Catholic Goa was a religious state of terror that burned Jews

«Jews, Christians and Hindus were burnt at stake in Goa in India».

In 1540 there were 200.000 people living in Old Goa. Today there is only rubble left under the jungle cover.
In 1542 A.D there were 200.000 people living in Old Goa. The Inquisition started in 1560 A.D. It lasted for 252 years. The rubble of the destroyed city can still be found under the three cover.

The tiny state of India was the centre of the most cruel inquisition on planet Earth. This is the words of the historian and author Gunnar W. Knutsen. He recently translated an eyewitness account from 1687».

Gunnar W. Knutsen took his master on the Spanish Inquisition, and is today employed as an Historian at The University of Oslo. He was written several books and articles on the different tribunals of the Inquisition. In the Norwegian version of the «The Inquisition of Goa» Knutsen also explains from his own conclusions, made by the research and studies of the tribunal in Goa.

Gunnar W. Knutsen has made a book about the Inquisition in Goa.

«The Spanish Inquisition did create fear in Europe. But few, if none, are aware of the fact that the most grotesque religious tyranny took place in Asia. For 252 year, the Portuguese enclave of Goa was ruled by a tribunal, which by the present age was look up on as a state of terror».

India was fare away from Europe, and the Portuguese authorities and the Roman Catholic Church had freer hands than on their home turfs. The Religious tyranny lasted for almost 252 years. The archive files of the religious tribunal has disappeared, and no-one knows for sure the number of people executed.

«But we know from other sources, that there were more than 16.000 trials in Old Goa. Even without access to the missing achieves, we can acknowledge that al least 500 people lost their lives», Mr. Knutsen explains.

«The Tribunal in Goa got the authority to arrest and transport to Goa people from all the Portuguese colonies on the East Coast of Africa, West cost of India, Sri Lanka, The spice Island of Indonesia and Portuguese China. The Portuguese Inquisition was in fact a global system of justice with authority over all sea vessels under control of the King of Portugal, wherever on the planet they were located» says Knutsen.

The skull of Francis Xavier, who wrote to the King of Portugal and proposed a tribunal of the Inquisition to be set up in Goa.

It was the fight against «Maranos», or crypto-Jews who was the official ideology behind the tribunal of the Inquisition in Goa.

The crypto-Jews was the name of Jews who officially has converted to Catholicism, but still celebrated Jewish traditions and the Sabbath in secret.

When the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 and Portugal in 1948, many of them chose to flee to the newly discovered colonies.

In the year 1557, the Jesuit Goncalo Da Silva from the Indian city of Cochin wrote, that Judaism was a «perversisismo», the secret enemy which needed to be defeated with an Inquisitional tribunal in Goa. But also the Pre-Portuguese St. Thomas Christians and the Hindus of Goa was persecuted and killed by the tribunal.

Source: The Norwegian Christian daily newspaper «Dagen».

My comment:

The Goans have never been told the full truth about the crime against humanity that took place inside their state during the Portuguese rule. The man they adore, venerate or worship as a saint, is basically the man that brought in the terror. Thats tragic.

Will the Roman Catholics in Goa ever be told the truth, so they can get a chance to repent?

Indian judge says pre-marital sex “immoral”

A judge in the Indian capital, Delhi, has said that pre-marital sex is “immoral” and against the “tenets of every religion”.

Sex is a god given thing, that belongs to married couples of one man and one woman.
Sex is a god given pleasure, that belongs to married couples of one man and one woman.

Judge Virender Bhat made the remarks after ruling that sex between two adults on the promise of marriage did not amount to rape.

Pre-marital sex remains a cultural taboo in India.

Last year, a court in Delhi said live-in relationships were immoral and an “infamous product of Western culture”.

Judge Bhat presides over a fast-track court set up in the Indian capital to dispose of cases relating to sexual offences against women.

He made his latest remarks while clearing a man employed with a multinational company of charges of rape.

The 29-year-old had been arrested after a woman working in a different company lodged a complaint of rape against him in 2011.

The woman alleged that the man had sex with her after promising marriage.

“In my opinion, every act of sexual intercourse between two adults on the assurance of promise of marriage does not become rape, if the assurance or promise is not fulfilled later on by the boy,” Judge Bhat was quoted as saying by the Press Trust of India.

“When a grown up, educated and office-going woman subjects herself to sexual intercourse with a friend or colleague on the latter’s promise that he would marry her, she does so at her own peril. She must be taken to understand the consequences of her act and must know that there is no guarantee that the boy would fulfil his promise.

“He may or may not do so. She must understand that she is engaging in an act which not only is immoral but also against the tenets of every religion. No religion in the world allows pre-marital sex,” the judge added.

In 2010, the Supreme Court dismissed a number of cases against a Tamil actress who spoke in support of the right of women to have pre-marital sex. The court also endorsed the right of unmarried couples to live together.

Actress Kushboo was accused of “outraging public decency” and 22 cases were filed against her in 2005.

Source: The BBC.

My comment:

While lesser and lesser part of the Post-Christian west have any clue about the word “moral”, India shines bright in the night.

Despite being mostly populated by Hindus, most of the Indian’s agree that good moral is to wait till after marriage before having sex.

In the west, very few young virgin’s are getting married. Fornication and sexual immorality is a widespread disease.

And by the way. There are laws in India against sodomy. This laws protect the natural family, of one husband and one wife, raising the next generation.

Praise Jesus the Messiah for the better part of family values in India.

Written by Ivar

Catholic priests in Delhi arrested as social activists

Archbishop: Muslims, Christians united in fight for equality in India.

Catholic priest were among the rioters in Delhi on December 11th 2013.
Catholic priests were among the rioters in Delhi on December 11th 2013.

On December 11th, 2013, Archbishop Couto participated in a peaceful march on India’s capitol alongside Protestant, Muslim, and fellow Catholic leaders to push for equal rights for all Dalits.

When the participants converged on the main road from side streets, police took to beating with batons and canes, and hosing down the protesters, including nuns, priests, and laity, with water cannons. By taking their march onto the main road, the group had violated the security barrier leading to parliament.

“We felt we had to make this push because otherwise nobody would pay any attention. We had to do something drastic, even if it meant breaking the law. Our hope was to get the attention of the Government and some political leaders who sympathize with the cause so that the issue might be raised in Parliament, thus building pressure on the government.”

Some 400 demonstrators were arrested and held for several hours, including Archbishop Couto and six other bishops.

Source: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

My comment:

Hinduism is wrong, Brahminism is wrong, and ill-treatment of poor people is wrong.

But fighting for this cause, is not making anyone righteous.  The Roman Catholic priests, as Muslim leaders alike, do not preach the gospel about repentance from sins.  Because they them selves takes pleasure in sins.

 1 Timothy 2:5

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.

Both Catholic priests and Muslim Imam’s elevate them self to the same position as Brahmin priests in Hinduism. They claim to be middlemen between men and God, and only through them the perfect will of God can be done. In this way they they become a replacement for Jesus the Messiah.

 1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

To be arrested as social activists New Delhi, will not qualify anyone for being under Biblical persecution. The Roman Catholic priest will be persecuted because of an act of righteousness, the day they resign from this priesthood, and declare this priesthood to be not Biblical. Than all Roman Catholics will hate them for telling the truth. But some will listen and believe in the message, and be encouraged to become a part of the Royal Priesthood of all believers in Jesus of the Bible.

Written by Ivar

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