Palestinian family: «We never told «Aftonbladet» organs were taken»

The family and relatives of Bilal Ahmed Ghanem, the Palestinian at the center of the organ-theft story in the Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, said on Monday that they didn’t know if the accusations were true or not.

The Swedish editor of Aftenbladet, Jan Edin
The Swedish editor of Aftenbladet, Jan Hedin.

The family lives in the tiny village of Imatin in the northern West Bank. Ghanem, 19, was killed by IDF soldiers during the first intifada on May 13, 1992.

He was a Fatah activist who was wanted by the IDF for his involvement in violence. His mother, Sadeeka, said he was shot by an IDF sniper as he walked out of his home. «The bullets hit him directly in the heart», she said.

Ghanem’s younger brother, Jalal, said he could not confirm the allegations made by the Swedish newspaper that his brother’s organs had been stolen.

«I don’t know if this is true,” he said. «We don’t have any evidence to support this»

Helin: «I have no evidence, but I am not a Nazi»

«I’m not a Nazi» editor Jan Helin wrote in a comment, recorded by several Israeli media . «I’m not anti-Semitic».

Instead, he described himself as «a responsible editor who gave the green light to an article because it raises a few questions»

He did note, however, that the paper had no evidence that such horrific practices were being carried out.

Source: Jerusalem Post.

Egyptian daily al-Ahram: «Israel is barbaric»

The editorial, titled «Israeli blackmail» criticizes Israel of its recent protest against Sweden following an article published in a Swedish newspaper accusing IDF soldiers of harvesting and trading Palestinians’ organs.

The article reads:

«It seems that the extremist Israeli government, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, will never cease its provocative steps against the world and its attempt to blackmail any power that tries to break the barrier of silence and expose Israel’s barbaric steps against the Palestinians».


My comment:

If the editor for Aftonbladet Jan Helin was a truth seeker, He would not have published this story. The story is a copy cat of Nazi propaganda that came out of Germany from 1933 to 1945.

The people who believed in the satanic lies of Adolf Hitler, and was made sons and and daughters of the devil, managed to get 60 million people killed during World War II.

If Jan Helin had lived in the 1930-ties, he would ran the risk of being deceived. Because he has no discernment, and is capable of tainting, ridicule and demonizing the Jewish people. That was exactly what Nazi-Germany did, and this is exactly what the Swedish editor is doing.

2 thoughts on “Palestinian family: «We never told «Aftonbladet» organs were taken»

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    A definite great read..Tony Brown

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