The Catholic Church claiming the breast milk of Mary

Saint Bernard got the milk right in his eye, and it cured him. The Vatican claim that the breast milk of “Virgin Mary” was contained.

Catholic Mary expose her breast to Saint Bernard, and shot milk into his eye.

Presently people say, while receiving milk from the heavenly Mother, Saint Bernard was initiated into supreme consciousness and adopted as the son of God and Mary.

The more medieval wording was that Mary filled him with all divine graces and purified all his sins.

Hence her title “Our Lady of All Graces”.

The fame of Saint Bernard spread and his theology justified great Marian devotion.

Christians all over Europe started dreaming about being suckled by the virgin-mother for the salvation of their souls.

Maybe they tapped into an ancient urge and experience of being nurtured at the breasts of a heavenly mother.

Since pre-historic times the divine was portrayed as a woman offering her breasts to all God’s children.

Christians honored Mary’s mother’s milk from the first century on. They held as sacred a white powder that was scraped from the walls of the shelter in Bethlehem where Jesus presumably was born.

Later that white powder from the stable of the nativity was thought to be Mary’s dried milk. Three “drops of this milk” eventually made it into a medallion that emperor Charlemagne (742-814) used to carry into battle.

The Vatican claims that the  breast milk of Mary was first contained in “Milk Grotto in Bethlehem”. The milk made the rock white, and the powder of the rock was collected and sold. It was supposed to have healing powers.

Source: Marian site:

Here are two more illustrations:

Another example of the milk that touched the eye of the "saint".
A claimed to be textile of Catholic Mary containing breast milk at Marienschrein at Aachen Cathedral.

My comment:

The Roman Catholic religion is the most dangerous religion for the Body of Christ. Because it is a perversion of the truth, and a false religion that claims to be the founder of the true Church.

When Miriam, the Jewish virgin gave birth to the Messiah, there would not have been a single priest, bishop or cardinal who would have supported her. She was looked up on as a prostitute, who claimed to give birth to a child, without telling who the father was.

To claim that her breast milk was collected, is one of the worst religious fraud I have ever read about.

What a shame and a mockery launched by religious perverts.

The made up story of Saint Bernard is blunt and shameful. That the Mother of Jesus shall have appeared to him, exposed her breast and sent milk right into his eye. There seems to be no limits of the blasphemous stories the Vatican house of demons is able to come up with.

  Revelation 18:2
With a mighty voice he shouted: “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’ She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal.

If you want to live. Renounce the papacy, and leave this false Church.

If you by default read this article, and still end up i Hell. Do not forget that you were warned.

Written by Ivar

71 thoughts on “The Catholic Church claiming the breast milk of Mary

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  1. Wasn’t there a couple of Popes that were women…one pregnant? or both? a few hidden things in that faith that is coming to light even more and more…

    1. Relics are not magic items, not dangerouse, not empowering. They are reminders of those whose lives we should emulate. Most Catholics don’t care to know about relics. Plus the ones you mention like Mary milk is something I have never heard of and is guessing its something that the Eastern Catholics or Eastern Orthodox venerate?!?!

      Plus have you read this scripture passage??

      Luke 11:27

      As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to Jesus, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!”

      To Andrea

      You are thinking of Pope Joan, which a anti-Catholic fable tale that has not history grounds or proof that a woman ever became a Pope. It is the legend of Pope Joan, allegedly the first and only woman elected pope. According to the story, she was pope in the ninth century during the so-called “Dark Ages” until her female identity was revealed. As old as the 13th century, and as recent as a 2005 ABC News “special,” Pope Joan will be around as long as she serves an anti-Catholic purpose. She began as an anti-papal fable, persisted as nativist anti-Catholic propaganda in the 16th century of the Protestant Reformation, and has blossomed into a 21st-century feminist icon.

      In many ways, Pope Joan fits the traditional Catholic urban legend. Take any historical period and she can be molded into a solidly anti-Catholic niche. In the 16th century, Protestant dissenters used her to illustrate the nadir of an ever-corrupt papacy. In the 19th century, she was portrayed as a woman violated and ruined by lascivious clericalism, symbolic of the perversity to which Rome had sunk. In the 21st century, she represents the empowered female who fought the intransigent sexism of the Catholic Church and who therefore had to be destroyed. In any case, the fact is, there was no Pope Joan. She exists only as pure legend, but one that makes for a sexy story. And when it comes to sexy stories, you know Hollywood will try its hand at making a blockbuster out of this piece of pope fiction.

  2. After studing thid religion, Im not afraid to say, it is evil and decieving! Mostly dangerous!!!!! This is not a christian church, but A deception of the last days…I pray for the people that is decieved under this false doctrine.

    1. So what books or sources are you using to say its a false Christian group??? Studying is one thing…..but from what source and who is teaching the subject????? Hmmmm???

      1. Henry,

        The old saying goes “ignorance is bliss”

        but I say, ignorance can lead to disasters both physical and spiritual. We are commanded by God to study His Word and find the truth. So don’t be blinded by what you see and what you hear – but do your own research and find out which god you are serving. Is it the true GOD of all creation or is it the god of all wickedness who is ready to drag his followers down to hell for eternity?

        May Yeshua(Jesus) guide you to the truth and into His Holy Light.. Amen.

      2. “Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” by Thomas Gray, Poem 1742 “Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College.”

        Truth is not only going to be in Scripture but also tradition! Sola Scriptura by definition, negates the need for any church or any teaching authority. It leads to the completely illogical (which most prominent modern protestant biblical scholars admit) position that the bible is “self interpreting”. If is self interpreting then why is over 33,000 other Christian faiths and not one??? And we know how ridiculous that claim is – a book cannot authenticate itself, because when you finally go to the “first” of the books that supposedly starting the authentication process of all the other books, who or what authenticated that first book? We had a HUGE debate on this very issue several weeks ago and that very question was never answered. The the reason why is simple: there IS NO ANSWER. Scripture without tradition has not foot hold!!

        Finally, protestants like it because it gives THEM individual “command” to interpret the bible in a manner that suits them at any given point in time. The most difficult thing for a protestant to defend are the number of different protestant denominations that now exist for the sola rationis that they cannot all come to an agreement on what the bible means on very important points of doctrine.

      3. Dear Henry


        You wrote:

        It leads to the completely illogical (which most prominent modern protestant biblical scholars admit) position that the bible is “self interpreting”. If is self interpreting then why is over 33,000 other Christian faiths and not one???

        My comment:

        If the Pope is wrong, it does not make a difference if 33.000 other Christians are equally wrong. The doctrine of Sola Scriptura stands.

        Sola Scriptura is the short form of the doctrine that explains that the Scripture alone is the highest authority in all questions related to the Christian faith.

        To abolish this doctrine, is to make everything permissible. People have different traditions, etc. To be Catholic is to be “universal”. Not many Catholics knows the meaning of this word.

        I can not find all answers in the scriptures. Like going left or right in a given situation today. That is why 33.000 Christians will have to be guided by The Holy Spirit. The Pope is not guided by the Holy Spirt. Simply because He mocks the truth, and leads a flock that obey him rather than the scriptures.

        33.000 Christians have different gifts and different callings. We also apply different sectors of the scriptures to different situations. The application of scriptures can be drone wrongly by Christians. But we never questions the scriptures as the Highest authority. Never.

      4. Henry, start here –​ch?v=HDDGl79x4Pc
        77 five-fifteen minute episodes, so if you want to jump ahead you can, but I recommend starting at the beginning. Good, on-point, factual, and Scritural video presentation.
        Any group or religion that says that EVERYTHING needed for salvation was DONE on the cross of Calvary by Jesus Christ is a false religion. The Bible says salvation is DONE, not a work in progress. The Vatican, in order to rule the hearts and lives of men say that it is a work in progress and you have to do it their way and go through their venerated figureheads to communicate and have fellowship with God. That salvation is through the church and its agents and agencies. Well God does not work through groups, agencies, or a priesthood, He deals with the hearts of men as individuals directly from His infalable Word and men deal with Him directly through prayer. And that prayer is not the repetitions of formulated sets of prayers, but as one speaks to another in conversation from the heart. If you are to pray through anyone but directly through Christ, you are not in contact with God in any way. Niether Mary, nor any other dead person (Christ lives and is not dead), or any living mortal man can reach God FOR you. YOU must reach God on your own by yourself!
        And as far as Sola Scriptura… The Bible was written by the Holy Ghost through the hands of men. That means that the Bible is not “self” interpreting, but the AUTHOR IS the proper interpreter. The Holy Ghost is the interpreter of the Bible. Anyone who has the Holy Ghost living in them then has the power INSIDE them to interpret the Bible for ALL answers for ALL questions and turns to stay directly in the center of God’s will for them. If a priesthood or traditions get inbetween that, then you are being SEVERED from the will of God, not brought closer to Him. Any proper relationship is direct. Anyone or anything between those involved in a relationship is an hinderance to health in that relationship.
        And BTW Henry, there are non-Catholic Christians who are not protestants, reformers, or cults. For instance, Baptists were never part of the Catholic Church and whether or not some of the leaders of some Baptist groups consider themselves protestants, they are simply misinformed or lying. (I hope to think they are just misinformed.) And those of us who are Bible believers clearly see the Catholic Church as a false Christian (or even anti-Christian) group of decievers. Get saved and come out of her before it is too late Henry.

      5. Dear John Michael McCauley IV.


        You wrote:

        The Holy Ghost is the interpreter of the Bible. Anyone who has the Holy Ghost living in them then has the power INSIDE them to interpret the Bible for ALL answers for ALL questions and turns to stay directly in the center of God’s will for them.

        My reply:

        The key word is “Anyone”. The Holy Spirit has not given a particular person, a Pope, the job of explaining how the Bible shall be understood, and can be implemented in my life. As I have told Henry. Every Christian can commit the mistake on applying Bible verses wrongly, but that does not make the scripture wrong. Traditions of men, the claims equal authority with the Bible, are worthless. Sola Scriptura stands. The Pope and his followers are all hopelessly lost, and millions of them beyond any hope of repentance.

      6. Sorry, I mean’t to say,
        “Any group or religion that says that EVERYTHING needed for salvation was not DONE on the cross of Calvary by Jesus Christ is a false religion.”
        Added the word “not” before “DONE”.

  3. These SICKOs have been blaspheming the name of the most chaste woman on earth the “mother of Yeshua” since nearly 2000 years now. Well, Yeshua(Jesus) has had enough, and is coming soon as the ferocious lion to devour these blasphemers with His fire once and for all.

    The woman we see in the picture above is none other than Diana of Ephesus who has several names and is supposed to have had numerous breasts from her chest down to her belly. – Here’s her pictures –
    Check out also the book Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop.

  4. Alexander Hislop (Born at Duns, Berwickshire, 1807; died Arbroath, 13 March 1865) was a Free Church of Scotland minister infamous for his outspoken criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church. He was the son of Stephen Hislop (died 1837), a mason by occupation and an elder of the Relief Church. Alexander’s brother was also named Stephen Hislop (lived 1817–1863) and became well known in his time as a missionary to India and a naturalist. Plus a very Anti-Catholic bigot!!!

    Originally influenced by this error-strewn book, Ralph Woodrow wrote Babylon Mystery Religion. But even Woodrow has since withdrawn this book (an action which has caused him much financial loss) because of his later honest acceptance of Hislop’s flaws.
    Here is just one brief quote from Woodrow’s article to help us to note the flawed reasoning which Hislop so often used and which spread to the cults and sects:

    “Some claim that round objects, such as round communion wafers, are symbols of the Sun-god. But they fail to mention that the very manna given by God was round! (Exod. 16:14). Some are ready to condemn all pillars and historical monuments as pagan. But they fail to take into account that the Lord himself appeared as a pillar of fire; and, in front of his temple, there were two large pillars (Exod. 13:21,22; 2 Chron. 3:17).”

    Even Alexander’s books gave way to methods for atheists to use in seeking to discredit the Bible and Christianity altogether—not just the Catholic Church. By some method, one also could condemn Protestant and Evangelical denominations such as the Assemblies of God, Baptist, Church of Christ, Lutheran, Methodist and Nazarene: Basic things such as prayer and kneeling in prayer would have to be rejected, as pagans knelt and prayed to their gods. Water baptism would have to be rejected, for pagans had numerous rites involving water.

    Hislop taught that mythological persons such as Adonis, Apollo, Bacchus, Cupid, Dagon, Hercules, Janus, Mars, Mithra, Moloch, Orion, Osiris, Pluto, Saturn, Vulcan, Zoraster, and many more were all Nimrod. He then formed his own “history” of Nimrod and did the same with Nimrod’s wife. According to his theory, Nimrod was a big, ugly, deformed black man. His wife, Semiramis—also known as Easter, he says—was a beautiful white woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She was a backslider, the inventor of soprano singing, the originator of priestly celibacy, and the first to whom the unbloody mass was offered. This is not factual history—it is more in the category of tabloid sensationalism….so talk bad choice of source and very Anti-Christian tool!!

    1. To Henry:
      Though I hate to write a lengthy comment, but I have to now for this is VERY IMPORTANT. This “RELIGIOUS SYSTEM” is ugly that has many tentacles – God has given us clues in His word, so we must seek out the truth. You can take this or argue on it but I know the truth and “I don’t want anyone’s blood on my hands” and that includes yours.

      Well, aside from all the history that some believe and some don’t – But the truth is God has appointed many of his people from every nation to be the WATCHMEN on the wall and following is what HE has to say according to HIS scriptures:

      – (Ezekiel 33:6) But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.’
      – (Ezekiel 33:8) When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade him from his ways, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood

      Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible on Ezekiel:3
      Thou shalt surely die – That is, If he turn not from his wickedness, and thou givest him not warning, as above, he shalt die in his iniquity, which he should not have committed; but his blood will I require at thy hand – I will visit thy soul for the loss of his. O how awful is this! Hear it, ye priests, ye preachers, ye ministers of the Gospel; ye, especially, who have entered into the ministry for a living, ye who gather a congregation to yourselves that ye may feed upon their fat, and clothe yourselves with their wool; in whose parishes and in whose congregations souls are dying unconverted from day to day, who have never been solemnly warned by you, and to whom you have never shown the way of salvation, probably because ye know nothing of it yourselves! O what a perdition awaits you! To have the blood of every soul that has died in your parishes or in your congregations unconverted laid at your door! To suffer a common damnation for every soul that perishes through your neglect! How many loads of endless wo must such have to bear! Ye take your tithes, your stipends, or your rents, to the last grain, and the last penny; while the souls over whom you made yourselves watchmen have perished, and are perishing, through your neglect. O worthless and hapless men! better for you had ye never been born! Vain is your boast of apostolic authority, while ye do not the work of apostles! Vain your boast of orthodoxy, while ye neither show nor know the way of salvation! Vain your pretensions to a Divine call, when ye do not the work of evangelists! The state of the most wretched of the human race is enviable to that of such ministers, pastors, teachers, and preachers.

      But let not this discourage the faithful minister who teaches every man, and warns every man, in all wisdom, that he may present every man perfect to Christ Jesus. If after such teaching and warning they will sin on, and die in their sins, their blood will be upon themselves; but thou, O man of God, hast delivered thine own soul.

      1. Sola Scriptura goes against the BIBLE. Scripture tells us that Christ left a Church with divine authority to govern in His name (Mt 16:13-20, 18:18; Lk 10:16). Christ promised that this Church would last until the end of time (Mt 16:18, 28:19-20; Jn 14:16). The Bible also tells us that Sacred Tradition is to be followed alongside Sacred Scripture (2 Thess 2:15, 3:6).

        The doctrine of sola scriptura is not found in Scripture. In fact, the Bible tells us that we need more than just the Bible alone. The Bible confirms that not everything Jesus said and did is recorded in Scripture (John 21:25) and that we must also hold fast to oral tradition, the preached Word of God (1 Cor 11:2; 1 Pet 1:25). In 2 Pet 3:15-16, we are warned that Sacred Scripture can be very difficult to interpret, which strongly implies the need for an authoritative interpreter. Finally, 1 Tim 3:15 reassures us that the Church is “the pillar and foundation of truth.”

        It goes against HISTORY. The history of the Bible attests that it was the Church exercising its Apostolic authority (Pope and the Magisterium of the Church) that determined what is and is not Scripture. We need the authority of the Church to tell us what belongs in the Bible (1 Tim 3:15).

        It goes against COMMON SENSE. Any written document meant to play a crucial role in determining how people live must have a living, continuing authority to guard, guarantee, and officially interpret it. Otherwise, chaos reigns as everyone interprets the document according to his personal whim

        For example, the Founding Fathers of this country put together a magnificent document to be authoritative in determining how this country would be governed: the U. S. Constitution. They also established a living, continuing authority to guard, guarantee, and officially interpret the Constitution: the Supreme Court.

        The Founding Fathers knew that without a living authority the Constitution would lead to endless divisions as every one acted as his own interpreter. God certainly has more wisdom than the founders of this country. He would never have left a written document to be the only rule of faith without a living authority to guard and officially interpret it.

        In summary, the splintering of Christianity into over 33,000 denominations is the direct fruit of the Bible-alone doctrine. This idea does not come from God and was unheard of for 1500 years before the Protestant Reformation!

    1. Actually there not difference Ghost and Spirit have the same meaning! But the term Ghost is from the German root word Geister, which is easily transliterated to Ghost in English which still means spirit or specter. The usual defense of using “Spirit” seems to be that the Greek term “pneuma” translates to “spirit or breath” in English…..A rose by any other name!

      This stems from the fact that back in the days of Elizabethan/Shakespearian English, the meanings for “ghost” and “spirit” were reversed. “Holy Ghost” was the third person of the Holy Trinity, while a “spirit” was something that jumped out at you from behind a gravestone and yelled “Boo!”

      “Holy Spirit” is the preferred English usage in the 20th-21st centuries, but no one who wants to used the more archaic “Holy Ghost” is wrong.

    1. Amen! Major Gross and Major Blasphemous…You know making Mary the butt of their religion and to go thru her instead of Jesus…is so STUPID and CRAZY!! …

      1. Dear Andrea and Sueliz


        This site will not spare wolfs in sheep clothing. Papists like Henry will be told who he is. Stern warnings will be issued on this site.

        Roman Catholics face eternity in Hell. Not because of lack of knowledge, but rather because they reject the truth. They have embraced a false Messiah, a copy-cat “Jesus” who promotes all kinds of perverted traditions. They will face Hell despite receiving many warning. They ignored them.

      2. To Ivarfjeld

        Since when did you become the sole Judge who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell??? Isn’t God the sole judge of the all humanity. Why would protestants and Fundamentalist go to heaven? They are not even remotely connected to the first Church established by Christ. If understanding history Objectively right Protestants did come around until the 16th century by Martin Luther.

        And thinking Catholics are Pagans….Oh please!! Wedding rings were used by pagans so is it wrong to exchange wedding rings?
        I believe that circumcision was a practice used by the Egyptians long before the Jews so is that wrong?
        I think too that Hinduism is older than Christianity. They purify themselves by being submerged in the Ganges River, so does that make Baptism by immersion pagan?

        Remember that God can make something good out of something bad. What are we celebrating during Christmas? Sure, there were winter pagan celebrations, but the Church in its wisdom, countered those pagan celebrations by introducing Christ. They were able to draw the pagans away from their celebrations and towards Jesus. Christ may or may not have been born on Dec. 25, but what is important is that Christ our messiah WAS BORN.
        Be not overcome by evil, but OVERCOME EVIL BY GOOD. (Romans) So that is what Christmas has done. Regrettably there is a push by many and have succeeded in many places by taking Christ out of Christmas

      3. Dear Henry.


        You wrote:

        Why would protestants and Fundamentalist go to heaven? They are not even remotely connected to the first Church established by Christ. If understanding history Objectively right Protestants did come around until the 16th century by Martin Luther.

        My comment:

        Both Roman Catholics and many protestant churches are not even close to follow Jesus of the Bible. That us true. Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic priest. Do not forget that.

        What did Luther discover?

        1. A false Church who had banned ordinary people for their right to have a Bible in their own language.
        2. A false Church.that conducted mas in Latin (ancient Italian), a language only the priests and the elite in Germany could understand.
        3. A false Church that stole money and properties from the Germans, and exchanged their belongings with certificates that their sins would be forgiven.
        4. A false Church with Bishop who prosecuted and killed those who did not bow down to images and statues of the Roman Catholic “Virgin” mother of God.

        I could go on.

        During the reformation, Baptists, who totally rejected the Papal doctrine of “baptizem of infatns” were killed by both Roman Catholics, protestant Lutheran’s and Calvinists. They held onto the original Biblical faith, told to the first Jewish believers of Jesus. For all who obeyed, there was a death penalty issued by the Papacy. The road to Rome has always been full of good intentions and the blood of the true saints.

  5. @Henry: You wrote:
    For example, the Founding Fathers of this country put together a magnificent document to be authoritative in determining how this country would be governed: the U. S. Constitution. They also established a living, continuing authority to guard, guarantee, and officially interpret the Constitution: the Supreme Court.

    My comment:
    Perfect point. The RCC uses worldly ideas like a government constitution (canon law) to enforce it’s spiritual goals and worldly for that matter.She also uses concordats to achieve political deals with nations so that she can enforce her ways around the world. If this political state “church” is not worldly than I don’t know what is. The church is a fellowship of believers not a political nation state.

  6. Hi sueliz1,

    I like the way you put it, and couldn’t stop laughing. LOL!! Good point because I just remembered something.

    A few years ago I had seen a program on History or National Geographic channel can’t remember which one, where they actually have a thin hose inserted into the statues or icons making them shed either tears, blood, and oil … and people are totally mesmerized with this deceptive method.

    Just found these on youtube

    And why would pope Jean Paul appear in the bonfire or is it hell? – well, either way he’s burning –

  7. Jes,

    The whole statue thing is so WRONG. What part of no graven image is hard to understand? The enemy loves messing people up with these counterfeit demon miracles.

  8. I just saw an article on WND about a Police Captain …being put on suspension for refusing to go to a meeting about Muslims…Check it out…Tulsa Police Captain Suspended 2 weeks Without Pay!
    As reported in here and here, Tulsa Police Captain Paul Fields was recently suspended for two weeks without pay because he refused to attend a “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day” event at the Islamic Society of Tulsa – an event that was nothing more than Islamic proselytizing.
    Islamic Society of Tulsa
    According to the Thomas More Law Center, which has filed suit on behalf of Captain Fields, the event required that police officers observe a Friday afternoon Muslim prayer service and attend classes on Islamic beliefs. At first, officers were asked to volunteer to attend the event, but when few signed up to do so, they were ordered to attend.
    Imagine the outcry from the ACLU, liberals on college campuses, and newspapers like the New York Times, if the Tulsa police department ordered a Muslim police officer to attend a “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day” during a Sunday morning Christian church service
    ……Years ago…the Corporations, Police Departments, Fire Departments made it MANDATORY..and all who reached out to many areas of employment was taken the Japanese Way of doing their business …Even smaller businesses made it for all employees to attend the Meetings that ‘helped them to understand their employees…it was inbreeding on ‘how to get along and get the best performances out of the employees..even day care..’ a lot of people ate it up thinking it was a good thing…(pushing their way of life into America other countries also). Now it’s the Muslims way of life..being forced into the lives of all…as Revelation says…all will accept this but not the Christians (I like that promise)

  9. Henry,

    God is the judge. And the RCC makes itself the judge saying there is no salvation outside the catholic church. They also say you’re condemned for missing mass, holy days, feast days, eating meat on Friday during lent and on and on.
    The Word of God says do not make ANY graven image, and the RCC makes many images and encourages worship of them.Please don’t bother telling me about “Latria” and it’s not really worship. Kneeling before plaster and wood is wrong. Putting flowers before them, lighting candles before them is DESTABLE TO THE LORD. He HATES it as clearly shown in the Bible. I was guilty of this and thank Jesus He set me free!
    The bible is not the sole authority (Rome says) so they can throw in non-biblical doctrine like “the assumption” and “immaculate conception” and claim “apostolic authority”. In the meantime, (our present time) the pope calls for world government under the UN and asks for a stronger UN with “teeth”. The Vatican supports the “Rights of the child” from the UN which takes away parents rights. The Vatican is also seducing Islam, atheists and other religions along with the “new evangelization” to take back Europe as Catholic so they can gain more control. Also the record number of cordordats she has made in the past 20 years shows her drive for worldly power and domain.
    If Peter came back to the earth today, he would pass out watching everyone worship the pope, kiss his hand and kneel before him. He would tell him to get off his gold chair and take off his fancy clothes and repent. He’d destroy the images in which all Jews reject and would never allow. He would tell him that the priesthood is over and we have an all sufficient high priest Jesus, and need no other. He’d say eating ‘god’ is idolatry and that you can’t contain the living God in a piece of can’t call the Victorious King off of His throne into a substance which leaves him helpless and dependent. A piece of bread which molds and rots.
    Henry,as the world govt. system continues to build, watch what Rome says and does. She says we need world govt.
    Wait until this fall in Sept. when in Assisi Italy, there will be a prayer meeting of all religions headed up by the Pope. The world religion system is being built. This is all foretold in the scriptures.
    Stop following a man, follow God alone and His perfect Word.

    1. For someone who thinks they know anything about the Catholic Church and its faith. You really don’t do alot of research or have objective understanding!

      First mistake you pull is the “No Salvation Outside the Church.” That phrase is no longer used or believed in!

      First of all the Church is not a mere “organization or a governement.” The Church is made up of the believers, some of whom have been called into the ministerial priesthood. The Church, unlike Protestantism, is not a man-made entity. It is a Divine entity, established on earth by Jesus Christ, Son of God. Not by mere men like Martin Luther (Lutherans), John Calvin (Calvinists), John Smythe (Baptists), John and Charles Wesley (Methodists), etc. The Church founded by Christ, who left, it to his Apostle Peter, who is by the way head of the Apostles.

      Most, though not all, Protestants believe that once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it is impossible to lose your salvation. This doctrine is known as “once saved, always saved.” Like many other Protestant doctrines, this teaching was unheard of before the Reformation.

      Mt 24:13 tells us that we must “persevere to the end” in order to be saved. St. Paul says the same thing in 2 Tim 2:12: that we must hold out to the end if we want to reign with Christ. In Rom 11:22, Christians are warned that they will be cut off if they don’t persevere in the kindness of God. Hebrews 6:4-6 describes people who are sharers in the Holy Spirit (born-again Christians) but then fall away from God.

      Remember St. Paul’s advice: “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil 2:12). Who should have more assurance of salvation than St. Paul? Yet he says: “I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified” (1 Cor 9:27). Scripture is very clear: Christians can lose their salvation.

      The Catholic Church teaches we must die in sanctifying grace in order to be saved. Any mortal sin leads to a loss of sanctifying grace and the risk of eternal damnation if we should die in this state.

      About worshiping images, saints, or Mary??? Oh Please!! Catholics certainly don’t worship statues, or anything created. The Catholic Church teaches that only God is to be worshipped: to worship anything created is to commit the serious sin of idolatry. In Ex 20:4-5, God prohibits the making of images for the purpose of worshipping them. But God does not prohibit image-making altogether. In Ex 25:18-19, God commands Moses to make statues of angels (cherubim). In Num 21:8, God tells Moses to make a bronze serpent (seraph), which the Israelites had to look upon in order to be healed. The Jews also used many carved images in the Temple, including cherubim, oxen, lions, palm trees, and flowers (1 Kings 6 and 7).

      Catholics use statues and other images to call to mind the holy people they represent: Jesus, the angels, and the saints. For the same reason, Protestants use Christmas nativity scenes to depict the same holy people: Jesus, the angels, and the saints. Catholics simply use statues and images in devotions all year around.

      The rejection of statues and other images in Church devotional life is a heresy known as “iconoclasm.” It was first seen in Christianity in the eighth century when the wicked Emperor Leo the Isaurian, influenced by the new religion of Islam (founded in 622 A.D.), began attacking the use of statues and icons in the Church. In the Second Council of Nicea in 787 A.D., the Church condemned this heresy. It did not resurface in Christianity until the Reformation.

      1. Dear Henry


        You wrote:

        The rejection of statues and other images in Church devotional life is a heresy known as “iconoclasm.” It was first seen in Christianity in the eighth century when the wicked Emperor Leo the Isaurian, influenced by the new religion of Islam (founded in 622 A.D.).

        My comment:

        This is the most perverted message I have seen on this site for a long time. Who do you think you are fooling?

        God of the Bible was the fist who rejected use of idols. The pagans in Rome introduced this wickedness into their religion, from 300 AD onwards. And the pagans in Rome claimed their version of the truth was “true Christianity”.

        Exodus 20:3-6

        “You shall have no other gods before me.

        “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

        (end of scripture)

        This message from God can be understood, even by small children.

        Henry: You are bringing curses down on your own head. Leave the Pope behind, and obey the Messiah of the Bible. Throw your religious images and statues into the river, and join true Christianity.

      2. You still missed the point!!! What about these scripture passages and more!?!?!

        In Ex 25:18-19, God commands Moses to make statues of angels (cherubim). In Num 21:8, God tells Moses to make a bronze serpent (seraph), which the Israelites had to look upon in order to be healed. The Jews also used many carved images in the Temple, including cherubim, oxen, lions, palm trees, and flowers (1 Kings 6 and 7). Now who are you fooling???

      3. Dear Henry


        God built a Temple in Jerusalem.

        Was it going to be without furnitures?

        Was it going to be built without an altar?

        What about a lamp stand?

        Was it going to be without items used to perform sacrifices to God?

        Exodus 25:17-19

         17 “Make an atonement cover of pure gold—two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide. 18 And make two cherubim out of hammered gold at the ends of the cover. 19 Make one cherub on one end and the second cherub on the other; make the cherubim of one piece with the cover, at the two ends.

        (end of scriptures)

        These Temple items were not “images” or “idol”s, that were supposed to bring us closer to God, or installed as new mediators between men and God.

        The snake used as an image by Moses, was destroyed when the Jews started to offer incense to it.

        So go and do likewise with the images and idols, the Roman Catholic priest are offering incense to.

        It is true that the Jews kept on disobeying God through the Old Testament. Not following His commands. Their disobedience do not make the Roman Catholic disobedience any day better.

        And my final point:

        God permitted both the Temples that stood in Jerusalem to be destroyed. Today, the body of all who obey Jesus the Messiah contains the Temple of God.

        Please do not offer incense in front of me….!!!!!. Do not make an image of me, or a statue. Do not bow down before me, or try to kiss me….!!!!!

  10. Henry, To your remark.. Isn’t God the sole judge of the all humanity. Why would protestants and Fundamentalist go to heaven? Who are you Oh vain man to question who The Lord of Glory decides will go to Heaven or Hell. Why question those who do believe what HE says? All that does is give you false hope that you are right. Those who really follow Him know it’s His way and no other way. Why choose historical people or historical denominations…to justify what you believe or to try to defend a denomination.That denomination did not die on the cross for you or anyone not one of their leaders not a Prophet or an Apostle, Nor Daniel, Moses or any others. Only JESUS Christ The Lord of GLORY! ..It’s all about Jesus…first, second, and always…Do you hurt in your heart bitterly when you ask anyone the questions to justify your belief. When you yourself don’t follow Christ but Man’s faith. When you sign off do you weep and cry before the Lord for the ones you believe are wrong? Can you intercede for hours on end for the ones not following Jesus Christ’s Gospel? Oh dear Henry that path you are on is so wide’s not the time to try to justify or use your historical crutches, but to Repent and Believe The Gospel of Jesus Christ. All else are wrong deceived by Lucifer and a tool to lead you and many to Torment, wailing, gnashing of teeth. Before that you only cause many a believer to cry out to the Lord for your immortal lost soul if you don’t repent! Do you honestly think if the Pope repented and he’d try to tell the world that he was wrong even you would not believe him, there would be so many in that religion would refuse to listen to him because of the profit to that religion! He’s only listened to because his followers don’t have to be accountable to The Blood of Jesus, say a few hail Mary’s and or some other lie, and all’s well. Please don’t pursue this folly Jesus paid such a high price for you.

  11. To Ivar! Show me where it says in the Old Testament about……These Temple items were not “images” or “idol”s, that were supposed to bring us closer to God, or installed as new mediators between men and God.

    The snake used as an image by Moses, was destroyed when the Jews started to offer incense to it. Where are these in the Old Testament and I will double check it in Catholic and Protestant verisons of Bibles!!!

    Of course we should not worship an image – that would be foolish and sinful!

    Do you carry photos of loved ones in your wallet? Or have them in frames around your home? Do you think of them when you see the photos, and perhaps say a quick prayer for the person? Are you worshiping that image because you would do such a thing? Or do have a cross or crucfix in your home???

    Silliness. Catholics do not worship images. We use them as reminders of something we can not see or be near (just like the family member who is far away). Because we are sensual people, and vision being one of our strongest senses, we use these images to enhance our spirituality and draw us closer to Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, God, the Saints. We do not worship images!!!!

    The objects are just that, they are objects, not God. Now God does use inanimate objects, I can recall the mantle of Elias,

    4 kings 2, 8 And Elias took his mantle and folded it together, and struck the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, and they both passed over on dry ground.

    4 kings 2, 12 And Eliseus saw him, and cried: My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the driver thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own garments, and rent them in two pieces. 13 And he took up the mantle of Elias, that fell from him: and going back, he stood upon the bank of the Jordan, 14 And he struck the waters with the mantle of Elias, that had fallen from him, and they were not divided. And he said: Where is now the God of Elias? And he struck the waters, and they were divided, hither and thither, and Eliseus passed over.

    Acts of the Apostles 5, 15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that when Peter came, his shadow at the least, might overshadow any of them, and they might be delivered from their infirmities.

    The keys words here are “worship” and “image.” If anyone worships an image other than God, then they are committing idolatry.
    However, an “image” can be found even in ones mind and thoughts so to image God isn’t wrong, as Jesus is the expressed image of God, “…the glory of Christ, who is the image of God or God incarnate.” (2 Cor 4:4). All Christians have pictures of Jesus in their Church or at home so to have an image of Jesus who is God or God isn’t wrong in and of itself, however, to worship that image AS God is where the idolatry happens. Remember, the Isrealites who made the golden calf when Moses was away worshiped THAT golden calf AS a God.
    The Apostles had images of God in their minds as they walked along the paths, we all have an image of God, which isn’t wrong per se, but to worship a created thing as God is of course wrong.

    1. Dear Henry.


      You wrote:

      he snake used as an image by Moses, was destroyed when the Jews started to offer incense to it. Where are these in the Old Testament and I will double check it in Catholic and Protestant verisons of Bibles!!!

      2 Kings 18:4


      He removed the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. He broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it. (It was called Nehushtan. )

      2 Kings 18:4
      King James Version (KJV)
       4He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.

      1. Numbers. 21:8-9 – God also commands the making of the bronze serpent. The image of the bronze serpent is not an idol to be worshiped, but an article that lifts the mind to the supernatural.

        2 Kings 18:4 – it was only when the people began to worship the statue did they incur God’s wrath, and the king destroyed it. The command prohibiting the use of graven images deals exclusively with the false worship of those images.

        Now what about this image….this is still worship of image???

        Paul to the Colossians. 1:15-17

        15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

      2. Dear Henry


        Now, this debate come into its final stage, always the last Catholic stronghold who permits worshiping images of Jesus.

        Paul to the Colossians. 1:15-17

        15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

        The Son must be worshiped in spirit and in truth. He is not to be found in man made images of him. He had no beauty, or anything in his physicals that would attract us to Him.

        Neither did Jesus tell us to make images of him, nor bow down to them. To the radical opposite, He told us to pray in His name to the Father, who is unseen.

        The Catholic Church is a bastard. Sorry for my blunt language. They have shaped and created images of my Lord, that makes him both a black African, and a white, blue eyed Italian. Some of the Catholic images of him is disgusting. A pale, anemic long haired hippie. A spineless creature, that hangs in the shirts of his mother. Completely helpless without her.

        What a shame towards God, the Lion of Judah.

  12. Ivar…you said by Quote

    “The Son must be worshiped in spirit and in truth. He is not to be found in man made images of him. He had no beauty, or anything in his physicals that would attract us to Him.”

    ARE you now denying his humanity….His incarnation!!!!!!!!!!!! Get REAL HERE!!!!

    “The Word was made flesh.” The second Person of the most Blessed Trinity, God the Son, became man, who is the image and likeness of God. Fully Divine and Fully Man. Has God, then, ceased to be God? Impossible; for the changeless cannot change. We Him who is God and Man…..THIS CANNOT BE DENIED!!!

    It is right to warn people against the sin of idolatry when they are committing it. But calling Catholics idolaters because they have images of Christ and the saints is based on misunderstanding or ignorance of what the Bible says about the purpose and uses (both good and bad) of statues.

    Anti-Catholic writer Loraine Boettner, in her book “Roman Catholicism,” makes the blanket statement, “God has forbidden the use of images in worship” (281). Yet if people were to “search the scriptures” (cf. John 5:39), they would find the opposite is true. God forbade the worship of statues, but he did not forbid the religious use of statues. Instead, he actually commanded their use in religious contexts!

    People who oppose religious statuary forget about the many passages where the Lord commands the making of statues.

    Since the days of the apostles, the Catholic Church has consistently condemned the sin of idolatry. The early Church Fathers warn against this sin, and Church councils also dealt with the issue.

    The Second Council of Nicaea (787), which dealt largely with the question of the religious use of images and icons, said, “[T]he one who redeemed us from the darkness of idolatrous insanity, Christ our God, when he took for his bride his holy Catholic Church . . . promised he would guard her and assured his holy disciples saying, ‘I am with you every day until the consummation of this age.’ . . . To this gracious offer some people paid no attention; being hoodwinked by the treacherous foe they abandoned the true line of reasoning . . . and they failed to distinguish the holy from the profane, asserting that the icons of our Lord and of his saints were no different from the wooden images of satanic idols.”

    The Catechism of the Council of Trent (1566) taught that idolatry is committed “by worshipping idols and images as God, or believing that they possess any divinity or virtue entitling them to our worship, by praying to, or reposing confidence in them” (374).

    “Idolatry is a perversion of man’s innate religious sense. An idolater is someone who ‘transfers his indestructible notion of God to anything other than God’” (CCC 2114).

    The Church absolutely recognizes and condemns the sin of idolatry. What anti-Catholics fail to recognize is the distinction between thinking a piece of stone or plaster is a god and desiring to visually remember Christ and the saints in heaven by making statues in their honor. The making and use of religious statues is a thoroughly biblical practice. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know his Bible.

    1. Dear Henry


      You are living in both denial and ignorance. But your rejection of the truth, also exposes a life in hopeless disobedience.

      Isaiah 53:2
      He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.

      (end of scripture).

      You comments are out of touch with reality. Like your last one: (Copy under).

      ARE you now denying his humanity….His incarnation!!!!!!!!!!!! Get REAL HERE!!!!

      1. Ivar, what Henry fails to realize is that all of his claims can be rebuked by words from his own prelates. The RCC bluntly says what it means in print. They have admittted that their doctrines are pagan, they do worship images, they are pro socialism, and want to rule over all religions as the sole authority. Henry knows lots of scriptures but the truth contained in it is like Kriptonite to him. He can`t stand it. It strongly reminds me of how the administration`s supporters here in the US defend their leftist leaders, they distort the truth and no matter what you say makes a difference to them.

  13. Shalom Ivar,

    I support you 101% in your bold response to Henry. YES! we must stand up NOW with the King of kings and Lord of lords, Yeshua (Jesus of Natzeret) and fight this evil boldly. This goes for all the rest of the commentators – keep up the good work!!

    Those who do not go by the WORD of the Great-G-d-of-Israel are serving satan who is none other than the one whom G-d turned into a slithering snake and since then he has been slithering into the hearts and minds of men and women deceiving them and pulling them to the pit of hell. Yeshua(Jesus) said those who have ears to hear will hear and those who have eyes to see will see but majority will die with the thick veil covering their eyes which they refuse to ask the Lord to pull away that they may see His glorious light.

    Keep up the good work Ivar, and Blessings

      1. Scripture tells us that Christ left a Church with divine authority to govern in His name (Mt 16:13-20, 18:18; Lk 10:16). Christ promised that this Church would last until the end of time (Mt 16:18, 28:19-20; Jn 14:16). The Bible also tells us that Sacred Tradition is to be followed alongside Sacred Scripture (2 Thess 2:15, 3:6).

        The doctrine of sola scriptura is not found in Scripture. In fact, the Bible tells us that we need more than just the Bible alone. The Bible confirms that not everything Jesus said and did is recorded in Scripture (John 21:25) and that we must also hold fast to oral tradition, the preached Word of God (1 Cor 11:2; 1 Pet 1:25). In 2 Pet 3:15-16, we are warned that Sacred Scripture can be very difficult to interpret, which strongly implies the need for an authoritative interpreter. Finally, 1 Tim 3:15 reassures us that the Church is “the pillar and foundation of truth.”

        It goes against HISTORY. The history of the Bible attests that it was the Church exercising its Apostolic authority that determined what is and is not Scripture. We need the authority of the Church to tell us what belongs in the Bible (1 Tim 3:15).

        It goes against COMMON SENSE. Any written document meant to play a crucial role in determining how people live must have a living, continuing authority to guard, guarantee, and officially interpret it. Otherwise, chaos reigns as everyone interprets the document according to his personal whim

  14. Henry,

    The CCC also says that Mary is the “All Holy One” in captial letter emphasis.
    Blasphemy. Blasphemy Plain and simple.The All Holy One is JESUS CHRIST ALONE. NOT MARY!!!!!!

    #2677 “By asking Mary to pray for us, we acknowledge ourselves to be poor sinners and we address ourselves to the ‘Mother of Mercy,’ the All Holy One.”


    Revelation. 15: 4 Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name? For Thou only art Holy: for all nations shall come and worship before Thee…

    Isaiah. 6:3 Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.

    1. Henry,
      There is no reason to leave catholic booklets on this site. I know all that information and studied at a catholic university.
      You never answered the fact the CCC calls Mary the “All Holy One” which is a major charge.
      Don’t side sweep this with long dogma quotes.
      It’s simple. She’s not the All Holy One. Jesus is.

    2. Henry,
      When “tradition” is put on par with Holy Scripture..any sort of doctrine can slip in.
      The Jews NEVER prayed to the dead.
      Constantine who was a pagan until his death made this false church into a political nation state.
      Get out while you can Henry. We care about you.

    3. People from all around the world have been coming to Fatima to pray to “Our Lady.” At a gathering for “world peace” in Fatima, Jesuit priest Jacques Dupuis stated:

      The religion of the future will be a general converging of religions in a universal Christ that will satisfy all. The other religious traditions in the world are part of God’s plan for humanity and the Holy Spirit is operating and present in Buddhist, Hindu and other sacred writings of Christian and non-Christian faiths as well. The universality of God’s kingdom permits this, and this is nothing more than a diversified form of sharing in the same mystery of salvation.11 (END OF QUOTE)


      1. Hi sueliz1,

        The town of Fatima was give by Mohammed to Fatime his youngest daughter as a dowry that’s how you get the name Fatima… here’s some info on fatima –,_Portugal.

        This info was mentioned in the chronicles of ….. well, well, what do know??? …. St. Bernard de Brito …

        Could he be the same old wolf above in receiving the milk in the eye?

        And now of course we know the woman of the apparition clothed in the sun and who is supplying the milk.

        The milk is FREE and no refrigeration needed!!

        Have a good one!!

  15. Brethren though it is our desire by grace also that we’d try so diligently to persuade this child of darkness to the glorious light, I find myself growing hating his garment & all the obnoxiously blasphemous instruments that religion (Catholicism) has done over the years to the souls of so many, yet many had been praying for him, and others that are so blinded, but can not let that one trouble me further…this scripture comes to mind for me. I pray for you others as yall continue to battle if you so choose to do so.
    Gal 1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
    Gal 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
    Gal 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. …(Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ)

    1. Wsn’t the Catholic Church the first Christian Church??????

      Yes. What confuses people (the people who say it is not the original Church founded by Christ through Peter) is that it wasn’t called “catholic” at first. It was simply the only Christian Church in existence.

      The adjective catholic was applied to it later, as it went world wide. Until the protestant schisms around 1500AD, it was the only Church.

      How Old Is Your Church?
      If you are a Lutheran, your religion was founded by Martin Luther, an ex- monk of the Catholic Church, in the year 1517.

      If you belong to the Church of England, your religion was founded by King Henry VIII in the year 1534 because the Pope would not grant him a divorce with the right to remarry.

      If you are a Presbyterian, your religion was founded by John Knox in Scotland in the year 1560.

      If you are a Protestant Episcopalian, your religion was an offshoot of the Church of England founded by Samuel Seabury in the American colonies in the 17th century.

      If you are a Congregationalist, your religion was originated by Robert Brown in Holland in 1582.

      If you are a Methodist, your religion was launched by John and Charles Wesley in England in 1744.

      If you are a Unitarian, Theophilus Lindley founded your church in London in 1774.

      If you are a Mormon (Latter Day Saints), Joseph Smith started your religion in Palmyra, N.Y., in 1829.

      If you are a Baptist, you owe the tenets of your religion to John Smyth, who launched it in Amsterdam in 1605.

      If you are of the Dutch Reformed church, you recognize Michaelis Jones as founder, because he originated your religion in New York in 1628.

      If you worship with the Salvation Army, your sect began with William Booth in London in 1865.

      If you are a Christian Scientist, you look to 1879 as the year in which your religion was born and to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy as its founder.

      If you belong to one of the religious organizations known as ‘Church of the Nazarene,” “Pentecostal Gospel.” “Holiness Church,” “Pilgrim Holiness Church,” “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” your religion is one of the hundreds of new sects founded by men within the past century.

      If you are Catholic, you know that your religion was founded in the year 33 by Jesus Christ the Son of God, who gave the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter, head of the Apostles.

      1. Henry,
        I’ve seen that snipet a million times. Not impressed. My faith is not a denomination. My faith is on the blood of Jesus and His finished work on the cross. I don’t follow a denomination. I follow Jesus. Paul and Peter did not always agree. Some followed “Paul” and some “Peter”. The unifying tie is we are saved by GRACE THROUGH FAITH.

      2. Dear Henry.


        Your next message will be spammed. Simply because I do not permit Roman Catholic booklets on this site. You are not here because you are a truth-seeker, but sent by the Papists to spread confusion that robs people from their salvation in Yeshua the Messiah, a man many call up on as Jesus of Nazareth.

        The stories on this blog stands for them selves, exposing the skull and bone death cult of Rome.

        Let me end your time on this blog, by counter your Vatican propaganda machine:

        Your lie:

        it wasn’t called “catholic” at first. It was simply the only Christian Church in existence.

        The truth:

        The Roman Catholic Church was formed in the days the Roman Emperor Konstantine appointed his first Bishop in Rome in 315-325 A.D. “Catholic” means “Universal”. Pagan Rome never left their pagan religion, they just gave it a “Christian” name, and tried to force their paganism on the true Church. They have never managed.

        Your lie:

        If you are a Lutheran, your religion was founded by Martin Luther, an ex- monk of the Catholic Church, in the year 1517.

        The truth:

        Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic priest. He translated the Bible into German, so the Germans for the first time was able to read the scriptures in their own language. In tens of thousand, the Germans called the Pope an anti-Christ, who had deceived them and kept them in spiritual bondage to various forms of devilish inspired doctrines. The Germans who were set free by Luther’s work, left The Vatican Church, to follow Jesus of the Bible. In tens of thousands their were massacred. But they never walked back into the Papal religion of darkness.

        Your lie:

        If you belong to the Church of England, your religion was founded by King Henry VIII in the year 1534 because the Pope would not grant him a divorce with the right to remarry.

        The truth:

        The Roman Catholic Church was the biggest land robber in the British papal Kingdom. The Pope controlled the election of the Kings, who had to live in submission to the papacy. The British people revolted, and the Vatican Church lost the United Kingdom forever. In the British Constitution, the Kingdoms independence from Rome is secured by law. Neither the British King not the Prime Minister can be Roman Catholics, but have to give an oat to be faithful to God of the Bible.

        Unlike Rome, The United Kingdom was blessed, and has never been ruled by Fascists. Fascism rose from Rome, with Benito Mussolini being the first Fascist Dictator, blessed by the Papacy. Also Adolf Hitler was a born Roman Catholic, baptized and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church.

        King Henry VIII was not a righteous man. God can use who ever He wants to release those who seek Him from the Papacy.

        Your lie:

        If you are a Methodist, your religion was launched by John and Charles Wesley in England in 1744.

        The truth:

        John and Charles Wesley called the Pope an anti-Christ in flesh, ruling a apostate Church in Rome. The Wesley brothers also rebuked the King of England, who after leaving Rome tried to establish his own control over the true Church of Jesus. The Wesley brothers never formed The Methodist Church. This church was formed after their death, by men who again tried to make true followers of Jesus submit to clergy men and Bishops, and not being lead by The Holy Spirit.

        Your lie:

        If you are a Baptist, you owe the tenets of your religion to John Smyth, who launched it in Amsterdam in 1605.

        The truth:

        Many Baptists are true followers of Jesus. They baptize with full immersion, just like John the Immerser did (John the Baptist). Jesus used them to build the first Churches in Israel in the first century, before there ever was a Pope in Rome. More than 250 years before the Emperor of Rome bid to derail true Christianity, and mix it with various forms of ROMAN paganism. The true Baptist Church has existed for 2.000 years, and has NEVER recognized the Papacy.

        The Thomas Church in India was formed in 50-60 A.D. It was based on the true Messianic Message from Jerusalem. For 1500 years it was a Messianic Baptists Apostolic Church, where Rome had no influence. They kept the Biblical Sabbath. When the Catholic Papal Butchers entered the Indian Ocean from 1498 A.D onwards, Jews and Baptist Christians were massacred. The Papists managed to derail this Apostolic Church, and it split. Some of the Thomas Christian leaders submitted to the Papacy, threatened at gun point.

        The Assyrian Church of the East did not accept the Papacy. Nor any true Baptist in Europe who managed to survive fierce persecution forced up on all who did not submit to the Papacy, and bowed down to images of the “Virgin”, the Mother of “god”.

        In our generations there are millions of Christians all over the World, who rejects the Papacy. That do not bow before images and statues, and carry on the true Apostolic faith that was established in Jerusalem 2.000 years ago.

        There are also apostate Protestants and Pentecostals who are on their way back to Rome, and by their faulty understanding of history and the truth, recognize the Pope as a Christian leader. They are a proof that we are living in the last days, just before the end of the age, and the coming rule of the final anti-Christ.

      3. TO HENRY …You lend your mouth to many, and give many worldly facts but not once have I heard one word from you to anyone of the thankfulness to The Lord of Glory for your Salvation, to Honor and Praise God The Father for His great love for you who sent Jesus to die for you..A humble and contrite spirit in you …is something no one can accuse you of….IF you are a Christian you’d PRAISE JESUS …of which you do not! I’m truly ashamed for you before the Throne of God for your foolishness and sinful tongue your heart is full of cockatrice eggs, not even the outside is whitewashed anymore..Shame is not even a gift you have sought for your own soul before God or Man…May God have Mercy on you! You have been warned many times of he danger your very soul is in. Of which the Lord God holds your next breath in the palm of his hands, and you don’t even have enough COMMON SENSE TO FEAR…how so very sad and how I fear for your Eternal Life!

      4. Dear all readers.

        Henry has been spammed.

        His last message to me, was like this:

        “I am also a Seminarian studying to be a Catholic Priest”.

        Let us pray for the soul of Henry, that it will not be eternally kept in Hell, separated from Jesus the King of Kings. May Henry obey the truth, and be found in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

      5. Dear all readers.


        We must understand the difficulties for a young man, who has promised, whomsoever, that he will join as a Catholic priest. He can not renounce the Papacy. Unfortunately the seminarians in the Roman Catholic system, will be programed to twist the scriptures, and defend Papal dogmas and doctrines. They are basically being programed to do evil.

        This is the truth.

  16. Shalom my brethren! Hold the fort! Thanks Keep the goof fight, help warn those who are sleeping. Yeshua the Holy One of Israel is returning soon to judge a wicked generation and set His up His millennial kingdom here on earth!

    All wolves in sheep clothing who are turning people away from God’s gospel, will give an answer to Him on judgement day! There is no purgatory so better trust in Yeshua alone, and repent of evil deeds. God sees what is in our heart, we cannot fool Him. We may fool man but not God. Sola Scriptura stands. If you don’t think God’s Word is sole authority for your life and everything else, you are deceived. Repent to Lord Yeshua and obey Him.

  17. Hi sueliz1,

    That is interesting information in your most recent post on what the jesuit priest said. Any further information feel free to share.

  18. There were a lot of vials of Mary’s supposed breast milk floating around Europe. John Calvin said, “Had the virgin been a cow her whole life she could never have produced such a quantity.”

  19. I am afraid I don’t understand this discussion (?). There is enough here to fill a hundred hells with fiery hatred. The comments are supposed to be written by Christians: no real Christians should want to see anyone else to go to hell. No real Christian should claim to be defending Christian purity when he/she asperges others with curses and anathemas. May you’all live in peace and be blessed.


  20. I was ex-Catholic myself, I know for sure Roman Catholic is a false religion. No wonder Jesus revealed to me in dreams how corrupted and twisted Roman Catholic beliefs are. Focus on the Bible and on God’s Word alone. No works can save you, believe and trust only in Lord Jesus Christ lest you perish in the way. This is a warning to all people. Believe in what Jesus did on the cross alone, trust what the Bible only says and no other sources and especially REPENTANCE! May all who read this blog will their hearts be softened for God’s truth in Jesus’ name amen..

  21. Hahahahaha!!!!! Maybe some of you should actually study the Catholic church before making judgements. Also, to condemn someone to hell is to presuppose the mind of God. That is dangerous territory. We do not know who is or is not going to heaven or hell, nor is it any of our business. Judge not lest you be judged by the same rule and would you really focus on the splinter in your brothers eye and ignore the beam in your own. This is the last time I will be visiting this site because obviously there is not a true follower here. May our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us all for we know not what we do.

    1. Dear John Adams.

      Shalom, and love in Jesus.

      You wrote:

      We do not know who is or is not going to heaven or hell, nor is it any of our business.

      My comment:

      You just nulified the Word of God. It plainly says that all who believe (listen, trust, rely on and obey) Jesus the Messiah have been granted eternal life. When Jesus died on the cross, He took my place. I deserved to be crucifed for my sin, and sent to Hell. You too.

      But since Jesus paid in full for my sins, I am saved. And I will continue to honor Him.

      Repent or perish.

  22. When I was touring Italy, one of my stops was Amalfi. I walked into the Amalfi cathedral and was beyond astounded to gaze upon the painting of St Bernard being blasted with breast milk from Mary’s breast. Besides the perversion, I could not believe that anyone would believe that the mother of Jesus would squirt her breast milk into anyone’s eye. It is sick and comical at the same time. Furthermore, Mary’s breast milk is a ubiquitous relic in more Catholic churches than a woman could ever produce. It begs the question in how the CC even acquired the breast milk, much less has it mass produced. The same goes for the splinters claimed to be of Jesus’s crucifix. There are more of these splinter relics than would make up all the trees in the Redwood forest. Total insanity and perverted. Yet there are catholics who believe. The insanity is very similar to the devotion to Televangelical preachers, all of whom are frauds selling snake oil.

  23. Syliva,

    I actually feel disgusted at thought of such a scene. It goes to show you that the Catholic religion knows no boundaries when it comes to such displays. And unfortunately it’s not only the Catholic religion that does such blasphemous displays.

    The Bible is clear on such displays and more. The hour is near where Christ comes. Very near. I pray that all if not many turn to him.

    Exodus 20:3-6
    “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

    Jeremiah 2:27-28
    Who say to a tree, ‘You are my father,’ and to a stone, ‘You gave me birth.’ For they have turned their back to me, and not their face. But in the time of their trouble they say, ‘Arise and save us!’ But where are your gods that you made for yourself? Let them arise, if they can save you, in your time of trouble; for as many as your cities are your gods, O Judah.

    1. Gloria,
      The Catholic Church is a corrupt voodoo hocus Pocus institution, as are all Religious institutions, with greed being the dominating factor. The prosperity Televangelists sell their voodoo snakeoil and apocryphal miracles, in the same manner as the CC panders its relics and mythical miracles.
      The End of Days has been predicted since 500 AD by Christian theologians and hundreds of times since, all based on Biblical revelations. When the prediction does not manifest, the narrative is changed, which is a prevalent tactic used among Conspiracy theorists. There is a strong connection between conspiracy theorists and the religious. Religion uses Fear mongering propaganda to control and unite the masses against a common enemy, whether it be Satan, Muslims, Jews. homosexuals, Transgenders, immigrants, blacks, women etc. The white Nationalist party of Hitler as well as the cult of Trump does the same. They also use biblical passages and conspiracy theories to instill unrealistic fear into the masses.

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