Some examples of copies of “Jesus”

Will Jesus save everyone who claim they believe in Him?

A huge man made “Jesus”. An worthless idol. If it falls down, it will be broken into pieces.

Many people have voiced many opinions about how to understand salvation. The only valid explanation is found on the Bible. If you have followed a copy of Jesus, you have served Satan. Those who served Satan, will not be found in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Matthew 7:22-24
Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’  Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

First we need to acknowledge that there are multiple copies of Jesus around us.

2 Corinthians 11:4
For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.

Lets take a look at the most common of them.

1. Jesus of my own choice:Aliens coming with a "different gospel".
You might have heard people say something like: “I believe in Jesus, but do not believe there is a Hell”. Such a statement tells us that there must be a “hell bound” Jesus around. He is a lawless man, because such claims make Jesus of Nazareth a liar. The Bible says that there is a Hell.

Many people have even said a “sinners prayer” to this copy-cat, and claim they have been “born again”. I could have printed endless examples of people who believe in such a “Jesus”. Endless examples of personal opinions who contradict the Bible.

2. Jesus of Rome:

The Vicar of Christ  claims to be “The Holy Father”. Here he is kissing the Koran.

This copy-cat has many similarities with the above version. The only difference, is that this “Jesus” is “the Popes choice”. Only he can program him, with all kind of Catholic dogmas that contradict the scriptures.  The ultimate worshipers of skulls, bones and corpses are found in this cult.

3. Jesus the “Rich Messiah”:

Some preachers spin around money, like flies around cow dung.

This copy is an American copy of the Jewish Messiah. This “Jesus” was supposed to be rich on Earth, and all who believe in him is supposed to be richly blessed with material blessings. I also call this copy-cat the “ATM-Jesus”. Because to be able to take out the cash from the nearest ATM, you first need to put some money into the account of the preachers of the prosperity Gospel.

4. Jesus of the Koran:

Jesus of he Koran and Jesus of Rome are cousins. Bot copies of the true Messiah.

This copy of Jesus is not divine, but a mortal man. He was a fantastic teacher, and a brilliant prophet. But not at all the Son of God, equally God as His Father. He did not save anyone, could not even save him self from being crucified.

5. Jesus of Jehova’s witness:

False witnesses. Ready to come to knock on your door.

This cult claims only God is the Alpha and Omega, the creator. “Jesus” was His first creation, and not a co-creator.  Since the Bible says we shall only worship the creator, this Jesus copy claim that worship of him is a sin. Do not even pray in his name.

6. Jesus of the Mormons:

After a couple of free coffee’s, they will come up with another Bible.

The Bible is not the only inspired book, that reveals the truth about who God is. Jesus of the Mormons have added another Bible, that was revealed to a prophet in America, 1700 years after Jesus died on the cross in Jerusalem.

This copycat make you a product of relativism. Anything might be permissible. There might be a lot of undiscovered “Holy books”.

7. Jesus of the New Age:

A copy of Jesus, and Krishna hand in hand. Both can save, claim Hindus and New Age.

New Ager’s have a Jesus-copy. He is only one God among many, and one gate among many gates to the Kingdom of Heaven. New Age is basically not new at all. Its is the oldest of the religions who are present on Earth today. It is called Hinduism.

8. Jesus outside the prophetic word.

Some followers of this copy-cat “Jesus” hates the Jews, and curses Israel.

This is the Jesus Only, a  Messiah of the New Testament Only. This cult claims that There is not much interesting found about him in the Old Testament. He do not pay attention to the prophetic Word, or His Fathers eternal promises, and is absolutely not behind the restoration of Israel.

Jesus of Nazareth:

Jesus is the Word of God. The truth about Him can only be found in the Bible.

The true Jesus of Nazareth is the Word of God, explained to us in the Biblical canon. This canon was closed by The Holy Spirit. All who have reopened the cannon, have committed a not forgivable sin against the Holy Spirit. The cults are doomed for the everlasting fire.

Make no mistake. All who do not believe in The Word of God that came in flesh, have all fallen into the pit of deception.

First published: December 11th 2010

Written by Ivar

It will be the Zionist settlers against the rest

The Ultra Orthodox would rather have the left in the Israeli Government, than the settlers in Judea and Samaria.

There is a rifts between the Ultra Orthodox and the Nationalist Religious Jews in Israel.
There is a rifts between the Ultra Orthodox and the Nationalist Religious Jews in Israel. MK Gafni and Naftali Bennett have little in common.

Israeli politics can be a rough game. The borderlines are not along the right-left axis, but rather related to which borders Israel do have.

Is Judea and Samaria are part of Israel, equal a part of Eretz Zion as Tel Aviv?

MK Moshe Gafni from the Askenazi Orthodox party and Habayit Hayehudi Chairman Naftali Bennett met for the first time on Thursday.

They seems to have larger disagreement, than Benjamin Netanyahu have with the Labour party.

A UTJ official told the Post that the party was considering supporting a raft of measures such as a settlement freeze, the evacuation of unauthorized settlement outposts and the reopening of peace negotiations with the Palestinians.

Such a move, he said, would allow the prime minister to form a coalition with left leaning parties including The Tzipi Livni Party and even Meretz, and leave Bayit Yehudi outside of the government.

The source noted that the upcoming visit of US President Barak Obama would likely bring new pressure from the White House to make concessions to the Palestinians, something that his party is now considering supporting.

Source: Jerusalem Post

My comment:

The political fronts in Israel are not always easy to understand.  In particular why the Ultra Orthodox now attacks the Nationalist religious settlers, living in Judea and Samaria.

Here is a quote that display serious disagreements, and even some kind of excommunication.

 Ultra-Orthodox MKs distanced themselves from recent remarks by Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef who called Bennett’s party a “house of goyim.”

Source: Israel Hayom

What is behind the divide?

A simple facts.

The Nationalist religious Settlers live beyond the green line. They claim that it is the Torah, and not Obama, who shall set the borders around Israel.

The Ultra Orthodox live on Governmental support, mainly in Western Jerusalem. They do not lift a finger to defend the motherland, and set up rule for who is a “goyim” and who is a true Jew. Just like the Pharisees did.

I do support my brothers and sisters in the Nationalist religious movement.  We agree on how to understand the Prophetic Word in regards to Israel. We both awaits the arrival of the Messiah, but do disagree on who the Messiah is.

I claim Yeshua from Nazareth to be the Messiah.

Written by Ivar

Lapid: “We are not the Messiah’s donkeys”

Finance Minister Yair Lapid lashed out against the members of the ultra-Orthodox parties in the Knesset on Monday, accusing them of preventing the coming of the Messiah.

Yair Lapid took a hit at Ultra Orthodox members of Knesset, and spoke about the Messiah.
Yair Lapid took a hit at Ultra Orthodox members of Knesset, and spoke about the Messiah.

In response to no-confidence vote accusing finance minister of inciting against and harassing haredim, Lapid accuses haredim of comparing secular women to prostitutes and comparing him personally to Hitler.

During a session of the Knesset plenum, Lapid spoke on behalf of the coalition in response to a series of no-confidence motions submitted by the opposition, focusing mainly on a motion submitted by the United Torah Judaism faction, titled “The finance minister’s incitement and harassment against the haredi public in efforts to divert attention from the austerity measures imposed on the general public, thus promoting extremism among the people.”

“You accuse me of incitement?” Lapid asked, incredulous. “Your [haredi] media compares all secular women to prostitutes and all secular youths to drug addicts and hedonists. And that’s before we discuss the recent editorial in [the ultra-Orthodox paper] Yated Ne’eman that compared me to Hitler.

“Does telling the haredi public that I want the exact same rights for them as I do for my own son constitute harassment?” Lapid inquired. “Does expecting them to honor the fourth commandment constitute harassment? It says ‘Six days you shall labor and do all your work’ not ‘six days you shall receive government stipends and the secular people shall labor.’

 “We are not the Messiah’s donkey,” Lapid went on to say. “That is what we have been for too long. It won’t bring the Messiah. It will keep the Messiah away. Anyone who accuses others of incitement is merely adding to the hatred in Israel, and adding to hatred keeps the Messiah away.”

Lapid also addressed the accusation that the expected austerity measures are unfair to the haredi public, saying “we believe that the cuts to the yeshiva budget will not harm the Torah world. It will only mean that people will go to work in the morning and study Torah at night, just like our forefathers. If you want to help the poor, help them join the workforce. You want to help the people of Israel? Stop the incitement and the harassment. No one hates anyone and no one is out to get anyone.”

The haredi MKs in attendance refrained from responding to Lapid’s diatribe.


My comment:

What a blessing. Think if your own Parliament would have had political debates like this, arguments about who is representing the Messiah, and who is not?

This debate in Knesset, symbolizes the debate that takes place in many home in Israel. While there is little left but silence and dead Christianity in Europe and America, the debate heats up in the Jewish world  Even among secular Jews, the issue of the Messiah is on the table.

In regards to secular and religious Jews not “being donkey’s of the Messiah”, and Lapid’s attack on Orthodox Jewish rabies, much can be said.  In ancient Israel there was a priesthood of Levy, who did not work. They were priests of the Torah, and performed religious rituals. After the destruction of the second Temple, there is no need for Temple priesthood.

The Messiah established a new Royal priesthood, of all who were ready to believe in Him.  All believers are priests of the Most High God.

 Exodus 19:6
You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.’

 1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

No verse in the Bible gives all of us instruction to  leave our work, and become New Testament “levites”. Paul the Apostles worked day and night, earning a living as a tent maker.

We are instructed to be a witness wherever we are. Being a teacher or a policeman, you do represent the living God in words and deeds, 24/7.  You are supposed to read your Bible, know your Bible, and share truth with others.

I wish that all my brethren in both the Christian and  Jewish community were able to see this.

Written by Ivar

Gafni: Messiah won’t come because of anti-Jewish Knesset committee

“The messiah will see what this committee is doing and he won’t come!”

Chairman of the Finance Committee, MK. Moshe Gafni.
CMK. Moshe Gafni accuse liberal Israelis for delaying the coming of the Messiah.

These are the words of MK Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism). He react to Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee approves bills that would see women influencing selection of rabbinical judges; couples able to register for marriage in any city.

The Haredi MKs, who view bills as a threat to Jewish tradition, lash out.

The Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee inched closer Monday to a bill that would allow Israeli couples to register for marriage anywhere in the country, not just in the city of their residence. In a revision vote, the committee also approved a proposed amendment that would mandate the inclusion of a woman in the committee that selects rabbinical judges.

Some ultra-Orthodox legislators view these proposals as running contrary to Jewish tradition, and some view them as a threat to the current ultra-Orthodox stranglehold on all rabbinical services and institutions.

In response to Sunday’s votes, MK Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) harshly criticized committee chairman, MK David Rotem (Yisrael Beytenu), saying “the messiah will see what this committee is doing and he won’t come!”

“This committee has become the garbage can of Judaism. All the anti-Jewish laws find you,” Gafni said to Rotem, who is himself an observant Orthodox Jew. “You have always been anti-religious! You are a big hero, you talk the talk, and that is why you cannot be a representative on the Judicial Selection Committee — that committee needs strong people.

Source: Jerusalem Post

My comment:

On of the most traumatic accusations against liberal Israelis, are coming from their own Orthodox brethren. The liberals are told, they are the reason why the Messiah is not coming.

If they only would become Ultra Orthodox, the King of the Jews would surface, and rule in Israel, we are told.
For all Messianic Jews, who believe Yeshua is the Messiah, this kind of claims are not Biblical.

If man could block God from doing anything, man him self would become “god”. The idea that man can tell God what to do, is idolatry.

The Messiah will return to Earth in the fulness of time, just as he appeared the first time, according to the Biblical prophecies.

 Hebrews 9:28
so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

The Messiah will come at a time when godless men do not expect Him. He will come to rescue those who are waiting for Him. Amen.

Written by Ivar

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