caused more wars, slaughter and bloodshed in this world than any pagan followers of the old gods.

      2. Dear Maagni

        Shalom, and welcome to this site.

        The Vikings killed and raped, to satisfied their “gods” What is so noble about such acts?

        I do not believe in the “Abrahamic gods”. I believe in One God. This God demand his followers to love their enemies, explained to us by Jesus the Messiah. Show me one single line in the Bible where the Messiah approve violence.

      3. You have said:
        “The Vikings killed and raped, to satisfied their “gods” What is so noble about such acts?”
        The Vikings acted in retaliation against the Christians of Charlemagne, who slaughtered the Saxons because they wouldn’t convert to Christianity. They were fighting to protect their religion, which they saw to be under threat from a hostile force. Christians also slaughtered the Aztecs, Toltecs and Mayans in order to take their gold. One group acted for expansionism, the other acted in defence. In what way is expansionism deemed to be noble? Also, on this very site, the comments section following the Japan earthquake had NO messages of support or prayers for the Japanese- instead, there was an orgy of self-congratulation that ‘the end times are coming’, and you all decided to pray for each other. I’m sure that if Jesus existed and were alive today, he would be appalled at such selfish and uncompassionate behaviour. Again, not very noble.

        You said: “I do not believe in the “Abrahamic gods”. I believe in One God. This God demand his followers to love their enemies, explained to us by Jesus the Messiah. Show me one single line in the Bible where the Messiah approve violence.”

        Your one god is not my god, he is, as you have mentioned previously, the god of Israel. By definition, the gods who were first worshipped in the Middle East are the Abrahamic gods. You want to see one line in the bible where your messiah approves violence? I can give you several:

        In Matthew 10:28, Jesus says that we should fear God who is willing and “able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

        In Matthew 10:34-36, Jesus says that he has come to destroy families by making family members hate each other. He has “come not to send peace, but a sword.”

        In Matthew 18:8-9, Jesus advises his followers to mutilate themselves by cutting off their hands and plucking out their eyes. He says it’s better to be “maimed” than to suffer “everlasting fire.”

        In Mark 6:11, Jesus says any city that doesn’t “receive” the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.

        In Mark 7:9-10, Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as required by Old Testament law. (See Ex.21:15, Lev.20:9, Dt.21:18-21)

        In Luke 3:17, John the Baptist says that Christ will burn the damned “with fire unquenchable.”

        In John 5:14, Jesus believes people are crippled by God as a punishment for sin. He tells a crippled man, after healing him, to “sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.”

        These are quotes from each of the gospels- I could go on, with other quotes from Acts or the epistles, but space here is limited. You say these are the words of a compassionate, non-violent messiah?

      4. Maagni,

        Whoever you believe in did not die for your sins.

        Your pagan practices will not save you from the depths of hell for eternity, if you do not acknowledge and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. Repent, it is not too late.

        Isaiah 43:10,11 – “You are My witnesses,” says the Lord, “And My servant whom I have chosen, That you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me. I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior.”

        God has spoken!

      5. dear Gloria,

        Whatever Gods we believe in didn’t have to die for our sins, because humans are born free from ‘sin'(which is a ridiculous concept anyway).

        i for one look forward to the time that the nailed God’s teachings of compassion and love are practised by his sheep.

      6. Godhi,

        Humans are not born free from sin. Romans 3:23 says: 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

        That includes me and you. But I’m saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. You have to accept Jesus, repent, for the kingdom of God is near. The end time signs are all around us, and Jesus is right at the door. No one can save you but Jesus.

      7. oh come of of it!

        please, in an argument with someone, at least use evidence of meaning to the person you are arguing with, i don’t give two hoots about what paul wrote to the romans.

        Being under the thumb of an organisation claiming to be driven by divine power does not mean you are not responsible for your own actions, repent for your sins all you wish, but the strong man does no wrong in the first place

      8. Gloria, I do not recognise the Christian hell. It is your hell, your god and your rules, I suggest that you make yourself comfortable in it, and leave the Earth to the rest of us who spend our lifetimes living them to the fullest, rather than wasting them by proselytising whilst in subservience to a foreign god that couldn’t wait to die for a world that doesn’t care, in the vain hope that they are secured a cushy number in the next life.

        Many things that Jesus is claimed to have said are good things- it is such a shame that so many people who claim to follow him do not practice what he taught. I still see none of you travelling to Japan to help the poor victims of the earthquake and tsunami, nor do I see any of you do so much as pray for them. All I have seen so far is an orgy of mutual back-slapping and self-congratulation that delights in ‘the end times coming’, and praying for each other because you are so glad that you are saved, whereas the ‘heathen’ Japanese are not.

        My pagan ways have taught me to revere this world and respect all who set foot on it, and not to proselytise to those who don’t follow my gods. I don’t recognise the middle eastern god that claims I was born in sin despite having done no wrong at the time of my birth (A wonderful concept to keep the faithful in check, methinks), and I will have no truck with those who treat my ways with no respect, or regard me as being in some way inferior, or someone to be dismissed out of hand if I do not accept their ways over mine. If I were Jesus, and I was planning on coming back to fulfill a promise, it would be people like you whom I would have the harshest things to say to.

      9. Maagni,

        You said: It is your hell, your god and your rules, I suggest that you make yourself comfortable in it, and leave the Earth to the rest of us who spend our lifetimes living them to the fullest

        My Comment: I get that you do not belive in the Word of God, nor in Jesus Christ. But if you take away anything from this, know that I speak the truth when it comes to Jesus. Christ has shown me many things (All Glory goes to Him) and I have seen what resides in Hell, and also more importantly been in the Presence of God. He loves you, and does not want you to perish.

        You said: Many things that Jesus is claimed to have said are good things- it is such a shame that so many people who claim to follow him do not practice what he taught. I still see none of you travelling to Japan to help the poor victims of the earthquake and tsunami, nor do I see any of you do so much as pray for them. All I have seen so far is an orgy of mutual back-slapping and self-congratulation that delights in ‘the end times coming’, and praying for each other because you are so glad that you are saved, whereas the ‘heathen’ Japanese are not.

        My Comment: First, I do pray for the lost souls, and I hope and pray that you realize Christ is the only one that saves you. Second, I cannot go to Japan, as I have children and a full time job. Second not all that say Lord Lord, will be found in the kingdom of heaven.

        Matthew 7
        True and False Disciples
        21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers

        Your Comment: My pagan ways have taught me to revere this world and respect all who set foot on it, and not to proselytise to those who don’t follow my gods.

        My Comment: What kind of Christian would I be, if I did not tell you that Christ died for your sins, lives, and is Coming soon? How would I be able to stand in front of God one day, knowing I did not spread his message of salvation. That would brand me a hypocrite.

        Read the Word of God, learn about Jesus, compare the end time signs he gave us to what’s going on around us, and you will know that Christ is very near.

        Why do you think Jesus would be the harshest with me? For speaking the truth? I don’t think so. I know he loves me, and I use his Word so others could know He loves them as well.

        God Bless.

      10. Gloria, if your god so loves me as you claim, why is his love conditional? Why must I return his love, or face burning in a lake of fire for all eternity if I do not? That doesn’t sound like a benevolent god to me. I don’t ask my gods for help like a lost lamb, nor fawn over them like a devoted lover- we respect each other as equals. I am not made to feel unworthy or tainted with sin, nor am I expected to abase myself like an insect before them. My gods gave me freewill, courage and strength, and they would be insulted if I did not use those gifts to fend for myself. In that way, we earn each others’ respect, and there is no threat of eternal punishment as there are no conditions that I must comply with. I am sure you must draw great comfort from your god’s words, but they are not for me, and yes, I have read them and are familiar with them, as the various scripture quotes in one of my previous posts indicates. I have chosen to follow the ways of my ancestors, as they hold more truth and relevance to me.

      11. Maagni

        Gloria, if your god so loves me as you claim, why is his love conditional? Why must I return his love, or face burning in a lake of fire for all eternity if I do not?

        My Comment: Maagni, this World is filled with hatred, murder, sin after sin. Jesus loves us that much that he died for those sins, bearing them on the cross, and rising again. But Maagni, we have to accept the huge sacrifice he made for us, so that we can live with him for eternity. The devil will lie, confuse, and continue to lie to believe that Christ is not the way. But trust me, there is no other way. You simply would not want to or anyone would, live in hell for eternity.

        Your Comment: I don’t ask my gods for help like a lost lamb, nor fawn over them like a devoted lover- we respect each other as equals.

        My Comment: If asking Jesus for help makes me a lost lamb, then I would be that a million times over, because he’s never failed me.

        Your Comment: I am not made to feel unworthy or tainted with sin, nor am I expected to abase myself like an insect before them.

        My Comment: I have sinned terribly in my life, and at one point found myself unworthy to even live. At that point, Jesus Christ came to my life and lifted the depression, showed me that he loves me that much and forgave me. If that makes me an insect, I’m happily to be one.

        Your Comment: My gods gave me freewill, courage and strength, and they would be insulted if I did not use those gifts to fend for myself.

        My Comment: Don’t you get it Maagni? There is no gods. There is only Jesus Christ Our Savior and God. If you do not learn this soon, I fear you will learn it the hard way, and that way will be too late for you.

        Your Comment: In that way, we earn each others’ respect, and there is no threat of eternal punishment as there are no conditions that I must comply with.

        My Comment: Those who continue to sin, and reject the Salvation of Jesus Christ will perish whether you believe it or not.

        I only have one God: Jesus Christ.

        Your Comment: I have chosen to follow the ways of my ancestors, as they hold more truth and relevance to me.

        My Comment: The Devil is a liar and always will be. You have chosen to believe in satan’s lies, but it is not too late for you.

        John 8:24 “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I AM He, you will die in your sins.”

      12. Gloria, it is you that does not ‘get it’. According to YOUR religion, your god is the only way. Every other religion I know is perfectly capable of accepting that others have different ways, and that they call their god or gods by a different name. Even the Q’uran mentions this, while they claim for their own people that ‘there is no god but Allah’, they also mention with regards to other people, in Surah 109 verse 9, ‘You must go your way, and I shall go mine’. The Jews accept that non-Jews will have different ways of acknowledging their god, and Buddhism claims that there are more than 8,000 doorways a man has to choose from that will lead him to Nibbana, and even the Dalai Lama himself has said that a person doesn’t need to follow Buddhism to achieve this, he only needs to follow the ways and beliefs of his own people. I have studied many religious texts over the years, and the words of the Dalai lama ring true for me- the beliefs I have are the ways and customs of my people and their ancestors before Charlemagne and his Christians put them to the sword- for a god of love?

        Only in evangelical Christianity have I seen this blinkered approach, that your way is the only way, and everyone else has been deceived by the devil. Do you not understand that our pantheon does not recognise your god or your devil? if we do not recognise your scriptures or accept them as being relevant to us, how can we possibly be being lied to by a being we do not even acknowledge the existence of?

        We are perfectly capable of accepting that you have your own ways, despite having been put to the sword, proselytised to and threatened with eternal fire, (By the followers of a god of ‘compassion’, no less!) so it is eternally frustrating for not just us heathens and pagans (Names that were given to us by the Christian Romans as derogatory terms, but which we have chosen to wear as a badge of pride) but for foll0wers of every other faith, that we are faced with this perpetually blinkered attitude of ‘our way is right, your way is wrong’.

        This is especially galling since your messiah encouraged you to live and let live, as our gods have told us, yet this is something that seems to escape you time and again whenever you are faced with someone of a different faith. When this happens, we are faced with incredulity, as if the very idea of a different religion simply does not compute, and you go out of your way to evangelise and proselytise, demanding and compelling us to follow your god instead, one of ‘compassion and love’, who will burn us for eternity in a lake of fire if we do not return that love. Some compassion, some love.

        You say your god sacrificed his life for us so that we no longer live in sin- I wasn’t aware that I’d committed any, especially not in the eyes of my gods, and to my mind, tainting me with the sins of my distant ancestors (But I do not recognise Adam or Eve, so how can their sin be mine?) seems more than a bit petty. After all, I would never blame a person for the fact that their father or grandfather spent time in prison, and I’m only a mere mortal- your messiah is supposed to be much greatter than that, so capable of infinitely more mercy and forgiveness, so why the threat of eternal fire?

        If I don’t accept that I’ve committed any sin (My gods want me to accept responsibility for my own actions, so any wrongs that I do must be forgiven by me, and those whom I’ve wronged) then I certainly don’t accept that I’m a sinner because someone I don’t believe in ate an apple over 2,000 years ago because she was told to by a talking snake, and I certainly never asked anyone whom I’ve never met (And am never likely to) to waste their life for my sake, and even if they did, surely that must mean that whatever ‘sin’ I may have had has been forgiven, so why the threat of eternal fire again, or does your god have a short memory?

        To come back to my point, your messiah’s message was to live and let live and love one another- everything else is secondary. Because we and every other religion are capable of accepting other people’s ways and you are not, i put it to you that we seem to be following the ways of your messiah more closely than you are.

        I really do not want this to be a bone of contention between us- please accept that I have my ways and you have yours, and no persuasion on your part will convince me otherwise. As your messiah said, sometimes seed will be sown on barren ground, and I’m sure your god will appreciate that you at least made an effort in my case. I wish you peace, and I bear you no animosity.

      13. Your comment: Gloria, it is you that does not ‘get it’. According to YOUR religion, your god is the only way

        My Comment: You don’t understand. It is “Jesus Christ” that is the only way, and it’s in his Word, and is the truth.

        Your Comment: Do you not understand that our pantheon does not recognise your god or your devil?

        My Comment: You choosing to ignore the truth, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exists.

        Your Comment: We are perfectly capable of accepting that you have your own ways, despite having been put to the sword, proselytised to and threatened with eternal fire, (By the followers of a god of ‘compassion’, no less!) so it is eternally frustrating for not just us heathens and pagans (Names that were given to us by the Christian Romans as derogatory terms, but which we have chosen to wear as a badge of pride) but for foll0wers of every other faith, that we are faced with this perpetually blinkered attitude of ‘our way is right, your way is wrong’.

        My Comment: It is with love I tell you to search Christ. It is with love I tell you that He is the TRUTH and the only one who can save you.

        Your Comment: This is especially galling since your messiah encouraged you to live and let live, as our gods have told us, yet this is something that seems to escape you time and again whenever you are faced with someone of a different faith.

        My Comment: Jesus never said to “live and let live.” That is completely false.

        1 Timothy 4:6

        In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following.”

        Your Comment: You say your god sacrificed his life for us so that we no longer live in sin- I wasn’t aware that I’d committed any, especially not in the eyes of my gods, and to my mind, tainting me with the sins of my distant ancestors

        My Comment: I said Jesus Christ died for our sins, and if you repent, and accept him as your Savior, then you will be found in the kingdom of heaven. Yes, you are a sinner-and you continue to sin everyday. You make believe gods will not save you.

        Your Comment: I really do not want this to be a bone of contention between us- please accept that I have my ways and you have yours, and no persuasion on your part will convince me otherwise. As your messiah said, sometimes seed will be sown on barren ground, and I’m sure your god will appreciate that you at least made an effort in my case. I wish you peace, and I bear you no animosity.

        My comment: Like i said it is with love I tell you to follow Jesus Christ. Turn to him, seek him, the kingdom of heaven is truly near!

    2. Dear Witch,

      There will always be people who call themselves “Christian” that warp and pervert what Christianity is. I am sure you are correct that many so called “Christians” did horrible things. It was horrible that “Christian” took children away from their Native American Indian parents to “Chrisianize” them.They stole them from their parents and stole from them their culture and family. So I understand what you are saying. But people who label themselves “Christian” are not always so, which give true Christians a very bad name. I understand why pagans are not attracted to Christianity when they see all the hypocracy. Please just keep in mind that many people call themselves Christian, but are not.

    3. look most of idol worship got no sense….maybe they have some values in the mythology…but the relices were mostly bloodsheding and horrible becuase they were for the show.
      mostly dancing or humane scrafice or flare show or w\e.
      all kind of strange that cost many people lives.
      and that were shatter every vlaue that was in the mythology there for most of pagan worshipers were simply crule.

  3. I agree with Witch and feel the need to repeat this statement:
    “Who DO you think you are?”. Paganism in all it’s forms is the orginal faith. Where was your god then? Who are you to judge us and spout off about a god that up untill pretty recently in history no one had even heard of.

    Besides why should North Europeans(or all Europeans in general) worship a desert god who could not even lead “his” people out of the desert for decades. Plus, where do you think everything in your bible comes from? It’s stolen Pagan stories, tradtions, etc that was twisted into christianity.

    Also if you want to talk about blood sacrifice, read your own “holy book”.

    All Hail The Old Gods

    1. you dont even know how paga started.
      but in the torha it written.
      there for the torha were before paganism.
      the torha were excited even before this plant.
      anyway paganism is the 1st trade with myistical powers you that and that and you get that and that.
      you can see this if you’ll go to places christainty didnt touch,they have no faith just a need for food or rain.

      your faith you have for idols came for the torah that christainty gave.
      there is no concept of faith in mythology only lessons.

      anyway,paganism started from a mistake dude named “Anosh” started to call in the name of g-d upon metrial things.thinking that how g-d want us to work him.ofcourse he was worng and when the years passed everyone forgot about g-d and stucked with worshiping metrial things such as statues or w\e.

      then came avrahem and said i forged this statue you yesterday and you exsiting 70 years…you really think you came out from this statue?
      and spread the truth over the world.
      spread ture faith over the world,not the need to money and food as pagans use to do.
      he brought values and truth which was hidden for 2000 years.
      faith was not excisting between Anosh to Avarahem only one man had a faith in this period of time it was Noah.
      pagan=buissnes with spirtual forces not faith nor true values.

    2. Pagan,

      You said: Paganism in all it’s forms is the orginal faith.

      My Comment: Do you not see where you are wrong? Paganism cannot cleanse anyone from their sins. Only Christ can do that.

      Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me.

  4. I agree totally with Witch and Pagan, christianity is all about human and animal sacrifice, murder and the raping of innocent women and children. Didn’t Moses himself, as instructed by the christian “god” rape and murder tons of women, and rape the little children of the lands they’d conqured???

    Satan and his Demons are the Original Gods of the Gentiles. And unlike jesus, Satan cares about his people, he doesn’t torture children.

    1. Dear Vampiregod1954.

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      I am amazed by the revelation you are giving my readers. I did not know that there were “honest” children of Satan coming and confirming the Bible to us.

      People who worship Satan in the name of Satan, are rather harmless. The problem we face is people who worship Satan in the name of “Jesus”. They are on Earth in tens of millions.

      The people who spoil the name of Jesus, are indulged in all the activities you are claiming “Christianity” is all about. But let me remind you: No one can hurt another human being, and claim to know Jesus.

      He suffered lies, mockery and violence, but did not harm his persecutors. The art of self defense is one of the more difficult topics within the true faith in Jesus.

      Its difficult not to raise the hand on someone who comes and tries to rape your daughter.

      1. “it is difficult not to raise a hand on someone wha comes and tries to rape your daughter”

        you wouldn’t save your own daughter just because of your faith?? is it serious? i hope it is not… and i see from that you never seen the world, you never had been raped, because if you would you would never ever say that.

    2. look there is no christain g-d there is the g-d of this world and he his the g-d of everything.

      demons love demons but not people…maybe they like to ctl people who act like demons.

      moses said not to kill and rape.
      moses say in the name of g-d of everything if you kill dont leave the women alone…take them if you want to your wife…you take from them their husbend their home and their food becuase you had to to live but what did they did?!
      so you need to take care for them.
      not to rape like pagan did,but to take them as a wife.

      satan work for g-d satan as a language source in hebrew.
      anyway satan are chrage to all the torture…so if you see young child suffer probaly satan did it and its probably for is own benifite(the child’s)

      1. Dear WYC

        Shalom, and welcome to a reader from Zion.

        I understand that you have high regards for Moses. But what do you think about Y’shua, the Messiah that God of Israel promised to send to save both Jews and gentiles?

    3. Warlock,

      I feel bad that you believe in such an evil entity, who will soon be cast into the lake of fire. He cares not for you. He only wants your soul to live in hell- an eternity with him.

      You blaspheme God, the bible, and Moses a true believer of Christ.

      It is written and this includes you, Warlock: Romans 14:10-12 Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.

      You are living in a lie that Satan has created. A human mind cannot concept what an eternity is. I suggest that you repent, seek Christ and rebuke the devil.

      Because Christ has already defeated that Serpent.

      You also said: And unlike jesus, Satan cares about his people, he doesn’t torture children.

      My Comment: That is a complete lie. Recently, I read a story where demons were tortuing a young boy, telling the boy to kill himself. What was my response to the mother? Only JESUS CHRIST can save that child. By shouting the name of Christ, and believing in him, Satan and his minions flee. I too, have seen demons, and as soon as I shout for Christ, they flee. They have no power against THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD.

      It is written in Gods word: John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

      I truly pray that Christ touches your heart and that you see the truth, before it is too late.

      God Bless.

      1. Was not Jesus born after Moses, and did not Jesus worship G-Moses did not worship Jesus, who was also a Jew. Blame Paul for all the wrongs when he supported the Romans against his own people the Jews. The seventh and final incarnattion .is that of becoming a Jew, so whatever your beliefs now, hold on, because wou will end up a Jew.

  5. Who ARE you to Judge YOU are spitting on the face our our ancients, you are the ones that held back science and slandered our old gods labeling them as spooks demons and monsters, what right do you have during the middle ages you murdered millions, raped our children, and women sometimes leaving only two people alive, you people are the cause of the plagues and the “black death” you came in the name of your god whom you called just and merciful and tortured people sometimes as young as two years of age. The blood is on your hands and now you want to tell everyone else how to live. May our beloved Father Satan smite your weak and pitiful “jesus” who cannot save your souls the truth is you save your own soul and you will burn in the “hell” you created.

    1. Dear Dark Monkey 87

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      You wrote:

      what right do you have during the middle ages you murdered millions, raped our children, and women sometimes leaving only two people alive.

      My reply:

      People who did this were never Christians. They might have been Catholics. Do not forget that Rome has always demanded the blood of the living saints. Those who say the Pope in Rome is an antichrist, and his “Church” a part of Mysterious Babylon.

  6. Christian Satanists are the worst. They murder, rape, torture,and claim they’re doing Father Satan’s work. The truly messed up thing is that these idiots are the ones the media and christian churches use to portray true Satanists. The public believes what the media wants them to. In the name of their jesus, they murder Satanists, not because we’ve harmed anyone, but simply because we’re Satanists. It’s very hypocritical.

    1. Dear Vampire God 1954.


      See, you are not censored.

      I have never heard, or come across any report that Satanists have been murdered in the name of Jesus. And as a follower of Jesus, I regret if that ever has happened.

      There are quit a few Satanists in Heavy metal rock band. They are not banned from having concerts, and their CD’s and videos are sold openly in the markets.

      1. The Inquisition was one time when Satanists or anyone else who disagreed with christianity were murdered as children of Satan. Satanists are persecuted and murdered for their beliefs, the mainstream media just doesn’t cover that sort of thing.

      2. Vampiregod 1954.


        You are badly mistaken about the Inquisition. This was a tribunal set up by the Pope in Rome, who is a Catholic. And the Catholics burnt among others, Christians who did not submit to the authority of the Vatican.

        All who disagree with the Pope, are not Satanists. To the radical opposite, a lot of Satanist agrees with what the Pope did. Because He also persecuted and slaughtered Jews.

  7. I have heard of priests that are secretly luciferian. Maybe that’s what he means. Never heard of that either. Weird.

  8. I’m sure some witches were also burnt at the stake. But the majority was Christian. The whole Inquisition was set up to stomp out the Reformation.

    1. Dear Sue.

      Shalom, and thanks for helping me out with Vampires and Satanists around (just joking).

      Most of the ladies branded as witches, and burnt at stake, were critics of the political tyranny of the Popes. They were burnt for political reasons. Because the witches that supported the Pope, were used by the Pope. Even today Catholics seeks help from friendly “witch doctors”, when they are not healed, etc. The Vatican has a long history of pagan and occult practices.

      The use of withes are Biblical. King Saul seeks help from a witch, when God has left Him high and dry.

  9. Dear Ivar,

    I didn’t know that the Pope used witches that supported the Pope. You should do a story on that. I didn’t know that. You now have one of your stories for tomorrow.

    I pray that all that come to this site will come to know the Grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Dear Sue.


      An Italian (of all nationalities) Nobel price winner wrote a satire….

      Many of the “ladies” of the Catholic Church, are local witches. Their false miracles that approved them as “Ladies”, are local acts of witchcraft. They all had in common that they supported the local Priest, and got their rewards for their faithfulness.

      1. Dear Sue.

        Shalom, and thanks for support and blessings.

        I will pick up the challenge, and make a “Drop in Saturday” investigation on the topic of witches in the service of the Pope. Let me give you a clue of what will be in the pipeline. Take a deeper look at the Black Madonna, and search for the origin of this Papal venerated image. Pope John Paul II even traveled to Africa, and bowed down to a crucifix of a black “Jesus”. I have the picture with me.

  10. Ah, the world is starting to see sense again! Soon, the fact that gods are in charge of this world will be come apparent.

    Silly and foolish monotheists… the world is leaving you behind. You were yesterday’s rotten and ill-fated fad. There is no provision for you in the future.

  11. Hello, first sorry if my last post was rude or anything.. I saw you deleted it, so I guess that was the reason. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, so let me explain what I tried to say..because I know that I was upset so I didn’t explained what I meant.

    You wrote :
    “The people who spoil the name of Jesus, are indulged in all the activities you are claiming “Christianity” is all about. But let me remind you: No one can hurt another human being, and claim to know Jesus.
    Its difficult not to raise the hand on someone who comes and tries to rape your daughter.”
    But from that, I feel you are the one who spoil the name of Jesus.
    First let’s make it clear.. I’m not following Jesus or God any more..but I once I did so I know what I’m talking about..
    Real love (what Jesus spread) means selflessness..this means sacrifice as Jesus sacrificed means, that if someone would try to rape your daughter, you would sacrifice your soul for her..( did you saw Constantine? There is a good example for it.. I know its just a film, but anyway)
    you maybe don’t know..but just consider this: if someone rapes your daughter in front of you..and you don’t defend her… that would and up like that: you would always blame yourself, letting it happen, that would be *your* personal hell..but your daughters side would be worse: why did my own father betrayed me??…she would have psychological issues in the rest of her life, and maybe she would deny Jesus, because you betrayed her in His name…that would be *her* personal hell
    Real love is not like that…. What Jesus taught is not a selfish betrayal of your own blood, just to save your soul for Heaven…
    However I am not on this path any more (and just to not call me dangerous..I considering Paganism and Satanism, but I still don’t have a proof of that either)..but I would like to tell, that you are the very one who spoils the name of Jesus.
    Sorry for this long off, sorry for being impolite, but I had to tell this, and now it is only up to you if you delete this message too. I don’t care if you do so, because I wrote it mostly to you, you can answer me in an e-mail if you wish, but it is not necessary either… because I left this path partially because of things like that, so don’t worry…I will keep the “three steps” distance from you, if you answer, I’ll read it, but I wont be a trouble for you, you are not my business anyway…
    P.S.: sorry for my bad English

    1. Dear Lady Time.

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      I did not spam your email, because you were rude. We who follow Jesus are ready to be lied up on an ridiculed just like He was persecuted. We are even ready to be burnt at stake.

      I spammed you and the Satanists because I as the editor of this site wanted to close the debate. The satanists did not bring in new reflections, just copied their previous attacks without reason.

      When I saw your second posting, I changed my mind. The debate on the topic of Astarte and Jesus is again open. Also about Viking paganism in Norway in ancient times, and today.

      1. That’s ok. I saw that your conversations were pointless…as it is used to be with two different religions.

        And that is the reason why I won’t defend the concept of free will or the importance of choice or even Paganism here. However my first intention was that, but I don’t want to waist my time.

        My only intention with that last post was to protect your daughter (if you even have one) from this, mostly because this kind of “religious betrayal” is quite common, unfortunately. If you let me give you an advice: next time, think it twice. Bible can be interpreted in different ways, but whatever happens, if you protect the ones you love the most (including yourself), it can’t be an evil act, whatever it takes to do. There will be times, when you will face the choice between the church and your family, and I just can hope, you will be wise enough to make the best decision.

      2. Dear Lady Time.

        Shalom, and welcome back with a fresh comment.

        We all have different viewpoints.I guess that is what we have media for?

        I do not stop Satanists from entering this site with comments. Also they have a right to voice their opinion.

        It is important to defend the freedom of expression. It is also important to underline, that we all make mistakes. Than its important to be able to say sorry, and ask for forgiveness.

      3. Dear Lady Time.

        Shalom, and let me reply to your comment.

        You wrote:

        There will be times, when you will face the choice between the church and your family.

        My reply:

        Surely. But true followers of Jesus will not scrap their faith in Him, if forced to chose between Him and their family. Jesus said that He did come to split families into believers and non believers. We have to make up our mind if we want to follow Him into the Kingdom of Heaven or not.

        In regards to my example of self-defense against rapists. I can not say, that I will not raise my hand on someone who attacks my daughter. I am a human, imperfect. Only Jesus was without sin. Perfect man, and fully God.

  12. Dear Ivarfjeld,

    I guess it is not imperfectness, but some kind of self sacrifice (in this concept..i mean if we take the Bible as a basis.. you you believe you will end up in hell if you do so, but still you do it for her..)but whatever..
    it is your choice, you have the free will to chose whatever you wish 🙂 hope that you will be happy with your choice (just don’t forget to let other people choose too…like the Norwegians) 🙂

    1. Dear Lady Time

      Shalom, and thanks indeed for this comment.

      The Apostle Paul explains to us that the weakness of God is always stronger than the strength of man. (1.Cor 1:25).

      Can there ever be weakness in God?

      And even foolishness?

      Surely. The x-factor of the creation order is both. It is our free will. We can choose. Paul explains that those who choose Jesus are Gods co-workers. This relationship will always be very exiting for both parties….

  13. in the bootmline after all the nonsense talking.

    paganism makes diveded socaity.
    g-d unites.

    there are many pagans but…
    g-d ACHAD.

    has its says in “palms”. its better little for the righous then many evil men.

    and i ofcourse not talking about the people but to the idologies…you can be a good person living in a lie but you can be even better with the truth.

  14. I am sorry, but this is jsut ridiculous.

    Many cities are named after Christianity, St.Petersburg being an example. So many Christian and other Montheistic customs emanate throughout world society.

    The Norweigians are honoring their heritage, where they came from, their original Gods.

    You’re history is more bloodstained than ours, but we accept our wrong doings in the past.

    You just use the same old “Oh well people who do these evil things really aren’t Christians”.

    We could say the same thing, but we don’t. Not because we glorify these actions, today Modern Pagans in Scandinavia condemn these actions.

    But we realize we can’t rewrite history and so we take responsibility.

    And the Vikings were not more brutal than any other soldier on the Battlefield during the Middle Ages.

    Grow up.

    1. Alec,

      Your Comment: The Norweigians are honoring their heritage, where they came from, their original Gods

      My Comment: You say the Norweigians honor their original Gods. And that is a huge error on their part. There is only one God, and that is Jesus Christ.

      Isaiah 9:6 – For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

      John 8:24 – “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I AM He, you will die in your sins.”

      John 10:30-33 – Jesus answered them, “I and My Father are one.”

      1. It’s funny that your only argument is supported by a book who holds the same truth and believability as Lord of the Rings.

        The Pagan Norse were peaceful and normal, yet the Christians forced their foreign religion upon them.

      2. Alec,

        Your Comment: It’s funny that your only argument is supported by a book who holds the same truth and believability as Lord of the Rings.

        My Comment: I cannot change the way you feel, but know this. If you do not believe in Jesus Christ, then you are believing the god on this world, which is satan. And the bible describes him as the father of all lies.

        John 8:44 says: You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. *end*

        As to the truth the Christ says: John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. *end*

        Jesus died for our sins, and paid the price on the cross. John 3:16 He resurrected, and is coming soon. I suggest you pick up the bible, and read the truth.

        John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to be], you will indeed die in your sins.” *END* John 8:24 is straight forward and the complete TRUTH.

        God Bless

  15. Your fake god jesus failed when he died (by the way he didn’t really die, cuz it’s all fake) for the sins of mankind, but everyone is still sinning more then ever. So 4uck all the GeeBoo bullchit! It’s all fake to keep you dumb a$$es under control. Get over it losers or gtfo!

    1. Dear Thor Alex.

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      You wrote:

      but everyone is still sinning more then ever. So 4uck all the GeeBoo bullchit!

      My comment:

      You are a fresh example that Jesus had to die for your sins. Your filthy language will separate you from a good and loving God for eternity. I will spam your next comment. But if you repent, you will be forgiven. Just like Jesus will forgive all your sins.

  16. Well I now say that there are other Gods and Goddess… I’ve changed my mind so many times in the bible and I’ll change it again.

    PS: All the bad things in the bible about women, I changed my mind about that to, in fact I made Eve before Adem.

    Hail the Gods and Goddess of old, hail equality.

    1. To you,

      I suggest you read this bible verse several times, until it sinks deep into your brain and heart.

      Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

      And then when you’ve memerized God’s important word, then memerize this;

      Romans 14:11 It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.’

      And then when you’ve done that, here’s one that’s really important.

      Luke 13:3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.


      Revelation 20:11-15
      Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

  17. I am absolutely thrilled that the old gods are getting recognision again. I am also very annoyed at the ignorant christians posting on here. I accept that you worship your god and there is nothing wrong with that what annoys me is that you are ignorant to the FACT that there are thousands of gods oout there who are alot older than yours. In the end it doesnt matter who you worship as long as you are a good person not just to other people but to animals as well as they are also living creatures and have souls just like we do. It also annoys me that you feel the need to bully evryone else into your faith if your so confident in your beliefs you wouldnt feel so threatened by everyone else. Long live the ancient gods.

    1. Julie,

      Your Comment: I accept that you worship your god and there is nothing wrong with that what annoys me is that you are ignorant to the FACT that there are thousands of gods oout there who are alot older than yours

      My Comment: Pick up the Word of God which is the complete truth. There is only one God and Savior which is Jesus Christ.

      1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

      The Word of God also says: John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to be], you will indeed die in your sins.”

  18. HAHAHAHAH this is too funny. nameing oil rigs upsets jesus? how about the fact that many people still worship the old gods? the guy at the ticket booth wears a thors hammer, hell i worship odin myself. And what makes christians believe they are correct? that only they are right and everyone else is wrong? what are the odds your souls was cast forth into a society in where jesus was worshipped? you just got luckier than the billions of people past and present who do not acknowledge him?

    1. Dear Lars Owen.

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      You wrote:

      Nameing oil rigs upsets jesus?

      My reply:

      Sin He alone is the God that has blessed Norway, We should honor him.

      I see you worship Odin.So did your forefathers. They raped and killed, merciless goons. You will end up with them. Not in Wallhalla, but in Hell. Of course if you do not repent, and turn towards the God that got rid of this satanic paganism from the heart of the ancient vikings.

      1. ivarfjeld,

        You say that Vikings once ran rampant, raping and killing, like “merciless goons”. Think back to Europe and the Holy Roman Empire. The Pope himself passed on God’s direct word, and called forth for his greatest and holiest of knights. Under DIRECT COMMAND FROM GOD ALMIGHTY did these knights set off on their epic quest of raping, pillaging, burning and killing in a massive genocide against the helpless men, women, and children of Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Israel. In all, accounting for hundreds of thousands of dead innocents, many more lives claimed than the Vikings. And don’t get me started on the Inquisition. Or the conquering of the Aztecs. Or the murdering of the Native Americans. Or crushing the Incans. Or Nazis against the jews. All of them Christians, all of them “merciless goons”.

        Do not criticize the actions of those long before and of a different faith than you when you cling so tightly to a religion that has committed countless gruesome atrocities in the name of “God” since it’s inception two thousand years ago and even into modern day, a religion who’s holy war has brought the citizens of Earth to their knees and tormented them because they thought something different, and which neither side could prove!

      2. Dear Auntie May.

        Shalom, and welcome to this site.

        I feel you are shooting on the wrong guy. I am convinced that the Papacy is the chair of an antichrist. So you will not find any line supporting the Pope of Rome on this blog. That whomsoever have committed cruel acts in the name of ‘god”, can not be used to defend the cruelty of the Vikings.

        There is not a single excuse that is valid, for not making Jesus the Messiah your master.

      3. You clearly have missed my point or ignored it. The fact stands, christians do as many, if not more, evil things to people. This is an undeniable fact. I’m not defending the cruelty of the vikings (the FEW that partook in such actions), but simply saying that Christians have done their fair share of horrible acts so you cant hate on another religion for doing the same thing. Thats hypocrisy. Well, Christianity is nothing but hypocrisy. Most religion, for that matter, is.

        You have dodged my point, which either means that I’m right and that you know that, but will not admit it because then you must admit you were wrong in earlier posts, or it means that you are simply ignorant and stupid for denying historical facts. Oh, and my reason (not “excuse”), among others, for denying “Jesus as my master blah blah blah” is sheer education and logic.

      4. Auntie May


        Your comment:

        Well, Christianity is nothing but hypocrisy. Most religion, for that matter, is.

        My reply:

        True Christianity is supposed to be based on the teachings of Jesus, and not the act of people who claim they are his students. So focus of Jesus. Explains to me one sentence that He spoke that is wrong, and I will agree with you.

        Please pick up this challenge.

      5. Auntie May

        You said: Christians have done their fair share of horrible acts so you cant hate on another religion for doing the same thing.

        The bible says in Luke:16:15: And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

        Only God knows our heart, my heart, your heart, everyone’s heart.

        Your Comment: “Jesus as my master blah blah blah” is sheer education and logic.

        My Comment: Your denial doesn’t make the Word of God any less true. The bible says in John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to be], you will indeed die in your sins.”

      6. Auntie May,

        You write: You ignorant fanatics are a lost cause; I pity you

        My Comment: The Word of God is the complete truth. Only Jesus Christ can save you, not your vikings, or whatever else you believe in. Only JESUS CHRIST.

        Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  19. You Christians are a bunch of assholes who are f…(censored) hypocrites. First of all the catholics aren’t the only to blame in the Christian sector for the mass murder of many, also the Protestants killed same things for Methodists and Anglicans. You all call yourselves Christians but don’t even follow the anti-life rules you are suppose to follow. If you want to free yourself from the enslaving religion why don’t you go visit http://www….(censored)….com and learn something useful.

    You Christians, Muslims and Jews are all cancer religions to evolutionary process of mankind. We would have been a thousand years more advanced but these fag religions stopped our scientific development. I personally believe they are religions that were made to enslave humanity.

    Oh and it has come to my attention that the god in the bible might not be one god but many gods afterall… Genesis 1:26 – Then God said, “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness; and blah blah blah.”


    1. Dear all readers.


      I have allowed F…(censored) Christians to publish this post. So you can see what kind of messages that are caught up in the spam filter. This person will not allowed to keep on posting, if He do not repent.

    2. To you I say this,

      Romans 14:10-12

      10 You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11 It is written:

      “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord,
      ‘every knee will bow before me;
      every tongue will acknowledge God.’”

      12 So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.

  20. i’m asatru. i have quite a few friends that are pagan (various beliefs), many christian, and even a few jewish friends. i have respect for the people, even if i disagree with thier religious beleifs. one major part of our beleifs are that a man’s (or woman’s) mettle should be judged by thier actions.
    another part of our beliefs is one of tolerance, which is why i can have friends of differing backgrounds beleifs, etc; while more religious christians, especially those familiar with scripture, won’t. you will never find someone who can represent all of asatru (or pagans) for this very reason. we all have our own interpretations, experiences, and beliefs… the biggest difference between asatru and abrahamic religion is that we are ok with differing oppinions. our society and history bears that out. while, on the other hand, yours has just the opposite history, one filled with much violent infighting. example, protestant reformation. it is actually only relatively recently that christians have become “peaceful”, and “loving”… at least as you see it.
    i’m not going to deny that there were quite a few norsement that were violent, raped, pilaged etc. that’s something we can both agree on. we can also both agree that in the name of christianity, many wrongs have been comitted- i’m not going to reiterate about the nazis, inquisition and forced conversions. however, i just want to point out a biblical account that the cities conquered by (joshua, i believe) were basically leveled, and all (including children) inhabitants were killed (rather barbaric don’t you think?). you already know these things to be true, you just won’t acknowledge them. you shouldn’t deny your history, or you’ll be destined to repeat it. in fact, in some ways, christians do so already… i’ve seen quite a few threats and some violence committed in christianity’s name. not to mention the disputes in ireland- quite a bit of terrorism between catholics and protestants (if you deny catholicism as christian you should do some reading, where do you think protestantism springs from?). but i’m sure these weren’t “propper” christians were they? think again, if you read the torah (old testament), it tells you to commit more than a few viotent acts. as i recall, scripture tells us to stone adulterers and women who are non-virgin if/when they were discovered. is this your “mercy”? what about protesting the funerals of homosexuals… what’s the point? the individual is dead. you are merely dis-honoring yourselves, hurting the family/friends of the individual, and showing your true colors- intolerant biggots that cannot stand to be told “i disagree” or “your wrong”. is this your “love”? should i even mention forgiveness? i believe all this talk about modern day violence (including murders), biblically comanded stoning / war, and (modern) funeral protests negates the point of even mentioning “forgiveness”.
    if your neo christian (new tenetes of mercy, forgiveness, love, etc) conflict with your old tenets (all that violence and hatred i just mentioned), then how can you properly practice your religion? seems like your book doesn’t help here. “but it’s the infallible word of god.” you say. i say it’s a contradiction in and of itself, and i have just proved it.

    old testament= violence
    new testament=less/no violence

    old testamnet + new testamnet = contradiction

    violence + no violence = WTF type confusion

    honestly though, the biggest problem that i have with my friends and relatives of abrahamic faiths, is that they do exactly the same thing that you are doing. they point to a book and say it has all the answers (i disagree), that it is indisputable (just dis-proved that), that if you live by these standards, you will have eternal life ( yeah, yeah, we all say that). that’s all fine and dandy, but there’s just one small problem. your speaking to someone of a different faith, with different views, and with a will of thier own. if your interested in converting me (or anyone else with intelligence), you’ll have to do better than quoting a dusty old book that has been translated multiple times (so some of the origional meaning is lost), and that has been written by multiple men that we don’t even know IF existed, much less IF what they wrote is the truth (for all i know, your apostles were delusional schitzophrenics at best). i view my subjective personal experiences and relationships with my gods as much more meaningful than your dribble about your imaginary friend. the issue- they are both equally unprovable. you want to debate- that’s cool, just try to bring more to the table than a few scriptures IF your religion is that high and mighty. you have the burden of proof here since your the conversionist and feel that we are legion. actually, i like that… we are legion 😉 rofl

    i also want to address something in a previous post.
    the comment: “paganism makes divided society. god unites.”

    christianity might be about “unity” and bringing people together (*looks at his post and shakes head no*). however, you neglect to mention that only applies if those people are christian. your religion tends to reject and mock (at the least) those they disagree with. if that is your unity, i want no part of it. pagans tend to disagree, and sure, we aren’t organized in any shape, form, or fashion (unlike christianity), but thats the most beutiful part of our “divided society” we JUST don’t care.

    i also wonder sometimes, if your jesus even existed, if maybe he was a little gift from / manifestation of Loki. seems like something he might do to try to foil Odin…

    1. It’s pretty obvious by the use of “I am legion” that you lean towards more pagan practices (or even if you meant that as a joke-those words have never held a good conotation with them), and I haven’t even begun to read your fairly large post.

      You said: we all have our own interpretations, experiences, and beliefs… the biggest difference between asatru and abrahamic religion is that we are ok with differing oppinions. our society and history bears that out

      My Comment: I’m going to keep it simple and to the point

      Jesus Christ The Only Savior: says in John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to be], you will indeed die in your sins.”

      This goes for every person on this earth who is at the age of accountability.

      Matthew 3:2 and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”

      1. sorry about the long post, i had alot to say, and more than a few points to make. obviously your not arguing with any of them, so they were well grounded. i am legion is a joke… but honestly we ARE legion. lol 😉 the connotation you speak of applies to christians only. its a phrase meant to decribe the demons of hell- your hell, not our hel… ours isn’t the nicest, but certainly not like yours. The word was stolen from us, we want it back, btw ;).

        i get the biggest kick out of this.

        seriously though, same old tactics as i pointed out before. nothing but quoting scripture. come up with something new; it’s not very persuasive since we don’t believe in your god. the fact that you can only critique our tolerance for other religious oppinions(religion is an oppinion, btw… i can make another obscenely long post on the matter if you like?) only reinforces my statements and makes yourself a further example of christian arrogance and intolerance. in addition to reinforcing my points made above, in the eyes of the vast majority of non-christians, your response to my obscenely long post amounts to “i am christian, here me roar”.

      2. Your comment: The word was stolen from us, we want it back,

        My Comment: Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.*end* I assume you meant the world? Or Word? Either way God created the world, and if you meant the Word, that is Jesus Christ.

        Your Comment: its a phrase meant to decribe the demons of hell- your hell, not our hel… ours isn’t the nicest, but certainly not like yours

        My Comment: There is no various hell’s. The bible speaks of one hell, and for every human that does not accept the Word of God and repent, that is there dwelling place for eternity.

        Revelation 20:9-15
        Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

        whether you believe the truth or not, doesn’t change the face.

        Your comment: btw… i can make another obscenely long post on the matter if you like?

        My Comment: Keep the posts short and straight to the point

        BTW: You can believe whatever imaginary fake god you believe in. But I tell you this in all seriousness. I have been in the presence of Christ, and the amount of love I felt from him is indescribable.

        I have also at a seperate time, seen what resides in hell (before rebuking it in the name of Jesus Christ), and I tell you it is a place no one wants to spend eternity.

        Christ is giving you a chance, Take It.

      3. Gloria, you realise of course, that Satanists have to be Christian to believe in Satan?, just another irony. In pretty much All religions, including Paganism there has been a deity whom died and resurrected, Odin and Osiris to name just two. I feel very sorry for you, because you sound very brainwashed, you must have spent every day of your youth memorising the most badly translated, partially published book, which was “edited” by a King whom blamed witches when his brides ship was caught in a storm., which is why in the sentence “thou should not suffer a poisoner to live” he switched the word poisoner to witch.
        Oh, I was spoon fed Christianity as a child, bigotry with my oatmeal, but embracing Kemet Paganism was liberating, “to thine own self be true”, , in other words don’t deceive yourself, I refused to be a hypocrite any longer, your God wasn’t there for “his” people during the Holocaust, your God doesn’t give a damn when a loved one is dying of Cancer, or a mother finds her baby dead from Cot Death, worship a God like that?, No Way!

      4. Faolan,

        You said: Gloria, you realise of course, that Satanists have to be Christian to believe in Satan?, just another irony.

        My comment: Your irony or attempt at one isn’t good. All Satanists are NOT Christian, because they chose to believe in the devil himself.

        Your comment: In pretty much All religions, including Paganism there has been a deity whom died and resurrected, Odin and Osiris to name just two. I feel very sorry for you, because you sound very brainwashed, you must have spent every day of your youth memorising the most badly translated, partially published book, which was “edited” by a King whom blamed witches when his brides ship was caught in a storm., which is why in the sentence “thou should not suffer a poisoner to live” he switched the word poisoner to witch.

        My comment: Isaiah 43:10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me.

        Yore comment: Oh, I was spoon fed Christianity as a child, bigotry with my oatmeal, but embracing Kemet Paganism was liberating, “to thine own self be true”, , in other words don’t deceive yourself, I refused to be a hypocrite any longer, your God wasn’t there for “his” people during the Holocaust, your God doesn’t give a damn when a loved one is dying of Cancer, or a mother finds her baby dead from Cot Death, worship a God like that?, No Way!

        My comment: The world is full of sin. But we have a choice. A beautiful choice. Believing in HIM is the only way for eternal life. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

        I had a cousin who died recently. She was my age. But because she believed in Jesus, (all Glory goes to Him) she now has an eternal home with him.

        I wholeheartedly believe that if you open your self up to Jesus, it will change your life completely. God Bless you!


  21. “the “word” of god” is christian term, i’ll give you that much. after re-reading that portion of my post i can understand your confusion, lols, the word “hell” is taken from the asatru “hel” prior to christianization, and that is what i meant. easter and valentines day are also origionally pagan holidays, btw (learn your history).
    anyways, you have still yet to give any type of response other than quoting scripture, and i’m starting to get bored with it. i’m not going to dignify your scriptures with a response because i’ve already addressed the issue twice in previous posts.
    as for your experiences. congratulations, i’m happy for you, and i sincerely mean that. they reafirm one’s faith. i should know, i’ve had my own. that being said, neither one of us can prove/disprove subjective experiences. move on. if you have anything that could make further constructive debating material, bring it out. if you want to address any of my posts, do so. however, if you have nothing more than your scriptures to throw at me, i consider this debate over and finished. since i think scripture is all you have, it was fun talking to you, but i think you lost this one, though you’ll never admit it.

    1. I AM LEGION!!! rofl!,

      As Jesus says,”Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.” John 7:17.

      It looks like you won’t know the truth unless you choose to do the will of God.

      1. *looks at last line and nods head in satisfaction at prediction*

        nope, you guys can’t even admit when you have no ground left to stand on. you shouldn’t be ashamed though, there is dignity and wisdom in knowing and acknowledging when you’ve been bested.

        as my grandmother likes to say “you would argue with a sighn you painted yourself.”

    2. Your Comment: i should know, i’ve had my own. that being said, neither one of us can prove/disprove subjective experiences.

      My Comment: If you seeked Christ truly, you would know that he is the Only God, not a pagan god from the devil.

      I will continue to quote scriptures, because Jesus Christ will come soon.

      Your Comment: if you have anything that could make further constructive debating material, bring it out

      My Comment; It is you who chose to comment on this blog, and I could say the same for you. The only thing you written proved you believe in the lies of the devil, and I truly feel sorry for you if you do not awaken.

      Your Comment: since i think scripture is all you have, it was fun talking to you, but i think you lost this one, though you’ll never admit it.

      My Comment: Actually the day Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected, the day I accepted him as my Savior made me a most humble winner.

      Your Comment: as my grandmother likes to say “you would argue with a sighn you painted yourself.”

      My Comment: As my grandmother likes to quote: Matthew 3:2 and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”

      2 Timothy 4
      1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear

      1. sorry, more obscenely long posts… but i did at least have some entertainment from this one 😉 Gloria is the OP, just so there is no possible confusion.

        each of your comments has been analyzed and respoded to in a manner that i have attempted to make as polite and honest as posible while addressing your “arguments”.

        your comment: if you only seeked christ truly, you would know that he is the only god, not a pagan god from the devil.

        my comment: pure evasion and distractive behavior, the OP does not want to focus on the issue addressed, subjective experiences. defensive behavior of belittling my beliefs because he/she cannot assert his/her own within me. the OP has a firmity in beleifs, but lacks the ability to concede a point (arrogance)that is neutral and grounded in fact. subjective experience is not proof of anything. get a dictionary to learn the definition of “subjective”.

        your comment: it is you who chose to comment on the blog, and i could say the same for you. the only thing you written proved you believe in the lies of the devil, and i truly feel sorry for you if you do not awaken.

        my comment: “it is you who chose to comment on the blog” yes i did, and i feel i’ve done a very good job of it. yours is a hostile and passive aggressive response meant to discourage further posting/debate. i have proven i am pagan certainly- and proud of it. this sentence also shows your shallow desire for a confirmation of your own beliefs. the very nature of looking for confirmation shows a lack of confidence and a possible inferiority complex the OP is trying to compensate for. your rebuttle of “i could say the same for you” shows extreme arrogance, intolerance, and ignorance due to anger at inability to effectively debate, and thus convert a pagan. your “feeling sorry” for me is looked upon as sarcasm – arrogance, ignorance, and intolerance do not breed sympathy. this is a common weapon used by christians to belittle the faiths of others. other examples include “that’s okay, jesus loves you anyway.”

        your comment: actually, the day jesus christ died on the cross and was resurected, the day i accepted him as my Savior made me a humble winner.

        my comment: frail attempt to maintain ego and percieved superiority. the OP must make up for losing a debate by stating he/she is a “winner” in the eyes of god. the blatant denial shown here is malignant and pervasive in the OP’s life- indeed, his/her way of denying any loss would be “god still loves me” and “the lord works in mysterious ways.” i could list more, but i think i’ve made the point.

        your comment: as my grandmother likes to quote” matthew 3:2 repent for the kingdom of heaven is here….i’m not going to write the other one.

        my comment: more deflection, evasion, and distraction. the op cannot argue my point of arrogance and wishes to distract. the biblical quotes themselves are another defensive mechanism, projection. the first quote shows a feeling of frustration (maybe with the OPs life, but more likely me), and the second one of general guilt in the OP (possibly for losing the debate? i hope the OP has not issues in his/her life to be guilty over). this is unfortunates and i hope his/her concience is uplifted if/when he/she repents to his/her god.

        On another note, i am happy to know the OP has a grandmother to quote. that being said…

        your comment: i will continue to quote scriptures because jesus christ will come soon.

        my comment: yet another petty attampt at distraction by the OP. this shows the OP’s lack of creativity in debate. really now? if you think he’s coming, fine by me.

        my analysis?the OP is a poor debater, fillng the OP’s posts with distractors and evasions while not giving any real substance or thought to the OPs argument. however, more importantly, the OP should seek counciling. the OP has issues of a possible inferiority complex, denial, passive aggressive behaviors, arrogance, and an inability to focus. the ignorance will usually take care of itself with time, however, yours is an extreme case and i recoment taking classes in the social sciences, philosiphy, and culture at your local community college. this will help broaden your horizons and give you an ability to view things from other perspectives.
        in short, you have the makings of a narcisistic personality disorder with (possible) ADHD. i sincerely hope this is not the case as personality disorders are not treatable.

      2. Your Comment: i feel i’ve done a very good job of it. yours is a hostile and passive aggressive response meant to discourage further posting/debate

        My Comment: If you took the truth from the Word of God as passive aggressive, then that’s your take on it. I make no apologies about speaking the Word of God.

        Your Comment: i have proven i am pagan certainly- and proud of it.

        My Comment: Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

        And feeling sorry for you, is what I truly feel from the bottom of my heart, because the last thing, like I’ve stated is that I wouldn’t want anyone to spend an eternity in hell. Jesus Christ offers us salvation.

        Your Comment: in short, you have the makings of a narcisistic personality disorder with (possible) ADHD. i sincerely hope this is not the case as personality disorders are not treatable.

        My Comment: Since you have reduced yourself to calling me names, then I will ask that you not comment on this blog anymore. If you come back with more disrespect, you will be spammed.

        If you want to have a debate about Jesus Christ do so with respect.

  22. i offer the same respect i am given by others. i have never belittled your beliefs, said you were wrong to have them, or anything of the sort. i have given you as much respect as i have recieved- and done so much more calmly. if that is a problem… well, you get the picture.

    contrary to your belief, i never called you names, and i apologize if you feel that was my intention. i simply analyzed your post and offered a logical explanation for your behavior. you are angry and stubbornly misinterpret and twist my words. your threat of spamming me is a defensive manuver to a percieved threat you cannot handle. this will be my last post since you can no longer hold your anger and frustration in check. i hope you enjoyed my analysis.

    (…Censored. Editor). guide you to truth and wisdom.

    Dear I am a legion.

    May Jesus shake you, and rebuke you today. Never again to give you a good nigh sleep, till you repent. It will be better for you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven totally exhausted, than to be sent to Hell in good heath and shape.

    Do not bother sending a reply. It will be spammed.


    1. Dear All readers.


      I have spammed ” I AM LEGION!!! rofl!”. Just as he wanted. I might change my mind, if I see a message of repentance in the spam filter.

      Editor: Ivar.

    2. Oh my god, THANK YOU. Every time I even THINK about returning to Christianity, I merely need to read post like the ones you’re responding to in order to regain my sanity. I could not POSSIBLY hang my hat on the same tree as these idiots!

  23. Oh god, this is so stupid. On one hand we have Jesus freaks whose only form of argument is to quote bible verses and on the other we have Wiccan goth girls trying to be all pagan and shit. There was only a few people here than I actually agreed with (and none of them were Christians) First of all I’m a Norwegian and I’m an atheist. I don’t follow any primitive religions. But if I were to worship any god it would be Odin since its our tradition. Christianity is an Asian religion, its foreign, We’re Norsemen and our traditional religion is Germanic/Norse paganism. Its the religion of the European people. To worship a foreign God is betraying our culture and ancestors. People of Scandinavia are slowly drifting away from Abrahamic religions because Paganism is deep in their blood. Norway is the country with the least church going people. Going to Church is largely ceremonial. Scandinavia is rich, developed and has the highest standards of living. Why? because we’re liberal. Christians are elitists. We are not. All men who become obsessed with something end up perishing under its own weight. And in this case, Christianity. I’m sickened to see how Christians are OBSESSED with their prophet. Muslims and Christians are a plague and there’s nothing we can do. And to the editor, stop saying Shalom. You’re not a Jew. Jews don’t go around trying to convert people to their religion. (I know this because my wife is a Jew) They have some respect left, you have none.

  24. Gloria. You’re an unintelligent and close minded woman. You’re probably some fat, American jesus freak. Your kind is dying slowly. Most of the intelligent, educated people of the world are either atheist, agnostic or secular. Maybe even buddhist. Christianity = -1 Atheism = 9000

    1. If you come back here and cannot speak with respect you will be banned.

      And as to what I am: saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.

      I suggest you repent from your sins, because Christ is near. The other alternative will not be great at all, as it is written in His Word.

      “My little children, these things I write to you, that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” (1 John 2:1)

      1. Dear Gloria,

        Rejoice. You have been deemed worthy to be persecuted, bless God.

        35456364, Bjorn, I am legion..
        Know we will be praying for you.


  25. I’m sorry, but I’ve got to say this is ridiculous.

    I respect Christianity. I have been raised in a Christian society, and so i know a lot about it. however, i have chosen the pagan path, the path my ancestors took and the path my children shall take if they so choose to.

    The Asatru faith has never seeked to scare others into beleiving, we have always sticked to a policy of ‘you stick to your Gods, ill stick to mine’. i find it highly arrogant that any religion can tell a man or woman what he can and cannot do with his life. due to the society we live in, all pagans know exactly what the Christian faith would do to them for not following Christ’s word, and we accept that risk and move on.

    As a Christian, do you seriously contemplate whether or not you will ever escape the wheel of samsara? or whether or not you will go to jahannum? i seriously doubt it. do you know why? because your beliefs are your beliefs. No true Asatruar would wish on Christians what Christians wish on them for non-belief. Christians would send them to hell, a place of burning and torture, whilst Christians would be sent to hel, a place very similar to earth. where is the love in that ?

    Though i strongly disagree with the christian churches actions, such as the crusades, and the actions of a certain ‘Olaf the traitor’ i believe this comes down to the faults of men, born imperfect, not the faults of their faith. just as with the Viking raids.

    I hold no grudges against most Christians, i believe they can believe what they want. however after 11 years raised in a Christian society, i find that the wholesome Asa fill the hole that Christianity left in my soul. why follow a religion that focusses entirely on death and the afterlife, when i can enjoy the gift of life from the Gods/God ? i believe that is what any benevolent deity would want us to do. We are not here forever, it is a shame to throw it away for uncertain things.

    Also for all you Aethiests out there, i believe that there are 2 sides to reality. the physical and the metaphysical. i believe in the Big bang, not creation. it believe that the creation detailed in both the Eddas and in the bible is allegory.

    But ultimately, all religion is unverifiable, so it is merely ones word against anothers. The Gods/ God gave us reason, so why argue amongst each other like apes, when we can politely discuss and explain our beleifs?

    Please reply, i look forward to a good, well-meaning, and well structured debate

    Godhi Josef

    -Asa vaerdi oss-

    1. The Godhi


      Love in Jesus the Messiah.

      You wrote:

      But ultimately, all religion is unverifiable, so it is merely ones word against anothers. The Gods/ God gave us reason, so why argue amongst each other like apes, when we can politely discuss and explain our beleifs?

      My reply:

      Please do not look on what Christians are doing, or have done, and take a stand against Jesus. Let all man be liars, and God the truth. Jesus said I am the truth, the way and life. Come to Him. Let Him give you a new heart, and release you from the bondage of unbelief.

      but ultimately, all religion is unverifiable, so it is merely ones word against anothers. The Gods/ God gave us reason, so why argue amongst each other like apes, when we can politely discuss and explain our beleifs?

      1. You’r as close minded as you’r religion, so there is no point arguing.

        one thing though.

        Your god died nailed to a pole. One of my Gods has a hammer, called mjolnir.

        I sure hope you can open your mind enough to see what i am implying.

    2. Joe,

      Just so you know, the crusades were horrible. Ivar would agree with this. The crusades were initiated by the Catholic Church which turned Christianity into a political empire, which is not how the original church was. The original church was Jewish and Jesus fulfilled the Jewish prophecies. Constantine turned Christianity into a civil state. The Roman Catholic Church killed millions, including true Christians for 600 years.
      Many think that the Pope is the leader of the Christian church, this is not true.


  26. My God doesn’t need to defeat death, he’s strong enough to avoid being killed by humans.

    But there is an account of Hermod, one of Thor’s servants riding Sleipnir into hel to take Baldr back.

    Did yours? i doubt it, he was just a heretical jewish rabbi.

  27. Hi Godhi,

    Jesus freely laid down His life. He was not a victim.

    I noticed your note above. Please know as a Christian, I would never want to see you in hell, as you claimed some do. Never.

    I wish His grace in your life.


  28. 🙂

    Sue, you are a rare example of a christian who practises what they preach, and i have utter respect for you because of this. i will be honest and say that many of the things i have said were aimed at ivarfjeld.

    I would hope you go to your heaven 🙂

  29. But i wonder, do you see why we pagans take offence at this article?

    How could anti-semitism have its roots in viking mythology? there is no reference to jews in it at all, in fact, during the time of its development the vikings had no contact with the people of the near-east.

    The only link between my peoples mythology and anti-semitism is when some german nutcase twisted its meaning. i take offence that my religion has been bracketed under this hideous generalisation. How would you feel if someone claimed that all christians think ‘God hates f##s?’ then went on to claim it says right there in the Bible that he hates them? its just not correct.

    Thank you for your time to understand this.

    1. Godhi,

      I understand what you are saying.

      I think Ivar is referring to the fact that right now Norway is speaking against Jews, and he is saying the cause of this is Norway’s pagan roots which reject the Bible.

      1. thank you, i have read it.

        I feel that anti-semitism is a problem in North europe, it is unfair to blame it on Norway, and especially on Norways rich heritage.

        I can personally say that my faith has NO anti-semitic feelings in its pure form, only when people feel anger towards the Jewish peoples, and twist it to their own purposes does this happen 🙂

  30. Dear Godhi.

    Thank you, Godhi. I can assure you that Ivar does not want to see you in hell either. He was an atheist and was completely changed by reading the bible and surrendering to Jesus. Because of the change in his life, He wants to share Jesus with others.

    You can only be where you are at, at this moment.

    I hope you can experience the love of Jesus through my words. I do care about you. We are ALL sinners. Every one of us screws up and no one is perfect.

    I will say a special prayer for you today that you can understand Jesus not to be a defeated Rabbi, but a Saving Lord.

    Sending love and Grace,

  31. Dear sure,

    Please, its Joe, Godhi is a title 🙂

    Yes, we have similar people in our religion, new converts often have a strong anti-judeo-christian streak in them. whilst our faith has suffered at the hands of christians, i do not hold it against most of them. There are good and bad people of all faiths haha.

    I hope also that one day, you can feel a connection with your ancestral Gods, and return to the old ways 🙂

    I will request that the Gods will show you their presence, so you can understand what it is to be a pagan 🙂 they show themselves in many ways, often through natural processes such as wind, rain and thunder.

    Sending strength and determination,


  32. Hi Joe,
    We’ve had a nice conversation before. Hoping this finds you well.
    If you do not believe in sin, do you believe in right or wrong? Or is everything relative?
    If there is no God, there is no good. By what standard do we judge what is right or wrong?
    Relativism is flawed. Not everything that feels right is right.

    1. Hey again sue

      yes i believe we have haha, but you know, when people start attacking the faith, i get the call to defend it through my e-mails hahaha

      I believe in morals, and only a cold atheist or a psychopath wouldn’t, after all, isnt our morality what makes us human?

      I personally that there is no need for a God to set standards on morality. Is not , morality, after all just a way of ensuring the survival of the species as a cohesive group?

      i do believe there is an element of relativism in good and evil, as society often dictates what constitutes it throught its laws and customs.

      For example i have a chinese friend, and she finds it unspeakably evil of me to eat rabbit, as they are pets to them, yet in our culture this is perfectly acceptable!!

      yes there are major evils, such as murder, but i believe that boils down to the human psyche’s survival instincts, for example Murder=upset family= shunning from society= lack of support during hard times.

      Nice to hear from you,


  33. Dear Joe,


    You say you believe in morals. It may be ‘moral’ for someone to have 10 wives. It may be moral to be a cannibal. It may be ‘moral’ to bear false witness and lie. But if there is no standard than really, you can do whatever you want.
    We have rules all around. School rules, society rules, government rules.
    In the same way we were given the 10 commandments for our own spiritual safety and for the order of society.
    No moral authority and or relativism, is anarchy. Anarchists want chaos and zero rules. This can never lead to a peaceful society.
    Are you American by any chance or do you live in Norway? Just curious. You don’t have to answer me if you dont feel comfortable.
    Back to your convictions: How do you find a moral standard by different gods? Do they all have the same morals or each god possess different standards of morality?

    1. Sue,

      yes, there may be times when it is moral to do those things, but i assure you they are exceptionally rare circumstances, and i cannot think of any particular instances.

      The asatru (norse pagans) do in fact have a written set of virtues, much like aristotle’s ethical theories (worth a read). they are called the 9 virtues, and have been taken from the Eddas.

      and no, it does not make me uncomfortable. though i am half Norwegian, i was born and raised in Britain 🙂

      All the Gods follow the 9 virtues, as they are universal virtues to sentient beings. Loki however, the trickster God does not always, and is often perceived as evil

      Happy to explain,


  34. Dear Joe,

    Interesting that the Chinese find it immoral to kill a rabbit, and advantageous to kill a female baby in the womb just because she’s a girl.The one child policy in China is wicked and evil.
    What kind of warped morality is that?
    and America is just as bad, killing the babies in the womb, by the way.

    1. Dear Sue,

      In a society of so many people, i believe they have chosen the lesser of two evils, as someone well versed in both the language and culture i can quite safely say that it is not just female babies (media-hype).

      With so many people they have a choice, restrict the population, or face mass starvation. what’s more cruel, to never be born, or to starve to death as a child?

      over-population is a massive problem, the world just wasnt designed to hold this many people

      all the best


    1. Thank you sue, i know that babies feel pain as soon as they have nerves.

      Believe me, i have been to china, there overpopulation is no gross over-exaggeration, ive experienced first hand the crammed streets. perhaps in america and other places it is grossly over-estimated, but certainly not in china.

      Secondly, it is not as though most of them let it go so far as to have an abortion, many are on the pill and using condoms, and they have a well laid out sexual education in school, so the rates for abortion are in fact roughly the same as America. do not demonise them simply for their different situation, as i know, if america had 1.2 billion people living in it, it would do the same if it had any sense.

      I appreciate my life, but i understand that if my life, in conjunction with several million others would cause a food shortage, i would accept that i would simply have to wait my turn to be reincarnated into a more favourable body.

      In a perfect world, there would be no need for abortions, however this is far from a perfect world

      Sorry if i seem aggresive, the chinese are a wonderful people, and it annoys me how the media portrays them, its just mccarthy-ism


  35. Joe,
    Actually, there are many in American govt. that want one-child policy. There are also those who think pets should be able to sue their owners and that trees (yes, trees) have rights.
    Slowly but surely, America is moving away from it’s Judeo-Christian heritage and we will suffer for it and already reaping what we have sown.
    I do not adhere to reincarnation. And abortion is contrary to reincarnation and karma, those who adhere to reincarnation find it immoral to kill anything..that being that the ant you stepped on could have been your aunt.
    I have nothing against the Chinese people as a whole. I however, do not appreciate their communistic, anti-God government.

  36. Dear Joe,

    What was your faith growing up? Were you always pagan or are you a covert from another faith?


  37. Sue

    Saint Iranaeus, believed in reincarnation, do you know him?

    simply because they want a one child policy, it does not make them crazy, its a different way of seeing things, after all, america has yet to suffer any negative effects from over population, so their pre-emptive solution seems a bit odd.

    The government is trying to do the best it can with what its got, and i believe it is doing well. communism is based on shared property, and sharing is a good thing is it not? simply because it has failed in the past, due to humans natural desire not to share, it does not make it an evil system, its the humans who exploit it for personal gain that are evil. also it is not anti-god, it merely fears that religion will interfere with china in an imperialistic manner, which given its history is not surprising.

    I was brought up in a somewhat christian household, not overtly so, but we had christmas, and went to church occasionally. the area i live in is quite pious though, and i found that the norse gods called out to me, as my grandmother, a norwegian practicioner of forn seidhr, used to tell me stories about them (though never an attempt to convert me), i converted of my own accord.


  38. Joe,

    I doubt Iraneus believed in reincarnation. He said:

    “We may undermine [the Hellenists’] doctrine as to transmigration from body to body by this fact: that souls remember nothing whatever of the events that took place in their previous states of existence. For if they were sent forth with this object, that they should have experience of every kind of action, they must of necessity retain a remembrance of those things that have been previously accomplished, that they might fill up those in which they were still deficient, and not by always hovering, without intermission, through the same pursuits, spend their labor wretchedly in vain. . . .”

    Not that that matters. I could care less if he did or didn’t. If he did, he wouldn’t be the first heretic to grace the earth.
    People always use supposed Christian’s to back up their claims of this and that.
    Man screws up constantly, so it matters little to what fallen man believes.
    I trust scripture as inerrant.I know this idea is abhorrent to you. As your belief in many gods is abhorrent to me.
    I can look back on scripture and see it fulfilled in our own lifetime.
    Did you grow up Catholic by any chance?

  39. Sue,

    Im sorry i must be mistaken, but i was told that Irenaeus said that we must be reincarnated many times until our souls gain likeness unto God, or something along those lines.

    Heresy has always bee the way forward, was not after all Jesus branded a heretic by the Jews?

    Anyway im not here to defend these people.

    Yes i respect that you take scripture as infallible, but may i ask which version is the infallible one? King james? the Latin one? perhaps the greek one? each one contains errors in translation and cultural nuances, and only the original bible would be the exact ‘word of God’

    I also respect that you would find the idea of many gods abhorrent, but it was in fact Aquinas that started the whole chain of questioning for me!

    he states that we should use reason, and no blindly follow our faith, so i looked at mackie’s inconsistent triad, and found that the real inconsistency is not in the properties of the Judeo-christian god, but in the notion of a singular God!

    No i was not brought up a catholic, i was brought up church of England.


  40. Dear Joe,

    Ahhh yes, Aquinas. This comes as no surprise and I asked you were Catholic because Catholicism has in fact injected paganism into Christianity via Constantine , who remained pagan until his death. The “Saints” who they tell you to pray to, is a replacement for ‘gods.’
    Yes Aquinas took a lot from Aristotle in terms of the use of the failed theory of ‘accidents.’ The RCC uses Aristotle’s theory in the dogma of transubstantiation.
    So i don’t have much use for Aquinas. In fact understanding the the failed theory of accidents and how the RCC has injected paganism into true Christianity is what led me out of the Catholic Church.
    We are on opposite spectrum’s my friend. LOL.
    Still, I believe in ONE God. Three in One. Water has many forms: vapor, ice, liquid. Same idea.

  41. Joe,

    Your faith tells you to believe in luck and destiny.
    But I see it differently.
    There is no accident why you come to this site.
    And I dare not interrupt our pleasant conversation.
    The Lord has led you here.
    I am going to pray for you Joe.
    Do you have a bible on hand? Please do me a favor and read the book of John. Would you do that?

  42. Dear susan

    it is quite funny how we have both taken similar yet opposite paths, is it not? haha

    I believe in many Gods, is that such a foreign concept when one accepts the trinity? all of them made of divinity, just in different forms 🙂


  43. Yes, we believe in luck and destiny, but though destiny brings your to a place or situation, it is up to the people involved how they act. Perhaps it is the movement of the divine that brought me to you? perhaps though, you should also look into your own heart, and blood, and see that in your veins flows the blood of your ancestors, and their ancestors. ancestors who’s souls where devoted to the Gods of your ancestral lands. there is no scripture that i would ask you look at, merely ask yourself, who am i without a past?

    I will pray for you, i pray that you get what you want in life, and that you do not struggle to get what you want. i also pray your family remains a cohesive group, and i pray that just because some pagans are derisive, you do not write off my faith as a bad one.
    The true pagans mean well at heart.
    and i believe that whoever is up there, will judge us on that, and nothing more.

    I have read the bible many times, but i never found it spoke to me in the same way the sagas do, though i appreciate your efforts in trying to help me in the way you see as the best.

    With all the blessings i can


  44. Dear Joe,
    Thanks for this message from your heart. I do appreciate it.

    Friend,I have found true Life in Jesus the Messiah. And even though the bible has not spoken to you before, I will pray that it will now.

    I am going to stop our conversation right now to pray for you at this moment that the Holy Spirit will convict you and move your heart to read the bible.

    I do appreciate your good wishes for me and know your intentions are very sincere.

    Thanking God for you,

  45. Dear Sue,

    It is no problem, i just wish every human to find what they want, and be content 🙂

    Though our religions conflict, i believe we are both human beings, and ultimatley, good creatures. I hope your God and my Gods smile upon you.

    I pray you find happiness, whatever the path.

    Thank you for not giving up on pagans.


  46. Dear Maagni.

    Peace to you.

    This is a Christian blog. No one has held you down and told you “convert or die.” You have freely come to this site without Gloria searching for you. You keep returning to this site and leaving comments, in which you are welcome.
    Gloria, Ivar and I will continue to witness the Good News of Jesus to you whether you believe in it or not because we desire all to know the love of the Messiah and be saved.
    You are having a problem that followers of Jesus say there is only ONE way. Yes. That is true. And Jesus told us we would be persecuted and some killed for telling others the truth. It is not a popular message in the world. We know that. Jesus said: “I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE AND NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME.”
    You can not see or believe because you don’t have the Holy Spirit within you and you have closed your heart to it.
    None of us can make anyone ‘convert.’ Only Jesus can do that. We can ask you to hear His Word and read it. And that is up to you.
    We only wish you the peace that surpasses all understanding and pray you will know Him.
    In Jesus,

  47. hahaha, is this serius?
    I am from norway(born and raised) and this is the most idiotik things i have ever read…
    If the bible and the christians are right, I’ll tale my chances with hell
    (sorry for spelling errors)

  48. You guys are so wrong! I live in Japan. All Japanese are pagan and worship the gods of native to this place. As a result, the Japanese treat themselves well and are prosperous. There is nothing wrong with a country worshipping their native gods. You hate them because they have different customs and beliefs that you do. Why do you beieve in christianity when the roots of it lie deeply imbedded in the Jewish religion. A people who are from the middle east. Loving your roots has nothing to do with hating others. That is completely separate. You don’t have to hate in order to love thyself. You can like others, but just like your own kind better. Learn to love yourself. You don’t need to hate others because they are different. If you are from European ancestry then you should study up on European history and learn more about the people there instead of taking the Jewish bible as the one and only truth, in which you were told by word of mouth and never shown.

  49. Jamie,

    Our life is about loving God, not ourselves.

    The problem with worshiping other gods, is that there is only ONE, not many. Therefore, people are worshiping demonic spirits. No one hates the people in Japan. We love them. If you love someone you tell them the truth.

    Jesus was Jewish. And God revealed Himself as the One True God to the Jewish people.

    Jamie, you must understand that this blog is about exposing the works of the devil and reaching out to those who need Jesus.

    There is only one way to the One and only God..and that is through Jesus. Buddha can’t get you there and neither can the Hindu gods.

    Wishing blessings on you.

  50. Odin promised to rid the world of frost giants,Your god to rid the world of evil….you dont see many frost giants do you?

  51. Dear Kjarten,

    That sounds funny and it made me smile. Like a fairytale. Frost giants? What is that?

    Jesus came to save sinners and set people free. And He’s doing just that every day.

  52. i resepect your opinion and thank you for it but what i belive in is entierly down to me (please excuse any mistakes english is not my first langage)

  53. Jeg har ingen krangel med guden din, men hvorfor er å ha egne meninger og guder en forbrytelse får vi slike korketrekkere ham?

  54. Kjarten,

    Of course it is up to you Kjarten. I respect where you are in your life at this moment.

    I pray Jesus will open your eyes to the Gospel and fill you with His peace and love forever. Don’t worry about English mistakes. I make mistakes and I speak English! 😉

  55. Dear Kjarten,

    The Gospel means the “good news”…that God became man, to take on the sins of the world so that man did not have to perish forever. He took your sins and my sins and suffered and died on a cross so that you could be with Him for all eternity.

  56. I hav desided to leave my argument at this…where is your proof ? jesus is dead how can he open my eyes if he is a corpse?

    1. When Jesus rose from the dead, He received a glorified body. The apostle Thomas did not believe it and Jesus told him to put his hands into the nail marks. There is no corpse. Jesus rose to heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father.

  57. Dear Kjarten,

    Jesus is not dead, He is very much ALIVE. When He rose from the dead, He left us the Holy Spirit on earth. When we are saved by accepting Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us, convicting us of sin and guiding us to all truth.

    You can have this all for the asking Kjarten. Call on the name of Jesus, acknowledging your sinfulness. He will wash you as white as the snow and the Holy Spirit will come to live inside you.

    Do you have a bible?

  58. Gods have power,yours must be quite weak if he had to become human to sort out the worlds proplems surley he could of just wished it away?

  59. Kjarten,

    I appreciate your reasoning, but it is all about LOVE. He so loved the world, He became man. He is personal to us, not distant.
    There is no weakness in Love, To lay down your life out of love is the most beautiful love in the world.

  60. If you can get a bible, you may find it interesting to read. The Holy Spirit can break through your thors hammer without a second thought. The Holy Spirit raised people from the dead. He can change your heart of stone to flesh.
    I will pray for you, Kjarten.
    Love and grace to you.

  61. Do you think it is an accident you are on this site? The Lord Jesus knows your coming and your going and knows everything about you. Your searching and your questions. The love Jesus has for you is beyond comprehension.
    You are very loved, Kjarten.

  62. He knows that today, the Gospel has been shared with you. That truth has been handed to you. It is up to you to have the ears to listen.

  63. Only God does the turning Kjarten, not me. I can only be a witness to who He is and what He has done for me. The bible (new testament) testifies to what He has done for all who believe in Him and how He has radically changed their lives for the better.

    Thank you for appreciating the offer and for taking the time to write. I am here daily and will be here if you ever want to “talk”

  64. I am disgusted that some people claim that Christians are guilty of the Inquisition and other atrocities when in fact it was the CATHOLIC CHURCH – a combination of pagan and nominal Christianity and political control – that did all the dastardly deeds under the rule of the popes down through the ages who were themselves corrupt and greedy and evil. It is not fair to blame all Christians because I, as a Seventh-day Adventist, know that our faith had no part in anything other than being helpful and kind and compassionate to others. The same is true for many other Protestant churches.

  65. “The sun god – Odin -. His wife Friggja, and their reincarnated son Balder” Odin is the god of knowledge, Baldur was the god of reincarnation but was never reincarnated himself. Your ignorance towards the things you chastise is quite frankly amusing. Saying that the Norwegians are greedy although clergymen in the time of the “Holy” Roman Empire were amongst the greediest of men in the history of the world is one of the most hypocritical thing I have ever heard. If there is one thing I can’t stand in this world, Its a hypocrite (which explains my minor self hatred). I have personally decided that I will worship Baldur and if you want to say that satan has blinded me because of it, I tell you my response now. Instead of shoving your religion down my throat, I might suggest you shove it up somewhere else. Let people worship who they want. The church of satan belongs right there beside the catholic church or the mosque. Also, with naming the oil rigs that, it leaves way more room for expansion than just naming one Yahweh and one Jesus(for those of you that don’t know, Yahweh is the Jewish and Christain god)

  66. This webpage actually made me laugth when i stumbled across it,People respecting their original culture is a sin?,now i dont claim to be a hardcore pagan nor am i a christian but this is just stupid,Why would naming a oil rig after a Norse god offend anyone,surely its good that we Norwegians are still remembering their old traditons and gods?

  67. ok – firstly thank you very much for this treasure trove of narrow minded vomitings and a special thank-you to all of you who took the time to offer a little gentle resistance to those who can’t think for themselves and want everyone else to do the same.

    This is going to be my evening entertainment after I finishing working – once I’ve read thru’ I’ll post again. Thanks again.

  68. So you think that turning your backs on your own tribe, your own authentic blood heritage, and pretending to be Hebrews is superior to those people who celebrate their Norse past? Why do you hate people who are proud to be of European ancestry? People who accept Jesus find the OT and the Hebrew War God Jehovah to be reprehensible – as witnessed by the blood lust and greed of modern Israel and their crimes against humanity, who wish to lead the globe into yet another world war for their ambitions. If you so identify with Hebrews, I implore you to move to Israel, and leave us out of your insanity. But you can’t – because Israel is racist and believes in racial purity for themselves…. The Vikings brought trade to Europe, and founded cities. The sagas are more beautiful than the OT, and the Norse Gods are more honorable than the Hebrew War God Jehovah.

    1. Dear Larsson.


      There is only one God. He is God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

      The other god’s are Babylonian god’s, false gods and demons. Behind them all is Satan.

      The Babylonian god’s have all one thing in common. They reject the idea that God of the Bible is the only God. The Norse god’s makes no difference. Odin is the same Sun God, as the Egyptian Osiris. Friggja is the Queen of Heaven, and Balder is the incarnate son of the Mother of god’s.

      The Norse Pantheon of god’s are the same as the Roman Pantheon, the Egyptian, the Greek, and so on.

      In regards to the Vikings, they killed, raped and looted wherever they came. Before they went into battle, they got high on poison, like toxic mushrooms. They were Pagans like pagans all over the World. When Christianity came to Norway, the Viking’s got education and the common Law built on the 10 commandments. Today many Norwegians are going back to the paganism they left. Like a dog return to its own vomit.

      Repent, or perish. The Jewish Messiah is the only God that can save the Vikings from the coming Great Tribulation and the wrath of God.

      1. Well my family is the remaining norweigian pagans ever to live my real name is not Ron Kheel they just gave me a gd christian name i deserve better Odin, Thor, Tyr And freya are the true gaurdians of man kind.

      2. Wow, read your history. such lies you tell of pagans and Nordics.
        Perhaps the vomit you speak of is your own. Hail Thor!

      3. Joaquin,

        You are back. Why? Obviously you do not agree with the Word of God, nor I can assume have you accepted Jesus as your Messiah. So then why come back?

  69. Christianity is like a plague it comes to a country and then attempts to remove the original beliefs and customs and then replace them with their own ways,the fact that Norwegians are honouring and remembering their forefathers should be celebrated not shunned.

    1. When there is no longer any fear of God in the land, monsters gain ascendancy as decadence and cowardice stalk the land in place of godliness. Hitler took advantage of the spiritual vacuum that was Germany in the 1920s and 30s. He himself was quite pagan (as were his underlings) but he pretended to be a devout Christian. Evil times lay ahead:

      1. “He himself was quite pagan (as were his underlings) but he pretended to be a devout Christian.”

        Clearly you never read “Mein Kampf” in which Adolf Hitler painstakingly explained the theological (Christian) basis for his belief in the idea of Teutonic ethnic superiority. Hitler’s ideas were the basis of a social, religious, political movement that destroyed the majority of Europe, left millions dead, and many ruined cities and towns in its deadly wake.

        I suppose you think this period in the history of Europe is unimportant because it all happened before you were born, but there are still those of us alive today who remember hearing Hitler’s voice on the radio, and who remember all of the things he said. The fact is, Hitler was a Christian dominionist and Catholicism supporter who wanted to return Europe to what he saw as the “true” Christianity, the church of antiquity, which existed prior to the schisms that led to the creation of Protestantism and other faiths Hitler and his inner circle deemed “false doctrines.”

        Now, you are free to tell all the lies you like, here on the safely anonymous Internet. I would, however, caution you to be careful when you speak about such matters to Europeans who lived through Hitler’s reign of terror, those who remember the man Hitler was and all the things he said. You may find then that people who lived through the events, particularly Serbo-Croatian, Balkan, and other peoples, consider your lies to be both highly offensive and actionable. Thank you.

  70. This is ridiculous you and all of these christian cultists are absolute hypocrites, you and your fellow cultists have done more harm to culture, nature, lives all in the name of your christ god. People had honer. now your doom driven beleifs has damned and burned almost all of our ancient history. You cast the words “satan” and “hell” at people expecting to scare them into submission. Fuck You. How can you say you know what happens when you die or that you know that the being or beings that may or may not be watching over us is your god, what if it isn’t? Have you fucking thought of that? Have you seen this god? and if you have, what if I say I saw odin? Im Just wrong? Your right? Why? Tell me that satan has possesed my soul and has led me from god’s grace, please, it’ll be a good laugh, why don’t you just die and go to heaven like good little boys and girls born to die, not I nor any other pagan, athiest, buddist, hindu need your bullshit salvation

    1. Dear areyoucrazybitch


      You expose your self by the internet ID of your choice. You also use filthy language. If I do not see any repentance, your next message will be spammed.

      Jesus says that what the heart is full of, will eventually come out of the mouth. All kind on uncleanliness.

      You need to go down on your knees, and let the blood of Jesus wash you. Not only your mouth, but also your heart. If not you will surely perish.

  71. Agreed, ivarfjeld–this poster needs to be banned for his/her foul language. He is deliberately trying to goad Christians–he obviously hates us and is rage-filled toward us. The Lord requires that we love him but we do not have to tolerate abusive behavior–any more than we would tolerate someone coming into our home and behaving that way. I will pray that he find remedy in the mercies of our Lord.

  72. Well Odin and Thor exists no matter what Norway has every right to abandon christianity let Norway go back to the old ways more pieceful. In the after life im going to Asgard.

  73. Det finns en profetia som är drygt 200 år gammal. När den frambars drog en väckelse fram över Norge, känd under namnet “Haugeväckelsen”, efter den norske predikanten Hans Nils Hauge. En kvinna bar fram profetian vid ett stugmöte i Sogn och den löd så här:

    “Under de sista dagarna ska det fattiga Norge bli ett av de rikaste länderna i världen. Förhållanden ska förändras och människor vara annorlunda.
    Märkliga ting ska ske med kommunikationer och vägar. Norrmän ska kunna resa genom fjället, under vattnet, på stora broar över fjordarna och genom luften. Människorna ska på den tiden vara självupptagna och egoistiska. De ska också leva i synder, som man normalt inte vågar nämna.
    Då skall ändens tid närma sig, och Herrens återkomst stå för dörren.”

    Då profetian frambars var det säkert svårt att se hur den skulle kunna få sin uppfyllelse. Idag har den uppfyllts helt, det enda som återstår är Herrens återkomst.

    Denna profetia finns publicerad i boken: “Tag plats! Dörrarna stängs” av Emanuel Minos. Boken rekommenderas och är utgiven på förlaget Gospel Media.

  74. Kristendommen er en svak religion, er dens eneste formål å bringe hat og ødeleggelse til land som Norge bare fordi vi har våre egne skikker og Tradions som avviker fra de måtene kristendommen gjør oss ikke et onde mennesker.

    1. ‘The word of God is like a hammer and like a fire’
      Perhaps ‘Thor’ is inspired from the God of the beginning.

      That God who was nailed on the wood is alive – and therefore we know we will be alive after death –
      Therefore we have BC and AC.
      and not before or after Thor or before/after Muhammed or before/after Shiva, Buddha or some other god.

      It’s ok to worship Thor or some other Baal god.
      Be just sure in your heart that you are doing the right choise.

      1. But surely if he was a god he could of just wished away the wood, Didn’t he(according to Christianity) manage to make the world and all that is in it in like a week or something? what’s the problem with the wood…was it magical wood?..or maybe he was just too weak?

  75. I don’t want to understand the Christian Doctrine and i have no wish to know your “God”,And i doubt (if he did exist..which he doesn’t) that he would really want to meet me.

    1. Then why are you here on an openly Christian website? If it is just to harass us, know that you join a long history of people who have wanted to harass and otherwise persecute the people of God. And as for meeting the living Lord Yeshua, everyone who has ever lived have a definite appointment with Him. Why not seek to know Him now while He is merciful toward those who honestly seek Him? The alternative is to meet Him in judgment—which I can assure you will not be pleasant.

      1. I’m here entirely by chance,and he can judge me all he he wants, I have nothing to hide, I have and will continue to be a good man all my life,if your god punishes me he will be punishing the wrong man and that would put him in the wrong.

      2. Dear Espen.


        You wrote:

        I’m here entirely by chance,and he can judge me all he he wants, I have nothing to hide, I have and will continue to be a good man all my life,if your god punishes me he will be punishing the wrong man and that would put him in the wrong.

        My comment:

        There is no difference between the two of us. We are both “Christ-killers”. We deserve to hang on that cross, and be punished and judged for our sins.

        Jesus took our place. He nailed our sins to that cross. He did it because He loves us, and do not want us to perish. By His blood our sins have been paid for. All is finished. All is forgiven. Amen.

    1. Dear Kjell.


      Jesus said that all who defamed Him will be forgiven, if they repent. Filthy language will not be permitted on this site. If I do not see any regret. Do not even bother to write another comment. You will be spammed.

      1. I apologise for my previous outburst, I just don’t see how naming an oil rig after Norse Gods can offend anyone.

  76. LOL–Kjell, and areyoucrazybitch are like little boys who use foul language in the hope that they will shock others. The others of their ilk are mere blasphemers, again hoping that they will shock Christians and injure their faith. Pathetic little boys. They are like those one sees in the Book of Revelation. Many of the unbelievers will even know that it is God who is sending them tribulation, but they still will not repent (that might take some measure of humility, but rebels cannot ever admit that there is any higher authority than their own inflated ego). I hope that they will have a change of heart, at some point before it is too late.

    1. They are going about it completely the wrong way, its true, but to call them little boys is uncalled for. It is unfair to all of the actual little boys. But even though they are imbeciles, that doesn’t change the fact that no one should be upset about the oil rigs being named after norse gods. It is the unopen-mindedness of a few people that just makes me want to swear off even the pursuit of a religion altogether. Don’t try to force feed people your beleifs, and it might do all of you some good.

      1. Worship who ya want,

        Your analysis is incorrect. This is an openly Christian blogsite that invites the public to share their opinions, as long as they are clean of unacceptable language and are not abusive. It is somewhat presumptuous of you to come here and tell us that any opinion that does not agree with yours is “force feeding” people our beliefs. Should we accuse you of the same? Should we have free speech or not?

        Free speech rights have been somewhat diminished of late. For example, it is now unlawful, in some jurisdictions, to declare openly that homosexuality is morally wrong. This prohibition is quite damaging to the whole concept of a free society but has been obtained through the use of political chicanery. It is an absurd contradiction to tell individuals that they may not express their opinion that homosexuality is morally wrong and yet permit others to issue death threats against Jews. The former should be covered under free speech rights. In the case of the latter, however, death threats used to be treated as an assault—and should be so today.

        Unfortunately, we are turning many of our laws on their heads and, as a society, becoming more and more illogical. This is a sure sign of moral disintegration. Moral bankruptcy and illogical thinking is something that godly people have always observed in the heathen. But, even King Herod tolerated the opinion of John the Baptist concerning Herod’s sin with his brother’s wife—that is, until he murdered him. The prophets have always been threatened with murder for expressing their views on the sin of others. Perhaps that will be next—issuing death threats against others who express a Christian point of view. And then it won’t be long before they are carried out.

        No one forces anyone to participate here. If you don’t like the opinions that are expressed here, perhaps you would want to consider staying away.

  77. p.s. to “Worship who ya want”. You are right that comparing those (who you have called “imbeciles”) to little boys is an insult to little boys. I should have said “wicked little boys”. 🙂

  78. Espen Jordahl,

    You said: “I’m here entirely by chance,and he can judge me all he he wants, I have nothing to hide, I have and will continue to be a good man all my life,if your god punishes me he will be punishing the wrong man and that would put him in the wrong.”

    To the contrary, Espen, God is exceedingly holy and just. Even though you have called yourself a “good man,” I can assure you that you are not good enough to meet God’s standards of righteousness. Are you sin-free? (That’s a rhetorical question—I already know that you are not.) Anyway, back to God. God cannot permit any little bit of sin into His Heaven (to do so, would make it not Heaven anymore). Yet, because He loves us, He wants us in Heaven with Him–where we can live in love and harmony with Him throughout eternity. Therefore, He needed to make a way to purify us of our sin before admitting us to Heaven. The way that He has established is through His Son. He puts all of our sins on Jesus (that is known by the theological term “imputation”) and Jesus was glad to pay the price (“atonement”) for our sin because of His great love for all of humanity. The only alternative to having Jesus pay for our sin is to have each individual pay for his own sin in hell. If someone has few sins, his/her punishment in hell will be lighter than someone who has lived a life filled with sin. But the plan of salvation makes it possible to have an eternity in Heaven while having Jesus pay for our sins. All that is required is that we humble ourselves before Him, repent of our sins and ask Him to make Jesus the Lord of our lives.

    This plan of salvation is how God meets His requirements for justice and satisfies His desire to be merciful—without removing man’s free will. It is a brilliant plan actually, but then, what would we expect—He’s God and we’re not. To have judged yourself as a “good man” means that you have put yourself in the place of God, the ONLY righteous judge. This is a grievous sin and it is, in reality, quite presumptuous. .

    Hebrews 9:27 tells us, “…each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment.”

  79. So im presumptuous and a sinner am I? I gave my son one of my kidneys when he couldn’t find a doner, he would of died otherwise,I give to charity on a daily basis.just because I do not follow your faith does not give you a reason to judge me as an evil man..think before you type.

    1. Hi Espen,

      I KNOW you are a sinner, Espen. Every day that you refuse to honor the only God there is, puts you in sin because you are breaking the First Commandment. But sinners find remedy for their sin in the righteousness of God. I’m not judging you–unbelievers have already been judged and do not need my judgment. But if you are thinking that good deeds will save you after death, I must gently remind you that God has not offered that as an option. He says, “No [human] is righteous—no not one.” Only He is righteous. When we are outside of His mercy and grace we deceive ourselves, if we think our righteousnesses are anything but “filthy rags” to Him. Good-deedism is self-righteousness (often it carries a great deal of pride along with it). I can tell you that it won’t succeed with God. Sorry if this makes you angry or hurts your feelings, but it is the truth.

      While you may perform acts that are judged to be righteous by the world, those acts do not take your sins away. The only thing that can take your sins away is the Blood of Jesus our Messiah. You tell me to think before I type. I can assure you that it is not my thoughts I am writing. I am merely repeating what God has already said in His word. I’m no one special at all. I’m just a beggar telling another beggar where to find food.

      1. And how would you KNOW im a sinner have we met before perhaps I could say the same thing to you?

      2. Dear Espen.


        I know this message was to Ellen, but I would like to comment:

        When I tell a white lie. I am a sinner. All of us tell white lies. We are all sinners, who have fallen short of the glory of God. That is why we need to be saved. There is no place for sin in the Kingdom of Heaven.

        There is not a single human being who has not sinned. Never even stolen a chocolate from the fridge, that we knew belonged to someone else.

    2. I KNOW you are a sinner (as am I) because God has told us in His word that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) Not only do I have the word of God to tell me that but my own observations tell me that as well. I have never met a sin-free individual. Jesus was/is the only one who fits in that category. The rest of us must trust in His atoning Blood to free us from the curse of sin.

  80. Espen!

    I’m happy to hear that your son did survive and that you’re a kind-hearted father who cares for him and other people.

    I do think that everything we do with pure heart and without thought of profit is god before God.

    I do not know if it’s good for your god Tor 😉
    but it’s definitely good before my God,Jesus Christ, Yeshua Messias!

  81. Hi marie,

    It is not possible for anyone who is outside of God’s grace to do anything to please Him. Hebrews 11:6 says, “…without faith, it is impossible to please God.”

    It is important to note that when 2 Corinthians 5:10 speaks of one’s works being “good” or “bad” the word in Greek phaulon that is translated “bad” is usually used to describe something that is morally evil, but in the 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 passage, referring to the same judgment, we see that while the works may not be morally evil (as the world judges evil), they may, in fact, be worthless in God’s sight. So one can see that someone could be doing a charitable work for the purpose of gaining the approval of others or even out of love for them (rather than out of love for God) and it would still be judged evil, in a spiritual sense, because the motivation was wrong.

    I too am happy that Espen’s son is well and that Espen is a loving father (or, at least, we suppose he is). But I am troubled by your suggestion that, “…everything we do with pure heart and without thought of profit is god before God.” A “pure heart” is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit of God. There is no other way to have a pure heart. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”— Matthew 5:8 Jesus was wasting His time here if there was any other way to be pure in heart beside the desire to know, love and please God.

    1. Why “suppose” im a loving father?…why make me out to be some sort of barbarian who cares little for anyone else?.. I care more about YOU then I do myself.and also I don’t really follow the the pagan faith i just chose to agree with some of its ideas because of my heritage.

      1. I “suppose”, Espen because all we have is your report that you are a father at all. You could be a 13-year-old girl for all I know. I do not know you. See my other remarks as to how I can KNOW you are a sinner (like me) even though I don’t know you personally.

    2. Dear Ellen!

      12.There is one lawgiver , who is able to save and to destroy : who art thou that judgest another ?

      11.God hath spoken once ; twice have I heard this ; that power belongeth unto God .

      12.Also unto thee, O Lord , belongeth mercy : for thou renderest to every man according to his work .

      1. Hi Marie,

        Not sure what you were trying to communicate with the quoted Scriptures. I am not judging Espen—I am attempting to communicate truth from the word of God. That is how sinners get saved.

  82. p.s. Sorry if that sounded harsh, but it is the truth. We must be very wary of blending the truth of God’s word with the “wisdom” of this world.

    1. Ellen,If theirs one principle I agree with in your religion it would be don’t lie, I am not a 13 year old girl i am a 34 year old roofer from Sjoholt,More og romsdal in Norway ..that is who i am and now you can say you do know me.

      1. Hi Espen,

        No, I still do not know you. You have revealed a few details of your life, but that only reveals a tiny part of who you are. You sound like someone who is committed to following certain rules. That is beneficial to you and those with whom you share your life. But I am concerned about what happens to you after your life here is over. There is a life after this one—of that I am VERY certain—and you are too, at some level. “Eternity is written in the hearts of men.”

        The Laws of God—many of which you appear to obey—save no one. They were sent merely to show us our sin and our need of a Savior. If you will read through the Bible’s Book of Romans, you will see what I am talking about. You can get it online in any number of translations–all you need do is put “Book of Romans” into a search engine and click on your preferred text I would suggest starting with the New Living Translation as it is written specifically for easy comprehension. So “Book of Romans NLT” would be what you put into the search engine. You speak English very well so it shouldn’t be a problem for you but if you have any questions, I would be glad to try to answer them for you. I pray blessings on you as you seek Him.


    2. Dear Ellen!

      You don’t understand the word of God?

      Mark 12
      24.And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?

      No one will be saved by getting the scriptures hit in their head.

      Who did Jesus have most problem with?
      Not ‘the sinners’ but the pharisees!

      1. Pharisees – NOT the sinners – was Jesus biggest problem, and his biggest opponent!

      2. Hi Marie,

        So, are you calling me a Pharisee, then? You say, “No one will be saved by getting the Scriptures hit in their head.” Then why do YOU quote Scripture??

        To the contrary, there have been a great many who have been saved by reading God’s word—including me.

      3. Dear Marie and Ellen.


        To quote scriptures is not legalism. The truth about God, can only be found in scriptures. Not in different private opinions about faith. The Holy Spirit quotes scriptures to us, to remind us what we are supposed to do, and not to do.

        All experiences in regards to faith, must be double checked with the Word of God. If not, a man can claim that Jesus was born on the moon, or in Cairo.

        The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth, and put the teaching of Jesus into our daily context. The Scripture will guide us, if the messages we receive is from Lucifer or from Jesus the Messiah.

  83. Im lost and damned and have been since i was born.Your Jesus is dead… your god is uncaring and punishes,all good or evil.

    1. Dear Lost and Damned;

      Psalm 34
      18.The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

      Psalm 31
      22.For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes: nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee.

  84. No one is “lost and damned” since the moment he/she was born. That is a lie of Satan that may have been told to you—please don’t believe it. Jesus is alive and is coming again. Our God is infinitely caring. I am sorry that you are apparently hurting.

  85. I have been told by a priest that I am Lost and damned and I take his word for it.and although he so readily judged me by how i look and act i respect his judgement although it was not his to give.

    1. Dearest ‘Lost and Damned’

      No, the judgement was definitely not his to give. Remember that!

      Our heavenly Father sees what’ in our heart,not how we look!

      All my blessings to you!

  86. Hi Lost and D,

    A priest of what?? All adults who are outside of the grace of God are lost and on their way to hell—that is true. But that does not need to happen, if they turn and receive salvation from on high. It is only after death that the judgment occurs (Hebrews 9:27) While there is still life, there is a chance to turn to Him and be saved. Having received salvation, one can be assured that he/she is on the way to heaven.

    Babies and children below the age of responsibility go to heaven if they die. Jesus said, “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10) They are saved by the Blood of Jesus.

    1. Dear Ellen,

      Thank you for contending for the faith and pointing out truth on this site.

      Regarding the “age of accountability”, support for this doctrine is not found in the Bible.

      Paul tells us about Jacob and Esau in Romans 9:11-13, “(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) It was said unto her (Rebecca, their mother), The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”

      Please read more here under the question: “Will All Children Be Raptured.” (Middle of the page)

      God bless!

  87. Dear Ellen!

    You call people pathetic and wicked, you question the credibility of what people say about themselves.

    And this while quoting Bibelverses and worry that ‘they’ are unsaved.

    Matthew 7
    12.Therefore all things whatsoever * ye would that men should do to you , do ye even so to them : for this is the law and the prophets .

    1. Matt.5
      20.I say unto you , That except your righteousness shall exceed * the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees , ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven .

    2. Marie, there is nothing wrong with calling sin, sin. John the Baptist did it, the Apostle Paul did it—even our Lord did it. Would you call them Pharisees?

      I am not condemning them—how can I in this anonymous format? I do not know any of them—I am merely describing their words as sin. In order to actually judge them, I would have to know them. Believe me, it is for their good that I call them to consider sin as a real possibility in their lives and apply various Scriptures to the situation to show what God thinks about various points that they raise.

      I am careful not to pretend that sin is not a real factor in my life. One of the problems with the Pharisees is that they looked down on others as “sinners” when they themselves were “in danger of the fires of hell”. If anyone is doing any judging here, I would suggest that it is you judging me. Please carefully consider that.

      1. Just as a general discussion on the subject of “judging,” I think it would be good to think on John 7:24—“Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” (Other translations say we should judge “with righteous judgment”.) This passage is set in a section that has the Pharisees accusing Jesus of sin (which they were constantly trying to do).

        The Church’s message has become powerless in recent decades. Much of the reason for this is that as soon as some in the Church point to sin in our culture there are others in the Church who immediately cry foul, saying that we are not supposed to “judge”. Jesus constantly dialogued with everyone He encountered in His path and He did not shrink back from judging sin. He told the “adulterous woman” to go “and sin no more.” Some would argue, “Well, He was God, He was allowed to judge.” What would they say then about Peter who accused the Jewish crowd, “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, WHOM YOU CRUCIFIED, both Lord and Messiah.” (Acts 2:36—emphasis mine)

        The Church’s first duty is to “make disciples” (the Great Commission of Matthew 28). But how can that be done when the awareness of sin has diminished to the vanishing point in our culture? Today, everyone is a “good” person and we have no fear of God in the land (which the Bible tells us is “the beginning of wisdom”). Set in that context, we MUST call out sin if our message is to cause repentance—the first step in the walk of faith. Peter called out the sin of crucifying their Lord and Messiah, and the text tells us in the very next line, “Peter’s words convicted them deeply…”

        A feel-good gospel is no gospel at all. In order to fully absorb the Good News of Christ dying to pay the penalty for our sin, we must realize the very Bad News of our sin and the eternal jeopardy it poses for us. Would anyone be earnestly seeking a life preserver on a boat that was not sinking? But let him/her discover a very large water leak below decks and it would add a great deal of urgency to finding one. Yes? Would like to dialogue on this with anyone interested in the topic. 🙂

      2. Dear Ellen.

        Thats right it’s nothing wrong calling sin ,sin.

        Therefore I gave you, not mine, but Gods word.
        Because YOU can NOT call yourself a true christian
        if YOU are sarcastic, call people pathetic or wicked. No matter how many bibelverses you qoute!

        = Why do they call christians to be hypocrites!

        How comes that you feel judged by me when I give YOU the word of our God?

        while you think that unbelievers will not feel judged by you when YOU preaching the word of God?

      3. Dear Marie.


        I have had enough of this. Please go and find your self another forum.

        This is a forum where Bible verses shall be quoted. Where people shall be called to obey Jesus and His commandments, or face punishment for their unwillingness to repent.

        Ellen: You have my blessings to continue to minster on this blog, and to teach people what is sin, calling them to repent.

  88. Hi JM,

    I realize that Biblical support for the “age of accountability” is a bit thin, but my first point of tackling the question would be that:

    1.) It would be based on the character of God—His mercy and grace. I think we can safely believe that a young child—being incapable of making a knowing decision for Christ—would be saved by His Blood. Just as Old Testament saints were saved without having intimate knowledge of their Messiah, so it would follow that young children can be as well. All who have ever been saved or ever will be saved are under the Blood Covenant of the Messiah but knowing the One who established that Covenant did not occur until Jesus actually came. Yet Jesus is “…the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world.” (Revelation 13:8)

    2.) Remember that there is no third category of the afterlife—there is only saved or condemned. Condemnation is based on the sins committed while alive (Rev. 20:12-13). Certainly a baby is not capable of sinning—therefore, what would be the basis of condemnation?

    3.) Christ’s work could well have included the elimination of any possible imputed sin of Adam (I personally don’t subscribe to the notion of Original Sin, but for those who do…). Jesus was the new Adam—think of what that means. It cannot be supported by Scripture but that could be a secondary reason why the virgin birth was necessary—to remove the curse of imputed sin from Adam to his descendants. This is important because it means that if babies were ever condemned on the basis of inherited sin (although that flies in the face of Ezekiel 18:19-22) that it would no longer apply. It would add new meaning to “As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive.” (1 Cor. 15:22)

    4.) In Romans 7:9, Paul seems to indicate that he lived in innocence until he learned the law. Once he learned the law he plainly says he “died”. In other words, one of the parameters of sin is that we knowingly disobey God’s instructions to us. (A parent’s role is critical in making the transition of a child from pleasing his/her parents to pleasing God). To some degree, God accepted Eve’s childlike excuse that she was deceived. He held Adam to a higher level of responsibility because Adam knowingly disobeyed. (1 Timothy 2:14)

    5.) I have already given the Matthew 18:10 admonition, “Jesus said, “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” I would follow that up with Hebrews 1:14, “Therefore, angels are only servants–spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.”

    6.) And finally, there is the classic defense of the doctrine based on 2 Sam. 12:23. David says that the infant he conceived with Bathsheba could not come back from death to him but that he would go to be with the baby at some point in the future.

    For what it is worth, there is the additional observation that young children seem to be alive to the Lord. Every Christian parent has experienced a moment of sorrow when they realize that childlike relationship appears to be gone. It is at that point that the child needs to be brought to a saving knowledge of his/her Messiah through the word and the Word of God.

    Hope my ramblings make sense. 🙂


    1. Those were very good points, Ellen. However, like the article said we can not be absolutely certain. God is just and putting ourselves in His shoes by making judgments or sweeping generalizations about what He may or may not do is unscriptural.

      Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

      Blessings, Ellen!

  89. Marie,

    Just want to clarify a couple of points. I didn’t say that I felt “judged” by you but that your behavior would be considered to be “judging” by your own criteria. As for calling those who came to harass us “wicked little boys”—it was at least partly a joke, but I would remind you that Jesus Himself compared some of His harassers with naughty children in Luke 7:31-32. As for “doubting the words” of Espen—I was not calling him a liar. I was just merely pointing out the anonymous nature of this forum and its effect on making any kind of judgments about someone’s veracity.

    Peace in the name of Jesus,


  90. Very interesting, BUT in my quick skim of these Comments I cannot find anyone saying what I think — so I will ask the readers to consider this:




    many, many, mmmmaaannyyyyyy of the misunderstandings & anger would be eliminated, if people simply acknowledged that.

    of course genuine “christians” dont rape, steal, conquer, etc…

    but ‘Churchgoers’ can!

    of course real disciples of Jesus don’t lie, steal, etc ad nauseum. But pretenders can, & they do, all the time!

    my fellow readers, please look: you are being inconsistent & foolish.
    If I claimed to be a doctor & wanted to do a dangerous operation on you, would you take my word for it? or would you ask to see my credentials, ask for references, get recommendations from friends & other patients ? of course you would be cautious! That’s just being sensible… & logical. 🙂

    yet when some liar with a tongue claims to be a follower of Jesus,
    you take them at their word — even when they don’t act like Him.
    This is inconsistent with your other very sensible actions.

    Take the same precautions with your spirit that you do with your body (or even more) !

  91. Thank you.again…Thank you for this message also…I have not read all the posts on here…nor do I need to this is not the time…but rather receiving the ‘when you can bear it’ …(smile)..even that word…in order to ‘bear something, it is no easy thing to receive without the understanding from The Holy Spirit, in John about what He sees He will show it to us, what He hears He will tell us…

  92. There seems to be a problem in ALL Judeo/Christian religions, that is its followers. Now the pagans killed as well, but that is no longer the case, and look at the news today, Jews killing Muslims, Christians raping children, killing doctors, all in the name of World Peace.
    Give me a f@#king break. Hail The Aesir! Hail Odin val father!

    1. Joaquin,

      With all due respect, please refrain from filthy language on this site. Or your next message will be spammed.

      Second, the only Messiah Jesus Christ died for my sins and yours. For you to accuse the Jews of killing muslims is ridiculous. If the muslims would leave Israel alone, and allow them to live in peace in their God given land, then the Jewish people would not go to war. Instead, they are forced to protect themselves from those who wish to harm them.

      Genesis 12:7a, “The Lord appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I will give this land.'”

      Genesis 13:15, “for all the land which you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever.”

      Your Aesir and your Odin will not get you to the gates of heaven. It is Jesus Christ and accepting him as your Savior, repenting from your sins that will.

      1. also, Netanyahu is a VERY evil man, leave Palestine alone.
        Allow people to follow their own paths, accept differences, and bring back the old ways. We are now destroying our earth, have no regard for our elders, ancestors, worship money as our savior, and allow churches to make millions free of taxing.
        There was a simplicity to the old ways, the gods allowed man to live his life, and be accountable for his own actions, respect, honor, courage these are no longer part of our ethos, we all are lacking in these things. Christians slaughtered pagans to make them convert, then stole their traditions, (Christmas, Easter,)The ways of the Abrahamic religions are just plagiarized from our older ways.
        God is god.

      2. What are you rambling about? Why addressing me on an Amen? If you had any respect for God at all you would be still and appear wise!

      3. One word Andrea. BITCH. spam my comments please, cant waste my time with a bunch of closed minded assholes.

      4. Dear joaquin


        I will not spam you. Your comment is a perfect exposure of what kind of unclean spirit who reside in your heart. You need deliverance, and you need to repent. Please understand, it was because of your sins that Jesus was crucified. The blood of the Lamb of God can cleanse you from all sins, if you do not reject Him.

      5. A bit of explanation .at the first pagans do not have sins as Christians see that. You were born in “sin” and with guilt from scratch, I was born free and do not own anything to “savior”. the second I did not ask anyone to die for me, so Jesus’ death is useless for me personally, the third thing is that Odin will take us to our heaven if we die like warriors . I prefer to fight in Valhalla and drink beer rather than waste an eternity with frigging unisex angels doing nothing.. Jesus can take in his boring “heaven” whomever he wants I would care less.

        Heil to Odin

      6. JD,

        A few important things to point out.

        1. You were born with sin, as well as every living person on this earth. You are not exempt from it, just because you refuse to believe the Word of God. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

        2. Jesus did not need you to ask him to die on the cross, nor did he need your permission. In his love for us, he died and rose, so that we would repent from our sins, and accept the price he paid on the cross for us. If it were not for his love for us or his sacrifice, well I could not even imagine where we would be at this moment. Romans 6:23For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

        Just because you don’t believe doesn’t make it less true. For you to call heaven boring says alot about the person you are. Because the Word of God says no one can imagine what our Lord Jesus has in store for us.

        But consider this: your refusal to believe, your acceptance of the sin plaguing your life, will lead you to an eternity of pain. Your mind cannot grasp what an eternity of hell is, but it won’t change the facts. Unless you believe that CHRIST is HE, you will die in your sins. And in that moment, you will regret greatly not listening and hearing Jesus.

        Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

      7. Your answer is sooo Christian 

        1. Every child is born spotless from the sin , as they have not committed any crime or done anything wrong besides being born. They are actually blessed and innocent !Therefore I completely despise a churchy ppl attempt to put any guilt on innocent child
        2. Not correct. Jesus died due to his own antisocial and antigovernment propaganda ,as the court found him guilty according the law , so his death not related to any live creature to the earth . So I do believe that Jesus was a real person and that he died for sure , but it has nothing to do with me, sins , child or any other creature in the world.
        As we started talking about my life I can tell that nothing presses me like you , Christian, I live free without any regrets or confessions , sins, feeing of been guilt for something I even have not committed and no need anyone to forgive me , no need anyone to save me . I live in harmony with the nature and myself having no fear that somebody from above overlooking and scolding me for “wrongdoing” . That’s why I’m Free in my thoughts and my soul , but your are all Slaves of your Lord begging him on your knees for forgiveness.

        All Christianity based on fear and feeling of guilt ,as well as the wrong understanding meaning of “sin”

        have a good one , I wish you liberate your soul from slavery 😉

      8. excuse my previous @#%$!
        accept my apologies, however, the other comment still stands,
        God is God, we are all following different paths to the same end. Period.

      9. JD,

        1) I’m going to repeat it, so then maybe it’ll sink in. Romans 3:23 FOR ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. No one is born sinless. Children are not held accountable till a certain age, BUT they are not born sinless.

        Your comment: Jesus died due to his own antisocial and antigovernment propaganda ,as the court found him guilty according the law

        2) My comment: Jesus died for your sins. Weaving lies and spouting them doesn’t change the fact.

        Either you belive in Christ or you don’t. But I tell you the things my Savior has shown me, that unless you believe and repent, unless you believe in HIm, you will die in your sins. It bears repeating, because it is the most important thing you will ever hear in your life.

      10. Well we agree to disagree Gloria, or at least I am fine with it, and I will live my life how I see fit, it is NOT up to you to pass judgement on me or anyone else. The difference between you and I , I can let others live how they like, and I am OKAY with that, many Christians cannot do that, and will pass their holier than thou BS on whomever does not bow down to their ways and ideas. I will not ever bow down to another person, EVER, and you Gloria are just another person.
        I am close to my god, always have been, and it is MY relationship with god and no one else.
        OH and no Israel is fine by me too.

      11. Gloria , I really appreciate your another attempt to clarify your point , but it fact repeating the same thing all over again does not make it more trustful unfortunately .What would help me to understand your point is The logic behind your statements , but there is non . Please explain mechanism of transferring the sin to the children , as for now it looks pretty funny.. Look how it looks in my eyes – somebody knocks in a door on my house and after I open it ,completely an unknown man walks in my house and points at all my family including children declares – “all of you are guilty of killing, stealing, adultery etc. and you are going to be horribly punished , unless you get on your knees right away and starting begging me for forgiveness”..
        Guess what will I do with that guy ?? Even in today’s crappy “justice” system before to declare me criminal I will have a court , description of my crimes, witnesses, proof of my crime – and ONLY after that somebody can call me a criminal. Now , show me in the bible place where it describes my exact crime with exact days .. So Jesus does not look good at all as he tries to defame me with no reason , literally he does the things which in his own words is “sin” !! what’s that ?? About killing as well – Jesus does not hesitate to kill anyone who is the “wrongdoer” – he does genocide to entire cities killing thousand ppl and after that he tells you that you are sinful ?? Before teaching anyone to be a good person , Jesus must behave well himself or he can get in to his own hell 🙂

      12. Joaquin,

        If Palestine were to lay down their guns tomorrow, there would be no war. If Israel were to lay down theirs, there would be no Israel – Benjamin Netanyahu

  93. Also, why cant you just allow others to believe in their own ways? Are we hurting you? Are we harming your children? Most pagans are respectful of others choices, respect the Earth, pay taxes, volunteer in our community, help the elderly, work with children, recycle, support small and local business’,grow our own food, and this is just what my family and I do, I am a follower of the Northern Tradition, my wife and daughter both christian, we respect each others views, and live in harmony. Why is that so hard for you to understand? People CAN coexist, it just takes tolerance, and that is what you have from me.

    1. Joaquin,

      You can’t expect to comment on a blog, and not have others comment.

      You can be a pagen that pays taxes, feeds the poor, recycles, and follows the rules. BUT unless you except Christ as your Savior, all of the “rules” you’ve followed on earth will not get you into heaven.

      Matthew 7 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

      1. I think Gloria that it is you who does not like the comments that people post on this blog. I have no issue with Christians, it is the Christians that have the issue with anyone that does not fit their mold.I respect others beliefs, allow others to live their life, you are not god, do not pass judgement, or assume that you are above your own doctrines. Live your life by your standards, and I will live mine. The purpose of my comments where due to the 1000 year old biased that many Christians have with pagans, we are different, and you cant stand it. it makes me sad for YOU, but I wont change my views to make you happy, or anyone else for that matter. I still respect your ideals, even if you condemn me for mine.

      2. Joaquin,

        It is true I do not agree with some of the comments posted on this blog. But it is the reason why we discuss things with each other, and why my first message will always be how much Jesus loves you, and how he died for your sins.

        I may disagree, but I try to do it with respect, without name calling, and cursing. For if I cannot show you that respect, then how can I even speak about the love Jesus has for you.

        God Bless you.


    2. Joaquin,

      Abrahamic religions followers is not going to leave us alone for the reason that we have different approach to the Life itself – we adore the Life right now on that earth with all living creatures accepting all Nature Rules , them glorifying only afterlife disregarding the Nature. Besides if I use Nature wisdom Christians would call it “witchcraft” right away and 400 years ago I would be burned as the Evil follower, no doubt. I bet they are calling Freja a witch and The Odin is the Lucifer >:D poor blindfolded people, they could have entire beautiful world living in harmony and free of useless dogmas, but they choose to be Slaves of the jesus > 😀

      Glory to Odin !

      1. Well said my fellow heathen/pagan!
        I too respect and adore the life that I have now, and wont be a slave to laws that promise me eternal afterlife, while I bow down to them. God is God, and the God that I follow wants me to have a fulfilled life here on earth, as long as I respect others and act justly. This is a very simple law, and not one full of hypocrisy and contradiction.
        Glory to Odin the Valfather!

      2. JD,

        Those that burned and murder people back then and to this day, for what they believe in is wrong. No one should suffer at the hands of anyone. God tells us not to take a life, and his commandments will hold forever.

        But each one of us will stand before God one day, and those that have not accepted him in truth, will be held accountable for their sins.

        Romans 14:11 It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'”

      3. Hey, Gloria

        As you know i do not agree with a basic “christian” concept of “Sin” , which is nonsense for me .
        Aslo i knew you would admit brutal killing of pagans and anyone disagree wiht Jesus, but surely you could said that it was not Jesus , but people who misunderstood his idea of unlimited love for everybody . Thus may be there is his love for you his follower , but not for me . Jesus is pretty ruthless and cruel guy
        Who you would explain that ??

        Luke 19:27

        “But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”

        Even The Thor is merciless God to the enemy, as killing is not really a “sin” for him , but Jesus reaaaally wants a bloodbath ?? that lovely pussycat guy full of love for everybody ?? >:)
        And for what ?? not for stealing, adultery or genocide , but for refusing him as my Lord ?? WOW , he is very angry guy , who wants unlimited power over people

      4. JD,

        For you to even say Jesus is ruthless is a horrendous thing. For in his love for you, and having already known you, he died for your sins. Yet, somehow you choose to believe in the devil’s lies, and if that is fine with you, then know that it will come with a tremendous and horrific price. You will not always get the chance to repent.

        As for your pagan demons as thor and odin:

        Isaiah 43:10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me.

        Revelation 19:16 On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

      5. Gloria,

        Now we are talking >:D >:D lol..I knew when it comes that you have nothing to say about Jesus “peaceful” behavior I would be called devilish one as well as all my Gods. Of course Jesus is very jealous of any other Gods ! As you said in Isaiah 43:10 Jesus consider himself as a God , but literally speaking Jesus is not even close to be a God , he is just a God’s son , prophet , that’s explain his ambitions to gain a full control and power as he envy other real God’s power. Sounds like Jesus had lots of physiological problems which led him to the court 

        As I have not heard from you an answer to my previous question about Jesus love , I’ll answer to my own question to help you if it’s difficult for you to answer

        …[This will] not [be] by pleading and debate, but with a rod of iron. Those who choose to love and obey Him will be loved, while those who choose to rebel and hate Him will know His wrath.
        We all can see that Jesus love goes as far as his own Slaves , who choose him as a Lord , but any other Gods of disbelievers shell be slaughtered by Jesus and his Army ..
        The events of the Second Coming of Christ are found in the Bible, including the Book of Revelation–which is the last book in the New Testament. Jesus will “judge and wage war” (Rev. 19:11), his robe will be “dipped in blood” (19:13), and he will be accompanied by “armies” (19:14) with which he will “strike down the nations” (19:15), including “the Gentiles” in general and “the nations that were opposed to him” in specific. This will result in the “utter destruction of all his enemies”. Furthermore: “in his second coming[,] he will complete their destruction, when he shall put down all opposing rule, principality, and power.”
        Once he conquers the infidels, Jesus “will rule them with an iron rod” (19:15)
        Guess we have enough for today of Jesus “love” ??

        Personally to me, taking in account Second Coming of the Christ and his ARMY, will strangely match with our Ragnarokkr 😉 Will you try to kill me Gloria , slave of Jesus ? >:D

      6. JD,

        What you are misquoting is a parable Luke 19 titled, The Parable of the Ten Minas. Do you know what a parable is? It’s a story meant to teach a lesson. So what you are quoting and taking one quote out of context is a story Jesus told. It was a lesson. You get it now?

        If you want more info: the parable meant the man of noble birth is clearly meant to be Jesus, himself. He is to receive a kingdom and then return. The subjects who hated the man of noble birth represent the Jews who have rejected Jesus, and especially the religious leaders. The servant who earns ten minas and the servant who earns five minas both represent exemplary disciples of Jesus. The servant who earns nothing represents an unfruitful disciple of Jesus.

        But of course you’ll think okay the parable actually happened. No -JESUS was teaching a lesson.

        I can only assume that you’ll try to twist it to suit your own need, giving it your own meaning. But that is what the blind would do.


      7. Gloria,

        Despite of a master degree and almost PhD it’s getting too complicated for me to comprehend those texts 🙂 >:D Let’s clarify it – you are telling me that this texts in a plain simple words saying “kill everybody who does not like me” is just a lesson ?? me it sounds more like an Order and if we think about poor uneducated folks those times I’m even afraid to think to which concussions they could come from such the lesson. Do you really think it’s a good lesson or parable to speak to the people ?? If I put this kind of parable on my website stating that “I’ll kill everyone who does not like me” how long would it take for police to get to my house ?? Do you think anybody with a brain would really believe that this was an allegory ?? Not sure if a person full of love for all people would ever say any allegory with word “slaughtering” 🙂 Besides nothing says particularly about Jews – his speech does not point to specific folks – but to whole “nationS” (plural) “…the nationS that were opposed to him” , “strike down the nationS”

        So where is the peaceful loving guy ?? 😀 May notice that I read it in a clear language which does not give even a small chance to twist . In turn I might say that you are the one who close your eyes on obvious things in that “lesson”

      8. JD,

        This conversation has now come to a close. Your masters degree, your PHD will not get you into the kingdom of heaven.
        You can be the smartest man, the richest in the planet, and none of that will matter.

        I can surmise that your heart is so wicked, that you would rather believe in a demon then Jesus Christ. Your refusal will cost you greatly.

        I will say nothing more on it. May Jesus Christ touch your heart and allow you to see that without him, we are nothing.


      9. WOW< god thing god has you working as his agent, phew the world is saved, here comes GLORIA! Absolutely ridiculous…

      10. She is a poor lady who lost her soul to trickster Jesus who promised her the salvation 😉 but hopefully she will open her eyes to the facts we pointed out 😉 🙂

      11. Thanks JD,
        being part of a mixed religion family, I find it frustrating when someone that does not even know me assumes I am damned.
        I never pass that judgement one anyone for their beliefs, I expect them to be strong in their own convictions, live their life how they deem fit, and allow me to do the same. I am involved with many christian based organizations volunteering and enjoy being part of a diverse community. I was almost ready to give up on this blog, some on here are just plain rude and have no manners. Regardless of what faith you follow, the golden rule always holds true.
        Takk my fellow heathen, may the gods guide you….

      12. Good day , Glaria 😉

        You even might not have anything to say ,as you still did not answer my questions .However I do understand why you behave like this – your problem that you do not look at Bible from critical point of view , you do not analyze it like I do it, you simply just blindly ACCEPT and BELIEVE whatever Bible says! That is a big problem Gloria. As per me I have no desire to be “rescued” by Jesus ether do not need his “heaven”, as I’ll be in Valhalla anyway as all my ancestors Varjagers. In general my biggest desire is to see Ragnarokkr, fight shoulder to shoulder with my dead Grandpa against any frigging enemy The Odin will point to ..BTW do you know that Paganism highly recognized even in the NATO ? On my “dog tag” under my blood type proudly stamped : religion- Pagan! 🙂 See, Gloria even an Army Christian Chaplain does not think that I’m Evil as well as my Gods . So you should be very careful cursing my as I might get upset with you and curse you in turn 😉 not likely though, I like you Gloria , but you like a child who believes in Santa Clause 🙂

  94. The thing that gets me the most, is fundamentalist religion of any sort, is only out for one thing, large numbers of followers. Its as if they want to amass as many as possible (Greed) ridicule and criticize others who think differently (Envy) and then say that they are of the TRUE GOD. I can only wish you the best.

  95. Its like beating my head against the wall, trying to discuss views with you guys, I dont care for this, its sad that you are so against a fellow human being for a personal choice, I am sure if you could I too would be burned at the stake.
    This is not about god, perhaps its fear that you are following, DO NOT include me in your prayers unless you ant mine as well,

  96. I cant wait to battle these Christian Imperial SCUM on the dawn of ragnarok! A promise to all you christian zealots, On the dawn of ragnorok , If we meet in battle I will personally mount your heads on bloody pikes at the gates of your halls and return to the side of my gods and goddess sharing a laugh with them in our one sided victory. Hail Brothers and Sisters of the North. The gods be with you all.

    1. Johan,

      That is the difference between me and you. Jesus said to love your enemies, so where I would preach to anyone (muslim, hindu, catholic etc.) about the love of Christ, you would probably kill them.

      May God have mercy on your soul.

  97. Everybody has a right to believe whatever they want. My name is odin, my middle name is antoine and my last name is Rossin. If you rearrange my full name you get Antoine Rossin odin. Which can be translated to highly praised god. Maybe I’m odin reincarnated

    1. That is a Lie from the Pit of Hell!! ,…Everyone has ‘the right to believe what ever they want…..!!
      You are saying….
      Everyone has the Right to believe in Treason, Rape, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Murder, Theft, Beastiality, Grave Diggers (like the Catholics), multiple marriages, (like the Mormons and many other peoples around the World), Selling boys and girls into prostitution. Prostituting your children to Old Men with the ‘Lie they are marrying them….Pedophiles from the Lowest forms…arranges marriages with no age or character taken in credit just if they have the right amount of money which is ”selling” that person. Political marriages ”also selling your daughter and son to a political way of thought for the ”gain” to your Country and/or profitable outcome. Any other form of wickedness and debauchery listed in the world and/or thought of ….people have the right to do all these things to you ”and/or your Mother, Father, sisters, Aunts brothers and any family member ”they choose to take all because ”YOU” say they have the right to believe what they want to…..that’s a BARE-FACE LIE and it’s from the Pit of Hell and the majority of the Democratic World hawks that crap for their own profit to put you in bondage while they place rules on you and profit themselves at your expense and sorrow….and they will and do and even recently have changed their laws to suit their own greed even ‘sold their own daughters’ down the road to Hell’s Welcoming Committee…if they don’t repent that’s where they also are going!!

      TRUTH…..John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
      John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
      John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

      Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
      Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
      Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
      Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
      Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
      Romans 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
      Romans 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
      Romans 1:31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
      Romans 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

      Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that ‘is’ the RIGHT we have and it was given to all men, women and children all over the world…by the shed Blood of the Lord of Glory…NO ONE ELSE can take that right from us ”but us”…to deny what He did ‘for’ us is the ultimate TREASON…to twist His Laws and Commandments and causing others to follow those lies is asking for Death forever in Hell! yet by His Great Love if we repent HE will forgive us of our sins!! if not …He won’t !!

      1. Wow, I cannot believe how rude, self righteous, over zealous, egotistical,you are, I am SO lucky that you are here to save me Andrea, since you are the almighty, all judging, all knowing, better than anyone else who does not think exactly how you want them to.
        think, and behave. I am sure glad that you are here to save me. Praise you for if there was a false prophet, blasphemer, I am sure you would fit the bill.
        This is why people are not interested in talking to Christians like yourself, you judge without knowing one thing of a person, you condemn unjustly, and I bet somewhere in your closet, you have committed atrocities and are just displacing the guilt. I only wish for you the best, as I do for all my fellow brothers and sisters, regardless of different opinions, why cant you do the same? I am sure if you could you would slaughter me and my family in our sleep in the name of your god. walk the walk lady before you condemn mine.

      1. Since you have chosen to be an ”ACCOUNTANT” …perhaps you forgot another person whose failings were ‘recorded’ before millions! …..’Yours’…..
        Whether one believes in the Lord Jesus Christ or not …HE is, was, and will always be GOD ….that’s GOD with a ‘CAPITAL LETTER ”G” not a little or ”lower case g” as in ”dog”…or ”goat”….and for the Record Heaven and Hell will and has and does ”account” all that we have thought, said and done ….so when we ever list others failings as though we are the ”Universe Accountant” for Christians….lets us ALL not forget…there is a Record here and on High that has our names listed in their High Court of Records, whether our names remain there or not depends totally on HIS RULES AND REQUIREMENTS …HIS ”being The Lord Jesus Christ…(smile now before you speak, Dawling…you’re ”thoughts, words and deeds are important to millions” …(smile)

      2. Joaquin….amazing you can call Jesus a Liar….you claim people turn from the Lord because of people like me….yet JESUS says…People don’t come to Him because ”they” love their sins more than they love Him….hmmm I believe I will continue to believe The Lord instead of you! So dear enjoy your sins…though as The Word says ”they are but for a season” then the Wages of Sin is ‘death’…I do pray you’ll wake up from your sleep before it is too late!

  98. ERROR….The Word of God talks about people being in Hell…so in that fact ..yes I have heard of people going to and being in Hell…

    1. What a crock you spin Andrea, as you sit and condemn me, which is all that you have done on each of your comments to me, I am not convinced of any holiness that you have. I have no issue with Jesus, my issue is with you, like I said you are a rude, judgmental, self righteous, shall I go on?
      at least Ivarfjeld replied decently, with some kindness, I would enjoy to continue chatting with him, but you please do not reply. I notice that you did not deny the comment about slaughtering my family and I in our sleep in the name of YOUR god, seems I may be correct. What I have learned in my life is as you develop a relationship with GOD, it will attract the opposite, and you seem to be just that. I do not grant you any opportunities to insult, for I will no longer reply to you comments. Ivarfjeld, thank you for being pleasant, hopefully you will continue to reply to me, for I would enjoy to communicate more. I appreciate a person that can act in decency.

      1. Dear Joaquin

        Shalom, and praise Jesus.

        I do not deserve to be saved. There is nothing I can do, to get rid of my life in sin. My story to you, is about Jesus. He is alive. He loves you.

        I was a atheist, did not believe there was a God. One day, eight years ago, everything changed. Do not listen to men, all of us sinners, with faults and blames. But to listen to Him, the Messiah, who one day came down to Earth form Heaven.

      2. Thank you for showing some manners. I will enjoy to continue our debate, comments etc. although our views are different, I am only looking to discuss divine views with others.
        Blessings to you and your family.

  99. Judging by the comments, Ivar has thrown a cat amongst the pidgeons with this article. To me, the idea that Norwegean oil companies have (by naming their oil fields and drilling platforms after the old Norse Gods cast) some sort of magic spell on the people of Norway; that’s a bit of a strech. Nor has love of mammon, which exists in every generation, acted like some sort of virus that turns anyone into a pagan. The renewed interest in Pagan Gods among some Norwegians, simply proves mankind is innately religious, and if Christianity is rejected by persons, for whatever reason, some other religious worldview will take it’s place. Some people default to their pre-Christian heritage, whatever that is. Others will adopt a smorgasboard of borrowings from other world religions. Very few people believe in nothing at all. But what is amazing is how criticizing the old Norse Gods has stirred up such a hornet’s nest! If the Christian argument was so weak, booring, and feeble, why the passionate ad hominem attacks on Christians leaving a reply? As Shakespeare said, “methinks thou does protest too much.”

  100. “It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”
    ― Thomas Jefferson

    1. Isaiah 43:10

      “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me.

      1. 1 Timothy 2:11-15:
        Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

      2. I love this part about the servants who Jesus is choosing ! So there is a question – who the hell is he to “choose servants ” ?? LOL I’m the FREE man and nobody’s servant , he might even not to me close with his “servant” stuff let him pick his servants from horde of brainless ships

      3. Joaquin/JD,

        The Lord Jesus Christ (All Glory goes to him) has allowed me to see many things in his name. I supposed it doesn’t matter that I am a female, since Jesus has shown his presence to me numerous times, and since the Holy Spirit has guided me to do things in Jesus name (All Glory to Christ)

        Acts 2:17 “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

      4. Sorry Gloria , what exactly you wanted to prove by that speech ? I already realized that you are just a blind follower of Jesus and besides his postulates cannot explain why exactly you should be grateful serving jesus brainlessly ..What’s the deal Gloria ??

      5. JD,

        It is not a speech. It is simply the truth, and was a reply to you and Joaquin’s comments. And no one is a “blind follower” of Christ. It’s a choice. You have one too. Either accept/serve Jesus, or not. But you have been warned that your choice of not accepting him, will land you in eternal damnation.

        Because you don’t believe, doesn’t change the facts.

        Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

      6. Been warned? Wow there you go again, gods henchman, or woman, it gets tiresome the same old dialog, follow or die an eternal death, its your choice, but choose how we tell you to. I dont buy your bible thumping BS, you have not convinced me of anything other than your psychosis, and dillusion of grandeur.

      7. Joaquin,

        I wll repeat this again. Just because you and others do not believe, your lack of belief does not change the truth.

        If you do not like what is posted on this website, I have to ask why do you keep coming back?


      8. Hi Gloria
        You quoted acts 2:17 a couple of replies earlier and related Joel’s prophecy as being relevant in your life when the spirit guided you in doing things in Jesus name. while I do not question the spirit guiding to do things in Jesus name as I can attest to the same guiding of the spirit to do things in Jesus name in my own life, I do however question the using of the prophet Joel’s prophecy as being as you call the last days as being the days we live in. The passage in reference in its context refers to the time when God fearing Jews from every nation under heaven were gathered together in one place and they heard the galileans speaking in their native tongue or language.
        These God fearing Jews were bewildered and utterly amazed at this happening. Peter then had to address them and he basically told them these men are not drunk as it is only nine in the morning, and then he told them this is happening because the prophet Joel said it would happen. And then he quoted Joel’s
        Words. Joel, in his time prophesied that in the last days these kind of things would happen. Daughters would prophesy,men woul dream dreams,young men will see visions, I will pour out my spirit, etc. nothing like this had ever happened before but Joel said in the last days that they would and Peter is citing Joel’s prophecy as fulfillment at that time. If those days were the last days and your calling the days that we live in the last days
        Then Joel’s prophecy has been being fulfilled for some 730,000
        Days and the last days of something hasn’t happened. How long are the last days going to be. it is very hard to accept that we are in the last days that Joel and other prophets spoke about. The writer of Hebrews said that God spoke the prophets in the past. But in these last days he(God) has spoken through his son. The writer of Hebrews, whoever it is, it is ultimately God said at that time when Hebrews was written was the last days. The days which the prophets spoke of. Now either those were the last days and they eventually ended or they have continued on for 2000 or so years of days. Which is it. I believe what God said.
        If he said those days were the last days then I believe they were.
        And they were the last days of something and they ended. I don’t
        Know what the days we live in are but they aren’t the days the prophets spoke about. I believe the God I believe in

      9. Hi Todd,

        You said: I do however question the using of the prophet Joel’s prophecy as being as you call the last days as being the days we live in. The passage in reference in its context refers to the time when God fearing Jews from every nation under heaven were gathered together in one place and they heard the galileans speaking in their native tongue or language.

        My comment: I don’t agree with your statement. Acts 2:17-21 says:

        17 “‘In the last days, God says,
        I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
        Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
        your young men will see visions,
        your old men will dream dreams.
        18 Even on my servants, both men and women,
        I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
        and they will prophesy.
        19 I will show wonders in the heavens above
        and signs on the earth below,
        blood and fire and billows of smoke.
        20 The sun will be turned to darkness
        and the moon to blood
        before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
        21 And everyone who calls
        on the name of the Lord will be saved.’[c]

        Now the reason why I don’t agree with your statement is this: We are living in the end days, there are signs given to us by Jesus that is occuring now, and have not happened then. But that would broaden the conversation to other verses, so I’ll concentrate on Act 2.

        Here are my points:

        1. Verse 17-18 You confirmed that you do believe that Jesus gives us dreams, and visions. So in fact, Jesus does continue to do it, and you must agree it didn’t end back then.

        2. Verse 19 There are several Bible verses that show that signs in the heaven will happen in the end. Luke 21:11

        3. Verse 20: Kind of speaks clearly about what will happen, but has of yet to. Revelation 8:12

        4. Verse 21: Self explantory 🙂 But also in other verses such as Romans 10:13, and could also be seen in Revelations as to those who do not accept the mark of the beast. I’m sure there are other areas too.

        God bless.

      10. Hi Gloria and thanks for replying back. Here in lies the difference.
        What had just occurred was the spirit had just been poured out on them. This was in fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. The speaking
        Of different languages was not part of the prophecy. Nothing like this had ever happened. Peter knew the prophecies of the prophets. This prophecy obviously popped into his mind so he quotes it. It was no accident that he refers to Joel’s prophecy.
        Joel’s prophecy indicates that in the last days these things would happen. Obviously this pouring out of the spirit began the last days, and during the last days of whatever they were the last days of the rest of Joel’s prophecy would take place. Obviously
        The last days began with the pouring out of the spirit. And this is where the difference between you and I takes place. I believe that the duration of the last days would be 20,30,40 years,and certainly not 2000 years into the future. John said in his letter
        That they(him and those he was writing to) were in the last hour.
        The last days had become the last hour. The revelation of Jesus Christ starts out by saying. The things written in this book are soon to take place because the time is near. Considering these things I conclude that the last days that Joel prophesied which began with the pouring out of the spirit, were fulfilled over the the next 30 – 40 years. I believe everything he said would happen, did. Blessed is the man who believes without seeing. You believe that things are yet to take place. Old Testament believers believed what God said was to come. New covenant believers believe what took place. At the of the end Revelation which at the beginning of it Jesus said the things in it were soon to take place because the time is near, he said It is done, everything has been made new. I believe his words

      11. Todd,

        You said: You believe that things are yet to take place. Old Testament believers believed what God said was to come. New covenant believers believe what took place. At the of the end Revelation which at the beginning of it Jesus said the things in it were soon to take place because the time is near, he said It is done, everything has been made new. I believe his words

        My comment: I believe the Joel prophecy in which I explained it. But I do not mind discussing it. But somehting that stood out to me what you said and correct me if I wrong: Your saying that the tribulation in Revelation have occured? Then that means that Jesus came and went? Absolutely impossible that the things mentioned in Revelation have occurred. I believe the stage is set for the tribulation to begin, but there are so many factors that need to happen before Jesus arrives.

        Again, please correct me if I misread what you are saying.

      12. Hi Gloria, and thanks for replying back.
        thankyou for being so nice also.
        In my reading and meditating and asking questions to God about his word, I have concluded some things. In my endeavor to find the truth about things, I have choosen to do as God has told us to find the knowledge of him and the truth of his word.That being
        crying aloud to him, calling out for insight, seeking for it looking for it like you look for a hidden treasure, or like searching for it as you would search for gold and meditating on it. For then as God says you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
        As I have said before on Ivars comment section, I do not use commentaries or a study reference bibles. Only a bible with no
        cross references or commentary. that being said the only way I can can conclude things has to come from asking questions regarding the text I am reading, meditating on it and reading it over and over and over and over again. Many times. Therefore
        The reasons I that I believe things have happened already are found in various verses in the book of revelation. I will write them down for you and you can read them for yourself. Rev.1:1,3, 1:9
        22:7,11 and 12. I recommend not reading any commentary on these verses, use a couple of different good translations so as to determine the best translation of words used and ask questions about the verses. Think about what was going on at that time and
        consider things. I used to believe many things that were taught
        about prophecy. Now I think differently because I believe that God is giving understanding. The trap that most of us has fallen into is that we have believed in the words of men so much so that thier teaching has formulated our theology,eschatology,doctine, etc. thank you my sister in Christ for giving time to share my thoughts. If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives genourously without finding fault.
        If you want to go further in this discussion I would be most happy,
        little bits at a time

      13. Gloria and all NTM believers
        My special needs daughter who is thirty was at the dentist for a teeth cleaning which is a chore for her mother and I and the dentist and his assistant. In the process of cleaning her teeth the rubber boot on the mouth prop came off and she swallowed it. It is a rather large item. It seemed to go down and she did not choke but we are concerned that in her digestive track it could become stuck, so I am asking for all of your prayers for her that it would pass through her system. She is totaly dependent on us for everything and she does not talk. We would covet your prayers for her and I will keep you posted on NTM if thats OK .
        thankyou and blessings to all of you through Christ Jesus

      14. Thank you Todd for trusting us for someone so special to you with our prayers. It’s an honor to be able to pray for and be in agreement with you. Thank you in Jesus Name!

      15. Todd,

        I will pray that Jesus Christ touch your daughter, and heal her. HE is wonderful and knows all things. And yes, please keep us updated.

        Regarding your post (previous to your last) do agree greatly that we must always pray to God for understanding, and never use man’s understanding. Though I have learned a lot from this site, I can say that I always look to God for discernment.

        There are things that Christians will not agree with. For example Ivar and I have a difference of opinion in the rapture study area. But as Ivar pointed out a long time ago, our salvation does not depend on that difference. And that is true 🙂

        I will read the verses you’ve pointed out.

        God Bless,


  101. Well I will say goodbye, I was hoping that this would be a thought provoking site to comment, share opinions, views, etc. however it is not, it is only judgmental and mean spirited. I apologize for wasting your time and mine as well. I wish you well in your choice, and knowing that you only wish me well if I believe the same as you.
    That is not godlike, as you claim to be. I am not swayed by your quotes and words. Hail the Northern way!

  102. Thankyou Gloria and Andrea for your prayers.
    and Gloria yes disagreements do exist among believers on various things.
    But, I am committed to not making these things divisive.
    Thankyou both of my sisters in Christ.

  103. I am Happy and delighted that my forefathers are returning to the old ways. Far too long have we been subjected to the jew and thier lies. Their genocide of all Aryans through the guise of multi-cultral diversity. What law says the jew has got it right? and further by what fact supports that chirstianiy is the way and the light? Have not both been directly and indirectly involved in war, slave trading and our right thievery of our culture, people and our heritage!!!! Good riddence it is tiem to replace the old ones to thier thrones. To who the jew and christain stole from.

    1. Yes I know I have mispelled Chistanity, time and christain.I have to work, no time for grammatical corrections.

    2. Shame on you….Norway is a Nation that will come to worship the Lord Jesus, God’s anointed…God’s Christ, as all Nations will. I pray you will come to know His Majesty before it is too late my friend. Weep for the lost in Norway and in all Nations for they will be held accountable for their blatant disrespect for their God, the One and Only God and One and only Lord which is the One and Only way for Salvation. Weep for yourself He will forgive your chosen ignorance which is a Sin, far too many have told you the truth and still you walked away…Please don’t walk away this time!

      1. Once again there is that arrogance, shame on us? who is it that has KILLED many for not bowing to their beliefs? Who is it that hunts down anyone different than them to torture, kill and take what is theirs in the name of Jehovah? I think perhaps you should let others live, and stop this need to CONTROL the world.

  104. I believe all gods exist and before you demean a religion because of being affiliated with Germany and assuming of Hitler which was thousand years later. He was a Christian and I believe people shouldn’t force a religion and that a god would want you to. And christianity has had more violence than any other religion so put that in your pipe and smoke it ….and I do worship nordic gods

    1. There is only One who died for your sins, rose, and comes again. That is Jesus Christ. He is the Only King. No one is forced to accept his salvation, but your Nordic pagan gods will not get you into the kingdom of heaven. That is simply the truth!

      1. Maybe not your view of heaven but in my heaven I might you can’t condemn just because someone doesn’t believe in what you do. Jesus was a b a vampire he rose from the deaf and drank red wine aka blood

      2. get it write,

        What you speak is blasphemy and lies from the very devil. You obviously have not read the Word of God, because what you speak of are lies.

        Proverbs 19:9
        A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.

      3. I never said I don’t believe in your god I believe all are real just different views I do not believe the Bible man made the Bible and has been re written too many times. How can you out your trust in a book I believe you should put your trust in a god but not a man made book. And really blasphemy I didn’t know you were the judge or people even used that word still don’t be upset about who I choose to believe worry about yourself don’t get your panties in a twist and if god is so forgiving there would not be a devil …so is god forgiving or is there not a devil which do you believe

      4. get it right,

        You said: I never said I don’t believe in your god I believe all are real

        My comment: Isaiah 44:6 Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.

        You said: I do not believe the Bible man made the Bible and has been re written too many times

        My comment: Matthew 5:18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.

        You said: And really blasphemy I didn’t know you were the judge or people even used that word still don’t be upset

        My comment: When you sit there and tell me that Jesus drank blood, and liken him to a vampire, then yes you are speaking lies and blasephemy. that is the truth.

        God will not forgive those who do not repent and accept him as Savior. God will not forgive those that believe in demons/pagan gods. God is a righteous God who abhors sin. The devil wants you to continue sinning, because he is evil, and wants all souls to go to the eternal pit of hell.

        Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

      5. Calm down totally kidding about the vampire thing everyone sins I believe rules change as time does if not we all going to hell and don’t speak for god like I said that’s a Bible verse I don’t believe in the Bible I feel as long as you have faith in a higher power you good to go. And you keep reciting stuff I won’t even read because of its orgin calm down and you completely question about god and the devil part. I believe in the gods and other religious figures I also believe god is.the the one true deity .the head hancho. But answer my quest please

      6. get it right,

        You said you were joking. I don’t take kindly to jokes about Jesus.

        You said: I believe rules change as time does if not we all going to hell and don’t speak for god like I said that’s a Bible verse

        My comment: I’m speaking the Word of God, and God says his Words are eternal. So if you think at any point God is going to change his mind, then you are wrong. For God said, everything will pass BUT his words.

        Your comment: I feel as long as you have faith in a higher power you good to go. And you keep reciting stuff I won’t even read because of its orgin calm down and you completely question about god and the devil part. I believe in the gods and other religious figures I also believe god is.the the one true deity .the head hancho. But answer my quest please

        First, I did answer your question. You asked if God was forgiving, and I stated to you that God would forgive, if you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. You asked if I believe there was a devil, and based on the answer I gave you above about Satan wanting your soul, then yes, there is a devil, who will end up in the lake of fire.

        You cannot believe in God, and then believe in other gods as well. It is wrong. The Bible is the complete truth, and just because you don’t believe it, does’t change that fact.

      7. Who made all your rules not god he didn’t I would have to see a signed doc otherwise some crazy religious dude did otherwise we all going to hell. Christian god nor odin would let me go to hel because I do believe

      8. get it right,

        You said: I can believe anything I want its not wrong to Me or the gods in my p.o.v so do you speak in tounges and I hope you don’t set fire on any gas stations for god.

        My comment: You have a choice, as every single living person on this planet that is at the age of accountability. No one is forcing you to choose God. But as you stand before Jesus one day to confess everything you have done, and you still have not accepted him, you can never say you weren’t warned. The Word of God is the complete truth.

        Romans 14:11 For it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.”

        You said: Who made all your rules not god he didn’t I would have to see a signed doc otherwise some crazy religious dude did otherwise we all going to hell. Christian god nor odin would let me go to hel because I do believe

        My comment: Jesus Christ has stated how we should live in the Word of God. It is your choice to follow Him, or not. There is only One King and Saviour, and that is Jesus.

      9. You need to look up where the names of the days come from and study my gods and. Others before you pass judgment look into the similarities and if I am going to hell I will save you a spot

      10. Get it right,

        I will not study your pagan gods for there is only one that saves and that is Jesus Christ. I will not go around circles with you. Those who do not accept Jesus will not see the kingdom of heaven. That is the complete truth. If you have no further interest in finding out about Jesus, kindly leave this site.

  105. I guess the main reason why I come back to reply is that I am amazed as to what a pile of crap you spin. You should take a moment, and allow others to live, you are no better than the people that you preach against. This is NOT a christian blog, but rather a den of lies, that brainwash and corrupt people that are easily misled. I am around many christians that are NOT as judgemental, self righteous as this group, and I can only be amazed and amused by your idiocy. Power to Palestine, and hail the northern gods…

    1. I hope you came back to realize Jesus does love you, and realize that he wants you to repent from your sins. I had hoped you came back to ask more about HIM who died on the cross, and comes soon.

      Matthew 24:30 “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.

      1. yes, of course you would quote scripture, because your own words are mean and nasty, I am perhaps the fool for returning and wasting my time. however, when I see lies and deceit,I must confront it, and hopefully shed light, you are the misguided, not me. I am right in my heart with my divine powers, you cannot take that away. Your words are like vomit, and I am now leaving again, I have said my piece, now I will move on….

  106. Many gods or many wicked demons playing hide n seek , Until find ing out what their hiding or up too , They have eternal punishment waiting , who would be happy . They want all humans to join in , so We could all pay for one evil-rebelious wannabe God ; Serpent-Devil .

    Seducing the flesh like he done with adam and eve and stole Their mayordomo . Now influencing the mind and hearts of rebelious men, using all the devices and tools at His disposition , You won’t have an eternal Glorious body , like Jesus/Yeshua the Christ if You keep hearing the voice of this thief , robber , accuser and Head of State of Catholic Rome ; the so called christian church , who persecutes their on Christian brothers .

    Satan is master of deception and dressed Himself as Religion in general , doesn’t matter what stick or stone or brand , chicken , mice
    dust or microbe . You worship Satan !

    1 God – perfect order
    1Devil – earth play ground , master of confusion and deceit

  107. ISAIAH 9:6 – THE LORD IS KING !



  108. JOHN 3:16







    1. It is sad someone can have that much hate and misery in there heart and you say your a Christian doesn’t sound to me what I have heard. I do don’t hate on people for their religion just ignorant people such As you. The old gods were what my ancestors worshiped and came before j.c. And I am not saying your god is not real or a demon why say mine is even if you think it you shouldn’t say it holy roller. I see your kind all the time where IM from love to talk about economy and horrible stuff but most people that say such things call having a hard time not being able to get a new phone. If that’s not the case then may the gods help you.

      1. get it right,

        It seems you have bypassed the spamming feature on our site.

        Because a Christian speaks to you about Jesus Christ, and the salvation He can only offer you, is not hate and misery.

        Because we have said that what you pray to is actually demons, is not hate and misery.

        It is that the god of this world has blinded you, that you cannot see the truth.

        2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

        Ask yourself why do you come here and continue to post? I hope it’s because there’s an inkling inside of you that wants to knw about Jesus.

      2. I can be on if I,please you are speaking about my gods I know about j.c and have no problem in him With him or never said didn’t believe I only have a problem with you and people like you . I wish it was possible to spam literally you would be my top choice. Stop With your scriptures and all your sins an d rules that some man made up in your “Bible” I bet you even get on gods nerves. He did not write the Bible. I don’t condemn your faith or hate on your god. But you hate on mine because you are full of hate and misery. What country or state are you from . Maybe you are a demon

      3. Oh, yeaa…Jesus is soo much pussy cat , humble loving guy who just softly offers “salvation” just forgot to mentioned that hi is not so nice if you dig deeper ..

        Thessalonians 1:8
        “in flaming fire, bringing judgment on those who don’t know God and on those who refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus.”

        in flaming fire , ehh ?? 😀 Where the “chiristian love” did go ?? LOL ..Your frigging jesus has sooo many faces in his Lie ..he lies all the time saying all the time opposite things …when he is powerful he is burning with no mercy even kids , when he is weak he turns in to “nice guy” ..I cannot even describe in a simple words what kind of jerk he is …we do not need to worship a jealous liar who craves to be the only one , enslaving poor souls , to me sounds like the Devil himself

      4. get it right,

        You can be on this site, as long as we speak to each other without foul language being used, or name calling. That is your final warning.

        Now we can discuss the Word of God if you’d like. You say man wrote the Bible. That is where you are wrong. The Bible is the Word of God.

        John 1:17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

      5. Nope I would rather talk about my gods and name calling lmao you sitting there telling me I worship the devil and who would sit here and let someone of faith slander there god or tell them there god there god is the devil would you hell no so stop being a bully a** Christian and have respect you sun all the time so what do you tell your god when you have to ask for forgiveness all the time that would be annoying you prolly cut someone off in line then have to ask god forgiveness. You are a bigot

      6. Varjager,

        If you want to post on this site, and comment, you will do it with respect. There are rules here that will be adhered to. No foul language, no name calling. that is your only warning.

        Jesus gave us an option. He does not force anyone into following him. He gave up his life for us, and because you don’t understand it, or don’t like it, doesn’t change the truth. He comes soon, and then every knee will bow and confess to God.

        John 8:31-32 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

      7. get it right.

        Since you refuse to stop the name calling, do not bother posting here anymore. Your next message will be spammed.

    2. So you can spit on our gods, but as soon as we say something about your god it is the end of the world? Christian hypocrisy at its finest.

      1. Dear Frej.

        Shalom, and love in Jesus.

        When people killed and raped for Odin, they got the feel good factor. Jesus told us to love our neighbor as we love our self. A radical message, that took the Norwegians out of barbarism. This is a fact, not written to defame anyone.

  109. Oh for Gods sake,The oil platforms have been named and that’s that im afraid,people do and will continue to name things after their own culture,not every single little thing has to be about god,im pretty sure the people who named the oil platforms didn’t mean any offence by it,and any way an oil platform called “Odin” or “Thor” sounds way better then “Peter” or “John”,those names are Fucking terrible.They sound like Postmen.

  110. There’s another reason that we should not turn our back on our Christian heritage, as St. Paul is the ONLY seer to reveal the true identity of the fearsome forces arrayed against mankind, and the White Race particularly: the Satanic Spiritual Hierarchy. Can people truly grok that this is primarily a SPIRITUAL WAR, and that the Zionist “synagogue of Satan” is deploying OCCULT FORCES against the Aryan peoples, indeed, ALL of humankind?

    Even leading authorities in the field of paranormal investigation, specifically the UFO/Alien abduction phenomenon–Dr. Jacques F. Vallee, the late Dr. Karla Turner, the late Barbara Bartholic, the late John. A. Keel, Donald Tyson–conclude, consistent with Christian beliefs, that there is a group of spiritual/astral beings, or marauding
    metaphysical predators/deceivers, intruding into our human sphere of life and activity.

    To return to ‘paganism’ is to play into the hands of these spiritual parasites masquerading as ‘gods’, ‘ascended masters’ or ‘extraterrestrials’. People, be not deceived!

  111. Christianity is by far the most corrupt religion. I am a pagan and I worship the old gods. This article is portrays the vikings as evil when they raided for supplies that they could not obtain in Scandinavia. Christians only cared for power and money. Look through history and you will see how screwed up that religion is. Genocide of the natives is the Americas is only one small thing that they did.

  112. almost 2 years I had interacted on this blog, only to realize the hate and intolerance many of you spew. God is god, rather you like it or not, there are many paths for us all to follow.

  113. Give me a break. I was a Christian chaplain for many years before deciding to follow the Pagan path of my ancestors. I still have great respect for Jesus of Nazareth and feel that through His life He demonstrated how we should live. The sad truth is that Christianity today is not what He taught . Being former clergy, I know when I say that your pastors are counting on your ignorance to pay their salary . Many of them don’t believe what they preach, and for most, it’s just a job to win the hearts and minds of their flock. Stop being ignorant and do some academic research on the subject. If your going to follow Jesus, then know what he stood fo . The Christ you worship today is an invention of Constantine and his council of 325 A .

  114. What complete and utter nonsence.

    The Norwegian people are honoring the Tradionsiotradisions of thier ancestors not unleashing demons.

    You sir are the one who’s head is clouded by the demons of religious discrimination.

    I’d wager you likely practice the Pagan tradition of bring a fur tree into your home and decorating it furring the midwinter solstice. Giving gifts in the name of your God while practicing the same tradions which honor these same gods you rebuke.

    1. Dear Follower of Loki

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      You are wrong. I do not believe in Roman Catholicism. I am a follower of the Messiah. He is Jewish, and did not practise paganizem together with vikings. Did you know that an ancient schoolar in Bagdad wrote about the pagan Vikings as the dirtiest people he had ever seen. According to this historian, the Vikings did not even wash them selves after going for toilet. They were truly pagans and barbarians.

      Jesus the Messiah changed the pagan vikings. 1200-1300 years ago. Unfortunately Catholicism took control of Norway by violent kings and bishops. Still there were true Christians in Norway, badly persecuted and some jailed for their faith.Today Norwegians at large are worshipers of money and properties, and have walked back into their paganizem. A sad story.

      1. Jesus the Messiah did not know the Vikings they would have cleaved him in twain upon his telling them he was the son of God. The church was the entity that brought Christianity to the Vikings through mostly murder and coercion but, also by absorbing the Vikings own traditions to make it easier to assimilate them in an attempt to wipe out the Gods of Old.

        This was a complete failure. The True Gods are alive and well in the rich following of Asatru not only in Norway & Sweden but, across the globe with those peoples who have a Viking ancestry and choose to reject your false God for the Gods of their ancestors. The Gods that were there for them thousands of years before Christ and gave them the strength to survive in the harsh environment that the stone age & bronze age in those frozen lands.

        The sad story here is your blind prejudice and discrimination against all things Pagan.

        Pagan beliefs are not devil or demon worship.

        You have bigger things to worry about sending Norway to your Hell than naming some oil rigs after their ancient gods.

        How about the days of the week?
        Monday The day of the moon God Mani.
        Tuesday The day of Tyr
        Wednesday The day of Woden The Allfather
        Thursday The day of Thor.
        Friday The day of Frigg.
        Sunday The day of the sun God Sunnu.

        How about something more logical to be worried about than peoples honoring the traditions of their ancestors in the naming of things?

        The Oil rigs themselves and the potential damage they could do to the environment?

        Your just full of hatred for all things which you do not understand because, you follow the faith blindly enough not to realize that Pagans are people too rich in culture and history predating your infant religion at least 3 fold.

        Your religion attempts to demonize and erase the beliefs of others in an attempt to solidify its own following.

        Got news for you. Its own devices are those which are opening the eyes of many more that it is a flawed system of discrimination and hatred as can clearly be seen in your writings.

      2. You said
        “Did you know that an ancient schoolar in Bagdad wrote about the pagan Vikings as the dirtiest people he had ever seen. According to this historian, the Vikings did not even wash them selves after going for toilet. They were truly pagans and barbarians”

        My Reply:
        Yes the Vikings truly were Pagans but, they were not barbarians they were a sophisticated society with advanced technologies for the time, a written language, and seaman ship that would rival any of their time.

        Now let me consider that this scholar claimed the Vikings “dirty” and that the “Vikings did not wash themselves after going to the toilet?”

        You do you mean wiping their hind side with bare their left hand (one of the reasons its customary to shake hands with the right today) then themselves in a communal pool that everyone washed themselves in after using the toilet. Which left the communal pool basically a stew of everyone’s feces as was customary in the middle east in ancient times? Yeah I do not blame them for not joining in on the cleanliness that was the public bathing pools because, that’s disgusting. Vikings actually wiped with wool or other animal fur/hide and disposed of it.

  115. It must be dreadful to have others make reference to their heritage, even if they don’t believe in it. The Vikings weren’t the only people to worship the old Gods, and while I can’t say they had a clean slate, the old Gods had been worshipped many thousands of years before the Vikings existed. As a follower of the old Northern Troth, I can tell you that we do not hold murderers and rapists in high regards. Besides, four centuries of plundering doesn’t equate with the millennia of “holy genocide” the Christians have exacted on millions of innocents as a divine act of their “loving” god.

  116. To my fellow Heathen brothers and sisters, Why are we wasting our time with these sheep? Their religion and their god is failing them and vanishing from our ancestral homeland as well as our current one.As their “savior’s” power fades our GODS grow in power.Within a few generations they will be irrelevant. Let them cry out in their last death throes.

    It is better to be a wolf of Odin then a sheep of christ

    1. Whether Rick Grimes, the catholic cop, on the walking dead is a true sheep of Christ or not. Next season we’re going to see what happens to Odins wolves….

      1. You are always using movies and there plots to make a point,that is not real,calling oil rigs after old gods /goddess name shouldnt even be an issue,humans love to label i call my car BESHEBA does that make me a pagan,my cat was called THALIA after one of the muses does that make me a pagan, if i had a daughter i may have called her FREYA does that make me a pagan,NO if i pay homage and worship a GOD/GODDESS thats a pagan calling an object or naming something should not be seen as an act of worship,What if a fire chief called his rig little LUCIFER does that mean he’s a satanist or just has a sense of humour

      2. Rommgirl, I was responding to the comment, “Better to be an Odin wolf than a sheep of Christ” It just happens to be that is where we left off on the Walking Dead, Rick Grimes the catholic cop preparing to lead his sheep to war against the wolves after declaring “How many of you do I have to kill to keep you safe?” To me that said alot because if 9/11 was an inside job, as I believe, Well, lets not go there.

      3. WHO is Rick Grimes an actor ?and what the…..does that have to do with 9/11 or JESUS/GOD OR THE OLD GODS OF THE NORTH OR THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE ,NO OFFENCE

      4. Three wise monkey syndrome is that a TV series too!DONT you dismiss me as being unable to comprehend,I watch very little TV except current affairs,news or history and nature programs,hate sci-fi,loved Vikings though,naughty LOKI,please do explain what this series has to do with the article above or 9/11,maybe i should watch it and gain some indepth knowledge

      5. The three wise monkeys are ancient wisdom, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. I guess it means when the powers that be are doing evil it’s wise to look the other way. If you’re interested, I found the same video that got me thinking, it is available on ebay. 9/11 mysteries, The guy freedomdies is selling a 5 dvd bundle on the subject for 7 dollars. I’ve watched 3 so far and all real good so far.

  117. But what is the walking dead ,is it about zombies,i try not to play into conspiracy theory on 9/11,one trumpet sounds,and as i have said before aprox 10mths later i was given a message from the BLESSED MOTHER OF JESUS,there were two other occurrences of MARY within the following month sighted by many,mine was personal but was an answer to the last “vision”in another state in AUS,i did not respond to the question that was posed to the media at the time ,but i was given the answer by MARY like i said would it have made a difference or would most just think nut job,i couldnt even enter a church or talk to a priest about it something kept stopping me it relates to 9/11 events and in my opinion a dire warning for the world

    1. The walking dead is a tv series about a post apocalyptic zombie infested world. The lead character is a catholic cop, in one scene they have him looking alot like Jesus, blood running down his head like a crown of thorns made it. Also his wife died and was the only character to come back dressed in white like an angel, they were in his visions. And other things have me convinced the show is a catholic creation. So of all those in the world who might benefit from 9/11 and war in the middle east, the catholic church is a prime suspect. Bush did call it a crusade. And so Rick Grimes line “How many of you do I have to kill to keep you safe” way well have come from the pope or the devil himself.

      1. But Ed ,its a make believe tv series,scripts written by writers who maybe catholic or may not,there is no benefit to war and BUSH was ignorant to use the word crusade,at the time America was angry and hurting and demanding justice was it not,BUSH is not a catholic,i am positive the devil isnt catholic,yep that leaves the pope,but what does he benefit from 9/11

      2. If you were the catholic church secretly usurping America and you wanted to keep it secret you make a protestant the front man. Obama isn’t catholic either, but both visited the pope and kissed his ring. Bush’s father notoriously declared a new world order with the pope as its moral authority. The pope is on record saying he wants a UN with real teeth. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, until the “lawless one is revealed, the man of sin”.

    2. Seriously….what in the actual FUCK are you talking about?!?! You cannot ask to be taken seriously when you ramble on like that in utter madness.

  118. I am not here to bash on the Kristjians or the Juden, but I DO want to tell you that Oðinn and is not the “Sun-god”, that would be Sunna. Walhall = Valhalla is NOT “Heaven” either. You see, IF you are one of the chosen slain in battle, an Einherjar, then MAYBE you can go to Valhalla to continue to train to fight in the Rägnarok. Or the goddess Frejya might take you to Folkvangr, her hall, where you will be her blessed warrior. Or one of the other Gods or Goddesses might choose you to go to their hall. Or you could simply go to Hel. Note if you’re particularly bad you’ll go to Nifelheim, and be in a frozen hall filled with venomous snakes to punish you. But you see Hel is basically a continuation of things here in Midgard. When your people invaded the North lands and held your “Convert or Die” campaign, you all also managed to steal many of our naive traditions. Such as Hel just add another L. Hell is NOT mentioned in the Greek or Hebrew texts, Sheol, Hades, and Gehinnom is though. Yule = Christmas, trees were brought in to bless the house during winter, now we have Christmas trees. Easter was down from Eöstre. Even the names of the weekdays came from our religion. Monday = Moon-day, Tuesday= Tiws-day, Wednesday = Wodens-day, Thursday = Thors-day, Friday = Frigga’s-day, Saturday = Saturn’s-day, Sunday = Sunna’s-day. Besides, we have our own NATIVE religion which reflects the values of Northern Europeans, why then should we worship the mythology of a Middle Eastern Desert God that demands weakness from us?

    1. Very well said, however our comments only fall upon deaf ears. 65.
      Each man should be watchful and wary in speech,
      and slow to put faith in a friend.
      for the words which one to another speaks
      he may win reward of ill. The havamal.

    2. I LIKE this guy! I would VERY much like to know more about my religion. Do you have a website by any chance?

  119. Dumb Christians. Praying only works for the lucky. Christianity makes no sense. -Dumbass gets crucified
    -tells everyone hes from a god
    -Tards beileve he came out of his burial and think they saw him like 80 percent of delusional people way back when would say
    -Prays to a god to get over themselves when they prlly did nothing wrong at all just being retarded thinking they will burn for being human
    -80 percent pf them rant how other religions are wrong when they can’t take a look at theirs and think if they are still idiotic or not
    -Stop using a god to deal with your problems and do it yourself
    I support Nord paganism. I think it’s unique, independent. Far better than annoying Christian’s

  120. You are an fucking idiot know you mythology before waving youre little christfinger around the world as we know are free of religion of their own choice so stop fucking with Odin and hes not a sun god

  121. Joaquin,

    Please seek the way of wisdom, while it can still be found. A day is coming soon when it will be lost to you. There is only one God–the three-in-one of Israel, Who is the “Light of the World”. There is only one prayer that any heathen can utter, which will be heard by the God of the universe–the prayer that acknowledges our status as sinners before our Holy God. He is there, whether you believe in Him or not. Ask Him to show Himself to you by the power of His Holy Spirit and you will not be disappointed. There are many who claim to be Christians, but only those who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit are, in fact, Christians, (See Romans 8:9). The Father sends His Holy Spirit to those who come to Him in humility. It is the Holy Spirit who “convince[s] the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness and of the coming judgment” (John 16:8 NLT). The time is short.

  122. Odin is God… The same God of old testament. Baldr is our Jesus… Died, went to hel, came back. Stop fighting over the same beliefs that are worded slightly different. Look at the bigger picture, love, honor, family..

  123. When I see people turn their backs on the false god jesus, it makes me want to masturbate to Nun Porn and Ozzy Osborn CDs.

  124. The Christians are wrong, I wear a ring of Thor on my finger, I used to be Christian then, I woke up, Odin is my god along with all the gods of Asgard

  125. You faithless, thoughtless ASSHOLES! How DARE you!!! Norway betrayed a *JEWISH* religion because it honored its own gods by naming things after them? Are you fucking stupid??? There was a point this morning when I was about to re-embrace my Christian faith – seriously! – but thanks to this ridiculous article, I now know why I do not. Bunch of goddamn school children!

  126. True enough Tophat, naming things after old gods isn’t exactly worshipping them and probably does no harm. But how foolish is it to give up your faith based on an article someone writes, which may not reflect the beliefs of the faith you’re giving up on? Scriptures say that while the God of the bibles rules applied only to the Jewish people, only they were held accountable, but now that those rules apply to the Gentiles, the Gentiles are now held accountable and should put away the old gods.

  127. Putting God names on oil rigs is like boasting of human skill. As impressive as they are to us, perhaps not so much to God, even insulting to God who made everything and rather worship God we idolize things we made.

    Acts; 17:24- 25 The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.

    Acts 17:29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone–an image made by human design and skill.
    Acts 17:30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.

    Seriously, why tempt God by putting God names on manmade oil rigs. For the sake of the fishes if nothing else. Because, In one of the plauges seas turn like blood of a dead person, and everything in the sea dies. Dead peoples blood turns black…

    Rev. 16:3 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died.

    Because then when it happens the world will whine and call it an “act of God”, even though they give the credit for creating singing birds to mother nature or some other false entity.

  128. “Vikings would end up after killing and raping on their war path through Northern Europe.”
    That is not a good statement to make against Heathenism. yes, they did, and I do not say Heathens((Norse Pagans)) was the most peaceful, but the Christians did much more of that all around the Americas and Africa, and I can easily use the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades as proof to justify Christianity of being barbaric and savage, not to mention what happened to those who didn’t convert after the Justinian in the Roman Empire.

    “Not so different from the Islamic view of Heaven, where the Islamic terrorists will get their virgins after the bloodshed.”
    You have done no research on the Nordic legends. The Norse/Germanic peoples believed in multiple afterlives which were ruled by different gods((Being the Norse/Germanic gods)). It was said the warriors((Like the Vikings)) would go to Valhalla, which was the drinking hall of Warriors where they’d meet Odin Thor and other gods like them. This is little to nothing like the Muslim afterlife, but it was said it was for the warriors, but there were no 6 year old virgins waiting for your hairy ass.

    “I don’t hate someone just because s/he is Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist or whatever else.
    That’s something what you can’t do for some reason, you “peaceful” intolerant people……”
    Then why the fuck are you ranting about a few people in Norway turning “turning their back on Jesus” if you don’t care what gods someone worshiped? I’m not a professional on Norway, but from what I know Norway is dominantly Atheist/Agnostic like Sweden. Also, there are more Heathens/Odinists in North America Iceland and Germany. So if you’re concerned about Norway becoming non-Christian then why are you not talking about the Atheists who have MUCH of more people then Heathnery.

    Plus look at your heading
    “Hate towards Jews in Norway has its root in old Viking mythology. When Norway found oil 40 years ago, the Norwegian named one of their first new platforms “Odin”, the head of the pagan “Heaven”.”
    This is loads of bullshit. First of all, what is wrong with Norway naming platforms after the Norse gods and what does it have to do with the Jews? This is confusing. There is no historical background that the Norse/Germanic peoples even knew what a Jew was till the Christianization of Europe. Second, the Jews suffered 99.99% more from Christians the Heathens. Back in the old days if you were found to be a Jew you would have been executed under the rule of the Church, and let’s not forget the Nazi party((98% of Nazis were either Catholic or Protestant)) and other groups within old time Europe.

    What the fuck is wrong with a few platforms being named after Norse gods? I cant count all the things named after Jesus God Joseph and other people from the bible. Also I think a reason they do so is because it’s apart of Norwegian heritage.

  129. WOW, this is clearly written by a Jew. Why do the Jews have to mess with everyone on their path. There is a reason why the Jews have been hated by every civilization since the beginning of time and by the way it is the Jews who are the devils and worshiper of money, their God is the true Satan. And this is coming from a person who was a christian for 27 years. I am not Norwegian, but i know them and love them a lot. they are the most purest people on the planet and so now the devil has turned its eyes towards them through his children the jews. I ask the world to start blessing the children of good and aid them in this fight against evil.

  130. Praise be to odin. Praise be to the man willing to let his blood spill upon the ground in order for him and his family to be safe and prosper. And pity the man who seeks charity from false prophets. Who spends there life on there knees asking for what they have no reason to hold. A true north. A true god. ODIN

  131. I find it interesting that so many people get so angry about religious belief. I, myself am an atheist. Not because I have no belief system but rather because I feel no need to force others into mine. Every war ever waged is based on religious belief, therefore there is no benevolent God. Why would anyone devote their life to an unkind God. The reality is that God was created by man to explain the unknown. It kept people in line so there was not chaos. God has been an excuse for people to claim to be superior to others. If we take a step back and are respectful of the belief of all we will have a much more successful claim to being human.

  132. After reading all of the damn shit that passes as “knawledge” from these kike-worshiping hicks I think it is about time to blaze their fucking asses.
    How in the flying fuck do you fit pairs of elephants, giraffes, rhinos, hippos, goats, pigs, snakes, horses, and every billion other species of animal on an ark smaller than a football field?
    Why does the biblical “GAWD” ask adam and eve if they sinned when he is omniscient?
    Why is the god of the bible so stupid that he thinks a flood will annihilate all life when there is an entire ocean filled with fish and sea urchins and every other marine creature that cannot DROWN. Jehovah must have an IQ below 50 if he thinks a flood can kill all the “life on earth” when it not possible to drown a FISH let alone the vast array of life in the seas that requires water to survive.
    Why is it that in the every first part of Genesis when god is mentioned, it actually states GODS [the plural] in the original hebrew version of the script? As in ELOHIM? [Singular form is EL]. This actually a very important question seeing as these GODS created adam, not the ‘One God’ in the other parts.
    How is it that churches can be burned to ashes and christians can be brutally murdered by non-believers if this god of the bible exists? His omnipotence is not exactly ‘potent’ if he can’t stop his own creed being erased to nothing.
    Why is it that christians always have lower IQs than atheists if atheists are wrong?
    Why is it that most christians are illiterate to the point of not knowing about all the contradictions in the Bible?
    If the bible is the perfect word of god then why were parts removed by the church and so many contradictions from beginning to start.
    How can a man in the bible be 800 years old when no one in all of history lived past 122? Especially in ancient times when few lived past 60?
    Why oh why does the jesus myth resemble so many other older myths about a saviour dead for others? Mithras to mind?
    How can it be that no mention of a Jesus or even YESHUA during christ’s ‘lifetime’ from any other source than the bible? If he was responsible for christianity then why is his name only mentioned DECADES after his “death”.
    If vikings were so ‘sinful’ and wrong, then how can it be that they could prevail over their enemies? Lack of faith especially does not count in this case as monks were killed by vikings and they were the closest to jesus.

    It is pretty obvious that anyone who stays a christian today will not have any successors. Christianity is a dying, drying flash-in-the-pan smoke and mirrors sham that shatters into a trillion pieces when assembled. Ready to burn some churches and impale some kike-sucking churchians. Only question is, will mohammedans do it or will the reborn ulfhednir and einherjar slay them all?

  133. I never thought to look into this and to be quite honest, if it was not for the TV show “Vikings”, I probably never would have. I am shocked at the anger in some of the writings above. I believe In Jesus and that he is the only way. I however, do not feel the need to bash anyone over their beliefs. I am not offended to hear your beliefs either. I find it all Interesting and even learned more history about the Norse. It is my understanding that everyone will hear about Jesus before the end times is done. Everyone has a choice. If your core beliefs are not Christian, then that is your choice..period. Even as a Christian, I sometimes wonder why, we are caught in the battle of God and Satan.

    As I read through the posts, I saw a lot of terrible things that were done by Christian and non Christian people thought history. The only thing I can say to that is regardless of your beliefs, anything that man (people) are involved in, gets corrupted . The problem is that people will do what is in their hearts to do. If it’s rape, murder, greed, they will do it, and wrongfully declare it in the name of religion, rights or whatever they choose to name it. People will also love, respect, do things to help others, If that is what is in their hearts to do. Some based in faoth, some based in how they were raised and some just have the desire to do nice things.

    There is no way for any of us to atone for our ancestors mistakes or crimes. The only thing any of us can try to do is not let history repeat itself. I do not hate anyone based on their religious beliefs. I hate things like war, rape, murder, child abuse, animal cruelty and all cruelty in general. To me, there is no need for that. Like I said earlier, anything that involves man, gets corrupted.
    I stand firm in my belief and love for Jesus, and I wish no Ill will towards anyone who does not share my beliefs. I will pray for you either way. Have a great day everyone 🙂

  134. Let’s see how many oil fields are owned by Christian countries and Israel. Hmmmmmm.

    They did not turn to “Satan”. They are not Satanists. Turning back to their original religion has nothing to do with money, that religion you call evil is the religion of their ancestors. I hate the three headed beast of Abrahamism (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), those religions are very evil, but I have a ton of respect for Odinism/Asatru, because they have no dogma and don’t try to force or pressure people into converting. And they teach positive things like self accountability, being honourable, protecting the weak, etc. What does the Bible say? The OT says to throw rocks at women who cheat on their husbands (and yet nothing about husbands who cheat on their wives, hmmmm), the NT says to not defend yourself, two very conflicting messages (one of overwhelming hate, the other of naivety)

  135. For anyone to speak negative of ANYONE is a violation of Christian principles as taught by Jesus. If you want respect for Christian relegion then do not speak ill of an entire country and it’s heritage. But alas, this whole debate is simply an attempt to divide people by the zionist. Please be aware that when you hear something that elicits a pang of anger or fear then it is that which is used to control you. Humanity and God existed before any religion. So shall it be again.

  136. I thought I had read all the narrow minded drivel the internet had to offer, I was wrong. Why is it wrong for people of a certain country to worship in their own indigenous faith ? It is accepted in every other country and if not people cry racism etc etc. Christianity comes from the Middle East along with the other two cults that have ruined the world and will continue to do so, please take it back there as we have had enough, Hail Odin.

  137. You people are all insane.
    Oh and christians ARE a cult.
    They raped
    They killed
    They the took spoils of war

    Religion is an excuse to wage war
    If christianity was truly for peace they would not have a hand in any war

    War is chaos and chaos is war

    In that case i would rather be a wolf of odin, than a lamb of god….

  138. Fools. If you are European or American that hails from a European decent and if you worship “god” then YOU should be the one to be ashamed. YOU abandoned the old gods in favor of some foreign, middle eastern. You’re ancestors have a pagan past but at some point in your’e pathetic line you’re blood line converted to a hostile, and foreign god. You have turned your back on the old gods.

  139. This is what thoughtless devotion creates. You are worshipping a thoughtform that doesn’t have the capacity to care or benefit you in any way. You will become a part of the swirling vortex of souls that it feeds on if you do not act and turn your back on it.

    Delusion is very powerful, though. I can only hope that you break free of this mental trap. There is no such thing as sin and there is no heaven or hell that awaits you. There is only the astral plane, where we all are anyways. There is no god, only the universe and its unknown source of laws.

    There are very ancient beings who can guide you, but only if you snap out of your dream.

  140. I am Jesus ( a graffiti word manifested the name apparently ) . well , just letting fools know . being tortured by the implant and all the prophecy stuff happened , dued and came back to life on easter , etc .

    any way just here in the North Gates of Sea at Hell being tortured by mind rape frequencies . nice touch pretending I lived 2000 years ago .

    I am forever . I wondered if I would accidentally kill Bob Saget and I did . sorry .

    Allah made me and all the other ” gods ” . we all worship our perfect creator . stop bickering KIDS .

    Allahim Yahoveh

    1. 2 Peter 3:3-7
      Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished. But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

  141. I’ll stick to my roots, and my paganism. My family never did, nor will ever bow down to any of the three Abrahamic religions.

    Just like my aboriginal friends in Canada are taking back their roots, I’m taking back my Germanic Paganism. I’ve created quite a bond with some natives here over this, and it seems a lot of them are also sick of Christianity. 😉

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