PLO-Abbas only wants boycott of Jewish settlers

“Palestinians” do not support a boycott of Israel, claims Mahmound Abbas.

The White House served the Islamic agenda, ad have become a part of the trap for Israel.
The White House served the Islamic agenda, ad have become a part of the trap for Israel.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas stunned reporters and Palestinian activists in South Africa last week when he stated that the Palestinians do not support a boycott of Israel.

Abbas did advocate boycotting Israeli products made in the West Bank, “but we do not ask anyone to boycott Israel itself.”

“We have relations with Israel, we have mutual recognition of Israel.”

Source: The Times of Israel

My comment:

Biblical Zionism is being brought to an end in the state of Israel. Today, many citizens of Tel Aviv are agreeing with the islamic terror organization PLO.

Simply because, they feel their support of the Islamic agenda for Samaria, will safeguard their own houses and livelihood.

Many naive and secular Israeli citizens believe that the Jihad will stop, if the PLO is gifted  ownership to the hills east of Ben Gurion Airport. If Jews are forced to leave Samara, the kazam’s will be moved hardly 9 kilometers from the lifeline of Israel, the international airport.

The next move of the forced of Jihad, is to move on till Israel is destroyed.

Many people in Europe and the USA have no clue about this geographical fact, not the Islamic agenda. They have no proper knowledge, just buying the Islamic lies that have been told a million times, and being copied as truth in Western media.

Written by Ivar

US General: Arabs have better life inside Israel than outside

“Arabs living in Israel have a better life than the Arabs living in the rest of the region.”

The US Chief of staff say do not point the fingers on Israel.
The US Chief of staff say do not point the fingers on Israel.

These are the words of Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempse.

He said on Monday that if Israel were to strike Iran in an effort to damage the country’s nuclear program, the U.S. would meet “some defined obligations” it has to the Middle East nation.

“I feel like we have a deep obligation to Israel,” he said. “That is why we are in constant contact and collaboration with them.”

Dempsey credited Israel with being “an example of what could be” in the Middle East.

“If we had one of my Israeli counterparts sitting here, they would tell you that most of the Arabs living in Israel have a better life than the Arabs living in the rest of the region and that is true,” he said.

Source: CNN

My comment:

I do not pay much attention to the Generals promise that the US will “meets if obligations”.  This is a round formulation, and a commitment built on circumstances.

But it is worth notching the Generals words in regards to the Israeli Arabs.

Do these two million Israeli Arabs, most of them Muslims, understand how lucky they are to live in Zionist Israel, with a clear Jewish majority?

Do they fully understand, that if the Muslims forces ever are able to destroy this Zionist state, they will quickly live under the same despotism as other Arabs?

I hope all Arabs pay attention to this message of truth.

There is a living God watching the political games, a God who protects Zion. He is the Messiah, and the rock of my salvation.

Written by Ivar

“Peace negotiator” Livni threat to Israeli security

Justice Minister Tzipi Livi feels giving the Arab Palestinian a state at the gates of Jerusalem, post no security threat to Israel.

John Kerry tries to force Israel to give in to Islamic demands for "peace".
John Kerry presently tries to force Israel to give in to Islamic demands for “peace”.

These are the words of Carloline Glick, a former contributing editor, still senior columnist in Jerusalem Post:

Israel enacted  two major strategic initiatives that have her signature on them: the 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, and UN Security Council Resolution 1701 from 2006 that set the terms for the end of the Second Lebanon War.

Both were massive failures.

Both caused Israel’s national security to deteriorate. And in both cases, Tzipi Livni’s political opponents warned that her strategies were wrong-headed, dangerous and unhinged from strategic realities.

Livni built her career on her support for the withdrawal of all Israeli civilians and security forces from the Gaza Strip.

It was her decision to jump on the expulsions bandwagon, and her fervent castigation and demonization of all her former colleagues and voters, that caused then prime minister Ariel Sharon to promote her from a the backwaters of the Absorption Ministry to center stage at the Justice Ministry.

We know what happened after Israel withdrew from Gaza. Just as all of Livni’s opponents warned, Israel was shelled by more rockets, mortars and missiles than ever before. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are now in range of Gaza’s terror armies.

Hamas took over Gaza, and transformed it into a hub for the global jihad, linking the jihad against Israel to the jihad against Egypt and the rest of the world.

Gaza, which before the withdrawal was never more than a tactical nuisance, became a regional strategic threat.

Source: Jerusalem Post

My comment:

Not a single day in the Biblical history of the Jews, giving up their promised land has brought peace.

To the rather opposite. Different occupiers have utterly destroyed Israel, the worst of the carnage done by Rome in 70 A.D.

Not only was the city of Jerusalem reduced to rubble, and the Temple demolished. More than a million Jews were supposedly slaughtered in one of the worst pre-Holocaust massacre of Jewish people.

When the United Nations (UN) declared the rebirth of Israel in 1948, the same destructive forces were put into action. All the Arabic neighbors of the Jewish homeland, tried to destroy her with an all out war.  Again the city of Jerusalem was occupied by brutal killers, erasing more than 50 synagogues in the Old City of Jerusalem.

My question is:

Why are many Jews not able to learn from history?

Why do they have to copy all the mistakes from the past?

 Ezekiel 13:10

‘“Because they lead my people astray, saying, ‘Peace’, when there is no peace, and because, when a flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash. 

If the people of Israel had learned anything from history, they would not give away an inch of their promised land. Arabs who live inside Zionist Israel should praise them selves lucky. Not a single of them, have any hope of a freer and better life in the Arabic nations, crippled by Islamic despotism and violence.

People of Israel. Your God is watching, God of Israel.  He has saved a wreck like me, by the blood of the lamb of God. I praise the Messiah for saving me, and graphing me into the Rock of Israel. Please surrender to Him.

Written by Ivar

Arabic Bibles have been falsified to please Muslim converts

Some Muslims supposed to have converted to faith in “Jesus”, still use the word “allah” for God, and ”Isa” for Jesus. A doctrinal clarification is needed.

Neither the name of the sun, nor the moon-god, shall be used by true followers of the Messiah.
Neither the name of the sun, nor the moon-god, should be used. Elohim Israel is a plural God, The God of the Hebrews.

Most of the Christian media have been silent in regards to new “Muslim-friendly Bibles”. But one American media has sounded the alarm about the corrupt modern “bible translations”.

This is what has been reported:

It includes the controversial development is the removal of any references to God as “Father,” to Jesus as the “Son” or “the Son of God.” One example of such a change can be seen in an Arabic version of the Gospel of Matthew produced and promoted by Frontiers and SIL. It changes Matthew 28:19 from this:

“baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”

to this:

“cleanse them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit.”

A large number of such Muslim-sensitive translations already are published and well-circulated in several Muslim-majority nations such as Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia.

According to Joshua Lingel of i2 Ministries,

“Even more dramatic a change is the Arabic and Bangla (Bangladesh) translations. In Arabic, Bible translations err by translating ‘Father’ as ‘Lord.’ ‘Guardian.’ ‘Most High’ and ‘God.” In Bangla, ‘Son of God’ is mistranslated ‘Messiah of God’ consistent with the Quran’s Isa al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah), which references the merely human Jesus.”


My comment:

The word “god” could mean anything and everything. So do the word ‘allah”, an Arabic word for “god”.

1,2 billion Muslims use the singular word “allah” for “god”. This word has its origin in pre-Islamic  Saudi Arabia as the expression of the Arabian “moon god”.

Now, the word “allah” has entered into claimed to be “Christian” bibles. Under the pretext that ‘allah” is the unified Arabian word for God.  Such Bibles has been made to make it easier for Arabs, in particular Muslims, to understand who “god” is.

Not true.

The word “allah” is singular. The Hebraic word “Elohim” is plural. Even linguistic, these “gods” are not the same deity.

When you mix “allah” with the Arabian word for the Messiah, “Esa” or “Isa”, the falsehood becomes more obvious. Because “Esa” is a created being, and has never been divine. He is not the Son of God, but a prophet.

Arab Christians tries to explain to Arabs, that using the word “allah” for God, must lead to an understanding of this “god” to be the God of the Hebrews, who has a begotten Son.

The truth is that the Pre-Islamic Arab cultures never had a unified word for “god”.  The first Christian Church in Arabia, was the Coptic Church in Egypt, established 500 years before the birth of Muhammed. The Coptic word for God, is “papnoute”. Or simply “noute”. The Berber community in Libya, used the word “Amanai” for God.

In ancient Yemen, 700 B.C, the moon-god was named Almaqah. A stone tablet found, is mentioning five South Arabian “gods”. So “allah” must have entered this area later, as “the god”. A New Age “god”. Neither the God of the Hebrews, nor the ancient “god” of the Arabs. The Arabs were forced into submission, and a Pro-Islamic, Pan-Arabic use of the word “allah”.

There were no unified Arabian use of a Word for “God”, prior to the Islamic area, that started 620 A.D. It looks like it was Islam that forcefully united Arab merchants, Arab tribal people and Assyrians around the use of “allah”. By the use of the sword.

Do not accept this modern falsehood, a bid to make “peace” with Arabs in the name of “allah”.  

Written by Ivar

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