Hamas to get full backing from brotherhood in Egypt

Hamas spokesman says he hopes “revolution” leads to Egyptian president’s downfall.

The Muslim Brotherhood supported Nazi-Germany, and might rule Egypt. Arab League boss Arm Mousa next to Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal.

Palestinian Authority officials in the West Bank expressed concern over the current events in Egypt, noting that President Hosni Mubarak has been very supportive of the PA.

Hamas spokesmen in the Gaza Strip, meanwhile, voiced hope that the “revolution” in Egypt would lead to the downfall of Mubarak’s regime.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas phoned Mubarak on Saturday and expressed his support for him and Egypt, a PA official in Ramallah said.

During the phone conversation, Abbas expressed concern over the events in Egypt, the official added.

Abbas was one of the few Arab leaders to phone ousted Tunisian President Zeine al-Abideen Bin Ali shortly before the latter fled to Saudi Arabia.

Source: Jerusalem Post.

My comment:

Hamas grew out of the Muslim Brotherhood, a religious and political organization founded in Egypt in 1928 with branches throughout the Arab world.‪ The goals of this organization are the establishment of an Islamic caliphate and the imposition of Sharia law‬ ‪in every nation.‬

Since this Islamic terrorist organization seized power in Gaza in 2005, it has lacked backing from Cairo.  The Mubarak regime has mostly kept the Egyptian border towards Gaza closed.

If, or rather when, the Muslim Brotherhood takes over power in Cairo, Hamas will no longer have to smuggle arms into Gaza.

With Hizb’Allah in control of Lebanon in the North and the Muslim Brotherhood in control of the southern border of Israel, the count down to the final war in Israel has begun.

Radical Islam will be free to attack Israel from Eilat to Gaza. Now the only border left to capture, is the Eastern border.  The “moderate” regime in the Kingdom of Jordan will be the next target.  Than the circle of evil will be completed.

Psalm 38:12
Those who want to kill me set their traps, those who would harm me talk of my ruin; all day long they scheme and lie.

Psalm 71:13
May my accusers perish in shame; may those who want to harm me be covered with scorn and disgrace.

Matthew 13:38
The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one.

New IDF intelligence chief failed to predict Egypt uprising

Major General Aviv Kochavi said Mubarak’s government was not under threat and that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood was not sufficiently organized to take power.

Major General Aviv Kochavi on the battlefield during the Second Lebanon war.

On Tuesday, the day the unrest began that led to the collapse of the Egyptian cabinet, Israel’s new head of Military Intelligence told a Knesset committee that President Hosni Mubarak’s government was not under threat.

The new MI chief, Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, made the comments in his first appearance in his new role. He also said Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood was not sufficiently organized to take power and was not closing ranks significantly.

Major General Kochavi.

According to members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Kochavi did not address the situation in Egypt, even though protests had already erupted. He only discussed the situation there after being asked about it by committee members, saying he expected Mubarak to be able to keep the demonstrations in check and that his regime was stable.

Source: Israeli Daily Haaretz.

My comment:

Israel feels it has had only one true friend in the Middle East. The military dictatorship of Egypt.

Now, this pillar in the Peace process in the Middle East is falling.

Since the rest of the Muslim World has accused Egypt of treason, making “peace:” with Israel, there is no way 80 million Egyptians will turn pro-Zionist over night.

That Israel intelligence did not have a clue of the sudden fall of Mubarak, is a symptom of Jerusalem being comfortable with military dictatorships being part of their “security doctrines”.

Who cares for freedom and democracy in Egypt, as long as our Southern border is safe?

The security of Israel can not be based on the IDF, nor any despotic leader in the Arab World.  The only rock that can save Israel, is the Messiah. He is about to return.

Matthew 23:39
For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ”

But before He returns, all security doctrines in Israel shall fail. and the Jewish people being forced into a “false peace”, signed in the Old City of Jerusalem by “a joint committee”.

2 Thessalonians 2:4
He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

This joint group of Muslims, Catholics and Jews shall manage to hand over their authority to a “special regime” lead by “an administrator” who has the Temple Mount as His head quarter.

Its called the “final solution”, promoted by the Old City of Jerusalem Initiative. Please read this link, so you do not end up as a worshiper of this “administrator”, that the Bible says will be a man of lawlessness.

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.

Rebellion and lawlessness. That is exactly were we are. 

Neo-Nazi Government to seize power in Egypt

The same organization that supported Nazi-Germany, to seize power in Egypt.

Mohammad El Baradai is ready to work with anyone who will make him president. Also the enemies of humanity, represented by Saab al-Katani.

Mohammad El Baradei will form the next Government in Egypt.  He has joined forces with the Muslim Brotherhood, who wants to create a Sunny Muslim copy of the Iranian regime.

The former UN Nuclear chief has the backing of President Obama, who says “the next Egyptian government must hear the will of the people”.

Source: The Washington Times.

My comment:

The anti-Democratic forces in Egypt is about to seize power in Cairo.

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine was a Nazi-colaborator.
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem hailed Hitler, who gave him shelter in Berlin.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the same organization that supported Nazi-Germany, because Hitler promised to solve “the Jewish problem”. The head of the Muslim brotherhood in “Palestine” Grand Mufty of Jerusalem Mohamad Amin a;-Husayni traveled to Berlin to hail Der Fuhrer.

Nothing has changed. The Muslim Brotherhood wants to see the “Zionist regime” gone, and an Islamic Caliphate rule the entire Middle East.

Human rights and democracy is the last thing 80 million Egyptians will see in the near future. Because the Muslim Brotherhood wants Egypt to be ruled by Sharia Laws, and the priestly class. Just like Iran is ruled by the Ayatollah’s.

The Zionists are the enemy of The Muslim Brotherhood.

Judges 10:9
The Ammonites also crossed the Jordan to fight against Judah, Benjamin and Ephraim; Israel was in great distress.

Mark 13:19
because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now—and never to be equaled again.

Written by Ivar

Norway’s prominent double agent for Hamas

Jonas Gahr Støre admits having had direct telephone conversations with Hamas leader Khaled Mishaal.

Norwegian Foreign minister Gahr Støre caught in a double game based on lies.

Whats the big deal?

Norway was the broker of the “Oslo accord”, that gave Islamic terrorism a bridge head on the Mountain of Zion. After this deal, the Norwegian Government has lied multiple times, by denying any contact with Hamas on “the minister level”.

How was Gahr Støre caught being an agent for Hamas?

Luke 21:16
You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death.

One of the top leaders of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal, did confirm to the Norwegian News channel TV 2, that he has had several direct telephone conversations with Jonas Gahr Store.

Both U.S. and European Union have classified Hamas as a terrorist organization. 

But when TV 2 confronts the Minister with information Minister responds first “no” to questions whether he has had contact with Meshaal. 

- Can not we take a recording of this on again?

Gahr Støres love for Hamas have earlier been caught on camera, when He was chief of the Red Cross.

Your previous question was a bit imprecise,

“the Foreign Minister told the TV2’s reporter. 

- If you have spoken with Mishaal?

– I understand that you question whether I have had a meeting with him.

– I ask if you have talked with him. 

Asked whether he has talked with Mishal admits he saw that he had contact with him over the phone.

– My main task was to convey the international vision, as outlined was that Hamas would recognize Israel, have respect for the agreements and renounce violence, the minster explained, according to the Norwegian News Agency NTB.

The Norwegian Newspaper Aftenposten has previously written about the Wikileaks documents in which U.S. diplomats have expressed that they believe the government work, including the Foreign Minister, has sympathized with Hamas.

Source: Multiple Media.

My comment:

During the past year, I have written stories about the government of Norway being the most antisemitic in the Western World.

Now, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre has given Jew-hate a face in the Lutheran Kingdom.

As a secret agent for Hamas, He has been playing double games. He probably started to work for the Islamists during his service as head of the Red Cross in Norway from 2002 to 2003.

Gahr Støre has also been the Ambassador of the Norwegian Delegation to the United Nations office in Geneva, a post he held form 1995 to 1998.

For the last two decades he has been special advisor and Chief of staff at the Prime Ministers office at different timings.

When a foreign Minister has been exposed as a blunt liar, he obviously should have been told by his Prime Minister to step down.

But not in Norway.

Lies seems to be acceptable business, in a nation who for decades have promotes it self as the moral police of the World. What a bunch of hypocrites in Oslo, rulers in a pit of sin and immorality.

Norwegian FM Jonas Gahr Støre (right) is one of the main global sponsor of Islamic terrorism. He is also a friend of Hamas. Here with Ismail Haniyeh.

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