Israel will be destroyed without Jews in Samaria

If we weren’t on this mountain, the terrorist would threaten our capital and the entire country.

By removing the Jews from Samaria, the whole of Israel will be destroyed.
By removing the Jews from Samaria, the World will help Islam in their bid to destroy the whole of Israel.

OP-ED: Hagit Lalum on Israeli Hayom.

We have been living in Psagot for 15 years. Our six children were born here, and this is where we see our future.

We’re already used to relatives who refuse to come visit, to delivery people who refuse to bring deliveries, even though we paid in full, and to the surprised exclamations of visitors when they see the big city of Ramallah laid out before us. We’ve experienced difficult years of daily shootings at houses in our settlement and spent hours, as on Saturday night, nervously waiting for the all-clear following security alerts.

Living in an isolated settlement surrounded almost on all sides by Arab homes, the scenario of a terrorist penetrating Psagot has entered my thoughts more than once.

But when I look out my window, which is at an elevation of 900 meters, I can see the houses of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, the city center and even the Meitarim Bridge as a white stripe glinting in the sun.

It is clear to me that if we weren’t on this mountain, the terrorist who infiltrated our settlement on Saturday would be on it with his friends, and would threaten our capital and the entire country. There is no terrorist who can dent our faith in the justness of our way.

Source: Israel Hayom

My comment:

The World population at large, is unaware that then distance from Jerusalem to the PLO-base in Ramallah is hardly 12-13 kilometer.

Less than the distance from east to west in the Syrian capital Damascus, already reduced to ruble by the sons of Islam.

To remove the Jews from the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, will not only create a Nazi-styled “Jew free zone”. It will also give Islamic terrorists free access to the hills surrounding the center of the city of David, a new launching pad for missiles.

For Nazi-leader Adolf Hitler, such an option would have made his vision easier to achieve. Hitler had to knock down all the borders in Europe, to collect the Jews to his gas chambers.  Today, the Islamic successors of the Nazis can gas or nuke six million Jews inside a small geographical area. This area is called the state of Israel.

The World is blinded by Satan. They have rejected God of Israel, and will face judgment. The ultimate evil is to harm the Jewish people in the name of “Jesus”. People who do such have never known the Messiah. And they run around doing the devils work.

Shame on all lukewarm people who do not care.  Do not be among the people who Jesus the Messiah will puke on, when he returns as the Lion of Judah.

Published 4th of October 2013.

Written by Ivar

The not defendable borders of lesser Israel

No army in the World will be able to defend “lesser Israel” with just kilometers between the sea and the enemy.

This map shown the topography of the state of Israel.

The most insane word that has ever been invented in the Middle East, is the so-called “West Bank” of the river Jordan. It is suppose to be a sandy bank of a river, not compromising more than a couple of kilometers of the river.

But Islam has made it a matter of control over huge mountains in Zion, rising more than 1000 feet above the ground.

When you stand on the mount of Olives in the eastern Jerusalem, you stand almost 1000 meters above the sea level.  The Jordan River ends down at the Dead Sea. The Dead sea will be 400 meters below the sea level, and impressive high’t difference.

What you are overlooking, is not a “river bank”. But a deep ravine, and a mountain range like that is comparable to the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

Not even the US Army will be able to defend a mini-USA with such distances from the sea to enemy rocket launchers.

If Islam is able to pressure the state of Israel to give up their military control over the Mountains in Zion, there will be no army in the world who will be capable of defending the “lesser Israel”.

Than the Jewish state has been pushed back behind the so-called “Auswich lines”. The Jewish people will finally have been gathered inside a huge concentration camp, ready for the last bid of genocide.

First published: July 1st, 2010.

Written by Ivar

Happy Christmas week with focus on the gospel

We take a news break. Welcome back on Wednesday 30th of December. Only if there is another massive media attack on Israel, on Christmas eve, we will quickly be back and stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters.

To all our readers. May the God of Israel bless you in His Messiah.

Ready to walk into the final trap of “special regime” in Jerusalem

Ehud Barak and Mahmoud Abbas has agreed to let the Old city of Jerusalem be taken over by a “special regime”.

The religious movements unites at the Wstern wall, and Pope Francis visited the Old city of Jerusalem.
The religious movements unites at the Wstern wall, and Pope Francis visited the Old city of Jerusalem.

The Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak offered the PA government East Jerusalem already in 1997.  Before He left for “peace talk” in Jerusalem, Barak held secret talks with chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

The Israeli leadership seems to walk right into the final trap. The stage for the final anti-Messiah is about to be set up in Jerusalem.

To the Israeli Daily “Haaretz”, Barak disclosed that the government of Israel is willing to divide Jerusalem.

“As for the “Jerusalem problem” the western side of the city plus “12 Jewish neighborhoods that are home to 200,000 residents will be ours. The neighborhoods in which nearly 250,000 Arabs are living “will be theirs.”, explained Barak.

In regards to the Old city, Barak envisions a “special regime” with “agreed-upon arrangements” to administer the Old City, the Mount of Olives and the City of David.

The concept is similar to one raised in the past by the administration of former U.S. President Bill Clinton, who recommended the area, which he referred to as the “Holy Basin,” be internationalized under a “special regime.”

Prior to his re-election as Israel’s prime minister nearly two years ago, Binyamin Netanyahu warned a gathering at the Jerusalem Conference in January 2009 that leftist politicians would try to internationalize the holy sites in Jerusalem.

He vowed to fight the move.

“Some politicians are trying to blur the importance of the Temple Mount to the Jewish People by referring to it as the ‘Holy Basin’,” he told the crowd at the time. “We, as Jews, know who built the Temple Mount.”

Netanyahu promised the packed hall, “We have demonstrated in the past, and will continue to demonstrate our commitment to a complete, undivided Jerusalem… Everyone knows what will happen if we were to leave those areas and divide Jerusalem. Someone will enter – and that someone will be Hamas.”

Read more about the comming “special regime” in  Voice of America.

My comment:

I have earlier published articles about the “special regime” in Jerusalem, that will be bring the final anti-Messiah into the “Holy basin”.

Link to the article about the Old city of Jerusalem initiative.

Martin Luther called the Pope in Rome for an anti-Messiah. I agree with him.

I have also published an article about the shift of the anti-Messiah’s chair in Rome, to be shifted to Jerusalem.

Read the article behind this link.

Now it looks like the leaders of the Jewish people is about to walk into the trap, that the devil’ s children has set up.

First published: September 2nd, 2010.

Written by Ivar

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