Cannibals operate in Syria

They are saying; “We swear to god that we will eat your hearts and livers you soldiers or Bashar the dog..

A Jihadist in Syria brag about cutting out a heart and eating it.
A Jihadist in Syria brag about cutting out a heart and eating it.

We are the heroes of Baba Amr”

There is a historical connection to eating heart and livers of men when it comes to the history of Islam;

Source: Wikipedia.

“Her status as a Sahaba (companion of Muhammad) remains questioned because of actions she took against the Muslim community before her conversion, particularly an incident of alleged battlefield cannibalism.”


My comment:

It’s despicable, it is insane and it is sick. To cut the heart out of a man is bad. To eat it is truly demonic.  When Muslims brag about such crimes, and publish bona fide evidence on the net, we need to rejoice.

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Islam is not a religion. Its an evil ideology. No man can sit in Hell and accuse God of not being warned about Islam. You can see this evil being manifested in several dozen nations. Just switch your TV-set on.

Do not harden your heart, becoming unwilling to renounce this extreme evil.

First published: May 20th, 2013.

Written by Ivar

Rebel clashes in Syria leave almost 500 dead

At least 482 people have been killed in clashes between Syrian rebels and the al-Qaeda-linked Islamist State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS).

Islam is the ideology of unlimited body bags.
Islam is the ideology of unlimited body bags. Like in the civil war in Syria.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the toll comprised 85 civilians, 240 rebels and 157 ISIS fighters. ISIS had killed 42 prisoners in Aleppo, while 47 members of the jihadist group had been executed by rebels.

The fighting has spread across four provinces in rebel-held parts of northern Syria over the past week. The latest clashes erupted when rebels led by the Islamic Front launched a series of co-ordinated strikes against ISIS in an offensive backed by the opposition National Coalition. (BBC News)

Source: The BBC.

My comment:

The civil war within Islam started 1.300 years ago.  There seems to be no end of the evils and carnage against humanity.

Written by Ivar

The Bible explains the destruction of Damascus

The Bible explains that Damascus shall be reduced to rubble. See, and learn that the Bible can be trusted.

The city of Damascus has no future. Jesus will com back to Jerusalem.

It is sad that Muslims slaughters Muslims. But being deceived by a desert demon, what can we expect?

The Bible is crystal clear that before Jesus will be back on Earth, the city of Damascus will cease to be a city.  The king of kings will not come back to Damascus. He will come back to the city of the Great Jewish King David, the city of Jerusalem.

  Isaiah 17:1
[ An Oracle Against Damascus ] An oracle concerning Damascus: “See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.

When we look at pictures from the capital of Syria, we can see the prophetic word being fulfilled in our days. So all the pagans can read, be enlighten and turn towards the living God. Because if they do not turn to the Messiah, they will all perish.

Jesus is the Messiah. He has come once, and we can expect no one else.

First published, August 12, 2013.

Written by Ivar

Iranian aggression lead to Sunni takeover of Fallujah

The West support of Iran has alienated Sunnis and pushed them toward extremism.

The Ayatollah of Iran is the major sponsor of Islamic terrorism globally.
The Ayatollah of Iran is the major sponsor of Islamic terrorism globally.

Last week, al-Qaeda fighters in Iraq captured Fallujah, a city where hundreds of Americans were killed or wounded in the last decade fighting the jihadists.

How did this happen?

Iran has waged a brilliant covert-action campaign that turned the Shiite government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and Iraq into virtual clients of Tehran – and in the process alienated Sunnis and pushed them toward extremism.

The government reneged on promises to pay the Sunni tribal militia that Gen. David Petraeus mobilized in 2007 and 2008 to battle al-Qaeda in Fallujah and other areas of Anbar province. With Iraqi Shiites pulled toward Iran, Sunnis were drawn back toward the jihadist orbit.

The covert campaign in Iraq was directed by Qassem Suleimani, the head of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). At Iran’s covert direction, fighters from Iraqi militias have also been sent to Syria to battle Sunni rebels there.

Source: Washington Post.

My comment:

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to see that Iran will take over the governance of Iraq.

65 per cent the Iraqis are Shia Muslims, who have the Ayatollah of Tehran as their spiritual leader and light of the Word. The Shias will eventually win all kinds of “elections”, and enforce an Iranian style Islamic totalitarian republic.

When W. Bush and Tony Blair was warned about the mistake of removing the semi-secular Sunni Muslim Saddam Hussein, they did not listen. These two war criminals played the Iraqi nation right into the hand of the Islamic revolution.

Well done. No the West will reap fruits of its foolishness. The Sunni Muslims have been radicalized, and they account for 90 per cent of the Muslims worldwide.

Behold: The Shia revolution in Iran was yet another bid of Satan to create chaos. If there is no global chaos, people will not welcome the final “false peacemaker”.

Second: People needs to be filled by the spirit of fear, to succumb to terror. Iran threatens Israel with total destruction, and will soon also be   bring London and Paris into full submission to Islamic demands.

The chaos is spreading, just as Satan desire.

The new rainbow alliance of “peace maker” will include everything, as welcome the last man of lawlessness, the man of sin, promising them all redemption and salvation.

Do not submit your self to this alinement movement build on compromise on the truth. Await the return of the true Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.

Written by Ivar

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