Demanded Arab terrorist released from prison in Israel

Norwegian PM Jens Stoltenberg demanded the release of Arabian terrorist Hussam Shaheen from prison in Israel. The PM considered him a “friend of the Labour party”.

Norway PM Stoltenberg was engaged in a campaign to get a PLO-terrorist ut of prison.
Norway PM Stoltenberg was engaged in a campaign to get a PLO-terrorist out of prison.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was engaged in a campaign to get former International secretary Hussam Shaheen released from imprisonment in Israel. Shaheen is now sentenced to 28 years for terror.

This is the story:

On April 10, 2007, the Israeli Military Court in Ofra- nearby Ramallah- imposed a 20 years imprisonment on Hussam Shaheen, the Secretary of International Relations of Fateh Youth Organization (FYO) and the elected chief of FYO in Jerusalem.

Hussam Shaheen is convicted for planning to slaughter Israeli buss passengers.
Hussam Shaheen is convicted for planning to slaughter Israeli buss passengers.

He was arrested on 28/1/2004, and tried in court for smuggling of weapons and planning a suicide bomber mission against a buss inside Israel.

On 21st of April 2007, the terror convicted Arab is called a “political prisoner” by the Prime Minister of Norway, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg.

On the Labour Youth’s political summer camp on Utoya, Stoltenberg demands the release of Hussam Shaheen.

Hussam Shaheen has been on Utoya several times, and has many friends in the Norwegian Labour party and the AUF”, explained Stoltenberg.

A LINK to the PM’s speech can be found at the home page of the Prime Ministers office in Oslo.

Here is another  link to the speech Stoltenberg gave (in Norwegian) on 21st of July 2007.

My comment:

Some few weeks back, The Supreme Court in Israel upheld the conviction, and made Shaheen’s imprisonment longer by eight years. Source:

PM Jens Stoltenberg branded this terror convicted man, an imprisoned Arab, as “a political prisoner”. Stoltenberg spoke after Shaheen was sentenced  to 20 years imprisonment. By doing so, Jens Stoltenberg tried to delegitimize Israel as a democratic nation, with a functioning and just legal system.

My questions are:

1. What was the legal base used by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in July 2007,  when the PM branded this terror convicted man as a “political prisoner”?

2. Do Jens Stoltenberg still consider Hussam Shaheeen to be a political prisoner?

3. When was Hussam Shaheen a guest on the terror island Utoya in Norway?
4. What kind of actives did Hussam Shaheen participate in, during his visits to Utoya?

Will we ever get a Norwegian, or international journalist, to demand that PM Jens Stoltenberg shall answers these questions?

Written by Ivar

4 thoughts on “Demanded Arab terrorist released from prison in Israel

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  1. “Will we ever get a Norwegian, or international journalist, to demand that PM Jens Stoltenberg shall answers these questions?”

    Probably not. But one day he will have to answer to the King of the Jews. Lets hope he has a change of heart before then.

    Shalom Ivar
    Keep up the good work.

    1. Dear Marit.

      Shalom, and praise Jesus.

      Norwegian PM Jens Stoltenberg do not claim to be a Christian. In regards to his support for Arab terrorism, He is deadly wrong. I hope and pray that the PM will repent, so his soul can be saved. Amen.

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